Introduction for New Members



  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    Hi! I'm Rebekah.

    I restarted MFP at the beginning of the year and have lost 28 pounds since then. I have an MFP buddy that keeps insisting that I should increase my calories (and I already have a bit), so I was following links on the topic and found this group. I like it here!

    Here are my numbers...

    SW - 180
    CW - 152 (stuck here for a couple weeks)
    GW - 140

    Age - 36
    Height - 5'5"

    BMR - 1450
    TDEE - 2250
    TDEE-15% - around 1900

    Currently my goal is set at 1300 (up from 1200), but I am already eating over that most days, likely averaging around 1400. I'm trying to decide if I want to just jump up to 1900 or work my way up slowly. Think I will probably just jump.

    I've been doing mostly cardio up to this point, but I recently started adding in some strength training. I'm a bit scattered about it though, and I need to narrow myself down to a regular routine. I am training to do a 5K mud run/obstacle course at the end of this month with a group of friends.

    I am doing this because I want to be happy and healthy and active, the best me that I can be. On a very personal note, I have a 6-year-old son on the more severe end of the autism spectrum. You try to pick up a tantruming strong as hades fifty something pounder with a sad pair of spaghetti arms and see if you don't have a come to Jesus moment. I need to be strong and healthy for him and the rest of my family.

    Happy to be here! Happy to eat more!!

  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello. My name is Camille...I decided to join this group because I've been struggling to lose weight for about 3 months now. I started my weight loss journey back in Oct 2011 with weight watchers after I realized I wasn't losing weight on my own. With WW, I lost 10lbs. I'm currently 176.6lbs and have been at this weight since Feb 2012. I'm no longer on WW but I have joined a gym. I work out 3 days a week with a small personal trainer group (Mon - half weights/half cardio, Wed - all cardio, Fri - all weights at hour each day). Tues I do another strength training class (which includes a little cardio) for an hour. Thurs I stay home and do 30 mins video pilates. And Sat I will be taking 3 classes (water aerobic - which I haven't started yet), yoga class, and a high intensity cardio/weights class (all for a hour each).

    I have also taken a Calorie Point Test at my gym (where I wear a mask and sit recline in a very relax (but not sleeping) state and it calculates my RMR. With that test, it told me my RMR was 1264. However, when I try doing the calculations you provided I came out to be 1582. So I'm confused as you which number is right and which would be more accurate if I wanted to calculate my TDEE.

    If I use what I got from the machine, I would calculate my TDEE as:

    1264 x 1.55 (because I'm not take active once I get home - I'm a stay at home mom) = 1959.2 and since I'm trying to lose weight I would eat 15% less which would put me at a daily intake of 1665.32

    If I used the RMR I got from the calculation, I would calculate my TDEE as:

    1582 x 1.55 = 2452.1 and 15% less would be 2084.285

    So as you can see with the two completely different numbers I'm confused as to which direction I should go in...I'm assuming I would use the calculations from the machine bc that may be more accurate then the math equation which may be a little more generalize, right?

    If I chose the first one, would 1665.32 be the absolute that I would eat no matter what (work out or not)?
    Also, would you suggest I possibly used a higher multiplier since I work out 5 to 6 days (any sometimes 7) days a week? Any advice would be really good.

    I've been sitting at 176.6lbs since Feb. My goal is to get to 125lbs and I'm starting to get a little frustrated and discouraged.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello all! :flowerforyou: My name is Leigh. I've been stalking you guys for a while and wanted to say thank you for all the amazing, eye-opening information!

    I started this journey a svelte (ha) 280 pounds several years ago. I have lost a total of 67 pounds so far, but I have been stalled (losing the same 10 pounds or so) for over a year!! I thought I'd tried it all - eating more, eating less, working out more, working out less, trying supplements, trying different macro ratios, etc., etc., etc. I'd lose a few pounds, then - like clockwork - they'd show back up in a few weeks or so. I am currently bouncing between 213 and 220. Until the last few weeks, I was netting around 1400 calories. I never thought that the problem was that I wasn't eating enough!! Haha, I thought that's how I got here!

