Introduction for New Members



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just want to welcome everybody who have just recently joined. I'm fairly new also. But I just wanted to make sure you all read the stickies that the admins of this group have posted. There is vital information in there that we all should know from the jump when it comes to up-ing your calories. I look forward to sharing this journey with each and every one of you.

    Hello everyone! My name is Bobbi and I decided to live a healthier life about two weeks ago. Thankfully I found out about fat2fit radio and this site right off the bat so I haven't had to starve and I've already lost a couple of pounds. Ive decided to eat like the size of person that I intend to become(heard that on the podcast). I have 4 kids of which the youngest is still at home with me. She's 4 and she loves to do my workout DVDs with me! My hope is to be a good example to her and maybe she won't have to go through the ups and downs that I have experienced.

    After reading some of the threads on here I know that I need to do some strength training but I've never touched more than a three pound weight in my life so any pointers on how to start are welcomed! I look forward to getting to know you all better!

    There is a book called New Rules of Lifting for Women. You might can find it at your local library to check out. If not check out Amazon. I also like CharLean Extreme. Its a dvd program I use that works multiple muscle groups at one time. You need to lift heavy to burn the fat more effectly/efficiently. It won't bulk you up. Oh also some people use strong lifts 5x5 work out. I don't know much about it but you can google it or use the MFP search. There should be a thread on it.

  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I'm Bethany... I joined this group a while ago after seeing someone recommend it to someone on the Forums. I want to eat more and lose weight, because honestly After eating around 1200 for almost a year, I realized it was going to be really difficult to eat like a real person after I was at my goal. I now try and eat around 2309 a day. I don't eat back my exercise calories but that may change after a few weeks if I don't start seeing some progress.

    I do turbo fire, and I love it!
  • kcmom2four
    kcmom2four Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • Hello this is my first time posting. I hope I have this set up right my BMR is Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1446 calorie or Katch-McArdle formula body fat percentage of 39.4%, you have a lean body mass of 103 lbs., and your BMR is 1381 calories.So I don't do a lot of exercise something everyday maybe for 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes only burn around 200 to 300 calories so I set it to light active for daily calories of 1810. Should I set it for more active maybe? Should I eat back my exercise calories? Do I have to net 1810 everyday or that just be my goal? This is kinda confusing,help!! I have 30 lbs to lose and I hope I can do this the right way.

  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    HI, finally introducing myself. I started eating more 2 weeks ago. Based on my TDEE my daily goal is set at 1920. I averaged my week out based on 1 rest day per week so my goal would not change daily. Since starting I have only lost .2 since and now my weight is going up. Trying hard to remember that this is normal and I have not actually eaten enough "extra" calories to gain. Hoping to find advice or proof here.
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    Hi :)

    My name is Candice. I'm a 32 year old mom of 2 boys ages 6 and 4. I am a SAHM who works from home part time. I have lost about 35lbs since last June, the first 8lbs using Weight Watchers and then the rest after I joined MFP in October. I was diagnosed hypothyroid a couple years back and my meds are finally at the right place so I'm actually able to lose weight now. I started exercising 5 days per week back in January, and swapped out 2 days of cardio for strength training/toning about a month ago. I am considering switching to 2 days cardio and 3 days strength soon. I am almost done the C25K program (week 7), and I think once I finish that I'll make the switch and start lifting heavier. Right now I only do 5lb weights with a toning DVD I have, just to get myself started. I increased my calories from 1290 - 1600 net about 3 weeks ago, then this week I bumped up again to 2000 calories (Making sure to net at least my BMR of 1850 on exercise days). I am finding myself satisfied, energized, and happy at this calorie intake :)

    I joined EMTWL because I want to have energy, maintain/increase muscle tone, and be able to sustain any weight loss I am fortunate enough to experience. I have about 85lbs left to go, so I may be one of the bigger gals in the group, but I figure if I can get this right now, maybe I will actually succeed :-) I am trying to get out of the "get there NOW" mindset and rather set myself up for a lifetime of health and fitness :)

