Introduction for New Members



  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Ok... my name is Jen and I'm just not having success with the calorie values I've been using. To be honest. that's probably partly due to the fact that I'm not always consistent and go "off the wagon" rather often, but that's mainly because I feel deprived at my current calorie count, so if I "blow it", I just give in and go big.

    I've also got some issues with energy lag, especially in the afternoon. I can work out just fine, but any time I get still, I just want to go to sleep.

    I'm doing a self-prescribed eating "reset" this week to try to help me re-focus and to kick some of my cravings: no wheat, no more than 26 grams of added sugars per day (sugars from fruits and veggies don't count), and at least 135 g of protein per day. This isn't a forever thing, just a 1-2 week thing to help me focus more on what I'm doing and get out of the habit of giving in to my cravings.

    In order to get in enough protein, I am almost certain to go over my current MFP calculated calorie allowance (1610 calories for a half lb per week weight loss). But, I have been on MFP for 3+ months and I just keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs, so I thought maybe it was time to try something new. Today, I'm at 1886 with no exercise and I'm not feeling terrible about it.

    Here are my stats:

    Age: 37
    Gender: female
    Height: 5' 5.75"
    Current weight (this AM): 149.4 lbs
    Goal weight: 132-135 lbs

    Exercise: 4-5+ days a week, totaling 8-12 hours per week, most of it at moderate effort (10 mph run, mountain biking, etc). I'd also like to add in some strength training 1-2 days per week, but haven't started that yet.

    Current measurements:
    neck = 13"
    waist = 28"
    hips = 39.5"

    Calculated body fat (military calculator): 28.7%

    So... I've got the same question that everyone seems to have... how many calories should I be eating??? I've played with a couple of different calorie calculators (scooby and Fat2Fit) over the past couple of days and I've come up with a BMR of 1415-1421. My question is, should I count myself as moderate or strenuous for activity? The difference is 1865-1893 calories for moderate activity level, 2075-2134 calories for strenuous.

    Thanks for any input!
    All the best :-)

    edited for grammar / clarity
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Ok... my name is Jen and I'm just not having success with the calorie values I've been using. To be honest. that's probably partly due to the fact that I'm not always consistent and go "off the wagon" rather often, but that's mainly because I feel deprived at my current calorie count, so if I "blow it", I just give in and go big.

    I've also got some issues with energy lag, especially in the afternoon. I can work out just fine, but any time I get still, I just want to go to sleep.

    I'm doing a self-prescribed eating "reset" this week to try to help me re-focus and to kick some of my cravings: no wheat, no more than 26 grams of added sugars per day (sugars from fruits and veggies don't count), and at least 135 g of protein per day. This isn't a forever thing, just a 1-2 week thing to help me focus more on what I'm doing and get out of the habit of giving in to my cravings.

    In order to get in enough protein, I am almost certain to go over my current MFP calculated calorie allowance (1610 calories for a half lb per week weight loss). But, I have been on MFP for 3+ months and I just keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs, so I thought maybe it was time to try something new. Today, I'm at 1886 with no exercise and I'm not feeling terrible about it.

    Here are my stats:

    Age: 37
    Gender: female
    Height: 5' 5.75"
    Current weight (this AM): 149.4 lbs
    Goal weight: 132-135 lbs

    Exercise: 4-5+ days a week, totaling 8-12 hours per week, most of it at moderate effort (10 mph run, mountain biking, etc). I'd also like to add in some strength training 1-2 days per week, but haven't started that yet.

    Current measurements:
    neck = 13"
    waist = 28"
    hips = 39.5"

    Calculated body fat (military calculator): 28.7%

    So... I've got the same question that everyone seems to have... how many calories should I be eating??? I've played with a couple of different calorie calculators (scooby and Fat2Fit) over the past couple of days and I've come up with a BMR of 1415-1421. My question is, should I count myself as moderate or strenuous for activity? The difference is 1865-1893 calories for moderate activity level, 2075-2134 calories for strenuous.

