Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Stephie-great work. Are jump squats, jump rope, burpees, box jumps, mountain climbers an option? I'm trying to add in some cardio too, not happy with my endurance, and doing the machines for hiit and then some steady state.

    Sam-that's great! Good job! A month? Gah! Good reminder to stay consistent. Thanks!

    7year-you can post here too, more traffic :).

    Manic-so sorry! :( but, it'll be so much better once it's healed! Eat a lot of protein to presage as much muscle as you can. (((Hugs)))

    I lifted today, yay! Upper body higher reps today...felt so good! I was still sore going in and feel so much better after! Upped weights a bit today, focusing on form still. My wrists need some attention on my presses...I think I'm using them more than I should. Need to work out bar placement more consistently I think. Progress!! Focusing on consistency and patience...neither are areas of personal strength ;).

    Have a good day all!
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member

    7year-you can post here too, more traffic :).

    Well, in that case! My wall of text:

    Hello everyone! Just joined this group. Thought I'd say hello and introduce myself.

    I started this program this week.

    I started lifting a year ago with a strength and conditioning coach. My goal was to learn how to lift properly. Aesthetics weren't a part of it at all, though, I won't lie, they're a positive side benefit. :) At any rate, for the last year I've focused more on form and technique than anything else, but that's what I wanted.

    Now that I feel like I understand what I'm doing, I've decided to go it on my own. I got both NROL4W and Strong Curves for Christmas (I brought my husband to the bookstore, picked both books up and said, "I really want these"), and after talking to my old coach, we both agreed that starting with NROL4W was the best choice, and then afterwards do Strong Curves. (He's great. Even though I'm not seeing him anymore, my coach still encourages me to ask him questions.)

    I'm overweight, but in the last year I've had a considerable recomp happen. I've lost 4" off my waist, and my arms have gotten beefier and my shoulders are wider. (Totally have to bring my wool coat in to the tailor. My arms don't fit in it anymore.) I'm almost 15 pounds heavier than when I started. I wasn't watching what I ate (though I eat whole foods. I cook everything from scratch). I just ate when I was hungry, which was ALL OF THE TIME. Lifting makes me a ferocious eater. Again, aesthetics aren't really much of a concern for me. According to my doctor, I'm fit as a fiddle, even if I could lose 30-40 lbs.



    DL 1RM - 175lbs (A goal of mine is to hit 200 in the next couple of months. I LOVE DEADLIFTS!)
    BP 1RM - 75lbs
    OHP 1RM - 115lbs
    Squat 1RM - Untested, but can do 115x6

    And now I'm focusing on nutrition to fuel myself. I started the nutrition side of the program a week before I started the workout portion (I use a college gym and it was closed from Dec. 24th-Jan. 4th), and I've had to change the macro split. My body was NOT happy with that much protein. I was tired, headache-y and grumpy. I've lowered the protein intake and upped both carbs and fat, and that seems to have done the trick. My body is much happier now. I'm still fiddling with it.

    So, anyway, hello!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    werkit.com has the "Strong" spreadsheets! I printed them.

    Lifted today...phase 1, day 1, workout "A" from Strong. Added in shoulder presses, american deadlifts, bis/tris and all my hip-band work. 60 minutes! BOOM!

    Sixty minute workouts (almost) always get my "gold star" approval, lol.

    Oh.....and I am skipping RAMP (daily) - there is no research showing "benefit" to warm-up....although lots of research shows stretching/rolling AFTER a workout is good for an (aging) body.

    And.....shocking, I know....I am skipping the intervals (ie "cardio") at workout's end, too.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Hey ladies. I went to ortho yesterday. I have surgery next Friday to repair labrum tear , shave the bone joint, and remove some floating bone fragments. I will be on crutches 4-6 weeks. No exercise for that time and no lifting for 3-4 months. He said I could work my arms but definitely no leg lifts, squats , lunges .....

    I'll keep on getting fatter.

    This sounds HORRIFIC!! Omg....please take care! I will be thinking of you....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Sam....push the nonsense up the food chain....you totally deserve what you paid for and there is no "expiry" date on good customer service!

    Gyms in january suck balls....today, at my gym, they ran out of towels....at 9:00 in the morning!!! Morons.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Wow, a lot of posts to catch up on! Welcome 7 year. Interesting re: the protein. How much were you eating? I only ask because in the past 3 months I have increased my protein (to 150-160g/ 35% macros) and lowered my carbs (40% macros) and I am much better on these ratios.

    So sorry to hear Manic - that's hideous. I hope your recovery is lightening quick.

    I've been here, working out. Upper body yesterday, hard OHP the morning after combat. Never seem to be able to time it all right. Today will be squat day and maybe a swim, but all tonight. The alarm went off at 5am but I wasn't feeling it.
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    Wow, a lot of posts to catch up on! Welcome 7 year. Interesting re: the protein. How much were you eating? I only ask because in the past 3 months I have increased my protein (to 150-160g/ 35% macros) and lowered my carbs (40% macros) and I am much better on these ratios.