    So far I haven't gained since increasing, I'm actually down a couple pounds, but I am prepared for the next 4-6 weeks to be a bit nerve wracking while my body adjusts.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi :)

    My name is Candice. I'm a 32 year old mom of 2 boys ages 6 and 4. I am a SAHM who works from home part time. I have lost about 35lbs since last June, the first 8lbs using Weight Watchers and then the rest after I joined MFP in October. I was diagnosed hypothyroid a couple years back and my meds are finally at the right place so I'm actually able to lose weight now. I started exercising 5 days per week back in January, and swapped out 2 days of cardio for strength training/toning about a month ago. I am considering switching to 2 days cardio and 3 days strength soon. I am almost done the C25K program (week 7), and I think once I finish that I'll make the switch and start lifting heavier. Right now I only do 5lb weights with a toning DVD I have, just to get myself started. I increased my calories from 1290 - 1600 net about 3 weeks ago, then this week I bumped up again to 2000 calories (Making sure to net at least my BMR of 1850 on exercise days). I am finding myself satisfied, energized, and happy at this calorie intake :)

    I joined EMTWL because I want to have energy, maintain/increase muscle tone, and be able to sustain any weight loss I am fortunate enough to experience. I have about 85lbs left to go, so I may be one of the bigger gals in the group, but I figure if I can get this right now, maybe I will actually succeed :-) I am trying to get out of the "get there NOW" mindset and rather set myself up for a lifetime of health and fitness :)

    So far I haven't gained since increasing, I'm actually down a couple pounds, but I am prepared for the next 4-6 weeks to be a bit nerve wracking while my body adjusts.

    I think the key is try not to stress, trust in the system, come back to the boards and read other encouraging stories of people further along...and RELAX...I think some of the EM2WLer's stress a bit which may impede prgress because of cortisol release. So, you take a nice deep breath when you step on the scale and just remind yourself this is a wonderful journey that will get you to goal...:-)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    HI, finally introducing myself. I started eating more 2 weeks ago. Based on my TDEE my daily goal is set at 1920. I averaged my week out based on 1 rest day per week so my goal would not change daily. Since starting I have only lost .2 since and now my weight is going up. Trying hard to remember that this is normal and I have not actually eaten enough "extra" calories to gain. Hoping to find advice or proof here.

    That is exactly it...when my scale jumps 3 or 4lbs, I don't think OMGoodness what did I eat, now what I think is hmmm yeah I rocked legs yesterday, oh man I was way over on sodium, oh yeah..TOM showed up....all those things affect weight. Remember 3500 cals above your maint is a fluctuations are usually more water weight issues, not true gain. That is why I included the Hack's spreadsheet get to see your trends when you weigh note what is happening each day...I even not if I didn't have a good "movement"...that all makes a difference on the will see the trends and doing it long enough you will gauge how much you are up or down before even stepping on the scale:-)
  • Snubbleup
    Snubbleup Posts: 66
    Hi! I’m Diane and I joined MFP in January 2012. In the past I’ve done Weight Watchers, Lean For Life, Low Carb… and none of those plans were something I could stick with. On MFP I lost 10 pounds in just over a month and then got miserably sick. And I was hungry, getting hungrier every day no matter how much I moved or didn’t move. My initial thinking of “I can stick to this lower calorie plan forever” flew out the window and I needed to find another way to reach my goals. I found this group in March and have been lurking around the boards ever since. I’ve upped my calories and feel like a new woman! (my husband thanks you :wink: ) I am starting to strength train (began this week) and I have a long way to go but I’m ready for the challenge.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi there. I just started NROLW in early March, so it's been 7 weeks. I used a BMF for 2 years before I got pregnant in 2010 and lost 30 lbs doing cardio and eating about 1600 - 1800 a day. After my pregnancy, I went back to that for abpout six months before I got a hold of New Rules and decided I needed to start lifting. I lifted a lot in high school (17 years ago), but never really messed with my diet ( I ate horribly like most teenagers), so I still wasn't the shape that I wanted to be then. But I wasn't new to lifting so I figured I could do this no problem. I am loving it. My calculated calories I should have been eating were 1800 nonworkout days and 2060 workout days. During Stage 1, I was eating around 2200 calories because I was totally starving all the time. I went up and down the same 2 lbs over that time, but I was starting to see definition develop and losing inches. I'd really like to lose 10 more lbs, but I'm more focused now on changing my body.
  • Hi Everyone,