    Thanks for any input!
    All the best :-)

    edited for grammar / clarity

    If you are working out for 8-12 hours a week at moderate I would consider you to be very active. Just for a reference point I am 5'2 128lbs. I work out 3-5 times a week for about 45-60 minutes and I eat at moderate which of course puts me eating 2000 calories a day. The great thing about eat this way is that you eat this everyday so no eating back exercise calories no figuring it out day to day you just set it , eat it , and leave it. Plus if I want a bowl of ice cream I eat it the only difference is I might add a half scoop of protein powder to it now to give me some extra protein.
  • lyricalLies13
    lyricalLies13 Posts: 151
    Hello everyone! Im new to the group but have been on MFP for almost 2 months. In the first two months I ate the amount of calories it told me to eat and ate back my burned off calories and I lost 14 pounds but I have since stalled and I am usually still hungry. So I started researching the eating more approach and as long as Im understanding it correctly it seems like this is what i need to be doing. A bit about me:

    SW: 286
    CW: 272

    BMR: 2021
    TDEE: 3132
    Cals a day with 25%cut: 2349

    So I should be eating the 2349 and NOT eating back my exercise calories or should I also be eating those back? Good luck to everyone =]

    Your cut is a bit high. We usually suggest 15% but no more tan 20%. If you eat 2349 daily you need to eaback any exercise cals burned over 328. So if you burn 428 cals one day you need t eat 2449 that day.

    Ok so basically I just need to make sure I net 2349 daily no matter what?
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just joined the ELWL group a couple of days ago. I'm a thyroid cancer survivor and have been cancer free since 2001, yay!! Besides not having a thyroid I am pretty healthy. Not into sodas, or sweets or candy. I started gaining weight 5 years ago. I'm at my heaviest, 30 lbs. overweight. My doctor says there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to lose the weight and has given me the OK to workout without dietary restrictions. I don't drink soda, eat sweets or candy. My family doesn't understand how I can't lose weight when I eat the healthiest in my household.

    Started working out again last summer and joined MFP. I did Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and didn't lose a pound, but I lost 12 inches. I was always under the 1200 cal. and didn't get the eating back calories concept. Everything stalled after that.

    Fast forward, took the Insanity challenge on April 16, 2012. I love Shaun T.!! Today I start my week 4 and I haven't lost a pound. So far I've lost 7 inches total. My goal is to finish the Insanity challenge which will be on June 16, 2012. Then immediately start P90x from June to August.

    These are my stats:

    Age: 40
    Height: 5'3
    CW: 160
    GW: 130
    Workout schedule: Insanity 6 days a week (Calorie burn 500 - 700)
    BMR: 1452
    TDEE: 2252

    After reading posts from this group I've changed my diary settings. I would really appreciate it if someone could check my diary and give me suggestions and let me know how many calories should I really be eating a day.

    ANY suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    I looked at your diary. I would up your calories to at least 1915 (your TDEE - 15%). If you don't see results you might consider going all the way up to your TDEE - 2252 for a bit (to get your metabolism going). Another thing that helps me is to occasionally eat over by a few hundred calories every now and then. This does work. Have patience. Your body might grab a few pounds initially. Once your body knows it's getting fed a good bit of calories every day, you'll start to lose. Good luck!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi! My name is Debbie and I'm new to this group, trying to figure out where to set my calories. This might get long winded but I want to be thorough!

    A bit of background on me - I started here at MFP in Feb this year with a goal of losing 25 lbs put on by 2 babies, a busy life, and some health issues. I set at 1 lb/week, and got put on the standard 1200 cals. After about 2 weeks of being here and reading, I realized I should at least be netting my BMR, so I bumped up to 1450 calories and have been there since March. I've lost about 12 lbs so far. I'm also hypothyroid (on meds for the last 14 years).

    My stats:
    Age 36
    Height 5'4"
    CW 143
    GW 130
    macros 40/30/30 c/f/p which I'm getting better at attaining every week. In reality right now I'm more like 43/33/27.