    It was at 170g according to the stuff in the book. I ran the numbers a few times to make sure. I'm now down to 142g (25%) on workout days and it feels so much better to be at 25% protein. People's body's are different. I've started keeping a spreadsheet of how I feel at different ratios to try to find what my body likes.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Welcome 7year! Love that you took the time to nail your form! Wishing I'd done that! You'll enjoy NR, it's a great workout! I need to drop about 20lbs myself and have been fiddling around with my macros and calories lately. Hope this year brings us both succes!

    Beeps-good job! I agree with all your adjustments, I'd do that too! The wonders of stretching never cease to amaze me (reinforced when I miss it! Ouch!)

    Jo-glad you've dialed your macros in! I'm getting closer I think. How long are your workouts? I would like to add a bit of cardio after I lift, but never have time :(.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My lifting workouts are usually 60 mins - slightly less some days, slightly more on others. I tend not to do cardio on these days, usually just combat (60 mins high impact/ mostly high intensity) on my non lifting days. Sometimes I add swimming, running or walking if I'm keen to keep body fat in check. Sometimes I add these things for my mental health ;)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Different night for me, as I lifted after freight day. The good part was, we actually got our freight today when it's normally scheduled. Kept work busy then gym afterwards. Did things a little different for lower hypertrophy and think I'm liking the minor changes, at least so far. We'll see how it goes over the month. Main thing is going to just do leg curls on power days and I moved the sumo deadlifts over to hypertrophy instead of messing around with them after my regular deadlifts. My calluses ache too much by the time I worked on them (as that's more my grip issue than slipping or anything). My thighs were feeling it a little by the time I was done with tonight's session.

    53 - Lower Hypertrophy
    front squat 3x8 @ 90 and 1x8 @ 110 - not bad, tad achy but still moving up. Got slower by the end of the last set, with the crossed arms stance.
    curtsy lunge 4x9 @ 85 - okay though an occasional misstep and had to re-situate.
    good morning 4x12 @ 85 - nothing unusual there.
    rdl 3x8 @ 135 - giving these a try as more than just a way to warm up for main deadlifts.
    sumo deadlift 3x5 @ 165 - first set was awkward but it got better.
    leg extension 4x8 @ 95 - need to learn to increase in smaller amounts than 15 on it.
    seated calf 4x12 @ 115 - eh, calves.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Strong, stage 1A again today:

    Plank 45sec, 45sec (better than Monday, still *kitten*)
    Bird dog 4 x15sec

    Barbell Squats: 2 x 12 @ 40kg, really ensured I was hitting depth here. I still have a *slight* butt-wink, need to roll my adductors more often!
    DB 3 point row 2 x 12 @ 10kg - much better than Monday, ensured a neutral back and was so much better (I think I was over-arching before in an attempt to have a flat back)
    Step-up 2 x 12 on 18" box, ARGH, the 12" box was being used, I could not get off the floor without a little push from the floor foot so these weren't great. Hopefully will be able to go back to the 12" next week!
    Push up onto a bench: 2 x 12, did mini set of 6, worked great. Really focussed on getting my butt down, I really hope I will get onto the floor at some point to do my first ever "proper" push-up!

    Skipped intervals as I had shed loads of stuff to do in town over lunch, but to be honest I was sooo sweaty after the workout that I'm glad I skipped them! Might try to get a HIIT in over the weekend if I have time to make up for it.

    You're all doing really well with the nutrition side of things, this is where I need some major work. I am currently on a prescribed 90 day plan which I'm hoping will stop the sugar addiction and force me to make better choices. It's fairly low carb as you can only eat a carb heavy meal straight after a workout, which is making me feel better to be honest!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm supposed to be at the gym but my body says "f@*k that" this morning :/

    I think I will have a date with my foam roller instead. Meh
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey ladies. I went to ortho yesterday. I have surgery next Friday to repair labrum tear , shave the bone joint, and remove some floating bone fragments. I will be on crutches 4-6 weeks. No exercise for that time and no lifting for 3-4 months. He said I could work my arms but definitely no leg lifts, squats , lunges .....

    I'll keep on getting fatter.

    So sorry to hear about this Mary. Why didn't you tell me you were going through this. I hope you heal quick. I can only say track your food, eat at your level of maintenance and hopefully you can stave off and gain. I really hope you feel better.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sorry manic :( that sounds bad, please don't be too dishearted though - imagine how good you'll feel in 3/4 months time with everything healed, and you'll be able to get back to it!

    Forgot to check in yesterday after Strong, Stage 1, Workout B.

    Side plank: 20 sec each side, then 15 sec. These were so so difficult, but putting my knee down made it nothing, so I will persevere!
    Half kneeling anti-rotation press: 3x22.8kg 10 sec reps each side
    Single leg romanian DL: 2x12 16kg (single DB) my balance was allllll over the place!
    Push-up: 12 then 10 onto a bench
    Split squat: 2x12 @ 8kg DB's
    Inverted Row: 2x12 with the smith set at height 12 - I had to do each set in mini sets of 3! 4 reps at a time with 30 secs rest in between.

