Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey guys!
    No workout for me either but got a great hike in today in Sedona!

    You guys are all doing well! It's so nice to have you guys to learn from and share with!

    DNA- I laughed at your post- on an airplane and not involving family!! That's my type of vacation!

    Sam-I'm in laundry mode too...guess I've let that back up? Did 4 loads of towels!! :neutral_face: you're getting it done! Good job!

    Dou-sorry about the funeral. You're fitting in the workouts when you can!!

    Dawn-excellent job on the DLs!! WTG! Front squats are good too! I'm gonna try goblet squats this week to work on my depth a bit, :).

    Beeps-how's the new job? Were you off today?

    I just colored my roots and now I'm ready to bed :).
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Still here checking in..... desperate to get back to the gym!!! Need to feel some muscle burn!

    Bad news..... hurt my glute again. FFS. This ain't going away.... that's 2 weeks off now and not nearly better. OVER IT. Going to the gym Saturday regardless. Fed up. Yes...... I have my 'no-exercise-grump' going on. And I don't know if it's the mirror here but my *kitten* is turning to cellulite. It either happened recently or my mirror at home lies. I gotta come back at this fitness lark with a whole new game plan.................
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Haha, no I wasn't in Melbourne Dna, is that the spot where all the rain falls? I was travelling up the east coast during the floods in January 2011 (I think). We got stranded in Noosa for a week because all of the roads out of there were flooded. I still had a great time though.

    And I love that you call me DrDou! :smiley: In real life I had to stop demanding that people call me Dr because apparently it got annoying! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Is it weird that I kind of loved stage 7? The first time I did it I couldn't get up the stairs to leave the gym afterwards but I really enjoyed it. I have also learned to love front squats. I have to do them with the cross armed grip though because there is no way my arms are bending in the necessary places to do them the other way.

    Jo, that sucks about your glutes. Did you go to a doctor about it? I shouldn't be going on for this long.

    Julie, I think a great hike counts as a workout! Sounds fun!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    jo, I'd be grouchy too if I kept getting injured. Anything that keeps me from lifting would really piss me off. Sorry about your glutes though.

    dna, I really like overhead squats. They work your core more than they work your legs though. I have relatively weak abs so it was super difficult to get all the way down. I started out using like a 25 lb barbell. Only got up to 45 lbs before I changed exercises.

    sam, I hope you're getting some well needed rest.

    beeps, I still log. It's just dinner that I have to estimate. Not sure how it's going yet since I've only been doing it maybe 2 weeks. Need a little more time to assess.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    Dr. Dou, yes, it's weird that you loved that stage. LOL See below.

    I was back in the gym this morning. I seriously cannot stand the superset in the A workouts of Stage 7 (lunge with rear foot elevated, push-ups, Romanian deads and db bent-over rows). Actually, I think it's just the lunges that I hate. Too many of them and they make my heart nearly come out of my chest!

    Anywho, Jo, I'm sorry to hear you hurt your glute again. Maybe it's time for a doc to take a peek. *sad face*
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Grit strength class today. Doing it after OHP yesterday has made for sore arms but that's a good thing. My shoulders and the rest of my arms are really feeling it. Will appreciate the rest day tomorrow.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Love, maybe its just that I have forgotten the pain of it! :smiley: Those lunges did kill me but I loved how I felt afterwards.
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    Okay I a extremely sore in my quads today from workout A Stage 1 yesterday. Maybe lifted a bit to much for the first time. Did anyone else experience soreness in legs after this workout?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    JO, sorry about the glute, please let it heal.
    So what is this Grit strength?
    I'm in the second half of my first hypertrophy. Tonight was sets of 20. THEY KILL ME.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I feel like I've missed so much here & I'm not sure I can catch up. My workouts have been crap still. I've done my first 2 days at the new job and the it was terrible. I haven't actually done any work, my boss wanted me to get all the training done at once. I've got a month to do it but she thought it would be better to get it over with all at once so Ive have spent 8 hrs a day in a freezing tiny office alone doing ethics & business training. I spent most of today doing single leg squats and cal raises just trying to stay awake. And the downtown traffic sucks. It took me over an hour an half to go 20 miles home, I need to find a new route home. Tomorrow I finally start training on my real job !!
    I was so angry from traffic and needing to workout when I got home I did a mixture of strong lifts & strong curves. SL wasn't enough to get my frustration out so I most of the 1st workout for SC. I've given up on New rules (I think) I hated stage 7 to the point I was avoiding the workout so I'm just done with it. I did most of it so I'm ok with that. Love I agree with you, I didn't like the lunges.

