Introduction for New Members



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi everyone! So glad that I found this group!!

    My name is Kendra, and I'm a 39 year old mother of two and am married to a wonderful man.

    As of today, I've been with MFP for 380 official days, although I actually started my journey a few months prior. I started at 185, and am currently around 126...within goal range. I initially thought my goal was to be 120, but have realized that 125-130 is a more reasonable resting place for me.

    Like everyone else, I have spent the last year or so being dilligent about the 1200 calorie max per day...and for the most part did not eat back my exercise least not regularly. For the past year, I aimed to get in a couple of Tae Bo workouts a week, with maybe one additional cardio session a week. In December, I pretty much plateaued, and have spent the past 3 months gaining and losing the same 3-6 pounds.

    In January, I decided to join a Kung Fu school...with the original intent of only working out an extra day a week. However, since then, I've realized that I really enjoy I'm now in 4 classes a week, typically about an hour or so of intense workout. My joints and muscles feel every minute of it, but with some Glucosamine and a multivitamin I'm almost as good as new :)

    Since joining Kung Fu, I've found that I'm hungry all the time, and quite honestly was frustrated at the scale and found myself dangerously close to letting the scale determine who I was and how I felt. However, after reading so many of the posts and articles, am attempting to eat more "fuel".

    I ran my numbers, and think I'm on the right track...but if there is anyone out there who wants to correct me, I won't be offended at all!

    BMR: 1352 (Katch-McArdle)
    TDEE: 2042
    Calorie Goal on rest days: 1740
    Calorie Goal on Workout days: 2042
    Average Net Calorie: 1800

    I'll be the first to admit that I'm really struggling with the concept of eating more to lose/maintain...psychologically, it's messing with me! LOL! But, logically, it makes total sense, and after doing it for 2 weeks, I'm starting to see results. First week had a slight gain, but the following week, lost the gain plus another half pound. I'm going to keep on keeping on, and hoping for the best. Am looking forward to hearing everyone's success, and honestly to eating more and not feeling guilty!!

    Yes, I so agree about the mental block that we have...why do we feel so guilty when we eat? I still battle that one at times...but just keep remembering I have to hit those numbers.

    Congrats on your progess...keep it the great work!
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Hello Im Luan,

    I will hold my hands up I have lost weight eating about 1200 - 1300 cals a day.
    I have been dieting for 5 months and lost 54lbs my weight has come off at a reasonable pace and I excercise no less than 3 x per week. I never eat my exercise cals back as I am afraid I will gain weight I suppose.
    I know I need to increase my cals and would like to eat about 1500 I am going to really try and up them. I feel really well and 100 x better than I did. But if eating more is going to help me to lose the last 18lbs and feel even better Im going to give it a try.

    Past diets have made me get the 1000-1200 mark in my head and I dont always think health care proffessionals promote a healthier diet where we eat more. I eat lots just the food is lower in cals. I have a couple of snacks a day at least too. I am trying to incoperate more nuts and seeds and healthy oils into my diet and any hints tips or support would be great.

    I am want to shake this mind set clear away and make myself even more improved :O)

    Thanks Luan x
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Amanda and I've been on MFP for 40-ish days (why do I feel like I'm at an AA meeting suddenly?) LOL

    First few weeks I was at the 1200-1300 mark, often netting far less. Lost 4 lbs in the first two weeks, then nothing for a couple of weeks.

    That's when I decided to stop weighing myself for a month and let my successes (inches lost, fitness gained) define my progress, not the "failure" of a non-cooperative scale. I also started eating back my exercise calories.

    This week I lowered my goal to .5 lbs a week and upped my calorie goal to 1440 (and I eat back exercise calories, so I'm eating around 1700-1900 most days, because I work out most days).

    I'm 39 (okay, nearly 40)
    5'5", medium frame
    SW 153.5
    CW (I think) 149.5
    GW 135

    My TDEE is about 2200; BMR 1416.

    I feel a lot better with more calories, and have much more energy for exercise. So far my workouts have mostly been circuit training and a little cardio thrown in for kicks and giggles (and, let's be honest, so I can eat more!), but in the next two weeks I'm starting New Rules--can't wait! Then, I think I'll probably just work out 3 days (lifting and maybe 20-30 mins of cardio each time), so I'll eat 1800-1900 on lift days, 1440 on non-lift days. Sound about right?

    My head hurts from all these calculations! I was an English major...calculating a tip's about as math-y as I like to get.

