

  • I tried this this morning after reading it here. OMG delicious! Thank you. :)
  • I actually have a few favorite places and meals for eating out. One of the easiest places for me togo is Chili's. I always get their Guiltless Grill Carribbean Chicken Salad. It's just shy of 500 calories. Order the dressing on the side and dip your fork instead of pouring it all over and you'll save yourself a bit there.…
  • Wow! Those are some crazy chicks! Try to take a step back and laugh. You have the last laugh after all....the proof is the weight difference. You are doing great and don't let them irritate you. Remember, doesn't stress add to belly fat or something like that? LOL Keep in mind too that they could be seriously…
  • I'm just shy of 5'2" and 134 lbs. I have lost 30 lbs and range between a size 4 and 8, depending on what the clothing and brand is. My ideal weight is 122 since that would put me right in the middle of a healthy bmi. I've just adjusted my goals and settings on MFP to lose 1/2 lb per week instead of 1 lb per week now that I…
  • Great job! You look wonderful.
  • You look fantastic! Great job.
  • Thank you for the kind words. In the beginning I really stuck to the calorie plan and counted every calorie. I made sure to go to the gym 3-5 times a week and still do. In the beginning when I wasn't a huge fan of the gym I made a deal with myself that as long as I went and just walked on the treadmill, it was better than…
  • Breyers Smooth & Dreamy ice cream bars. The vanilla caramel chip taste so much like the ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream bars! Also, love skinny cow ice cream bars. No pudge brownies by the single serving. Just 2 tablespoons of the mix with 1 tablespoon of non-fat yogurt, microwave for just under a minute. It's like…
  • I love reading the replies from women who are about my height....5'2. I feel like the range is so big at that height. I reached my first goal of getting to 140. That was a huge success for me and when I started this, at over 160 lbs, I said to myself, if I get to 140, I will look like a supermodel! Now that I got there, I…
  • My uneducated opinion is this: If I were in your shoes, first I would see a GI doc. They can help you with the IBS. If you can get that under control and start eating some healthy fruits and veggies, it may likely have a good impact and help you lose. Then, it would be clear that there isn't a hormone imbalance. IBS can be…
  • I think I have a really weak core to begin with since I don't think I'd done a single situp since my daughter was born almost 4 yrs ago. HAHA! That said, the ab exercises I do are sit-ups while balancing on the ball and also some hip raises. My favorite is where you put the ball between your knees (lying down) and raise.…
  • That's an awesome feeling, huh? The truth is you ARE tinier. You go girl!
  • If there's a prize, this one gets it. I am laighing and gagging at the same time.LOL!!!
  • I NEEDED to see this post this morning to ease my own mind. For the first time in 4 months, I splurged yesterday. It was a birthday party. I did well portioning my foods and eating in moderation but then came the cake. AND COOKIES! And I won't lie, someone made a truffle that was to die for! I immediately felt the sugar…
  • My thoughts as I scrolled down your pics. 1)You must be very tall because you really look like a healthy weight to begin with 2)OH MY! Look at that cake she is holding 3)I NEED to know how you obtained such a shapely rear 4)Wow....great job!!
  • I've never heard of or seen these. What are they?
  • Interesting thread.....and I like your perspective. I've been a bit of the opposite. Recenyly I find myself reading posts and seeing others's replies and I say WTF?! One friend finishes under calorie goal every day and gets an average of 3 "good job"'s but the food diary is horrific. We're talking fast food, soda, enough…
  • One of my favorite lunch accompaniments is a whole cucumber sliced and peeled, dipped in Joseph's Red Pepper Hummus. Yummmm How about steaming some vegetables? Reynolds makes some steamer bags. Fill it up with some sprouts, water chestnuts, broccoli, carrots, and whatever else. Microwave for a few minutes and voila. Add a…
  • I keep dumdum lollipops in my purse at all times for a snack. Well worth the 20 calories to curb your sweet tooth.
  • :smile: mine is public.
  • I also have sweets every day. I make sure to have 100-140 calories left at the end of the day for an after dinner treat. Usually, a Skinny Cow bar or something like that. Breyers has some new ice cream bars out that are TO DIE FOR. 120 calories. mmmmmm good. Also, No Pudge fudge brownies. The box has a recipe for a single…
  • I have a rule for myself that "no eating after 8pm". I am usually in bed by 10 so this is reasonable. And it helps me to better guage my calories during the day. Like, I know after dinner I will have a low cal ice cream bar and that's 100-140 calories depending on what I reach for. I start eating at about 8:30 in the…
  • Sweet and Sour cabbage Try throwing some chopped cabbage in a frying pan with just a drop of olive oil or even some no fat cooking spray. Stir fy it and at the end mix in some sweet and sour sauce. mmmm...delicious!
  • My figure no longer reminds me of my mother. And I have buttcheeks! I'd forgotten that they were there and that one's *kitten* doesn't just meld into your thighs. Also, I have much better stamina for exercising and keeping up with the little one.
  • Can't wait to try this.
  • This sounds awesome!
  • Woot Woot!!!! Here's to sexy little skinny toes! Congratulations, you're doing an amazing job. I know what that feels like to be chasing after your little one and get so out of breath.
  • WHOA! I love this info! I should have mentioned that I am a little sensitive to dairy which is why I tend to steer shy of milk and a whole egg. I am o k with the egg yolk, but a whole egg does a number on my tummy. :-( Also, I grew up HATING peanut butter. I am fine with a PB&J sandwich (which I will opt for today thanks…
  • This is my favorite breafast these days. It runs about 170 calories and keeps me full right through until lunch time. 1 Fiber one wheat english muffin toasted 1 wedge laughing cow cheese - spread on muffin 1/4 egg beaters egg whites - microwaved for just under a minute 1 slice of low cal deli ham I've tried the smart ones…