    Intervals: 3kg medicine ball slams: 4 rounds of 60 seconds on, 120 off.

    After the intervals I lay down on the floor of the gym in a pool of my own sweat. Safe to say I have no cardio endurance right now - haven't done any cardio for nearly 2 years (was pregnant/ had baby/ did stronglifts 5x5)

    Does anyone have any suggestions for interval work? I was thinking medicine ball slams, battle ropes (if I can both find them, and figure out how to attach them to the sled), and maybe sled pulls but that might be a bit too embarrassing right now!
    I'm trying to move away from "traditional" cardio!

    Overall I felt OK, but some of the stuff got me down - the inverted rows for one, but then I figure I do weigh ~205lbs right now, that's a hell of a lot of weight to be pulling up!

    So sore this morning - my ar*e is on fire!

    A friend posted this link the other day. I like some of the moves and am planning on trying some myself. I really have to adjust my thinking away from cardio for my interval training and buy a new battery for my HRM.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome 7year! I am fascinated by the dichotomy between your deadlift and your bench press, How did that come about. I hope you love 4W. Most of did and that's why we're here. I have my macros set for 30% protein, but as long as I'm over 100g I'm good. ANything more than 120g requires massive infusions of fiber. An apple a day keeps the protein backup away, lol

    Beeps, looks like we'll be trailing each other again. I hope you realize that the intervals is where you would get the fat burning you are always in search of. And as an older person, though not as old as you ;) I like the warm up. It's an active warm up and feel ready to go. I don't have to spend much time on warm up reps and it does help stave off injury. like you though, I save the foam rolling for recovery.

    Nicely done Stephanie. I'm right behind you.

    Dawn, killer lower body workout. Quick question: what do you think of splits vs. Total body like New Rules? You too Jo.

    Good news, I am getting the three training sessions I paid for, but I have to use them by the 31st. I'm going to go with 3 different trainers, and if I find someone I like, I might hire them after Strong. In the meantime, I really just want a one on one tutorial on how to use my new TRX. So it looks like I'll be doing Strong 2 days a week and then the one training session. I did two workouts this week and managed to keep my diet in a good place, calories and macros were pretty good. Not bad for my first week back. Next week will be even better. I skipped my WO last night. I was feeling ill and dragging *kitten* at work yesterday. I'm being lazy today and I'm already bored.

    I'm watching my husband's little blue dot on the SPOT tracker as he does Fat Pursuit in Idaho. He's pregaming for the Iditarod (by bike). Today's race is 200 miles around the Yellowstone area over 30 hours in the snow. Me, I think I have a date with my couch and Netflix.

    Have a great weekend ladies.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, Sam. I knew you had a lot on your plate. I am happy you are back. You know I am your cheerleader!

    My plan is to drink a protein shake daily. It will help with healing and hopefully keep me full so I don't crave the carbs. I am drinking one as I type. The sooner the better , right?! ;)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks, Sam. I knew you had a lot on your plate. I am happy you are back. You know I am your cheerleader!

    My plan is to drink a protein shake daily. It will help with healing and hopefully keep me full so I don't crave the carbs. I am drinking one as I type. The sooner the better , right?! ;)

    Sounds like a plan. Good luck Mary. ANd no matter what I'm going through I'm still a friend.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Dawn, killer lower body workout. Quick question: what do you think of splits vs. Total body like New Rules? You too Jo.

    I recover so much better with splits. This allows me to progress quicker because I can lift heavier generally. If I do a lot of upper body, my elbow joints get tendonitis and my wrists are sore, limiting what I can actually do. Legs are not so bad, but the recovery time allows the DOMs to fade before the next workout lol. I'm still lifting 3-4 x per week and have improved/ increased lifts all round since I started a split.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Hi All I have been lost in a bit of an emotional pit over the holidays due to a couple of deaths in the family. So basically I am 1 month behind and need to catch up with where you are all at. I finally got back to the weight room on Friday for the first time since Dec. 14 I did level 1 5b NROL4W which is where I left off. I deloaded approx. 10% and I am still feeling it in the quads and glutes this morning. In an effort to kick myself in the butt and get going again I signed up for a 60 day challenge at the gym. So I will have a trainer to check my form and give advice 2 days a week. It is an hour 2X a week shared with 3 or 4 other people which keeps the cost down but it sounds like she is totally willing to let me keep going with NROL4W.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    mmebouchon - so sorry to hear that :( But glad you have gotten back to lifting - sounds like you have an awesome plan to kick start 2016.

    I lifted (bench) and did combat this morning. Now ready for a nap. Which is good as I have night shift AGAIN tonight so could do with a sleep before I go in. Lets hope the family facilitates....... :/