    Two things prompted me to come here looking for answers. First, I've been keeping logs or calories and such, and it appears that although I'm posting a 4000ish calorie deficit each week, I'm only losing 0.5 lbs/week. I'm ok with the slow rate of loss, but it would seem that I should be able to eat more and achieve the same thing. Second, I noticed that after each weekend, despite eating within calories (and sodium in check) I gain 1-2lbs in that weekend and work all week to lose that as well as the additional 0.5 lb/week. I work a desk job all week, but on the weekends barely sit down between housework and chasing 2 small children - the weekly temporary gain points to (in my mind) not eating enough.

    Workouts: I jog about 30 minutes 3x/week (plus a bit of walking), around 11-12 min/mile, and judging by my sweat and flushing, this is decently hard-working for me. I have a HRM on my mother's day list, but for now I'm using MFP estimates and burn around 280-320 calories a workout. The last 3 weeks have seen me sidelined for a non-exercise related neck injury, but prior to that I was lifting 25-30 minutes 3x/week. I hope that come Monday I can get back at it. Starting this weekend I'll also be adding 1 hr gentle yoga/week.

    So my first question is - does that put me at moderate exercise? I feel like right now with just jogging it should be light, but come next week when I'm lifting and yoga-ing it should be moderate. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

    Using the scooby calculator:
    BMR 1402
    TDEE light 1928, 15% cut 1639
    TDEE moderate 2173, 15% cut 1847

    That last number is scary large!

    My understanding is that I don't eat any exercise calories back UNLESS I go under BMR, and then I have to eat back to 1402 NET, is that correct? I can't really see that happening at 1847 but I will keep it in mind. My second question at this point is - does weight lifting figure into exercise calories? I was under the impression that even if I had a HRM that number wouldn't be that reliable...true?

    I think my plan might be to finish this week at 1639 and then next week go to 1847. Yikes! Does that sound like what I should be doing?

    And lastly, if this isn't the right place for all these questions, let me know and I will post it as it's own post.

    Thanks in advance for any answers/advice!

    ETA: I promise not to completely freak out when the weight goes up at first!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member

    If you are working out for 8-12 hours a week at moderate I would consider you to be very active. Just for a reference point I am 5'2 128lbs. I work out 3-5 times a week for about 45-60 minutes and I eat at moderate which of course puts me eating 2000 calories a day. The great thing about eat this way is that you eat this everyday so no eating back exercise calories no figuring it out day to day you just set it , eat it , and leave it. Plus if I want a bowl of ice cream I eat it the only difference is I might add a half scoop of protein powder to it now to give me some extra protein.

    GOT IT! Somehow, I was missing the bit about NOT eating back exercise calories. I know I read that at Fat2Fit, but somehow just wasn't putting it into the whole process. Thanks for your help!

    One other thing... There are certain times of year that I'm not as active (between Thanksgiving and Christmas, for example). I'm assuming I should just bring my calories down to a Lower activity level during that time?>

  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    Hi My name is Teena

    I have been on MFP for about 2 years now and have lost some weight and put it back on I was at one time eating about 700 calories a day. I have been trying to lose these same 20 lbs for over a year I have been stuck at this weight. I found out I was doing EVERYTHING wrong I wasn't eating breakfast I wasn't drinking water (still working on getting 8 cups in a day). So I about a week ago I decide after seeing and reading many post and Pals telling me that I was not eating enough I decide to up my calories! I am no eating more. YAY! It feels good still trying to convince that little voice in my head that we are going to be ok...LOL
    So I am up to 1500 on non workout days and 1700 on days I workout.

    My Numbers

    Age 40
    CW 144
    GW 125
    Height 4'10"

    Heavy Lifting M/W/F

    Non-workout days 1514 cal
    Workout days 1750 cal
    *I used the Calulator in New Rules of Lifting for Women

    I am also doing 40/30/30 C/F/P
  • nycalison
    nycalison Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone :) I've just upped my calories today to 1659 as per the scooby's workshop calculator, and I feel like such a dork because I was sooo nervous to do it. i literally rolled my eyes at myself and did it. About a week ago I went up from 1200 to 1350 because 1200 just wasn't cutting it anymore. Yes I was losing, but after a couple of months my body was feeling the hunger, so I thought it was time to go up. Since I've been reading up on it though, I feel like it was such a waste to go that low! I'm kind of annoyed at myself because now I'm going to be fluctuating and reseting before I start to lose again and I thought that I was doing so well! Anyway, i really am in this for the long run, and I love the muscles that I've been developing and the way my clothes fit now, but I know that I've got a long way to go. I hope to get NRLFW for mothers day actually because everyone has been raving about it :) Right now I just use Jillian dvds and walk pushing a jogging stroller.
  • tbullock
    tbullock Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Toyia and I'm working on eating more to weigh less. My Stats are