    I'm going to weigh myself at the end of March. Of course, I'm hoping the scale will give me a tiny bit of love then :)

    Nice to meet you all, and thank you Lucia and all the other "eat more experts" for your input!
  • danagettinfit
    danagettinfit Posts: 83 Member
    I like to eat! most of the time i eat well and i never feel guilty when i dont eat so well. I also like to work out(yeah i said it (working out means burning more of those calories i enjoyed putting in)).

    Im a mom of two that made it back to fit both times but gained about 30lbs in the two years after i quit smoking for good. I'm not gonna be all humble and say i dont want to lose wieght because i do (about 15lbs) but, the main goal is really sustainable health. Please add me i could really use some friends who realize you only live once and starvation is no way to go about it!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member

    I'm Sara and I live on the Isle of Wight (UK). I'm 43 years old and have been with MFP since mid January. I lost 7 stone between 2002 and 2004 (just in time for our wedding!) and managed to keep it off for a couple of years. Then I suffered from a series of injuries, including an Achilles tendon rupture in 2007 (which is still giving me trouble) and snapped ligaments in the other ankle in 2009, also ongoing. In fact I had surgery again just two weeks ago. Becuase most of my injuries are ankle related, I was seriously limited to exercise, I couldn't walk more than 200yds without being in agony and I couldn't even swim. It wasn't long before I started to gain the weight back, and by Oct 2010 I had put it all back on, with another stone on top. About 15 months ago I started the new Atkins plan and lost 2 stone in 5 months, then had surgery on my achilles, followed by plaster casts, aircast boot and months of physio during which I gained half a stone back. I was able to start exercising again at the beginning of this year, and I joined MFP and since then have lost 17lbs against a daily goal of 1300 net cals.
    Having been reading lots in the forums, I realise this is way too low, so I've taken the decision today to eat more and to try and increase my lean muscle whilst losing fat at the same time hopefully!

    Starting stats:
    Age: 43
    Height: 5' 9"
    Weight: 235lbs
    BF: 49%
    LBM: 115lbs

    My goals are to get these stats into the healthy ranges
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi, just joined this group as I've been finding the reading of this theory interesting. I've been plateauing for a few weeks now so have been fiddling with my calories amongst other things but it seems so scary to go as high as you say. Will wade through the posts and see how it work out for people. Thanks
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    @ wightrose

    I spent about 2 months on the Isle of Wight one spring about 15 years ago (wow can't believe that much time has past). Such a beautiful place.
    We are around the same weight and age although I am 5 5' .
    Good luck working towards your new healthy eating plan.
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    Like many others I decided enough is enough December 31.

    Start 179
    Current 172.6
    Goal 140
    Height 5'6''

    Any significant weight in the past that I was able to drop was from extreme starvation diets. I did WW, which hey if it works for you, great! I was not able to keep up with that point thing and I think they eat too little. Then I gained it back, got really sick and was barely consuming 500 calories a day and training for a half marathon. When I got better and started to eat, the weight came back on. Then before my wedding, I got extremely stressed, did not eat, lost 15lbs. Wedding was over, gained it all back.

    I've recently got on the eat to fuel your body ban-wagon that I feel that it is turning into a sustainable lifestyle. I try to eat "real" food instead of faux food that is highly processed, laced with chemicals. I also do not consume any soy products because of the phyto-estrogens. Yay to clean eating! I'm really loving it. I don't even crave the evil foods hardly at all anymore, when before I would look so forward to eating junk.

    I've always ran and been super obsessed with JM dvd's, love that girl! Never any steady or significant change on the scale. After finding this group I cannot believe that I have been starving my body for so many years. On a typical workout day, which occurs about 6days a wk or 5, depending if I need more than one rest day, I burn a minimum of 300 cal and these days my max has been around 900 or so. I can't believe I had enough energy for these workouts, considering I would only allow myself 1300-1500 calories total, if that. I am training for a half marathon and doing Jamie Eason's livefit program. I'm about a little over a month into both programs. Once again, working my tush off with no results. Another MFP member recommended this site and ding ding ding, the answer to my prayers! I am no longer going to feel guilty for eating, especially if I'm hungry! What a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders! I am feeling terrible though because I know that if I had found this site a month ago that I would have probably seen more results with the programs that I'm following. I haven't built that much muscle since starting the program and I feel like "hello, you weren't eating enough for your body to build it"!

