Having a hard time eating all my calories

So I guess I have a couple of questions. First, I am finding that I've been making such good eating decisions that I can barely eat all my calories on a daily basis. And if I add exercise to that, well, that's even harder! Should I be worried about this? If all my calories have good nutritional content and I am legitimately full and don't want to eat more, do I still have to?

Or, am I better off at the end of the day just mowing a couple cookies for the sake of consuming the calories? Cause I think I could handle that. :)

As an example, my usual breakfasts run 180-200 calories. Either a yogurt and granola parfait or a breakfast sandwich with egg whites. The fiber/protein combo from weither of those will keep me full right through until lunch! Right around 11:30 or so I usually have a banana since most of the time I go to the gym for my lunch hour. I do cardio for about 40 minutes, then come back and eat a reasonable lunch at about 1:15. That could be a pita pocket tuna sandwich loaded with veggies and an apple. Or some days, a Lean Cuisine meal. Sometimes some veggies and low cal dip too. That will usually run 200-300 calories. A couple hours later, a few sliced strawberries or a nectarine and a string cheese is a light snack. 120 cals?? A typical dinner would be grilled chicken and a salad with low cal dressing. Sometimes I throw a baked potato in the mix or skip the meat all together. Early evening snack is a Skinny Cow 100 calorie ice cream bar. I try to be done eating for the day by 8pm. And I end with roughly 1100 calories.

This seems like a darned heathy day of eating to me. And don't get me wrong, I've allowed my self a slice of cake or a brownie on special occasions. But I'm all in with this plan because I am soooooo looking forward to being thin and staying there. And now I feel like I may be hitting a plateau as well which scares the daylights outta me! Especially after having such consistent progress these first few weeks.

I can't figure out how to post the ticker, so I will add that since Feb 3rd, I have lost 13 pounds. My goal is 23 total, so another 10 to go.


  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    You're not far off from 1200 so it's not horrible, but a few small changes can get some calories in. Try adding toast w/ peanut butter if you're not allergic to breakfast - or dip your apple in some at lunch. Mmmm.

    Also, my husband and I get these 1 oz packets of Diamond brand almonds. They're about 160 calories, definitely take the edge of hunger and very good for you.

    If you're eating fruit at your snack get a yummy yogurt or low fat fruit dip for them. I've also gone the route of having a couple of small cubes of cheese with my fruit.

    These are just some small ideas - some things I use sometimes (especially the nuts!).

    You'll probably find you're going over on protein with some of these snack additions (again, especially the nuts), if you're not already, but from what I understand if you're kicking butt a the gym (which it sounds like you are - yay!) then the extra protein is no big. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.)
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I would definitely try to eat at least 1200 calories, if I were you - and I know where you're coming from - I often have a hard time eating all my calories too... but I've found that I can squeeze in some trail mix or add a little extra olive oil when I'm cooking and can generally get to my goal.
    Even though you're not hungry mid morning - you might try adding in a small snack... even though you're not hungry. A little peanut butter with that banana before your workout might work...

    Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    you arent that far from 1200 and 1200 is pretty low so you should try to get to it...but i have that prob too sometimes! as far as the cookie, not the BEST choice but if you have 100 left and you feel the need for one go for it!! but i think you could definetly add somethings through out the day to get that last 100 in.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Stay away from the cookie and grab some nuts. You could also use the whole egg (not just the whites) for breakfast, use peanut butter (w/ anything!), or add in milk somewhere.
  • lauramartin
    I have the same problem....I tend to be at 1100 or sometimes 1000 for the day and I do spin classes 4-5 times epr week for 60 minutes. ususally that adds about 600 extra calories on those days. I have found that even though the scale doesn't move as much when I am way below my goal for calories, I feel the inches in my clothes, however, you may be putting your metabolism into "starvation mode" and it may not be the healthiest way to lose the weight. the calorie goals are meant for you to consume them and your body will naturally use them as energy throughout the day. the other suggestions about adding almonds, almond butter, peanut butter etc...or low fat string cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese with your fruit are awesome for clean eating. Eat every two-3 hours for 6 times per day. it works and you'll see the results. Go to www.cleaneating.com
    Very helpful with shopping lists and menu choices. Good Luck!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I was going to say what Jenny said! If you add a little more protein (esp. in the morning), it'll kick your metabolism into higher gear, and you'll find yourself more hungry. I got so tired of eggs that I've had diet support people recommend that I eat even chicken or something for breakfast. If you do that, you'll be hungrier through the day and easily be able to add that 100+ calories in. But no, you shouldn't get in the habit of scarfing cookies (though York Peppermint Patties minis sometimes make up my last 150 ... :blushing: ) But you want to get in the right habits. Don't forget that you'll need to eat about 1700 calories for maintenance!! Good luck :smile:
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    You don't want to consistently fall below 1200 calories because your body will go into "starvation mode" and begin to store fat.

