Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I LOVE THIS TOP!! It is sparkly gold brocade at the front, and just a plain black fabric in the back.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I mostly just wanted to try out the smith machine. I much prefer the barbell for squats and will go back to that next week for sure. What's a power rack?

    For the step ups, I am stepping onto an aerobic step (those longer ones) with six or seven risers underneath. I can't see me going much higher as I'm only 5'4" and sometimes my knees aren't the best. No actual issues persey, but I put on a lot of weight in both my pregnancies and some exercises (like step ups, lunges and squats) cause some discomfort. I already do the whole "don't let the trailing leg touch the step" thing and raise that leg, bent at the knee, slightly at the top. If I step on with my right leg (so that's my working leg), push off, bend my left knee and raise slightly, then step down with the left leg and then the right, is that correct? I will try dumbells on shoulders next week and see if that's more comfortable.

    Don't step down with the working leg- keep it squeezed tight and on the step throughout the reps. I like to tap my nonworking toe on the floor (but don't use it to push off) so I can be sure I'm getting full ROM.

    The power rack or squat rack- the contraption that you set the barbell on to do squats and put the weight plates on. I didn't know how to use it when I first started and I struggled to put the weight plates on the bar several times until I realized I could just set it on the rack...:blushing:

    Beeps, very cute! Love how it shows your arms!

    Red, I loved Stage 2 & 4. Great job getting some Tabata in.

    WillLift, getting a routine established is difficult. Hopefully you make it all work!

    4A of Basic Training I is done. One more workout and I move into Basic Training II.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    beeps, love the top and LOVE your arms.

    I am freaking out!! I have been eating at a deficit but I am gaining weight!

    Shoulders and back today. I couldn't deadlift more than 95 lb. Maybe next week I can add 5lb for a set.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, I love the top AND your arms! :love:

    Manic, which workout are you doing right now? Did you change your calorie goals recently?

    Barbell, can I define my goals now?
    1. Meet protein goal 5 out of 7 days.
    2. Lift 3 days a week.
    3. Preplan treats and stick to it. No "sneaking" an extra bite or two.

    All my step up possibilities at home are too low or too high. So, I did single leg squats.

    Once again, I got it in my head that I don't wanna workout. Once again, I promptly changed into workout clothes as soon as I got home. I'll get there.

    OMG I have to do HIIT today :sad: :sad: :sad:

    It's short sleeve season and I accidentally flashed a bicep at my 3rd graders today. They were all OMG WTH :blushing:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member

    The power rack or squat rack- the contraption that you set the barbell on to do squats and put the weight plates on. I didn't know how to use it when I first started and I struggled to put the weight plates on the bar several times until I realized I could just set it on the rack...:blushing:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My arms/shoulders are TOTALLY ready for summer tops!! Yahoooooooooooooooo!!!

    One week until Europe...my gf texted me today and they are leaving tomorrow for Europe (they are there a week ahead of me, touring Scotland and some rural parts of the UK).

    I better figure out what to PACK!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Runz, nope. I haven't changed my calories. As for a workout, it is something my son planned out for me. I haven't done NROL in over a year. I tried to do it for a 2nd time but quickly became bored.

    I have been lifting heavy for a week or more (???) I heeded the advice to lift more and less cardio. I remember now why I don't do that. I gain and then I end up discouraged .
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, when I restarted NRLFW, I jacked up my calories and gained weight. It stuck around for awhile and I resolved to wear dresses and skirts. This week, at the end of Stage 2, it has come off! I was really worried. I mentioned a few times on here :blushing: And now I'm so relieved that I really can eat this much and I'm on a downward trend. I'm still running two or three times a week for 2-4 miles. It's considerably less than I used to do. I'm really, really trying to put weight lifting first.

    I did NOT want to work out today. I took a nap and that made it harder. I gave myself to permission to pu$$yfoot and told myself not to even think about the HIIT. I ended up making gains in a couple of lifts and I did well with good form all the way through. I finally got to the HIIT and was perfectly fine! I did burpees. All I have left now is the AMRAPs.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Will...will let you know :smile: Oh, and I am not a morning person either lol

    Nancy...lol...you need to massage those armpits lol!!

    Pudding...yay for you!!

    Beeps, you look abso-smashing!!!

    Just coming down from mi Hip-Hop Core Class followed by Zumba...aaahhh....me loves ze high!!! :drinker:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here, just busy. On placement (just finishing) so have had zero time. Have been working out but mostly at home. Got to the gym today at least. Upped cals to 1950 this week, no weight gain thus far.

    You are all doing so well and have been v active - well done ladies :-)
  • Point202
    Point202 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm newer to the group. We just got our home gym setup, and I got started on NROL4W last weekend. Last night I did Stage 1, Workout B for the first time and discovered that I cannot do lunges. I have pretty bad knees (I pretty much have always had bad knees). I did a couple with body weight only and my knees were pinching in pain. I checked form and all of that, but it didn't make a difference. I even tried reverse lunges. Same problem, very painful. I don't want to injure myself, so I think it is best to avoid lunges, period.