    I'm 3days into upping my calories, loving life, and finally broke the 173 plateau! Much love to Lucia!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Amanda and I've been on MFP for 40-ish days (why do I feel like I'm at an AA meeting suddenly?) LOL

    First few weeks I was at the 1200-1300 mark, often netting far less. Lost 4 lbs in the first two weeks, then nothing for a couple of weeks.

    That's when I decided to stop weighing myself for a month and let my successes (inches lost, fitness gained) define my progress, not the "failure" of a non-cooperative scale. I also started eating back my exercise calories.

    This week I lowered my goal to .5 lbs a week and upped my calorie goal to 1440 (and I eat back exercise calories, so I'm eating around 1700-1900 most days, because I work out most days).

    I'm 39 (okay, nearly 40)
    5'5", medium frame
    SW 153.5
    CW (I think) 149.5
    GW 135

    My TDEE is about 2200; BMR 1416.

    I feel a lot better with more calories, and have much more energy for exercise. So far my workouts have mostly been circuit training and a little cardio thrown in for kicks and giggles (and, let's be honest, so I can eat more!), but in the next two weeks I'm starting New Rules--can't wait! Then, I think I'll probably just work out 3 days (lifting and maybe 20-30 mins of cardio each time), so I'll eat 1800-1900 on lift days, 1440 on non-lift days. Sound about right?

    My head hurts from all these calculations! I was an English major...calculating a tip's about as math-y as I like to get.

    I'm going to weigh myself at the end of March. Of course, I'm hoping the scale will give me a tiny bit of love then :)

    Nice to meet you all, and thank you Lucia and all the other "eat more experts" for your input!

    Hey lady I suggest feeding your body TDEE minus 15% daily. So yours would be about 1900 I am guessing. Since you don't have high calorie burn you shouldn't have to eat extra. Again if you have a high burn then net bmr. I jut feel it is better to give a consistent amount of food. Try that at least 4 wks.
  • DoingItDarby
    DoingItDarby Posts: 9 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello all, Im Tene. I joined MFP 20 days. Thats when I stated my change my life style to healthier eating & way of life. My turning point was turning 40 on Feb 18th. Im hoping to get support on my journey I want to lose 66 lbs now Im down to 58 lbs. I will also be returning the encouragement to those in the group. Send a request if u want support. God bless!
  • anastasiaBH
    anastasiaBH Posts: 268 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! My name is Ann, I’m 43 (will be any day now) and happily married. Hubby and I are OINKs (one income, no kids). I do work part –time as an independent contractor, but my assignments are infrequent and not very lucrative… perhaps enough for a new pair of shoes now & then….. er, running shoes or cross trainers, that is. I take my health & fitness very seriously, but have a good sense of humor about all the lovely stuff that’s happened to me physically since turning 40. Zits. Really?

    I’ve been on MFP since October 2010, and I’m very near my goal weight after losing 20 lbs. I’m 5’ 6”, and hover in the mid-140s. I’d love to hover in the low 140s, but I might be finished with the loss portion of my journey. Maybe…. I waiver between being comfortable with the number on the scale (yes, I know, it’s just a number) and wanting to throw the scale against a wall. TOM is a likely culprit when my feelings lean toward the latter.

    I currently net in the neighborhood of 1900-2000, depending on my workouts. My BMR is around 1350 and my TDEE on average is 2400-2500, again depending on workouts (as low as 200 cals for stretching or yoga, as high as 600+ for more intense cardio / lifting sessions). I use the same philosophy proposed here, and I play around with the numbers a bit, tweaking here & there, seeing if a little more or less makes a difference. I typically don’t log Saturday night dinners & use that as my “anything goes” meal.

    My workouts consist of NROLFW, currently in the midst of Stage 3, some yoga, some cardio, and two days of rest per week. I know my shape and strength have improved, regardless of what the scale tells me…. I recently purchased and can comfortably wear size 6 jeans, a size I haven’t seen for more than 12 years (before hubby and I started dating!) I can also do unassisted chin ups & pull ups for the first time in my life – not many, but not bad. A work in progress….

    Happy Monday! :smile:

  • Snapplejac
    Snapplejac Posts: 65 Member
    Hello there, I'm 32, always had issues with food - about five years ago I started keeping a food diary on another site and realised I was eating way too many carbs and not enough protein. It was such an eye opener into my life. My diet now is a world away from then, healthier, unprocessed, more fruit and veg, etc etc and it's still getting better! I started doing an hour cardio most days (swimming and boxing) and lost about 10kg. It was great.