    It was recommended on some of the forums to come check out this group so here I am. I'm struggling to understand exactly how many calories I should be eating everyday, MFP says something much different from everything else and I don't really understand the TDEE and all of that. Maybe someone on here can help me out?

    On March 1st I made an entire lifestyle change. I quit smoking, started eating healthy and started exercising. For the last two months I have been exercising 3 times a week two days of cardio for an hour and one day of weight training 30 mins bodypump and 30 mores core training. I am 5'4 and weight 137lbs which is what I weighed before I made all the changes. For the last two months my body weight has been around 140ish before it went back down to around 137. Some days I am back around 140 with water retention.
    I can see more muscle definition but no changes in my measurements or weight, though I feel like I look a bit thinner.
    My goal is to lose fat as I have a lot of it around my abdonmen thighs and butt I need to lose. I also want to build muscle and increase strength ( just not too much, more for toning once the fat goes away).
    I'm obviously not doing something right since I can't actually see any results so that's why I am here.
    I am going to copy my BMR and TDEE into this message. Can anyone explain to me what I should actually be eating around?
    Thank you SO much in advance for your help!!!!

    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 137Lbs
    Age: 31
    Gender: Female
    BMR: 1371
    Goal Weight: 115LBS
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    From what I understand reading through the forum you should be eating 2024 for a TDEE -20% cut or 2151 for a TDEE-15% cut. You eat this everyday no matter if it is a work out day or not. On work out days just make sure that your NET isn't below your BMR so for an example if you did a workout that burned more than 780 calories you would need to eat back some of those calories so that you net over your BMR. My next advice is for you to add a couple more strength training days and to do more high weights low reps type of workouts these are the type that build muscle which in turn burns fat. Just my two sense.
  • TurboFireMama
    TurboFireMama Posts: 121 Member
    Hello! They call me Turbo here. I am a Married 37 year old Mom of two. I began my weight loss journey in January of 2011. I exercise 6 days a week doing Turbo Fire and have been tracking my calories and lost 30 lbs. BUT I have been on a plateau now since October. No inches, No sizes and No weight on the scale. I started out eating 1200 calories plus my exercise calories back. That worked until October. When I started to plateau I upped that to 1620 which was a deficit on MFP of 250 calories.

    I have been so frustrated and trying to figure this out for months. I burn anywhere from 400-700 calories in exercise a day. I took a month off from exercise from March to April and didn't gain a lb, I actually lost a few by maintaining a 1620 calorie a day deficit. I began exercising again after the month long break and I immediately put on 4 lbs on the scale..

    Today I was re-thinking all of this again and thought, maybe I still am not eating enough. Maybe when I wasn't exercising my body was getting the calories it needed, the minute I started exercising it started holding on for dear life again.

    I have had a hard time eating to much. It feel like my body isn't hungry half the time. Anyhow, today I decided to up my calories.

    A friend sent me a link to find out my BMR and the calculator gave me the BMR of 1597. I am highly active with exercise and I am busy and not sedentary when I am not exercising.

