kaleidoscope79 Member


  • Ditto ^^ I've tried many kinds and these are by far my favorite. They give great sound and I can still hear things going on around me- instead of the buds that completely cut off outside sound. This way I can hear traffic, passing bikers on the path, a dog charging me (heh), etc. Surprisingly it doesn't interfere with…
  • Thanks! I'll try that!
  • I haven't tried this myself, but it came highly recommended to me for my boxer (he's not old enough to run yet). They come in many sizes. Ruffwear Swamp Cooler Cooling Vest for Dogs http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B23PNR4/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=PRP24KFG4OI3&coliid=I2XPB8BMTHHVFF&psc=1
  • Glad you found out! I thought I'd note for anyone interested, when I made my account (recently) I didn't have to put in my weight. I didn't do that until weeks later.
  • I'm not sure any man can possibly fully understand this- even those who do try. It doesn't matter the precautions taken. Females are at a higher risk for attacks, muggins, rapes, etc than men. It is a real danger that woman face every day. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Irrational it is not. It's not paranoia when…
  • Unique to any other community I've been a part of, one of the reasons I absolutely *love* running is because of how positive and supportive so many runners are. It is heartwarming that advanced runners are encouraging other runners. There are many other sports out there where people discourage others because they are in…
  • We do have a Lot in common!! That is awesome! I've been thinking about how I'm going to array water for him, in addition to me. Thanks for the tip! Maybe I will break down and get a camelbak. Thanks also for mentioning about waiting until he's grown- not because I was unaware, but because it is so important! I don't plan…
  • Thanks for all the replies! I've enjoyed reading them and adding new friends!
  • If a RL friend came of this, that would be fantastic (with caution of course. lots of crazies out there!). But I'm perfectly happy with online friends that share the same passions =D I'm located in the midwest.
  • Yes! You are exactly right. That's precisely what I'm looking for. Thank you for your input!
  • Thanks everyone for the replies! I appreciate it! In a 5k, does everyone tend to max their HR out immediately, or allow themselves to work up to it /a little/? Do you just give it everything you have and not worry about burning out at the end or do you hold back just a little in the beginning to give yourself that extra at…
  • I just started running again after injury. I used to allow my HR to max out pretty much immediately and my mile splits would go into the positives (slower per mile). Now I run much more conservatively in comparison (I still run pretty all-out). I try more for negative splits (faster per mile) the whole way through. For my…