    Then I started studying in my evenings, and I guess my old habits crept back in and I managed to put back all the weight on. I then moved cities and for the first three months I lived in a shared flat where I couldn't cope with using the kitchen -it was so dirty, messy and generally not usable. I ended up living off just cereal and soup. At the same time I joined a gym for the first time in my life, went every day, burning 600-700 cals at a time, sometimes more - and the gym was a 30min walk from my house! I was netting about 1000cal - but didn't take into account of the walking to and from the gym. I think this might be where it started to go wrong! I barely lost ANY weight. I eventually found a nice house to live in but it took me ages to start eating properly again. Plus by this time I had "learnt" that I didn't lose weight on 1000 calories so therefore I surely needed to eat even less!

    I joined MFP this month and was set a target of 1330. I think I managed to hit that target once in the first week, the rest of the time I was under. MFP assumed 1330 cals would give me a 500 cal deficit, but actually 1330 turned out to be an increase on what I normally eat. That was a surprise! Lo and behold I put on .5kg in the first week! After reading through the forums I found this group and here I am....

    I have now 13kg to lose....It might be more once I've upp'ed my cals.. I expect so. I might not look at the scales for a few weeks! I might be happy after 10kg if I have a nice shape and have gained muscle and lost fat. We'll have to see. Just waiting for the NROLFW to arrive!! Wish me luck!!!
  • larlab
    larlab Posts: 22 Member
    Hey All :)

    My name is Laura- I'm 35 yr old mom of 2, wife of 1....5' 11" tall and 160lbs. I"ve been working out 5x a week (running, circuit training/Jillian Michaels & yoga), and apparently my last 30 days of tracking I've only netted over 1500cals 6-7x which is apparently- BAD, BAD, BAD as my BMR is 1520, TDEE is 2300.

    OK- so, after much frustration & borderline obsession, I'm now officially working on eating enough (priority #1), and then eventually starting to lose these last.10.pounds. It wasn't this hard losing weight after both of my kiddos were born- it was straight forward eat less/move more....something else is in play here. Either I've been chronically undereating/over training for some time or something else.

    Incidentally, the first 9lbs were lost via juice fasting (juicing 2 meals a day, eating one regular meal)...but I guess that's not healthy either (or I"m getting old and my body not quite as resilient- LOL) I still continue to juice for nutrient sake, but have added tons of lean protein.

    I sincerely appreciate any & all support- I want to reach my goal and am not afraid of hard work but am reaching my frustration limit of working hard w/ nothing to show for it.... :)
  • wady24
    wady24 Posts: 75
    Hi All, I am 33 years old and am a mother of 2 beautiful children Age 5 years & 11 months.

    I am 136 lbs at 5.4". I have never been fat but am apple shaped and have a tendency to gain weight if I don't watch the kind of food I am eating or get lazy on the exercise part. I LOVE to may strange but this relationship with exercise is not new. Irrespective of my weight, I have always enjoyed working out and is usually the highlight of my day.

    After my first baby, I lost a decent amount of weight and was at 118 lbs with some muscle. This was due to an awesome bootcamp and about 1500-1600 calories of food intake. However, I knew that I couldn't eat this much and sustain so I started NROLW and upped my calories to about 1800-2000 calories. That worked out great for me and I maintained my shape for 4 years (+ 5 lbs after the strength training). Now after my second baby I am trying to get back to the same SHAPE. I will lie if I say that I am not looking to loose weight but I am still more focused on how I look vs. how much I weigh.

    You would think I know exactly what to do to get fit.....WRONG. Fast forwarding 5 years has done something strange to my body, I have been trying to loose weight the traditional way but am not finding a lot of success. I have decided to do it the right way now and have upped my calories to 1600 (NET) on cardio days and about 1800 calories on Stregth training days. I know its still not enough for the weight lifting days but I am slowing getting over the shock :(

    I just need help and encouragement from everybody so I know that I am on the right path.

    Btw, I started my journey at 140lbs in Jan so have lost about 4 lbs since then...not a lot but I am making peace with it.