    A few months ago, at the advice of my Max Muscle store owner, I upped my calories to 1800. I tried it for a week with no exercise and I maintained, so I thought something must be going right if I wasn't gaining weight at that amount! Then I tried it for two weeks with exercise (and not eating back my calories). I dropped 2 pounds, but then it stopped again.

    I did some research on TDEE, BMR and BMI and upped my calories to 1700 this week. I feel like I've been stuffing myself, but I DO feel much more energetic!!

    Based on one of the informational posts in this group, I *think* I've got a new formula worked out for myself. Here goes!

    My TDEE (including moderate activity (I do BodyPump twice a week, Spin twice a week and a strength training and cardio circuit once a week)) is approximately 2720.
    I've deducted 20 percent from that (I still weigh 213, so I'm hoping 20 percent at this time is okay) and am left with 2176.
    My BMR is approximately 1750.
    I am upping my calorie intake to 2000 this coming week to edge myself up a little more. I will eat 2000 on non-workout days. I typically burn 400 calories at BodyPump and Spin and around 600 with my circuit, so on Pump and Spin days I'll eat 2150 to net my BMR. On circuit days I'll eat 2350 to net my BMR.

    If anyone wants to critique those calculations, feel free! I'm a Journalism major; math is not my strong point. I am, however, a teeny bit OCD, so I get a satisfaction from making things come out to an equal quantity! :laugh:

    I have to admit it feels a little odd being able to eat more, but it makes complete sense. The whole "fuel your body, just like you'd fuel your car" thing really got me. I just wonder how long it's going to take for my body to be reassured I'm now fueling it properly and it can release this extra fat! I have hypothyroidism, too, but I think it's under control. I have my blood tested regularly to make sure.

    SO, that being said ... HELLOOOOO out there! I'm excited to begin this new way of thinking!! :drinker:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hello. My name is Camille...I decided to join this group because I've been struggling to lose weight for about 3 months now. I started my weight loss journey back in Oct 2011 with weight watchers after I realized I wasn't losing weight on my own. With WW, I lost 10lbs. I'm currently 176.6lbs and have been at this weight since Feb 2012. I'm no longer on WW but I have joined a gym. I work out 3 days a week with a small personal trainer group (Mon - half weights/half cardio, Wed - all cardio, Fri - all weights at hour each day). Tues I do another strength training class (which includes a little cardio) for an hour. Thurs I stay home and do 30 mins video pilates. And Sat I will be taking 3 classes (water aerobic - which I haven't started yet), yoga class, and a high intensity cardio/weights class (all for a hour each).

    I have also taken a Calorie Point Test at my gym (where I wear a mask and sit recline in a very relax (but not sleeping) state and it calculates my RMR. With that test, it told me my RMR was 1264. However, when I try doing the calculations you provided I came out to be 1582. So I'm confused as you which number is right and which would be more accurate if I wanted to calculate my TDEE.

    If I use what I got from the machine, I would calculate my TDEE as:

    1264 x 1.55 (because I'm not take active once I get home - I'm a stay at home mom) = 1959.2 and since I'm trying to lose weight I would eat 15% less which would put me at a daily intake of 1665.32

    If I used the RMR I got from the calculation, I would calculate my TDEE as:

    1582 x 1.55 = 2452.1 and 15% less would be 2084.285

    So as you can see with the two completely different numbers I'm confused as to which direction I should go in...I'm assuming I would use the calculations from the machine bc that may be more accurate then the math equation which may be a little more generalize, right?

    If I chose the first one, would 1665.32 be the absolute that I would eat no matter what (work out or not)?
    Also, would you suggest I possibly used a higher multiplier since I work out 5 to 6 days (any sometimes 7) days a week? Any advice would be really good.