    I'm curious what you might recommend I substitute in place of lunges for Stage 1 B?

  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Nancy, isn't it amazing/surprising where you get sore?? Hope it's wearing off a little today!
    Redlips, I'm glad you found stage 2 fun. I think it's very normal to find you like some stages more than others.
    Beeps, that top is really cute, but heck those arms!! Wowza :love: , definitely ready for summer tops!
    Runz, hehehe perhaps your students will be more respectful after seeing the "heat" you're packing!
    Welcome, Point202! I'll let the other more experienced lifters weigh in on the lunge problem. Maybe single leg squats?

    Still popping ibuprofen like candy but I'm back at work today. I'm very proud of myself for half jogging, half walking the track around the soccer fields last night while "babysitting". (He had a one hour practice.) Still have issues with the IT band but I ended up with 5 miles under my belt and feeling much better about my cramp induced ice cream feast :blushing:. Thanks for all the encouragement. I've definitely been better with the diet part, now it's just the exercise piece that I need to nail down.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Point, welcome. As for your question, I can't imagine what you can do that wouldn't hurt your knees. Maybe try box squats. (straddle a bench . sit and then press on heels back up. repeat.)

    I woke up STARVING! My neighbor hasn't brought fresh donuts this week. I am expecting them today. I need to get to the gym before she shows up. LOL

    Today is arm and legs again.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I saw an awesome girl at the gym. Yes, I was nosy and asked questions. She is 5'5 weighs 160 pounds and is a size FOUR!!!! :noway: She is HOT :love: I am going to follow her recommendations. LOL
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    She is HOT :love: I am going to follow her recommendations. LOL

    I insist you share the "recommendations" or you will be flogged :laugh:

    Welcome to the group, Point!

    My little flower garden seems to be doing well. Nothing looks dead and everything is growing new buds :heart:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I saw an awesome girl at the gym. Yes, I was nosy and asked questions. She is 5'5 weighs 160 pounds and is a size FOUR!!!! :noway: She is HOT :love: I am going to follow her recommendations. LOL

    Were you just looking in the mirror?!?!??!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Yes, share recommendations please! LOL

    The 'present' was.... a new custom made wardrobe for the bedroom *sigh* Not even something just for me :sad:
    I can't complain, he's just very practical-minded and would have put a lot of thought into designing it (and yes, it's for his use too... no mention of it also being HIS birthday/Father's Day/anniversary/Christmas present :grumble: ), but TOM, a screwed up routine yesterday + cold, wet, windy weather and I was probably not the most happy or grateful wife yesterday afternoon :ohwell:

    I'm not hard to please, I don't even want flowers, but breakfast in bed, children taken care of and perhaps some time out for myself would be the best present ever. Thankfully some friends are taking me out for lunch on my actual birthday next weekend. It will only be for a couple of hours though because my husband has a uni assignment due on the Monday (he's doing two Masters degrees simultaneously).
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    DNA, when the hormones are all settled, you'll have to post a picture of the custom wardrobe. I'd love to see it!

    I know what you mean by "children taken care of." I asked for that one year early in our marriage and DH said, "Sure, I'll take over at noon." :noway:

    We have one extra set of flowers from last weekend that need a planter. DS is out playing so I asked if I could go shopping alone or if he wanted me to wait until tomorrow so we could go together. He wants me to wait :heart: :heart: :heart: I'm also eyeballing another spot in the yard that needs flowers.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hey ladies. I haven't checked in in a few days. But I have to tell you about my run in with an assh*le at the gym a few days ago.

    So I'm at the gym supersetting planks and leg lifts with side planks and rows. If you've read Supercharged, it's a part of Basic Training. But where I'm doing the superset is right under where there is a pull up bar. (It's all one big machine thingy). Anyway, there I am in the middle of the plank when I hear a voice over me "can you get up, I need to use that spot to do my pull ups" in a VERY arrogant tone. Totally breaks my concentration so it ends the plank prematurely. Then I look up and say to this fr*ggin musclehead "excuse me?". He repeats it. I ask him if what I'm doing is not important. He starts saying something about me not understanding or some *kitten*. (Can you tell I'm still upset?) So I tell him he has to wait because I'm in the middle of a set and I turn back and do my last set of side planks and rows very SLOWLY. And I could hear him huffing and puffing the whole time.

    And just to confirm it wasn't all in my head, a lady came up to me later on and said "he's so rude". He's such a d*ck. For some reason, he doesn't like me. Not sure what I did to him but I've noticed it for a while now. But it's the first time he's ever spoken to me. Usually he comes to the gym when I have only 5-10 minutes left in my workout so our paths don't cross for very long. This time he came right when I was starting.

    Anyway, sorry about the long post. Just needed to get that off my chest.

    PS. Beeps, your arms are FANTASTIC.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    hi everybody i'm pretty new here - just finished stage 1. here to learn and get support, like it so far and seems like stage 2 gets more challenging, any advice appreciated!

    @jamaicanlady: that guys a jerk.

    @beeps: your arms are bangin!