Introduction for New Members

JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
Hi I am a 43 year old Aussie women who has been on MFP for 42 days now. I need to lose about 100 pounds or 50 kilos. I started off with 1200 calculated by MFP to lose 1 kilo a week but after two weeks of this started to experience gallbladder symptons. Increasing my calorie intake to 1440 a day had the gallbladder pain disappear but I had started reading more on effective weight loss methods and have increased my calorie intake to 1840.

Age 43
Height 167 cm
SW 112 kilo
CW 106 kilo
GW 62 kilo

My calculated Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) and my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) are calculated as below.


I plan is not to just lose this weight but to gain muscle and strength.
My goals are -
Lose 50ish kilos
Be able to perform somersaults.
This time next year join the university fencing club.
Start road cycling again.
Be able to perform chinups.
Find a martial art I enjoy.
Love moving for the joy of it.

I used this site below to work out my BMR and TDEE

Anyone else want to introduce themselves?


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    HI! *waves*

    I'm Gemi, I started here on MFP years ago, got sick blah blah (in profile if you gotta know) and voila, now I'm here again. I'm older now and what most of us are told is that after 30 it's all 'eat less and move more'. Well, honestly my problem was I WAS eating less but since I didn't give my body fuel- it refused to move more. I had an empty tank. I had fallen for the diet food, the diet lifestyle and the lingo. You know the lingo don't you? 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels', 'a minute past the lips and a lifetime on the hips' and 'replace two meals a day with a shake and take these pills for a flat tummy' ALL LIES and all based around starvation as a principle.

    Why is it easier to starve ourselves than to feed ourselves? It just doesn't make sense! So, I decided to shed off that way of thinking and I've never had such productive workouts- I still have energy leftover! I am liberated- I have Food Liberation lol

    270lbs start weight- goal weight... I don't have one. My plan is to workout and eat right- I don't care about the weight as much as I care about walking unassisted, being strong enough to do my own self-care and feeling good and healthy. I guess something around 175-190 depending on how buff I get :D

    I would like to compete in powerlifting competitions or some sort of weight lifting competition- I love lifting heavy and get antsy if I can't workout. I hate ellipticals but love a good treadmill. Spare time I am all about crochet and video games, tho not at the same time :D

    My TDEE varies greatly from day to day thanks to medical stuff- so I just go by what MFP sets me at. It's just that simple to me. Look forward to getting to know everyone!!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! I guess I'm you standard calorie-counting cardio-a-holic. I started with MFP about a year ago with a goal at 1300 a day and doing a pretty consistent 6 days of cardio each week, usually running. I lost 5 lbs in the first month and basically nothing since then. For some reason a few weeks ago (and a year later!) something clicked about the eat more, strength train, fat loss relationship and I upped my calories and found a strength program. The two weeks I've been following this have been great! My energy levels are way up and I'm not starving all the time and I have not gained weight. I'm so glad to see so many others doing this!

    I'm following a Jamie Eason program from the website (not Live Fit, the 12 Week Fat Loss). Its basically 3 days of strength training, 2 days of cardio, and 2 rest days each week with a higher protein diet and I'm currently aiming to eat 1800-2000 calories. I've also ordered New Rules of Lifting for Women as I hear that is also a great place to start. I'm a total noob when it comes to weights, up until I started this I had actually never picked up a barbell in my life! I actually had to to watch all the videos about how to do the exercises before I went to the gym. My ultimate goal is to lose around 20 lbs and I'm toying with the idea of setting a goal to do a fitness competition...we'll see on that one, though! I don't think I would look good with a tan :smile:
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    Hello all! I've recently had an "a-ha moment" and am going to stop starving myself :) found this group just in time! Thanks for all the great information I've read so far, can't wait to learn more. I'm 39 years old, my TDEE is 2430, BMR is 1886, RMR is 1820 (assuming I did the calculation correctly). I'm shooting for 40/30/30 with my macros as well. Also trying to get enough fiber as this has always been an issue.

    Forgot to mention, my goals are to be healthy in general, worry less about the number on the scale and more on how I feel and look in my clothes. I'm going to focus on building strength and muscle and will also be taking my measurements so I can track my progress.
  • Kath444
    Kath444 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi my name is Kathy and I am 55 years old. Since I was a teenager I have counted calories to lose weight and have always ate less calories than I should have. I have been trying lately to get into the mindset of eating more and not less. I am 145 and want to lose at least 20 pounds and I have started lifting weights and doing spinning. I would appreciate all the advice I can get about upping my calories and not feeling guilty for eating more.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Hello. My name is Jean. My goal is to be fit with the resulting weight loss (30lbs) I exercise, including basic weight training, four times weekly; but even on "off" days I am engaged in some type of activity such as bike riding, or brisk walking. I started at 1200 calories daily; but after reading a number of the very informative posts about exercise, particular weight lifting, the calculation of the TDEE, and eating calories back, I raised my calorie intake to 1400. Additionally, my macros are spread as follows: 20% fat, 40% carbs, and 40% protein. I am especially interested in what other members of the group are doing with their macros; and your exercise routines. Everyone take care and be well!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi Jean,