    I've been sitting at 176.6lbs since Feb. My goal is to get to 125lbs and I'm starting to get a little frustrated and discouraged.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Well if it were me I would eat 1700 cals daily and net no less than 1400 cals when exercising. So any burn over 300 I would start eating back. Do this for 6 weeks and see how you trend. If you lose then stop losing for a period of 4 wks (you know bouncing up and down same 2lbs) I would say bump up again to 1900 and see how you trend there.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hello all! :flowerforyou: My name is Leigh. I've been stalking you guys for a while and wanted to say thank you for all the amazing, eye-opening information!

    I started this journey a svelte (ha) 280 pounds several years ago. I have lost a total of 67 pounds so far, but I have been stalled (losing the same 10 pounds or so) for over a year!! I thought I'd tried it all - eating more, eating less, working out more, working out less, trying supplements, trying different macro ratios, etc., etc., etc. I'd lose a few pounds, then - like clockwork - they'd show back up in a few weeks or so. I am currently bouncing between 213 and 220. Until the last few weeks, I was netting around 1400 calories. I never thought that the problem was that I wasn't eating enough!! Haha, I thought that's how I got here!

    A few months ago, at the advice of my Max Muscle store owner, I upped my calories to 1800. I tried it for a week with no exercise and I maintained, so I thought something must be going right if I wasn't gaining weight at that amount! Then I tried it for two weeks with exercise (and not eating back my calories). I dropped 2 pounds, but then it stopped again.

    I did some research on TDEE, BMR and BMI and upped my calories to 1700 this week. I feel like I've been stuffing myself, but I DO feel much more energetic!!

    Based on one of the informational posts in this group, I *think* I've got a new formula worked out for myself. Here goes!

    My TDEE (including moderate activity (I do BodyPump twice a week, Spin twice a week and a strength training and cardio circuit once a week)) is approximately 2720.
    I've deducted 20 percent from that (I still weigh 213, so I'm hoping 20 percent at this time is okay) and am left with 2176.
    My BMR is approximately 1750.
    I am upping my calorie intake to 2000 this coming week to edge myself up a little more. I will eat 2000 on non-workout days. I typically burn 400 calories at BodyPump and Spin and around 600 with my circuit, so on Pump and Spin days I'll eat 2150 to net my BMR. On circuit days I'll eat 2350 to net my BMR.

    If anyone wants to critique those calculations, feel free! I'm a Journalism major; math is not my strong point. I am, however, a teeny bit OCD, so I get a satisfaction from making things come out to an equal quantity! :laugh:

    I have to admit it feels a little odd being able to eat more, but it makes complete sense. The whole "fuel your body, just like you'd fuel your car" thing really got me. I just wonder how long it's going to take for my body to be reassured I'm now fueling it properly and it can release this extra fat! I have hypothyroidism, too, but I think it's under control. I have my blood tested regularly to make sure.

    SO, that being said ... HELLOOOOO out there! I'm excited to begin this new way of thinking!! :drinker:

    Sounds like a good plan!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    My name is April and I am new to the Eat More Movement.

    I am a busy mom of two kids and we are always on the go, and I am an RN on a busy unit. With a conservative estimate (and the nifty calc from page one of the post) my BMR is 1889, but my TDEE is 5139.

    I am so confused by how much I should eat! Before I started reading about eating more I was eating 1200-1500 cals per day. But for the last 2 weeks I eat about 1700-1800 calories, Is this enough? I work out on the elliptical for 30 minutes a day, quite hard and am active with the kids 4-6 hours a day on my days off, and I am on feet about 10 hours when I am at work.

    I am adding more protein, and am thinking about throwing in shakes.

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

    SW 294
    CW 268 (2nd week in a row)
    GW under 199


    TDEE needs to be that is BMR x 1.75 for very active then subtract 15%
  • macnurseapril
    macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you! I re did the math with your calc and I need to eat 2800 calories. I am very afraid of eating that much. I think I will need to read some more to feel comfortable with this change...

