

  • Thank you. She is a handful.
    in 14 lbs lost Comment by amylebo July 2008
  • Thank you guys. Just for the record though, I was at a friend's house and I made the grocery list so it was easy not to eat all the junk food.. Hehehe.
    in 14 lbs lost Comment by amylebo July 2008
  • I am so excited. Even after being gone on vacation for 2 weeks. I am down another 2 lbs. I have lost a total of 14 lbs in 2 months. I still have 42 lbs to go, but I am so happy. I can even see a difference in my clothes. Yay for me!
    in 14 lbs lost Comment by amylebo July 2008
  • He will be stationed at Ft. Sam. I am not at all familiar with the area. I have never even been to TX. Although, I am southern. I am originally from AL. So I should fit in really well. I would definitely like a workout buddy.:smile:
  • I am a stay at home mom. I had my daughter April 11, 2006 and I quit my job two weeks before she was born. I have my bachelor's degree in health care administration. I have not looked for a job here because it was more beneficial for me to stay at home than putting Lauryn in daycare. My husband is in the Army. We will be…
  • You be careful driving to NC. I am making my way down to Winston-Salem on Monday to stay with a friend for the week. Not looking forward to the driving. It's only 7 hours for me though. I could only imagine having to drive from TX.
  • :laugh: :laugh: He says it cause he knows it annoys me. I do cook dinner every night, though.
  • OMG... You sound just like my husband. He always says that to me...jokingly.
  • That is hilarious!:laugh: :laugh:
  • I would go with the Japanese restaurant, too! I love Japanese food. My husband and I don't go there too often because the places here in Cleveland are very expensive, but when we have little extra spending money we try to go. The only problem is having to sit at a table with 5-6 other people. But Japanese is a good choice…
  • Will he sit good in a stroller? My daughter is 2 and I just put her in the stroller, give her snacks, and she is fine. All the people and things going on around her keep her entertained.
  • I have been taking Tonalin CLA from GNC. I was told by the sales associate that it is good for people looking to lose weight long term. I have been taking it for a month now and I like it. It is inexpensive. I have mitral valve prolapse, heart murmur, high blood pressure, and this pill doesn't have the hoodia and all that…
  • MMMMM.. he looks yummy!
  • He is just too cute! Looks like he is a handful.
    in So cute! Comment by amylebo June 2008
  • Thanks. I get up everyday and check the message boards. They just make my day. :smile:
  • You guys are hilarious! I am new to MFP and love to come here to read everyone's posts. I have not posted much, but I just had too on this one.:laugh:
  • I'm not a huge makeup wearer either. I rarely wear any, except for when I go out. A little mascara and concealer goes a long way. I also love my Clinique powder. Have to have it.
  • You may want to try Steve and Barry's. They have all sizes and carry some really cute pants, tops, and some shoes. I just took the liberty of looking for a store in MN and they have a few. I don't know if they will be close enough to you or not. Right now, the store here is having an everything is 8.98 sale. If you have a…
  • I have one daughter and she is 2. I was 28 when I had her. I am about to turn 31 on July 1. We are thinking about trying for another, but he is in the military so we are moving in july and then again in Feb. so we are going to wait a month or so before trying.
    in How Old?? Comment by amylebo June 2008
  • I try to watch every Tuesday. If I don't get to watch it, I usually catch it during the week sometime. My husband thinks I am crazy. I would love to go out on one of the boats, but I get sea sick. I would definitely have to take several boxes of dramamine with
  • HI! I just got through watching P.S. I love you, too! It was a good movie. My husband even watched the first half with me. I still have Michael Clayton to watch.
  • I am an army wife. My husband has been in the Army for 10 years in June. He is currently a recruiter, but only for 2 more months. He heads to Arizona for a 5 month school in Aug. then we are off to San Antonio (Ft. Sam Houston). I am from Alabama, so I am very much looking forward to being back in warm weather.