    Age 46
    Height 5' 1.5
    Weight 156.5 lbs
    BF 24% (Per Calipers-Personal Trainer)
    Exercise: 3x's per week 45min bootcamp with bodyweight and band resistance(full body), 2x's per week with PT-30 min of heavy lifting. 3-5 hrs a week = Moderate Activity.
    Based upon Scooby Fit
    BMR 1548
    TDEE 2400
    TDEE - 15% Cut 2040

    I went from work-out fanatic to being in a car accident, dealing with lower back pain and micro tears in both rotator cups....absolutely doing nothing for a total of 2 yrs. I have a 1/2 of thyroid...removed due to goiter 5 years ago and have always found it very difficult to lose weight. I've been working out 5 - 6x's per week for the last 10 weeks and am losing at a scales pace. However, I am losing and I have lost 3.72% body fat. I had a real cheat meal(1684 cals) last Sunday and 2 days later showed a loss of 1.5lbs. So I'm truly believing there is something in this EMLW theory :-).

    I tried to stay at 1400 cals and eat back my exercise calories. I'd like to go directly to my Cut cals but not quite sure how to do this. My goal is 2040, Yesterday I ate 1811 calories of food - 241 exercise giving me a net of 1570. So am I just supposed to make sure I keep my net over my BMR? Or do I just focus on my food calories as long as my exercise cals are not more than 492(cut deficit)?

    I really don't want to see a gain at all. I'm going on a cruise in 4 weeks and my belly is way too big for me to feel comfortable in a bikini(all I own) right now.

    Thanks for any and all assistance.
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi Jean,

    A safe cut is 15% off your TDEE. You areprobably still under BMR. I ate 1200 then 1350, then 15t00 and didn't loose. Not until I hit 1800 did the fa start coming off. I have plateaued again so up I go to 1950.

    When you say you ate 1200, then you mean that was your net for the day? Thanks!
  • luvdogz
    luvdogz Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Michelle and I joined the group about a week ago. I have been on and off mfp for a year, but only recently got serious. I have never been able to lose much weight since I have been an adult. I have been around 200 for all of my adult life, give or take the same 10lbs. I even started a medically supervised diet, and lasted about 1.5 weeks. I felt horrible, didn't lose much weight, and got very sick! I started looking into mfp again and found some posts on eating more to weigh less, and joined in! I feel soooo much better and stronger eating more calories, and find it is easier to stay on plan because I am not starving. When dieting in the past, when I cut my calories drastically, I would get ravenous and give up after a week. I am so excited to believe I can do this for the rest of my life, and know I will be successful. Please feel free to add me, I would love to have some more friends!

    Height 5 and 1/2
    CW 201.5
    GW 135
    Calorie goal 1891

    I am a beginner exerciser, so I put myself at 1-3 hours of light exercise. I will adjust when I get stronger and can do more. Baby steps, lol!
  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    Hi my name is Kathy and I am 55 years old. Since I was a teenager I have counted calories to lose weight and have always ate less calories than I should have. I have been trying lately to get into the mindset of eating more and not less. I am 145 and want to lose at least 20 pounds and I have started lifting weights and doing spinning. I would appreciate all the advice I can get about upping my calories and not feeling guilty for eating more.

    "And not feeling guilty for eating more... You are BANG ON Kathy! That's exactly how I am feeling tonight (night one, realizing that I have 900 cal remaining. egads. And I am sooo nervous about eating MORE. But really I doubt that all these MFPs are out scheming against my goals ;-P
    I'm going to get some yogurt and ground flaxseed and continue reading about Eat More to Weigh Less....

    ps. I'm Jen, trying to lose 26lbs or something like that... and I've been body conscious since I was about 8 yrs old- (36 now) Whhooo boy. Whomever said losing weight was easy, had a hyperactive thyroid ;-)
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    My name is Angie. I'm new here and new to MFP. I'm really glad I found this group. What I'm reading makes so much sense.