    We need to eat 5-6 small meals per day; which means you should be eating every 2-3 hours. Even if you aren't hungry, you should eat a snack of some kind (not cookies!!!! lol) every 2-3 hours. This will keep your blood sugars level and keeps your metabolism going throughout the day. I'm not sure what time you eat breakfast, but you should try to eat a snack somewhere between breakfast and lunch. So you should eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and then a snack later if you need one.

    It sounds like you are only doing cardio for exercise. Add in a few days of strength training and believe me....you will WANT the extra calories! Muscle burns fat 24/7 so it raises our metabolism. If you feel you are reaching a plateau, def add in some strength training!

    It does sound like you are eating VERY healthy! Great work!! Keep making those healthy choices!
  • reach120
    reach120 Posts: 2
    I agree with not falling below 1200. Every one has given great suggestions. Another good suggestion is a cup of skim milk- low calorie, good source of calcium.

    Good luck!
  • batesp
    batesp Posts: 9 Member
    It might be helpful to consider that the calorific values you're using to calculate your daily total aren't exact. It's impossible to know exactly, to the calorie, how much you're eating each day; the values we use are guideline amounts that vary naturally. Similarly, I'd be surprised if the calories shown displayed on the treadmill or on the heart-rate monitor were exactly correct - they may be more or less accurate but precision isn't the order of the day here - it is an approximation.
    In my opinion there are far too many variable factors involved day to day in the 'calories eaten / calories expended' equation for us to know exactly whether we're above or below a target. A theoretical 100 calories off a theoretical target of 1200 is pretty close. If you feel healthy and you're making progress towards your ideal weight, don't worry: you might actually be right on target.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I must be a piggy because I NEVER have a problem eating all my calories, :laugh:
  • freedMan
    freedMan Posts: 68
    Have some peanuts, pistachios, almonds for some very healthy fats that will add to your calories quickly (get low salt variety). Also, I suggest easting a cup of cottage cheese, especially towards bedtime. This is a slow digesting protein, called casein. If you eat it just before bed, your body will continue to digest that cottage cheese for another eight hours, therby eliminating the "fast" you would have experienced overnight. This keeps your metabolism on fire and will surely help you with your goals!
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to eat the egg yolk too! They're yummy!
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    And full fat dairy has good stuff in it.

    Actually, here's a little factoid I just learned, whole milk is 4% fat. In order to get skim, 1/2% or 2% to be low fat they remove the fat and add that dehydrated dry milk (which some think is really bad for you). So you're only saving a few percentage points of fat and adding potentially not so healthy stuff. For me, I'd rather eat a little less full fat cottage cheese than the stuff they pass off as lowfat.
  • paulaswrld
    Have some peanuts, pistachios, almonds for some very healthy fats that will add to your calories quickly (get low salt variety). Also, I suggest easting a cup of cottage cheese, especially towards bedtime. This is a slow digesting protein, called casein. If you eat it just before bed, your body will continue to digest that cottage cheese for another eight hours, therby eliminating the "fast" you would have experienced overnight. This keeps your metabolism on fire and will surely help you with your goals!

    WHOA! I love this info!
    I should have mentioned that I am a little sensitive to dairy which is why I tend to steer shy of milk and a whole egg. I am o k with the egg yolk, but a whole egg does a number on my tummy. :-(

    Also, I grew up HATING peanut butter. I am fine with a PB&J sandwich (which I will opt for today thanks to all your great input!) but it's not a "treat" for me. Pistachios are yummy though and am looking forward to adding those in to my day now.

    Thank you thank you thank you all for such great input. I needed that new perspective.
  • freedMan
    freedMan Posts: 68
    Im glad to have helped. I might suggest a pistacios brand at Walmart I found to be excellent. It is called a brand called "Wonderful" and the pistachios are already shelled and perfectly salted. Its about $3 in our area for a bag(6 oz), but you don't have to shell them, which is nice. I eat a handful a day and it last over a week.

    If you can't have too much dairy, you may consider buying casein protein powder. Mix it up with water and it will have the same effect as the cottage chese before bed without the dairy. It is around 120 calories and will put a stop to late night snacking! It feels like a brick in your stomach when your done drinking it and s very satisfying. My wife loves it because of that and it gives her the "Chocolate Shake/Malt" that she craves!