    Hope you are all doing good.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    So what is this Grit strength?

    It's a Les Mills type of workout. They have a few but most are cardio based. Grit strength is a class that focuses a little more on strength. Though the bars weigh barely anything and the plats are only 10, 5 or 2.5 in weight. It's a lot of reps and you keep going instead of resting much. Right now it's a couple different lunges, clean and press, squats, rows along with some pushups, burpees and such. It changes on occasion as they go through cycles to keep things interesting.

    I have been meaning to catch zumba but that class is so full. I like to have at least a little room to move.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, ladies. I am trying to get my head back on straight! No promises.

    It really did help me chatting and logging in here. It held me accountable. Sooooooo, I plan on being here more.

    Hello, to the newbies (maybe not so new anymore but you don't me)

    Yesterday, I walked 32 minutes and 2 miles. BW squats, the DREADED step ups :p , static lunges , bicep curls, and tricep presses. My goal is to add weight back to the leg workouts and walk 2 miles under 30 minutes by next Friday.

    The muscle soreness set in within 4 hours of workout . I must work that out today.
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    Going to attempt to make it to gym tonight after dinner to do stage 1 workout B. Have long day ahead. School 9-3 and hour drive each way. Here's to making it count! You all are so inspiring☺️
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    Stage 7W4 done! Only 2 more to go. I WAS going to do Stage 7 twice. HA! I love the "B" superset (squats w/heels raised, db shoulder press, step-ups and underhand lat pulldown). I love it! If I could do those during the "A" superset, that would be great. Then I could do this stage twice. As of now, no dice. I'm moving on.

    I saw a woman doing db bench presses today - 45 pounds in each hand. I totally stopped what I was doing (presses the first time and step-ups the second) to watch her in totally admiration. LOL She did two sets for reps (no less than 10). I told her she rocked and was very inspiring to me! She's been playing sports since she was in middle school and a gym rat since she's 16 so she's been lifting a long time. I love it!

    There were more women in the weight room today than men. I LOVED IT ALL!! That got me pumped for my day!

    Ali, I hope you can find a new route. I don't drive into work (I work in D.C.) as I would have to question my sanity every second behind the wheel! I feel you on the Stage 7 hate but I'm known for not finishing things I started so I'm going to do these next two workouts and be done with this program! lol

    Sam, there's no way I want to do 20 reps of anything. The 15-20 in Stage 7 stays at 15 on my sheets! lol

    girls, yes, the soreness is normal, especially if you're new to lifting. Don't skip your next workout UNLESS you are in genuine pain and there might be something wrong/hurt! I was sore after Monday's workout and got back in the gym today and the pain went away as soon as my body was warm. You got this!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ha! Stage 7 kicked my tushie! But, I loved it! I felt like I was really getting a good workout!
    DrDou - pain or not, it's a kick *** workout! I repeated it a few time after finishing it since I felt like it did a body good!

    Ali-that's a bummer! Hope you can find a way around that traffic! Hope the job gets better! A workout really helps with my stress too. How is the strong curves book? I'm playing around with Bret's workouts from templates online...don't have the book yet. Did gluteal goddess yesterday and like it a lot!