    A safe cut is 15% off your TDEE. You areprobably still under BMR. I ate 1200 then 1350, then 15t00 and didn't loose. Not until I hit 1800 did the fa start coming off. I have plateaued again so up I go to 1950.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    ANewLucia -- I know . .. must be something psychological. Like intellectually I know I really should up it to 1600 to start off at; and quit messing around. I don't consistently even get the 1400. That's one of the reasons I joined this group -- for the inspiration,learning, and support. I enjoy lifting weights so much and I see you and many of the other posters do too.
  • kollman20
    Hi my name is Debbie I am 55 years young too and am suffering with the same "fat girl" thinking. I'm petrified of gaining weight (I'm 114) but I really want to build muscle and loose body fat (I'm @ 18.2%) all at the same time!! Lifting weights is the answer and I lift as heavy as I can without risking injury but I need to take in more calories!! I've been doing approx 1200 but MFP says I should be at 2000!! Yikes! Some how I think this may be the ticket but boy it's a hard pill to swallow!! Speaking of lifting heavy weights does the book have anything on lifting heavier and heavier for older girls such as moi?? I've had so many injuries that I don't want to go there again but need to keep progressing???
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi I'm Joan and I am 47. I have been on mfp for exactly 280 days today!! I am at maintenance weight now which is 128(down now to 126 want those 2 lbs back). While on mfp I lost 15 pounds(2 I havent logged yet, hoping to gain them back!!) Mostly eating about 1200 calories base and eating back about 80% of my exercise calories, which took me up to about 1550-1650. I think the fact that I did eat back my calories burned is why I was able to lose. I did know enough that when I subtract my workout calories not to be under 1200 calories, but I was still deprived, "Diary of a Hungry black women"!! LOL!
    Now that I am lifting weights and trying to become stronger and more muscular I realize the importance of eating more and upping my protein. I am now eating 1700 calories on non workout days and about 2000 to 2100 on workout days. I just picked that 1700 calories out of the blue, I would like to figure out how much I should be eating, but the tables and formulas seem so complicated!!
    So my QUESTION, what is the easiest website to go to, to figure out my TDEE and BMR?

    Thanks Lucia for inviting me this group!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi my name is Debbie I am 55 years young too and am suffering with the same "fat girl" thinking. I'm petrified of gaining weight (I'm 114) but I really want to build muscle and loose body fat (I'm @ 18.2%) all at the same time!! Lifting weights is the answer and I lift as heavy as I can without risking injury but I need to take in more calories!! I've been doing approx 1200 but MFP says I should be at 2000!! Yikes! Some how I think this may be the ticket but boy it's a hard pill to swallow!! Speaking of lifting heavy weights does the book have anything on lifting heavier and heavier for older girls such as moi?? I've had so many injuries that I don't want to go there again but need to keep progressing???

    ;'m still perusing the book, but I don't beieve there is anything regarding age...or being older. Maybe someone else can respond to that.

    But, key in lifting is to always maintain proper form. Strengthening weak areas willhelp especially when there are back issues. Due to a car accident and I have alidght herniations in lower neck n back. The stronger my core is the less pain I have.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    ANewLucia -- I know . .. must be something psychological. Like intellectually I know I really should up it to 1600 to start off at; and quit messing around. I don't consistently even get the 1400. That's one of the reasons I joined this group -- for the inspiration,learning, and support. I enjoy lifting weights so much and I see you and many of the other posters do too.

    Yes it is mental. Tooke me to long to up. Think in your mind of the body you want...well the only way to get there is to eat.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi I'm Joan and I am 47. I have been on mfp for exactly 280 days today!! I am at maintenance weight now which is 128(down now to 126 want those 2 lbs back). While on mfp I lost 15 pounds(2 I havent logged yet, hoping to gain them back!!) Mostly eating about 1200 calories base and eating back about 80% of my exercise calories, which took me up to about 1550-1650. I think the fact that I did eat back my calories burned is why I was able to lose. I did know enough that when I subtract my workout calories not to be under 1200 calories, but I was still deprived, "Diary of a Hungry black women"!! LOL!
    Now that I am lifting weights and trying to become stronger and more muscular I realize the importance of eating more and upping my protein. I am now eating 1700 calories on non workout days and about 2000 to 2100 on workout days. I just picked that 1700 calories out of the blue, I would like to figure out how much I should be eating, but the tables and formulas seem so complicated!!
    So my QUESTION, what is the easiest website to go to, to figure out my TDEE and BMR?