    Here are my stats:
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight 154
    Age 37
    BF% 19-20
    BMR 1597
    TDEE 2200-2500
    Goal Weight 140 or to decrease my body fat to look ripped without flexing
    Plateau since October
    Workout to Turbo Fire 6-7 days a week
    Just added running back into my routine. Run 3.1 miles a couple times a week in place of Turbo
    Strength training added with free weights and JM Killer butt and thighs video

    Can someone tell me how much I should be eating in calories. I set my calories at maintenance which MFP has at 1860 a day. Should I be eating more? Do you think this is why I have plateau'd?
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hello! They call me Turbo here. I am a Married 37 year old Mom of two. I began my weight loss journey in January of 2011. I exercise 6 days a week doing Turbo Fire and have been tracking my calories and lost 30 lbs. BUT I have been on a plateau now since October. No inches, No sizes and No weight on the scale. I started out eating 1200 calories plus my exercise calories back. That worked until October. When I started to plateau I upped that to 1620 which was a deficit on MFP of 250 calories.

    I have been so frustrated and trying to figure this out for months. I burn anywhere from 400-700 calories in exercise a day. I took a month off from exercise from March to April and didn't gain a lb, I actually lost a few by maintaining a 1620 calorie a day deficit. I began exercising again after the month long break and I immediately put on 4 lbs on the scale..

    Today I was re-thinking all of this again and thought, maybe I still am not eating enough. Maybe when I wasn't exercising my body was getting the calories it needed, the minute I started exercising it started holding on for dear life again.

    I have had a hard time eating to much. It feel like my body isn't hungry half the time. Anyhow, today I decided to up my calories.

    A friend sent me a link to find out my BMR and the calculator gave me the BMR of 1597. I am highly active with exercise and I am busy and not sedentary when I am not exercising.

    Here are my stats:
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight 154
    Age 37
    BF% 19-20
    BMR 1597
    TDEE 2200-2500
    Goal Weight 140 or to decrease my body fat to look ripped without flexing
    Plateau since October
    Workout to Turbo Fire 6-7 days a week
    Just added running back into my routine. Run 3.1 miles a couple times a week in place of Turbo
    Strength training added with free weights and JM Killer butt and thighs video

    Can someone tell me how much I should be eating in calories. I set my calories at maintenance which MFP has at 1860 a day. Should I be eating more? Do you think this is why I have plateau'd?


    Your BMR is 1624 ( Never eat below this.

    Your TDEE (maintenance) is 2469 ( multiply that by 15% = 2098 (cut)

    Eat your cut daily. If you burn more than 474 calories from exercise eat the extra calories back to stay above your BMR. I got the 474 by subtracting your cut from your BMR.

    Also make sure you are consuming 1 gram of protein per body weight so for you its 154 grams of protein.

  • TurboFireMama
    TurboFireMama Posts: 121 Member
    Hello! They call me Turbo here. I am a Married 37 year old Mom of two. I began my weight loss journey in January of 2011. I exercise 6 days a week doing Turbo Fire and have been tracking my calories and lost 30 lbs. BUT I have been on a plateau now since October. No inches, No sizes and No weight on the scale. I started out eating 1200 calories plus my exercise calories back. That worked until October. When I started to plateau I upped that to 1620 which was a deficit on MFP of 250 calories.

    I have been so frustrated and trying to figure this out for months. I burn anywhere from 400-700 calories in exercise a day. I took a month off from exercise from March to April and didn't gain a lb, I actually lost a few by maintaining a 1620 calorie a day deficit. I began exercising again after the month long break and I immediately put on 4 lbs on the scale..

    Today I was re-thinking all of this again and thought, maybe I still am not eating enough. Maybe when I wasn't exercising my body was getting the calories it needed, the minute I started exercising it started holding on for dear life again.

    I have had a hard time eating to much. It feel like my body isn't hungry half the time. Anyhow, today I decided to up my calories.

    A friend sent me a link to find out my BMR and the calculator gave me the BMR of 1597. I am highly active with exercise and I am busy and not sedentary when I am not exercising.

    Here are my stats:
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight 154
    Age 37
    BF% 19-20
    BMR 1597
    TDEE 2200-2500
    Goal Weight 140 or to decrease my body fat to look ripped without flexing
    Plateau since October
    Workout to Turbo Fire 6-7 days a week
    Just added running back into my routine. Run 3.1 miles a couple times a week in place of Turbo
    Strength training added with free weights and JM Killer butt and thighs video

    Can someone tell me how much I should be eating in calories. I set my calories at maintenance which MFP has at 1860 a day. Should I be eating more? Do you think this is why I have plateau'd?