    TDEE 1889 x 1,75=3305(very active)
    minus 15% is 2809

    Thanks again!
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member name is Lori and I stumbled into this group (probably an act of God....can I say that?). I have been on MFP for quite some time, through a pregnancy even...who is now a 2-year-old! I am not going to post a big ol' history but would like to say that I lost some 2 years ago, was referred to a nutritionist who made all sorts of recommendations and comments (even saying that if I were 4 inches taller the weight would be falling off me) which I followed and gained weight, cut processed crap and some carbs (don't roll your eyes please, I really do feel like a bag of garbage when I eat bread, cereal, legumes, or drink a glass of milk) and got down to 214. I gained about 10# over our MT winter though I did not change my food intake. I have started biking on a trainer again and now that spring appears to be here will be more active outside. I have spent the last few months thinking that there is a piece to this puzzle missing, and I may have found it. I have kept my caloric intake at the recommendation of that blasted nutritionist (1200 or 1700 if I work out, but fall short many days). Ridiculous I am starting to think.

    My BMR is 1719, TDEE is 2357 (used calculators recommended and lightly active). So....2003 daily calorie goal and if I burn more than 284, then eat the difference of the burn - 284. Now, once someone says, "you got it girl", then I will go gradually increase my caloric intake and pop in here for encouragement.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thank you! I re did the math with your calc and I need to eat 2800 calories. I am very afraid of eating that much. I think I will need to read some more to feel comfortable with this change...

    TDEE 1889 x 1,75=3305(very active)
    minus 15% is 2809

    Thanks again!

    Consider using the moderate mulitplier of 1.55 and eat 15% of that. Then when you workout eat back to net bmr.
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    Good morning! My goal has been set to 1700 for a start (it has been there for awhile, I have not met it consistently so this is a good place to start for now). I sure hope I have studied and done the math correctly.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member

    My name is Amanda. I'm new to this group. I'm glad I found it because trying to net around 1300 was just too little for me. I want to lose weight but I don't want to starve either.

    CW: 169
    GW: 150

    I'm 31, 5'2, and I workout 3-6 times a week. On average I'd say I get in 5 workouts a week. I'm started doing SL 5x5 on Monday so I don't expect to see the scale drop right away but I am hoping to tone up and shrink in size.

    BMR: 1526
    TDEE: 2365 - 15% would bring me to about 2000

    I'm hoping to see some improvement in 6 wks or so but my program is 12 wks long.
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello. My name is Camille...I decided to join this group because I've been struggling to lose weight for about 3 months now. I started my weight loss journey back in Oct 2011 with weight watchers after I realized I wasn't losing weight on my own. With WW, I lost 10lbs. I'm currently 176.6lbs and have been at this weight since Feb 2012. I'm no longer on WW but I have joined a gym. I work out 3 days a week with a small personal trainer group (Mon - half weights/half cardio, Wed - all cardio, Fri - all weights at hour each day). Tues I do another strength training class (which includes a little cardio) for an hour. Thurs I stay home and do 30 mins video pilates. And Sat I will be taking 3 classes (water aerobic - which I haven't started yet), yoga class, and a high intensity cardio/weights class (all for a hour each).

    I have also taken a Calorie Point Test at my gym (where I wear a mask and sit recline in a very relax (but not sleeping) state and it calculates my RMR. With that test, it told me my RMR was 1264. However, when I try doing the calculations you provided I came out to be 1582. So I'm confused as you which number is right and which would be more accurate if I wanted to calculate my TDEE.

    If I use what I got from the machine, I would calculate my TDEE as:

    1264 x 1.55 (because I'm not take active once I get home - I'm a stay at home mom) = 1959.2 and since I'm trying to lose weight I would eat 15% less which would put me at a daily intake of 1665.32

    If I used the RMR I got from the calculation, I would calculate my TDEE as:

    1582 x 1.55 = 2452.1 and 15% less would be 2084.285

    So as you can see with the two completely different numbers I'm confused as to which direction I should go in...I'm assuming I would use the calculations from the machine bc that may be more accurate then the math equation which may be a little more generalize, right?

    If I chose the first one, would 1665.32 be the absolute that I would eat no matter what (work out or not)?
    Also, would you suggest I possibly used a higher multiplier since I work out 5 to 6 days (any sometimes 7) days a week? Any advice would be really good.