    Thanks Lucia for inviting me this group!!

    Hi Jae, go check out the TDEE discussion board. I put all needed links right there for ya.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to share a little bit of my story in hopes of helping someone who is in a similar situation.

    I joined MFP in July 2010 at 240 pounds. Lost 40 pounds in about 6 months. YAY! took 6 more months to take off the next 15 pounds. Yay, but I was working SO hard, I couldn't believe it took that long. Then after hitting 185, NOTHING for the next 6 months. Up and down from 187 to 190 EVERY WEEK. I had started weight training, heavy, and stopped doing so much high-intensity cardio. Finished C25K and felt pretty proud, but couldn't understand why I wasn't losing. Went to a dietitian at Mayo Clinic, who suggested lowering my net calorie goal even more. By then I was at 1800 net, so that would've put me at 1700 net. NO WAY! So, I continued up and down the same three miserable pounds. Here was my pattern:

    Monday - Friday: I was good, and mostly stayed around 1800 net, less if I was being really "good."
    Weekends: Usually ate at maintenance. And this is where I'd creep back up to 190, after one day at maintenance.

    And repeat. Every. Freaking. Week.

    Fast forward to today--now eating more like 2100 net for almost two weeks. Initially, I did jump back up to 190 and freaked, again. But I kept at it. And to be honest, I enjoy not being so strict (I eat some kind of a treat daily :blushing:.)

    Since I hit 190, but continued on ~2100 net, I've consistently dropped weight each day and am now back to 185ish pounds. But the key is, my weight has been CONSISTENTLY going down, little by little, instead of going up and back down, sometimes more than 2 pounds in one day.

    Please, if you're thinking of upping your calories, do the calculations on the links Lucia provided, and just keep your goal under your TDEE. Even if that means you're eating 2400+ calories some days like me. AND BE PATIENT!!!

    Happy eating! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Hi im Quita. I started mfp about 5 months ago eating 1200 cals even with burns of 1500 or more. I just finished reading New Rules Of Lifting For Women and am trying to figure out where to put my calories. I was eating 1500 thn went back to 1360. I've decided I want to get stronger and lose fat but not muscle so I am oka with th weight comingoffslowly. I have started lifting but will be getting into the books routine startng tomorrow. Currently my weight is between 236 and 232 but haven't weighed in a while and will not weigh again till easter for a challenge I am in.
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    Hello! Another MFP user told me about the group. After joining and checking it out, I looked up my TDEE, BMR, and RMR. I am still kind of confused. I don't know what they each do and what I need to do to lose the weight. I have 30-50 lbs to lose. If more, ok. I need help please!?!?!
  • turkeytrotter
    turkeytrotter Posts: 35 Member

    I was refered to your group today afer I posted my note on Protein.

    I am training for several events this summer and want to compete at a lower weight. I say competing, but I'm no athelete. I am 57 and just started exercising 3 years ago. It has been so much fun. We have a Corporate Challenge in my city and because of my age, there are not many women who want to bike, run, swim and do track.

    I DO!

    What a gift it is to be healthy and to exercise. Maybe I appreciate is so much because I thought those days were behind me.

    This summer I hope this 5'5" gal will be below 130 and will successfully complete 3 triathalons and several corporate challenge events including 100m 400m, 800m track, 3 mile bike race, triathalon, 50m free swim, 200m free swim, 50 m back stroke and 50m fly (still need to learn that stroke!).

    Life is good.

    Friend me if you have similar interests.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi! I'm Jessica. I came to join MFP at the first of the year, only to discover I'd already signed up a year and a half earlier! Oops.

    Background on me... I was always very thin, until I was in my late 20's. I went on medication that helped me to go from a size 2 to a size 10', in about five months. I never had good eating habits, but I started "medicating" with food. Eventually I went off all the meds. When I was 30 I started to actively lose weight and exercise. I was exercising 2-3 times a week, and just eating less. I counted calories in the beginning, but then just didn't eat as much. The biggest thing was I quit using food as medication for my emotions. I lost 43lbs, looked and felt great. It took me over a year and a half to get there. I stayed there for a couple years, but things in life went wrong, I have herniated disks, etc etc. Soon I was using food to feel better again, and I just gave up on exercise.

    Fast forward to this year. I have put back on 30 lbs. I started diligently tracking calories on Jan 1. I lost a couple pounds. That's it. Last month I started diligently exercising. This is huge for me because I have been using the back problem as an excuse. And I'm working out harder than I ever have before (just with some modifications now :-) ) So... I went UP 3 pounds! Now I'm down a total of .6 from where I started Jan 1. That's it.

    Working so hard without the results is really discouraging me, so I'm ready to try something new. Eating more is really hard for me to wrap my brain around, so forgive me if I don't up as much as all the formulas suggest just yet. I'm going to start with 1600. And I'm adding back in most of my exercise cals. I guess I just need to ease in, plus I find it hard to eat so many calories in a healthy way.

