5k HeartRate zones

Where does everyone like to keep their heart rate during a 5k sprint race, in terms of Max BPM%?

Thanks :)


  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I don't have a HR monitor so I go by pace or perceived effort. But I'm interested and so... in for other's answers!
  • gregallen549
    I'm 51M. I ran a 5k today (training). So, I tried out my new HRM and it showed me in the 80-90 range for the first mile. For the remainder of the 5k I turned up the speed and I instantly jumped to the 170 range.
  • kaleidoscope79
    kaleidoscope79 Posts: 15 Member
    I just started running again after injury. I used to allow my HR to max out pretty much immediately and my mile splits would go into the positives (slower per mile). Now I run much more conservatively in comparison (I still run pretty all-out). I try more for negative splits (faster per mile) the whole way through. For my most recent run that I allowed myself to go at race pace- I allowed my BPM to ride at 80% of my max BPM for the first mile and then I allowed it to climb for my second and third mile to ~90%. I had lovely negative splits the entire 5k.

    Learning from that, I believe I'd be best sticking to 75% for my first full mile, then allowing it to slowly climb to the end. I don't believe I went out too hot, but I think I could have benefited from a tad slower off the line. Or at least to shoot for that.
  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    When I am shooting for a PR I will push 90-95% max for most of the 25 minutes. 180BPM or so. I cannot push that for much longer than a 5k.
  • thatismesammyg
    thatismesammyg Posts: 71 Member
    I try to keep my HR at around 160. If it's hilly, then 170 max on the incline.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Where does everyone like to keep their heart rate during a 5k sprint race, in terms of Max BPM%?

    Not a 5K but in a 10K last weekend I did most of it at 170-180, my theoretical MHR is 176 so I'm not sure where they are with respect to my real MHR.

    For a 5K threshold run I'm at 175bpm, that's broadly race pace.
  • kaleidoscope79
    kaleidoscope79 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies! I appreciate it!

    In a 5k, does everyone tend to max their HR out immediately, or allow themselves to work up to it /a little/? Do you just give it everything you have and not worry about burning out at the end or do you hold back just a little in the beginning to give yourself that extra at the end?

    I'm really curious on this because I seem to run a 5k faster when I slow down in the beginning (then max out somewhere 1/3 or 1/2 of the way in), rather than max out immediately and ride my MHR the whole way.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm usually 95-98% average but it takes me 4-5 minutes to get up to near max level. After those first few minutes I am pretty much at or very close to max. If I'm not hitting max in a 5K then I am not giving it my all.

    Your question seems to be more about pacing than heart rate. In a 5K you should not go "all-out" from the beginning. Let everyone else sprint out the first 100 meters while you hold back slightly then start turning on the speed. That first 100 meters can make or break your entire race.
  • kaleidoscope79
    kaleidoscope79 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes! You are exactly right. That's precisely what I'm looking for. Thank you for your input!