    I've been sitting at 176.6lbs since Feb. My goal is to get to 125lbs and I'm starting to get a little frustrated and discouraged.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Well if it were me I would eat 1700 cals daily and net no less than 1400 cals when exercising. So any burn over 300 I would start eating back. Do this for 6 weeks and see how you trend. If you lose then stop losing for a period of 4 wks (you know bouncing up and down same 2lbs) I would say bump up again to 1900 and see how you trend there.

    Thank you I will try that and see how it goes...I know that it may take awhile before I see a weight loss considering that I have been sitting at this weight for some time now and I'm completely aware that I may actually see a weight increase at first....but I'm ok with that. I'm just at the point now where I need to focus on feeding/fueling my body instead of starving it and that's where I think I've been going wrong for all this time.

    Thanks for your help!
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Hi. My name is Jessie and I'm so glad I found this group!!! I've been on MFP for just over a year now - down 30lbs. I've been plateau'd since January and been up and down the same 3lbs since!!! So, maybe by upping my cals this will jump start something! (I hope)

    My stats - 5'4.75" (that .75 is extremely important!!!) 39yo female. My BF per fat to fit is 29.1%
    HW 204
    MFP SW 187
    CW 157
    Goal - Was thinking 140 "ish" - or just when I feel comfortable :)

    BMR 1460
    TDEE 1999 (light activity) - 2254 (mod activity)

    My TDEE is where I am having troubles - actually activity level. I have a 8-4:30 desk job. I workout during my lunch hour every day - so 5 days a week - for about an hour. Either run (3.5miles) or do Jillian DVD's. My husband just got a bowflex from a friend - so I'm giving Jillian a break and working out with heavy resistance (for about 60-90mn). So starting this week - I'm doing 2-3 run days and 3 ST days. What would I set my activity level to? Moderately active??

    So TDEE - 20% - I put my calories in to 1600 - 1800. Does that sound legit?

    We'll see how it goes - I definately will enjoy eating more :)
  • newmari12
    newmari12 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello, I'm new to this group and MFP. I've been on the 1,200 calorie plan before and I found I wasn't losing any inches, weight or body fat. If anything, being on 1,200 calories/day made me feel sluggish, unhealthy (even when I was eating back my workout calories) and often triggered weekend eating binges. I found this group and the whole premise behind eating well and fueling your body very appealing to me and I'm going to give it a try! Wish me luck!

    My stats:

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4

    CW: 131 lbs
    GW: 118 lbs

    BMR = 1408
    TDEE = 2173
    TDEE - 15% = 1766

    Question: I workout 5x/week (usually Monday to Friday) doing a number of bootcamp style classes, TRX and les mills classes like body pump and body attack. I have a HRM that usually has me burning an average of 500 calories in each of these workouts. If I am burning 500 calories/day then should I be eating 142 calories more per day to get myself to at least my BMR - right? Also, on the days I don't workout I should be eating 1766 calories. I hope this is correct.

    Also, I've noticed a lot of talk about The New Rules of Lifiting for Women and I'm wondering if I am already doing a number of bootcamp classes which incorporate strength and cardio in them should I then also be doing more lifting as per the book? What is the best balance? I don't want to give up on the classes I do but I also understand the importance of building lean muscle through lifting. Any advice would be great.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Hi. My name is Jessie and I'm so glad I found this group!!! I've been on MFP for just over a year now - down 30lbs. I've been plateau'd since January and been up and down the same 3lbs since!!! So, maybe by upping my cals this will jump start something! (I hope)

    My stats - 5'4.75" (that .75 is extremely important!!!) 39yo female. My BF per fat to fit is 29.1%
    HW 204
    MFP SW 187
    CW 157
    Goal - Was thinking 140 "ish" - or just when I feel comfortable :)

    BMR 1460
    TDEE 1999 (light activity) - 2254 (mod activity)

    My TDEE is where I am having troubles - actually activity level. I have a 8-4:30 desk job. I workout during my lunch hour every day - so 5 days a week - for about an hour. Either run (3.5miles) or do Jillian DVD's. My husband just got a bowflex from a friend - so I'm giving Jillian a break and working out with heavy resistance (for about 60-90mn). So starting this week - I'm doing 2-3 run days and 3 ST days. What would I set my activity level to? Moderately active??

