TurboFireMama Member


  • You look amazing!! Congrats on your hard work!!! Inspiring!!
  • xoxoxo Love you inside and out girl! You are one of the Beautiful People!! You look amazing and are a sweetheart to boot! Congrats on being strong and courageous and changing your life. xo
  • I have read through all the posts looking for an answer about this subject.. I am day 3 into upping my calories from 1620 a day to 2100 which is TDEE minus 15%. I am more hungry than I remember being in months and starving at the end of the night...Like ravenous hungry even after a protein shake after dinner. I didn't even…
  • Are you seeing results? I have been a cardio junkie all my life. It is my safe zone and helps me feel great. Giving it up or only doing it once or twice a week is going to feel insanely weird for me. I have a hard time with the calories to. I am dairy and gluten intolerant but I cheat every so often because I need to get…
  • Nevermind......I found my answer after reading this morning... I'm starting stage 3 of 7 stages on Monday (finished stage 2 today). The book is definitely worth the $12.99 (I bought it on amazon). You strength train 3 days a week (you can do 2 but not less or no more than 3). You dont do much cardio if any at first but I…
  • Thank You so much for responding to my question!
  • THANK you so much!! I appreciate your kind words of advice and encouragement!! i am looking forward to some changes!
  • Oh and I have one more question... What if I don't burn 474 calories in a day? Do I cut the amount I eat by the difference in calories?
  • I LOVE working out at home. My favorite is Turbo Fire, but that is more HIIT Cardio with a mix of resistance training. I have done p90x, chalean extreme, JM 30 day shred, and most recently I am doing JM Killer Butt and Thighs. I need to add more strength training for sure and am going to look more into the JM videos.....
  • You have no idea how grateful I am for you taking the time to reply to this! I am going to give it a whirl. I am at the end of my rope of options. I have tried everything else and cannot seem to break the plateau...This has got to be it....I have not been eating enough. THANK YOU!!! xo
  • Very interesting post. I am new here and have been on a plateau since October. I could barely shove down the 1600 calories I was set at for months...Not hungry at all. I upped my calories yesterday and today and the later half of the day today, I am HUNGRY for the first time in month. Like I need to eat! I am hoping that…
  • Hello! They call me Turbo here. I am a Married 37 year old Mom of two. I began my weight loss journey in January of 2011. I exercise 6 days a week doing Turbo Fire and have been tracking my calories and lost 30 lbs. BUT I have been on a plateau now since October. No inches, No sizes and No weight on the scale. I started…
  • Holly, all the girls have said it perfectly here. You are an inspiration!!! I am sorry you are going through this. I have gone through a very similar struggle since last October minus the lack of period. I went to the Dr. for Bloodwork and although my thyroid levels were "normal" I was told by a high end vitamin shop that…
  • This is such an inspirational thread!! I love everything about what you wrote! I used the Mom Excuse for over 10 years and in those 10 years I lost my dignity and self worth. I was depressed, angry and very unhappy! I did the same thing last year...Evaluated and stopped making excuses. I couldn't get myself to the gym, so…
  • Bump....JB you should not be gaining. I would guess that you are somewhere near 2700 with your TDEE on your most active days. I range from 2200-2600 depending on my activity level. You are more active than me I would say. I eat 1600-1800 calories and sometimes less in a week and I have stalled out losing weight since last…
  • Turbo Fire has changed my life! I am a SAHM who felt more comfortable working out on my own schedule at home. I have been doing it for over a year and I am never bored! WELL worth the investment!
  • Funny...I sat poolside just a couple months ago in Miami next to two girls from Brazil who had big augmented breasts and they had them done in Brazil. They were visiting Miami. We actually had a conversation about how surgery there is so prevalent that it is SUPER cheap to get them done. Like $5k less than the US. We won't…
  • Neither of these is 100% true...Do you research and you will see why. They do not completely remove your nipple and if they did that to your SIL then she had a botch job and that is why she probably was laid up for weeks. The scar tissue you are referring to is a common complication that can happen and also CAN be fixed.…
  • I am getting a lift plus implants next week and I couldn't be happier. It is also my reward for losing 30 lbs and the tolls that plus having 2 children will take on a poor set of boobs. To Jannspizziri and any other women who thing this is a societal issue....I am here to tell you that for me it has nothing to do with…
  • Holly, you are truly amazing! The dedication and hard work and numerous hours you have invested in yourself are truly inspiring! Something truly amazing and something a lot of people don't know anything about these days. You worked your *kitten* off with diet and exercise. Hard work = Results Kudos to you my friend! To the…
  • Thank you for writing this! I so needed to hear it! Patience is key.
  • I love LOVE LOVE these girls. They sell hair extensions, but they have a great video channel where they do tutorials and reviews. Here is their review on Sigma Brushes. They look amazing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KIzWK-y6rU&list=PL048A1A69D81E7851&index=6&feature=plpp_video
  • If you start eating cleaner with the upped protein your muscles might tend to shine through more. Are you going to add a little more weight training to your daily routine? If you did that plus the increased protein, I think you will get more toned. IMHO.
  • The clerk told me to give it a month....So I am going to because of the difference I am noticing in the improved texture of my skin.
  • After things settle down from the holiday I am heading over to our MAC store for a look around to see what they have and to talk about foundation with them. I have heard good things about it and I would love to see what it is all about.
  • Was recently having the same issue. I upped my calories and stopped exercising for about 2 weeks. I am going to resume after the new year. I was getting overly obsessed with it and it was making me stressed which I know can have effects. So I decided to try and not obsess for now. I am still eating clean and healthy and at…
  • Yes! I take measurements and photos for visual reference. I got stuck about 6 weeks ago. No more inches or lbs lost....I just changed things up now so we will see what happens. My clothes are still fitting o.k. It is just a mental thing I guess. Being that I have come so far and worked my butt off to get here, it is hard…
  • Thank You! I guess I am just scared of getting fat again. I also have a vacation coming up that I want to look hot for and I didn't expect the weight gain. I hope I don't go any higher on the scale....or maybe I should stay off the scale better yet. I think that is a better idea. 4 weeks is a long time! Ugghhh.... I wanted…
  • Thanks for the tip. I upped my intake by decreasing the 500 deficit to 250. It is worth a try. A couple other people told me I might need to eat more. That is always scary to eat more...but I have heard how it can work. It upped me from 1360 to 1600 a day. Do you eat your exercise calories back? I do now, but just want to…
  • Thanks for all your replies! Sounds like I am going to have to add some weight training to my routine...I sort of have been thinking about it for a while now, but dread weight lifting...The cardio dance gives me a high....Maybe I will have to do both. I am 5'7" to answer Lozze's question. katcena~ MFP has me at 1360…