    Have started measuring myself in inches now so thats how I will be reporting my progress! :smile:
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    hi ive just joined this group. Ive been on mfp for almost 1 year, i weighed 157lbs when i started and eating 1200 cals everyday pretty much, i have had some bad days lol, i have also tried eating back exercise cals which didnt work for me, which makes me wonder if this will work for me. i am now 127lbs, i want to get to 120lbs. I am going to try eating more and i have upped my cals a month ago to 1250, now i have upped them to 1390, i am VERY scared to do this as i feel ive worked so hard to get to where i am and i really dont want the weight to pile on again, but i want to have good muscles, and be slim. I do zumba 3.x a week for an hour each and i am doing some strength exercises but im sure not enough, i am going to start doing more, Any help would be much appreciated hehehe!!! :bigsmile:
  • srogers01
    srogers01 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi I am Sonya- I joined MFP in May of 2011. I started my journey March 2011 when I joined the gym after reaching my highest weight ever 217lbs. I have since lost 24lbs but don't feel like I have consistent weight loss. Back when I started I was only eating 1200 cal a day but working out 3-5x a week burning around 400-600 calories per day so my net was way under 1200 cal. I started researching and read about starvation mode so I decided to bump my calories to 1500/ day but still didn't see consistent results. I added strength training 2 days a week and on some days doubled up on classes at the gym thinking that burning more cal I would see weight loss??

    I'm happy that I found this group because I have been struggling with wrapping my head around eating more calories but I'm determined to get healthy, lose weight in the process and build lean muscle!

    I have calculated my TDEE at 2513-15%= 2136 and my BMR at 1627...
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    hi ive just joined this group. Ive been on mfp for almost 1 year, i weighed 157lbs when i started and eating 1200 cals everyday pretty much, i have had some bad days lol, i have also tried eating back exercise cals which didnt work for me, which makes me wonder if this will work for me. i am now 127lbs, i want to get to 120lbs. I am going to try eating more and i have upped my cals a month ago to 1250, now i have upped them to 1390, i am VERY scared to do this as i feel ive worked so hard to get to where i am and i really dont want the weight to pile on again, but i want to have good muscles, and be slim. I do zumba 3.x a week for an hour each and i am doing some strength exercises but im sure not enough, i am going to start doing more, Any help would be much appreciated hehehe!!! :bigsmile:

    lift heavy!!! and eat a ton of protein :) It is great to see you here!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi I am Sonya- I joined MFP in May of 2011. I started my journey March 2011 when I joined the gym after reaching my highest weight ever 217lbs. I have since lost 24lbs but don't feel like I have consistent weight loss. Back when I started I was only eating 1200 cal a day but working out 3-5x a week burning around 400-600 calories per day so my net was way under 1200 cal. I started researching and read about starvation mode so I decided to bump my calories to 1500/ day but still didn't see consistent results. I added strength training 2 days a week and on some days doubled up on classes at the gym thinking that burning more cal I would see weight loss??

    I'm happy that I found this group because I have been struggling with wrapping my head around eating more calories but I'm determined to get healthy, lose weight in the process and build lean muscle!

    I have calculated my TDEE at 2513-15%= 2136 and my BMR at 1627...

    Hun eat your 2100 and on cardio days if you burn over 500 then eat back enough so you net bmr. I tell you I bounced up and down the same few pounds until I started eating more. I have actualy cut back a bit on high burn cardio focusing on heavy lifting. So weigtloss has been slow but the fat loss so very noticeable and tone has increased. Start really pushing yourself in the weightroom.
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Firstly like so many others i am petrified of eating more :(
    But i also know that i need to try this so i don't lose muscle!
    I am from Australia and have done the Michelle Bridges 12wbt, and then the Shannan Ponton online challenge and they are full on about the whole 1200cals :(

    So for 7months i have had 1200cals drummed into me!!
    I have lost 29kg over 12 months. The first half was just sensible eating not counting calories and in hindsight i probably ate over 1200cals!! well over! LOL

    40 year old female
    160cm tall (5foot 2)
    60kg (132 pounds)

    I want to lose about another 5kg (10pounds) but more so i want to tone up. I have this thing about being in the middle of my healthy BMI range, but if i don't do that its not as important. I just want to get rid of the fat on my belly thats left :)

    So i have taken what seems like a huge risk LOL and started eating 1500cals!!

    I have started a 1/2 marathon running program this week as well, i was burning around 500/600 cals a day up till this week (using my HRM) but at the start of this 1/2 marathon program i am not burning as much, running a bit less obviously, as it builds up to more running.

    It consists of day 1 running at a speed of not being able to talk but spit out words for specified time or mileage ,
    day 2 resistance work
    day 3 sprint intervals,
    day 4 slow recovery jog
    day 5 stretch type exercises
    day 6 a long run, first one is 9km builds up from there.