    So TDEE - 20% - I put my calories in to 1600 - 1800. Does that sound legit?

    We'll see how it goes - I definately will enjoy eating more :)

    Hey Jessie!
    Since you're working out 5+ hours/week, I'd def go with the moderate activity #, and the 1800 cal level (TDEE - 20%)
    Hello, I'm new to this group and MFP. I've been on the 1,200 calorie plan before and I found I wasn't losing any inches, weight or body fat. If anything, being on 1,200 calories/day made me feel sluggish, unhealthy (even when I was eating back my workout calories) and often triggered weekend eating binges. I found this group and the whole premise behind eating well and fueling your body very appealing to me and I'm going to give it a try! Wish me luck!

    My stats:

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4

    CW: 131 lbs
    GW: 118 lbs

    BMR = 1408
    TDEE = 2173
    TDEE - 15% = 1766

    Question: I workout 5x/week (usually Monday to Friday) doing a number of bootcamp style classes, TRX and les mills classes like body pump and body attack. I have a HRM that usually has me burning an average of 500 calories in each of these workouts. If I am burning 500 calories/day then should I be eating 142 calories more per day to get myself to at least my BMR - right? Also, on the days I don't workout I should be eating 1766 calories. I hope this is correct.

    Also, I've noticed a lot of talk about The New Rules of Lifiting for Women and I'm wondering if I am already doing a number of bootcamp classes which incorporate strength and cardio in them should I then also be doing more lifting as per the book? What is the best balance? I don't want to give up on the classes I do but I also understand the importance of building lean muscle through lifting. Any advice would be great.

    Yes, based on your calculations, you would eat around 1766, plus whatever cals you burn over the 360 or so that's included in your calculation.

    If you want to incorporate more heavy lifting days, which is recommended, to continue to challenge your body, you can work in a couple of heavy lifting days in addition to your current classes, although, you won't be able to do all of them, all the time. Maybe figure out a good rotation that includes them all. Something where you alternate them all, but give your body a day of rest in between weights where you do cardio or some other form of exercise. So maybe one week, a heavy lifting day, a boot camp day, and a body pump day, w/cardio days in between. Then the next week, you can swap out boot camp or body pump for a crossfit day. If you just add 1-2 days of the heavy lifts, you shouldn't have to give up the classes you love.

    On in between days, perhaps you'll even discover a new class that you enjoy for cardio, or even a good yoga/pilates class to stretch those weary muscles. The possibilities will remain endless. :wink:

  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi, I'm so glad to see this group :smile:
    My name is Marie, I'm 35 from Ireland and currently weigh 240lbs.
    I've been gaining & losing the last 10lbs for the last god knows how long & have switched from 1200cals - 1800cals back & forth but alot of the problem is my own willpower.
    I'm not lifting heavy weights, I take a 1hr bootcamp type class twice a week (lots of reps with light weights) & I run with a running club 2 nts a week. I have noticed that the strength I've gained with the bootcamp classes really make me feel strong when running and even though my weight is the same I feel fitter. Hubbie has some heavier weights at home and I may start to incorporate them into my exercise.
    I set my level of activity to light (I have a desk job) & my TDEE - 20% is about 2000 so for now the plan is to stick to 2000cals, not worry about my exercise cals & continue with exercising as I have been. My BMR came in about 1835. Hopefully I have the calculations right :happy:
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Hi, I'm so glad to see this group :smile:
    My name is Marie, I'm 35 from Ireland and currently weigh 240lbs.
    I've been gaining & losing the last 10lbs for the last god knows how long & have switched from 1200cals - 1800cals back & forth but alot of the problem is my own willpower.
    I'm not lifting heavy weights, I take a 1hr bootcamp type class twice a week (lots of reps with light weights) & I run with a running club 2 nts a week. I have noticed that the strength I've gained with the bootcamp classes really make me feel strong when running and even though my weight is the same I feel fitter. Hubbie has some heavier weights at home and I may start to incorporate them into my exercise.
    I set my level of activity to light (I have a desk job) & my TDEE - 20% is about 2000 so for now the plan is to stick to 2000cals, not worry about my exercise cals & continue with exercising as I have been. My BMR came in about 1835. Hopefully I have the calculations right :happy:

