Daily Chat Thread



  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi all! I just recently joined the group and have been reading for tips:). I just started stage 2 of NROLFW and I LOVE it! Just did 2A today and I have to say that I think I like B better than A for some reason. Any tips on the FSPP? I was surprised that I could get the oly bar up the first set, and today I added 5 pounds. My balance is an issue and my wrists hurt like heck! It feels super awkward to hold the bar like that. I'll do the best I can though; even if it means not bumping up my weight like I did in stage 1. :) Any and all advice on any of the moves is welcome from those who've been there! Thanks!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Thanks for all the well-wishes. It is premature for a job offer, but the conversation will continue....I will go to their offices for a tour sometime next week.


    Cardio day, today....felt good after all that lifting.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Husband has gone to the tennis with a mate to see Federer most likely win, so I made muffins.
    First attempt at my base muffin for Easter (will eventually be hot cross muffins lol) and they turned out brilliant. A few little tweaks and they'll be almost perfect.


    Having a lazy Sunday afternoon, which is nice, but I'm getting bored...

    Welcome tauny :) with fspp I took it really slow and focused on form. I probably sucked a lot at it in stage 2, but by the time they came around again I had it almost sorted.

    Maybe I'll go set up the gym for tomorrow's session and stand on my head or something. As I said, bored! lol
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Those look delish, dna.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Managed to get my lifting workout done after work tonight, which made for a long evening.

    Workout B

    Squat - 5x5 @ 135 - back to the big plates.
    OHP - 5x5 @ 60 - they were tough as I'd failed on them and deloaded before but made it this time.
    Deadlift - 1x5 @ 165 and 1x2 also at 165 - I tried mix grip on that second two just to see what it feels like as I've just being doing both overhand but grip is starting to struggle.

    Leg Press - 3x8 @ 140 cause why not
    Treadmill - slow walk for 35 minutes

    Next comes sleep.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Ok, all the WHT talk has me reading more from Bret. I'm liking his focus on form and am gonna work on some of his basic form ideas (box squats, wall hip hinge..) while at home. Just want to be sure my form is good. He's big on nailing proper form and progressing from there but with NR I think I may not have dialed in perfect for me before progress with weight and single leg variations. Always good to check form :).

    You're all doing well! I'm also gonna add some HIIT cardio in this week. Scale not dropping the holiday gain as quickly as I'd hoped, guess I DO need a bit of cardio in there. Maybe my knee is strong enough for Zumba? May need to give it another week...
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    weighed in today and lost 1.4 lbs. 9.5lbs lean mass gained and 1.9lbs fat lost as my boday fat % decreased from 41% to 40.3%. It's coming. You guys are all such inspiration to keep on track!
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    Sorry guys only .5 lbs lean muscle gained.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    dnamouse wrote: »
    Public service announcement...

    Don't get cranky about something and do a hard body weight workout (which includes 2 different types of squats) to clear your head the day before actual lifting day (which has high-rep back squats) and then follow that up with a brisk walk along the river and dragging the kids through the city and over the bridge to the train.

    My legs.
    My butt.


    And that's all I have to say about that :wink:

    Is that hard enough Pmag? LOL

    I'm looking for pictures. I need more pics in my life in this thread. Like, for realz.

    Bennett, congrats!! Plans can be modified. I do it several times a year when things change. Swim season, footy (AFL) season, husband's work/uni etc etc etc. You'll find something that works :smile:

    For all my lovelies dealing with bad gym etiquette.... I'll just wander on into my garage and arrange everything just the way I like it :stuck_out_tongue: That was mean, I know :smiling_imp:
    But, hopefully it will all settle down sooner rather than later. Can't get over the walking across someone's mat and nicking the bench though. That's just plain rude.

    Jo, I expect to see you having lots of rest chickadee!

    I'm hot. I have decided humidity sucks today.
    It was nice walking along the river and having lunch with the husband though. Even if we were hot, sweaty messes at the end lol
    NExt time, swim, run or do the heavy bag ( I like hitting things) or do your workout and follow up with a rest day. Though I must say, I loved working out pissed lol. Heal up, feel better.

    As far as gym etiquette, don't be afraid to set people straight, it's the only way they will learn. Be nice of course, but speak up.
    Me, I LOVE having the gym to myself on Sundays. I was going to stay in y pjs, but after going to the grocery store, I figured what they hell I'm already dressed.
    Decent workout: DL 115lbs 4x6

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Today is 1,111 on my mfp ticker!


    I weight-trained every single day this week! That's 5-in-a-row, ladies!


    I am heading into a job interview right now.


    I feel AWESOME! 2015 is MY year!

    Set it off Beeps!!!

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited January 2015
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Managed to get my lifting workout done after work tonight, which made for a long evening.

    Workout B

    Squat - 5x5 @ 135 - back to the big plates.
    OHP - 5x5 @ 60 - they were tough as I'd failed on them and deloaded before but made it this time.
    Deadlift - 1x5 @ 165 and 1x2 also at 165 - I tried mix grip on that second two just to see what it feels like as I've just being doing both overhand but grip is starting to struggle.