    So here I am:

    Age 37
    Current weight 158.8
    Height 5'8"
    BMR 1454
    TDEE minus 15% 1957

    Sorry this got so wordy... :-)
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks for adding me!
    I'm a mama who always tried to lose weight by severely restricting what I ate and sometimes adding lots of exercise. It never worked. Ironically, I've only been able to get down to a healthy weight since I've quit trying to lose weight. My focus has changed instead into taking care of myself and doing the things that fill me with energy and improve my mood. I had a theory that if I would just give my body the nutrients it needs in the correct amounts, along with proper rest, work, and play, then my body would eventually settle at a weight that is healthy for *me*. And I decided that I was going to accept whatever that weight happens to be. (145 lbs was an old goal of mine, which I abandoned when I started working more on self-acceptance. But I reached that weight!)

    In addition, I am passionate about martial arts. I've been studying a mixed style for about 10 years, and hubby has always encouraged this because of the way it helps me, not only physically, but mentally. It's the one exercise that I love and look forward to doing...and one of the very few things I do just for *me*. I realized one night, watching some of the guys trying to "one up" each other with pushups, that I have never been able to do pushups. I realized that I always shied away from them because they were hard, and I decided that I was going to start doing them *because they are hard*. After seeing the way pushups increased my upper body strength and added power to my techniques, I began looking more at strength training. I've only been lifting weights for about 8 months, but I can't believe the way my body has changed just by doing what little I'm doing! And my sensei has been very impressed with the improvement in my power and form. :-)

    Since I've joined MFP, my eyes have really been opened, not only to the amount of calories I'm expending and taking in, but also to how I'm doing on my other nutritents. Yeah, I still look at calories and pounds, but those are just a small part of the evaluation tools I use to assess how well I'm taking care of my health. There are other things that I'm more concerned about, like protein and iron and calcium!

    You can read my success story with pictures here:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi! I'm Jessica. I came to join MFP at the first of the year, only to discover I'd already signed up a year and a half earlier! Oops.

    Background on me... I was always very thin, until I was in my late 20's. I went on medication that helped me to go from a size 2 to a size 10', in about five months. I never had good eating habits, but I started "medicating" with food. Eventually I went off all the meds. When I was 30 I started to actively lose weight and exercise. I was exercising 2-3 times a week, and just eating less. I counted calories in the beginning, but then just didn't eat as much. The biggest thing was I quit using food as medication for my emotions. I lost 43lbs, looked and felt great. It took me over a year and a half to get there. I stayed there for a couple years, but things in life went wrong, I have herniated disks, etc etc. Soon I was using food to feel better again, and I just gave up on exercise.

    Fast forward to this year. I have put back on 30 lbs. I started diligently tracking calories on Jan 1. I lost a couple pounds. That's it. Last month I started diligently exercising. This is huge for me because I have been using the back problem as an excuse. And I'm working out harder than I ever have before (just with some modifications now :-) ) So... I went UP 3 pounds! Now I'm down a total of .6 from where I started Jan 1. That's it.

    Working so hard without the results is really discouraging me, so I'm ready to try something new. Eating more is really hard for me to wrap my brain around, so forgive me if I don't up as much as all the formulas suggest just yet. I'm going to start with 1600. And I'm adding back in most of my exercise cals. I guess I just need to ease in, plus I find it hard to eat so many calories in a healthy way.

    So here I am:

    Age 37
    Current weight 158.8
    Height 5'8"
    BMR 1454
    TDEE minus 15% 1957

    Sorry this got so wordy... :-)

    Not qordy at is great to learn about each other.

    I had a car accident 2007 and suffered herniated disks in my lower neck and lower baxk. I strength train and keep my core strong to avoid the back pain that is exacerbated when my tummy muscles are weak. Glad you are finding ways to strngth train bec the strong core makes such a difference.

    Oh and I eased up first unknowingly...1200, 1350, 1500 little loss then nothing...I then read some forum and blogs then excerpt from NROLWFW and it was like a bulb went off....upped to 1800 and gosh I lift so much heavier, feel so much stronger and lost 7.2lbs in the 13wks....may not seem like a lot but I have leaned out a lot and lost the fatty look that I had. I have a few pounds to go but I am soooo much happier now.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    ANewLucia -- I know . .. must be something psychological. Like intellectually I know I really should up it to 1600 to start off at; and quit messing around. I don't consistently even get the 1400. That's one of the reasons I joined this group -- for the inspiration,learning, and support. I enjoy lifting weights so much and I see you and many of the other posters do too.

    Yes heavy lifting truly transforms the body. I have made great strides since eating more. Shoot for the 1600 and ease on up as you feel ready...we are all here rooting each other on where each individual is at.