    Your BMR is 1624 ( Never eat below this.

    Your TDEE (maintenance) is 2469 ( multiply that by 15% = 2098 (cut)

    Eat your cut daily. If you burn more than 474 calories from exercise eat the extra calories back to stay above your BMR. I got the 474 by subtracting your cut from your BMR.

    Also make sure you are consuming 1 gram of protein per body weight so for you its 154 grams of protein.


    You have no idea how grateful I am for you taking the time to reply to this! I am going to give it a whirl. I am at the end of my rope of options. I have tried everything else and cannot seem to break the plateau...This has got to be it....I have not been eating enough. THANK YOU!!! xo
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    Hi :) I just joined this group a couple of days ago. I turned 30 last September. I'm a sahm to 3 beautiful boys. I have been doing low Cal diets off and on for a lot of years now including the hcg one. I'm so tired of feeling tired all of the time and not having any energy. That is why I decided to check out what eating more to weigh less was all about. I can't wait to start feeling like my old self. I have been eating around 990-1190 (my setting on mfp was 1200) for a while now. I just upped my Cal to 1350 today. I read I should gradually increase my Cal rather than all at once. My bmr is 1644 and my tdee is 2448 (this includes subtracting 15% for weight loss). Does this sound right? Should I be eating more than 1350 right off the bat? I also workout 5 times a week doing MELT IT OFF!! with Mitch Gaylord (it's old. I bought it many years ago. It is a cardio workout but also works on strengthening as you use e medicine ball) and P90X cardio, kenpo and plyometrics. I have seen some small changes in my body but that scale has not been my friend. I would appreciate any advise. :0)
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    My stats:
    30 yrs.
    201.8 lbs.
    bmr: 1644
    Tdee: 2448 (15% cut)
    Need to lose 35-40 lbs.
    Workout 5 times a week burning 400-500 Cal per workout
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Hello... I've been using mfp for a couple of weeks now and I'm so glad I found this group... I'm 33, female and from London, UK. I have PCOS and a history of chaotic eating. I don't have a lot to lose compared to some but I do have some serious work to do to combat the 'all-or-nothing' attitude to weight loss I've had in the past.

    After starting on 1200 cals as recommended by mfp, I did some reading on the forums and have now upped this to 1400 net (above my BMR). I think I'm (finally!) ok with losing slow... I'm in this for the long term :)

    Looking forward to new friends and mutual support.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Hi :) I just joined this group a couple of days ago. I turned 30 last September. I'm a sahm to 3 beautiful boys. I have been doing low Cal diets off and on for a lot of years now including the hcg one. I'm so tired of feeling tired all of the time and not having any energy. That is why I decided to check out what eating more to weigh less was all about. I can't wait to start feeling like my old self. I have been eating around 990-1190 (my setting on mfp was 1200) for a while now. I just upped my Cal to 1350 today. I read I should gradually increase my Cal rather than all at once. My bmr is 1644 and my tdee is 2448 (this includes subtracting 15% for weight loss). Does this sound right? Should I be eating more than 1350 right off the bat? I also workout 5 times a week doing MELT IT OFF!! with Mitch Gaylord (it's old. I bought it many years ago. It is a cardio workout but also works on strengthening as you use e medicine ball) and P90X cardio, kenpo and plyometrics. I have seen some small changes in my body but that scale has not been my friend. I would appreciate any advise. :0)

    I would at least start at your BMR and then move up from there.
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks! I will do that. Do you have any suggestions on what to eat? I am having a hard time getting my calories up. Yesterday I managed to eat around 1450 but that included a really good but not good for you cookie. :) I do protein shakes and I like to juice. When I'm making healthy choices and I'm eating right I have a hard time eating 1200 and my BMR is around 1644. Thanks. :)