    I have also a few weeks ago started kettlebells, doing a 45min class once a week, and was doing another learning to use it class on another day. Not lifting heavy, between 8kg and 12kg bells at this stage :)
    I am unsure if i will continue with the second kettlebell class or just do 1 class and the resistance training included in the 1/2 marathon training. Its basic resistance stuff like push ups, ab work, lunges, squats, step ups etc... Not lifting like what some of you guys seem to be doing :) But centred around core work to build up running ability.
    They say not to overdo it, so i am not sure if doing 2 kettlebell classes a week will be too much, or if the extra strength will actually be good for me, i will see how i go :)

    I also HAVE to have one day a week that is my splurge day. I know its silly and maybe unhealthy, but its what helps me stay on track other days!! I am not ready to give these up, and it means i go over calories on that day. I have once or twice done an estimate and i probably go over by about 1000 cals!!! Mind you i have never eaten exercise cals and if i did then it would be far less over. Thats going by my 1200cals a day!
    So i figured if i start at 1500calories daily intake, it gives me some extra calories for my once a week splurge day.

    ANyhow just wanted to say hello and check in :) Looking forward to watching how everyone does :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Firstly like so many others i am petrified of eating more :(
    But i also know that i need to try this so i don't lose muscle!
    I am from Australia and have done the Michelle Bridges 12wbt, and then the Shannan Ponton online challenge and they are full on about the whole 1200cals :(

    So for 7months i have had 1200cals drummed into me!!
    I have lost 29kg over 12 months. The first half was just sensible eating not counting calories and in hindsight i probably ate over 1200cals!! well over! LOL

    40 year old female
    160cm tall (5foot 2)
    60kg (132 pounds)

    I want to lose about another 5kg (10pounds) but more so i want to tone up. I have this thing about being in the middle of my healthy BMI range, but if i don't do that its not as important. I just want to get rid of the fat on my belly thats left :)

    So i have taken what seems like a huge risk LOL and started eating 1500cals!!

    I have started a 1/2 marathon running program this week as well, i was burning around 500/600 cals a day up till this week (using my HRM) but at the start of this 1/2 marathon program i am not burning as much, running a bit less obviously, as it builds up to more running.

    It consists of day 1 running at a speed of not being able to talk but spit out words for specified time or mileage ,
    day 2 resistance work
    day 3 sprint intervals,
    day 4 slow recovery jog
    day 5 stretch type exercises
    day 6 a long run, first one is 9km builds up from there.

    I have also a few weeks ago started kettlebells, doing a 45min class once a week, and was doing another learning to use it class on another day. Not lifting heavy, between 8kg and 12kg bells at this stage :)
    I am unsure if i will continue with the second kettlebell class or just do 1 class and the resistance training included in the 1/2 marathon training. Its basic resistance stuff like push ups, ab work, lunges, squats, step ups etc... Not lifting like what some of you guys seem to be doing :) But centred around core work to build up running ability.
    They say not to overdo it, so i am not sure if doing 2 kettlebell classes a week will be too much, or if the extra strength will actually be good for me, i will see how i go :)

    I also HAVE to have one day a week that is my splurge day. I know its silly and maybe unhealthy, but its what helps me stay on track other days!! I am not ready to give these up, and it means i go over calories on that day. I have once or twice done an estimate and i probably go over by about 1000 cals!!! Mind you i have never eaten exercise cals and if i did then it would be far less over. Thats going by my 1200cals a day!
    So i figured if i start at 1500calories daily intake, it gives me some extra calories for my once a week splurge day.

    ANyhow just wanted to say hello and check in :) Looking forward to watching how everyone does :)

    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE? It is possible with you workout routine and 1500 cals that you still may not lose. I didn't. I didn't see a real lose until I fed my body TDEE - 15%. Honestly now wish I had done a metabolic reset first. Anyway, when you eat that consistent amount at 40 carbs 30 prot and fat...take it from the biggest binger there was...bec you a literally satisfied most of them time you spluge days are not a huge as they were. Also, you can spluge on your long run days which your body will need tbe extra cals.

    If you are really loking for the benefits, life long healthy eating/fueling, then run the numbers eat the tdee minus 15%, net at least BMR on high burn days and you will see reults.

    I couldn't lose consistnently at 1200, 1350, or 1500. I started eating 1800 everyday and on workout days from 2000 to 2500 and finally lost visible fat and gained so more more tone and had effective heavy lift sessions. Then. Actually plteaued again 8 wks ago..why?? Bec my body demanded more food.

    Really it is no longer about the scale but listening and acting upon the needs of my body...the weight comes off in the process.