    Jo- :( rats! So sorry you're still in glute pain! Not enough rest maybe? I sprained my knee in mid December and took a full week and half off from any lower body work at all, hated that! It's much better now, finally, but still not 100%! Hang in there. Maybe just do some upper body work in the meantime?

    Love-I'm with you...hated those elevated lunges! And 20? Crazy! I did 15 and wanted to die! My legs looked better though, which is kind of miraculous ;).

    JL-I'm thinking of trying overhead squats...good endorsement. I'm working on my form and think I should have done more of that in NR.

    Dawn-grit is no joke! Enjoy your rest day!

    So, I'm moving on from SL. I realized that I'm not really following it much anyway, just doing 3 compound lifts then adding other stuff. Other plans have the compound lifts and a combination of other moves too.nso, I'm trying bret contreras "gluteal goddess" for now. I downloaded it online and like the combination of moves. I've been doing glute bridges for a while and like the hip thrusts and generally speaking my lower half need more fat burning and muscle definition. My upper body has improved a lot form NR but the lower half needs more work.

    I dd the first workout yesterday and liked it a lot. I'm excited again! Yay! Still waiting to lose some more fat this year, but trying to balance the energy for lifting well with burning fat is tricky. You guys seem to have found your right balance, and I'm dialing mine in too. :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Julie, I really liked Gluteal Goddess- it is a very solid plan. I use most of his lower body exercises when I create my own workouts- they're very effective.
    manic, 1 day at a time.....

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Still overwhelmed at new job - not in a badd way. Trying to get into onsite gym....i have to get security clearance! so, likely no workout today.

    They DO have an OB and weight plates, so that is good. They do NOT have a pull+up bar, so that is bad.

    And I think their largest DB's are 35's. Gawd....this won't be a complete work around to my weight-training needs, that's for sure!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    No rest day after all. Coworker wanted to work out together at her gym, so I went there today. It's a much smaller gym but also far less people so am able to mostly do what I need without hassle, though I have to take a bar for the row/deadlift depending on the day. This time I used one from the bench that no one was using.

    Day A

    Bench - warm up then 1x5, 1x4 @ 90, 1x5 @ 85 and 4x5 @ 80 Yet another fail on 90. If I miss next time then I'll be down again. 80 feels a lot easier now but I struggle to do 85 after I fail on the 90. Maybe I should try and do just 85 and see if I can get a few more reps before moving up to 90 but we'll see how it goes after some rest.

    Squat - warm up then front squat 5x5 @ 70 which wasn't hard for the squat aspect just the spots where I'm not used to having a bar. Back to regular squats next time though.

    Row - 1x5 @ 95 then 5x5 85. I really wanna do 95 well but it's just not quite there, especially with no break after yesterday's workout. I will work my way up even though the ten's are little more hassle with height than the 25's.

    3x8 @ 25 db bench and 3x8 @ 20 db row for accessory and 30 minutes walk on treadmill.

    Tomorrow, I rest for real. No work or gym.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I do not understand why a "gym" doesn't offer more weights. Hopefully you can make it work though.
    Dawn, great numbers.

    I actually did yoga today. My upper body was so sore from Monday's workout it needed a good stretch. I really need to do it at least once a week. HIIT class tomorrow morning and then lifting tomorrow afternoon!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Bbc-yoga huh? I've never done the class...but I can use some stretching! My shoulders are like bricks they're so tight! I was leaning toward a massage... ;) good to know GG is tried and true! I like it!

    Dawn-nice to go with a friend, but not rest? :( see if you give it some more time and rest if you hit that 90. I bet you will. :)

    Beeps-does the gym have a cage/rack? I'm getting more dependent on them as my weights creep up. Glad the new job is going well. Everything takes time. Nie convenience at least.

    Manic-good to see you back at it!

    Girl-it's hard to find a good time to lift! Good for you getting it in!

    I just went for a nice walk. Gonna lift tomorrow morning. Early. Sigh. Overate today, maintenance at least, but not a deficit :(. Still hoping to lose some fat this year....