    Leg Press - 3x8 @ 140 cause why not
    Treadmill - slow walk for 35 minutes

    Next comes sleep.
    Damn, those are impressive numbers!!

    Bennett, .5 over what period of time and how was it measured. Gained .5 of muscle is HIGHLY impressive. It's a lot harder to gain muscle than most folks think. Keep up the great work.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I feel like an idiot. I took my kids to an indoor mountain biking arena and hurt my left leg. It is full of jumps and twists- I had been going slow and fairly cautious... But one daughter taunted me a bit and instead of playing safe I attempted to pull up over one ramp. So I crashed from about four feet up and the bike came down on top of me. I had so much pain I felt like vomiting. I am too old for trying stupid stunts on bikes.

    So no lifting today and I've been lying on the couch wondering if I need an x Ray....
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Pmag- oh no!! Hope you didn't break something! My dd wants me to try skateboarding with her...I'm too old for that! Feel better soon!

    I just left the gym, without working out!!! The parking lot was so packed I could not even park illegally along the curb!! Ridiculous! Now I'm shopping for a new gym...and planning to take my friends with me. It's not a convenient gym and I don't take the classes anymore, so why am I over paying for the inconvenience? So annoyed! I guess I'll try again later today...grrrrr!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I feel like an idiot. ... I am too old for trying stupid stunts on bikes.

    lol....we all get there eventually....

    I hope you are NOT injured!

    Nothing wrecks lifting goals MORE than injury!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I lost 1.4 lbs last week! So, that is a *win*.

    BUT, some of the women in my January challenge lost 5 lbs, 7 lbs, 9 lbs!!! OMG!!!!

    STILL, 2015 is NOT going to be about "comparing myself to others". Nuh-uh.

    I am on-track to lose 5 lbs in January....and then if I lose another 5 lbs in February, I will be feeling AWESOME!

    I did NOT feel "deprived" last week, so that was key. No binge-ing. Just slow and steady to win the race.

    I managed 5 weight-workouts last week and 1 cardio. I got my lifting in-and-done today, even though I only slept until 4 am. So, I am on-track for 5 weight-workouts this week, too.

    Cardio??!? ugh....I have SAturday commitments that means I either have to skip it this week (yay!) or find somewhere to fit it in (boo).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, Pmag! I hope it's nothing serious! I think we've all had those moments of feeling silly for trying something that we did 15 years ago. Rest up!
    Beeps, slow and steady always wins. I've been going VERY slow lately, but I never feel deprived and I can enjoy my life without obsessing over food. That's HUGE for me. For those that have the time to plan every macro and every bite, that is wonderful. I simply choose to pace myself in a way that is sustainable for ME! You got this!
    Julie, that sounds crazy. I think you're wise to go gym shopping!
    dna, those muffins look amazing. At least you don't eat when you're bored. I tend to start munching if I have a rare moment of boredom.
    Bennet, .5lbs of muscle is incredible! Most women do well to gain that in a month. How long did it take you?

    Lower body today. Maybe some HIIT too. Chicken breasts for the week are in the crockpot. I've got some veggies made up too. This week SHOULD be a good one.
    Keep gettin' stronger, ladies!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I love using the crockpot with chicken and such. mmm

    Workout A is done for today.

    Squat - 5x5 @ 140, it was tough near the end but my back was less cranky than the weight before, so that was interesting.

    Bench - 5x5 @ 85, barely. I was worried at the end of more than one set that I'd need to rerack on the lower set. I pushed through but will probably do this weight again. It's the one I failed at before the deload so we'll see if I can push past in a little bit.

    Row - 5x5 @ 95, barely. I like the height from 25's more but it's a bit heavy. I'll repeat this weight next time.

    3x8 db bench with 27.5
    3x8 db row with 22.5

    Then 40 minutes slow cardio on treadmill. Need to charge iPod as it didn't make it through the whole cardio session and that's just a shame.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    PM, feel better.
    Beeps keep up the good work.
    I do have to say the January craziness actually hasn't been too bad the year.

    Highly stressful culminating in a clean house and 3oz of chocolate.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Back and chest today. Did good mornings for the first time. I really like them. We'll see if that continues as I add more weight.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Pmag, what are we going to do with you? I have some bubble wrap around here somewhere.... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol
    Seriously, hope it's just a bump and it settles down into a shiny bruise and a good story :smile:

    Beeps, well done! Slow and steady progress is still progress :smiley:

    Would anyone like a tween-age girl? 11.5yo and I think she's doing my head in.
    Add to that it's been raining all day (the sun was out at 6am and then it started raining - stupid weather) and my mood has steadily gone downhill. They can all make their own freaking dinner tonight. I plan on a hot chocolate and going to bed. Early.

    Really wanting to shove a crap load of chocolate in my face at the moment. The only thing stopping me is 1. I can't eat the stuff and 2. there's none in the house. So many curse words flying around unsaid my head. Bad, bad mood. :mask:

    Lifting tomorrow and those weights had better be ready.