    Here is part of my story. In 2007, I became pregnant with my daughter and gained 60 lbs. I tried desperately to lose the weight for couple years now without great success. I've been on Weight Watchers for months but the scale has been moving VERY slowly. Little over a month ago, my husband and I decided to start Insanity. Since we started the program, I've been eating most of my WW points (daily + weekly + some activity points) but it's still not enough. I was starving so I decided to ditch Weight Watchers and count calories instead. The scale has not moved down AT ALL for couple weeks. I calculated my calories using fat2fitradio.

    Gender: F
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'3"
    Current Weight 164 lbs
    Goal Weight: around 130 lbs
    Exercise: Insanity Program - 6 x per week.
    BMR: Harris-Benedict Formula: 1533, Katch-McArdle Forumla: 1391....I took 1450 based on those two.
    TDEE - 15% cut = 1837 cal as "moderately active" calculation and 2045 using "very active" calculation. My goal is to build up to the higher number in the next couple weeks and see how my body does.

    Today was officially day 1 and I burned over 800 cal during my workout. I've been trying to get close to my BMR and I'm SO stuffed. Who ever thought that eating would be an issue. :laugh:

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I would love to keep in touch and motivate each other.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi all - I am not new to MFP, but DEFINITELY new to EMTWL. I was eating 1200 calories a day for about 5 months and my weightloss was nothing impressive - around 14lbs in that whole time.

    So after LOTS of reading, and getting a BodyMedia FIT, I realised that I was actually burning anywhere from 2600 - 3200 cals a day, WHOOPS!

    So now I am eating much more, I aim for 2000 on days I don't "workout" (I actually walk about 4 miles a day just getting to and from work), and then a bit more - probably more like 2400 (due to protein shake) on days I do workout.

    Mainly I am aiming to keep a calorie deficit of around 500 cals a day, sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less.

    Not quite up to TDEE - 15%, but at least it's a step in the right direction!

    If anyone would like some support along our new journey feel free to add me - my diary is open, and I am literally GLUED to the MFP iphone app, so am always around :)

    Steph x
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    My name is Linda and I joined MFP in January, but didn't join here until April. I was already in the process of upping my calories because I am also breastfeeding. I didn't really put this all into effect until I read NROLFW, I have done a little bit of adjusting but feel great at eating 2054 calories a day plus 300 for bf. I am lifting MWF, walking once a week, and will be starting yoga or Pilates t/th, If I get the time. With 6 children it can be difficult.

    I am doing something different for my eating, not too different though, I try to get 35 g of fiber, 136-170 g of protein, and trying to make sure my carbs are at 210 g (for breastfeeding) I also have diverticulitus so high fiber is important.

    My goal is no longer a weight goal it is a size goal. I am a 10/12, and want to be a 6/8. I am 43, children are 16 (girl), 10 (11 in two weeks),9, 6 (7 in 3 weeks), 4 (5 in 4 weeks), and 11 months. The younger ones are all boys. I need to be fit and strong to be there for them. My husband was in the Corp and we have a lit of weight equipment. He is so excited that I am doing this. He is still pretty fit, but works 7 days a week at two jobs. He is a great blessing and my biggest fan.

    Thanks taking the time to read all this. I would love to get more friends!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Hey everyone. My name is Heather. I'm 23 years old, 5'7" and I'm ready to lose the last 15 pounds!

    I started my weight loss journey last year. At 153 lb (which wasn't actually my biggest weight), I started feeling slow in the classroom. (I am hoping to become an elementary teacher). It has gone well. I've lost 19 lb and have lost about 20+ inches off my body. However, now I'm stuck.

    Joining MFP has helped me maintain for the most part, but I haven't been able to lose that much. I think I've only lost 4-5 lb since joining. I feel like when I go to the forums, I'm watching a tennis match between low calorie intakes vs. high.