    Sounds good to me! Welcome to the journey, Marie!
  • newmari12
    newmari12 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to start incorporating some heavy lifting days in my routine and hopeful use the New Rules of Lifting for Women to get myself started!
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    Im a mother of a beautiful baby that struggle every day to be in this world. His doctors said he would live more than a few months but he is alive and kicking :) although he doesnt talk or move...but i think he is happy because he is always smiling at us. My day revolves around him and around my work.
    Because of the level of stress that im in its very difficult to lose weight since i stuff my self up with food by the end of the day. I want to lose weight because i cant get pregnant without being 20kg less (medical orders...bah).
    Need help and guidance.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I'm a very active 38 year old mother that has been struggling to lose weight for YEARS. The past 3 years I've been to dr's, nutritionists, personal trainers, etc and not one of them checked to see what I was netting for calories. I was even complaining of constant tiredness, depression, insomnia, etc. I was given medications for all of it. Needless to say, I gained even more weight from those!

    Finally in a fit of frustration I cold-turkey'd off all the meds (which made my dr. raise her eyebrows at me) and told her to find another solution because this wasn't working for me. I needed to lose weight and feel better, not just medicate and gain more!

    1 month later I stumbled onto MFP in my personal search for a solution on the internet and discovered this whole new concept of net calories and eating enough. I discovered that I was averaging a NET calorie/day of 600-800 because of the intense exercise I was doing and the VLCD I was using. (around 1200)

    I have slowly started to up my calories after figuring out my BMR (1490) and TDEE (2130-2370) to 1500 Net minimum. This has been very scary for me. Thankfully I have not gained tons of weight but I have also not really lost much yet either as I've been upping net cals by about 100/week and I assume my body is trying to adjust and hopefully repair it's metabolism that I've so horribly destroyed over decades of abuse. My depression is gone, I am no longer tired all the time and I'm sleeping like a baby for starters though!

    I'm so scared that I have the numbers wrong, scared that it won't work, scared that I'll never lose, but for the first time I actually have hope too. This is the ONE thing I have not yet tried so I figured, what the's worth a shot! I keep rereading the forum for a little bump in encouragement that it does work. I still tend to underestimate calories burned just in case (since I eat those back to stay at my net calorie goal of 1500) and I feel so strange being able to eat a piece of apple pie and still have room to eat some chocolate too at the end of the day! (I also have the problem of saving a lot of calories to the end of the day that I suddenly have to try to eat now because before I was so hungry at bedtime I HAD to save most of my calories for then and eat filling foods or I would never sleep! It's a habit I'm slowly trying to break so try not to give me crap if you check my diary...hehe)

    If anyone is bored and wants to check my numbers just to give me some encouragement that I'm on the right track, please feel free.

    Currently I'm:
    Weight: 162 lbs
    Height: 5'5"
    (and of course as stated above I'm a 38 year old female)
    I have a desk job so I workout 6-7 days a week (doing P90X right now, plus walking the dog at a brisk pace for an hour every day) and I'm active at home after work cleaning, cooking, yard etc, etc, etc. (I don't usually sit down until 8:30 or 9 at night for an hour of tv then off to bed and up again at 5:30am)

    I'm so thankful for this ray of hope after so many horrible years of determination and will not working at all. Just think...if I can actually lose weight, while having energy to work out and not feel deprived and starving all the time...holy hannah, I've gone to heaven! :) It's like waking up from a nightmare.