    I've been trying the lower calorie intake for a few months, and nothing has been happening. I was very happy to come across Lillebanon's lovely journal entry. I went to the links she suggested and this is what I found out:

    BMR: 1493

    TDEE: 2576

    TDEE cut: 2060

    To be honest, I'm a little scared to eat this much. I workout almost every day for about an hour. It ranges from various Jillian Michaels DVDs, regular weight lifting, 5k training, distance swimming, and kickboxing. I came here to hopefully finish my journey and get some support along the way. Anyone who wishes to friend me, I'd love that. I also would appreciate any tips you're willing to give.

    Thank you guys. :)
  • cmad1225
    cmad1225 Posts: 2
    Hi My name is Carla and I am 26 years old. I just got into MFP a few weeks ago. I joined a long time ago because a friend was on here. I am 5'3 and weigh 148.3. I spin once a week, and try to go to bar method 3-4 times a week. I am either going to add in swimming or another spin session too with one or two rest days per week. I really hate the idea of calorie counting for the rest of my life and this eating practice seems like it ultimately leads to not having to track because you get to know your body and you are not depriving it.

    From the introduction posts I figured out the following:

    BMR: 1467
    TDEE- 2275
    and Cut Value is 1933.

    I am pretty nervous about gaining more weight but i have faith in the process. Like most people I will probably have a problem getting in the protein but I will try my best.

    Feel free to add me! I need support and I am a great supporter
  • daniii6
    daniii6 Posts: 23
    Hello! I've just joined this group although I've been a member of MFP for a few months. I've lost probably 7 pounds since joining and I just feel like I spend so much time counting calories and stressing out about making sure I don't eat too much. I keep reading more about higher calorie intakes and long-term success and I would love to be able to stop counting calories altogether.

    I'm 5'7'' and 143 with my highest weight when I started trying to lose weight around 158 but previously I think I had been as high as 178. Through the links in the introduction I found the following:

    BMR: 1465
    TDEE: 2270
    Cut Value: 1930

    I run 15-30 minutes 4-6 days a week with the shorter runs being mostly HIIT and some tempo runs. I also lift 4 days a week and maybe play soccer once a week.

    Like everyone else, I am pretty nervous about gaining weight but I'm going to trust the process and that it will balance out in the end. I'm also a bit worried about getting in enough protein! I like to limit my meat to only chicken, and only when I really want it so any other ways to get protein would be appreciated!!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

    I used to weigh north of 280lbs. I stopped drinking soda, and dropped to about 250lbs without any trouble at all. Exercise, anything.
    Then, I started exercising (this is about 9 months ago.) and I got as low as 233 and bounced back to 242 when I started strength training. I've tried everything from 1800-3000 calories a day. (Higher since I started strength training.)

    I gained weight on net 2800-3000 per day. About 9 pounds in 2 months, which to ME would indicate that my maintenance is actually 2500 calories per day, but with all the strength training it's hard to determine if I'm reading fat or water.

    I'm 6'7, 31 years old.

    So now I'm giving this a shot. My BMR calculates around 2300-2400 depending on the calculator. I'll call it 2350 to be safe.

    I weigh exactly 2lbs less now than when I joined MFP, almost 200 days ago. I really hope this round works...
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    I used to weigh north of 280lbs. I stopped drinking soda, and dropped to about 250lbs without any trouble at all. Exercise, anything.
    Then, I started exercising (this is about 9 months ago.) and I got as low as 233 and bounced back to 242 when I started strength training. I've tried everything from 1800-3000 calories a day. (Higher since I started strength training.)

    I gained weight on net 2800-3000 per day. About 9 pounds in 2 months, which to ME would indicate that my maintenance is actually 2500 calories per day, but with all the strength training it's hard to determine if I'm reading fat or water.

    I'm 6'7, 31 years old.

    So now I'm giving this a shot. My BMR calculates around 2300-2400 depending on the calculator. I'll call it 2350 to be safe.

    I weigh exactly 2lbs less now than when I joined MFP, almost 200 days ago. I really hope this round works...

    Ok, I am curious, you said your BMR is 2300-2400, it is usually one single number. Did you use the Scooby Calculator in the TDEE link to calculate. You are pretty tall, what are you trying to get down to?