how do i lose weight if i cant stop eatin sweets

kara0208 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
i loveee sweets and i have craveings an soo i eat them iv tried dieting and excercise but it doesnt seem to work for me right now im just eatin like yogurt and alot of water and im soooo hungry PLEASE HELP


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Have you tried almond milk? It is very sweet, but good for you. I eat it in my whole grain cereal. You could try snacking on nuts, air popped popcorn, whole grain bread with natural peanut butter, etc... The yeast in our bodies makes our brains CRAVE sweets. The sweets make the yeast stronger and able to spread more. When you try to cut sweets out too harshly, it kicks the brain into overdrive making you desire sweets. It's a horrible circle.
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Have you tried almond milk? It is very sweet, but good for you. I eat it in my whole grain cereal. You could try snacking on nuts, air popped popcorn, whole grain bread with natural peanut butter, etc... The yeast in our bodies makes our brains CRAVE sweets. The sweets make the yeast stronger and able to spread more. When you try to cut sweets out too harshly, it kicks the brain into overdrive making you desire sweets. It's a horrible circle.
    Ooooh so there is a reason why?! LOL
    Slim fast has some great 100 cal bars or weight watchers has some things also that I TRY to buy when the cravings start to kick in...have you tried any of those?
  • ok so i have the same freaking problem and i talked to my family about it and my doctor my diet consists of healthier choices plus healthier ways of cooking my meals so pretty much eat what i want only healthier. i eat smaller protions through out the day and my snacks are usually fruits. i never starve myself i eat when i am hungry. as for the sweets if i done good all day long ate healthy drank all my water and worked out i allowed a small helping of a treat. like right now it would be 3 oreos and a small glass of milk! If i caved during the day i would have my husband hide the junkfood for 24hrs and i would do double time on my workout. so far i am losing inches where i want to so i guess its working i hope that helps you.
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    I love sweets too and it is hard to say 'no' to a lot of it. With yogurt, try adding some fruit like blueberries or strawberries. You can also try limiting yourself to those 100 calorie packs of whatever you like. I also like rice cakes -there are a variety of flavors out there - and sugar free jello. If you want to indulge just a little bit more, the Skinny Cow ice cream products are good.
  • paigeblevins
    paigeblevins Posts: 2 Member
    I had a huge sweet tooth too...and I thought I was going to have a huge problem with it but you can find foods that will fix that sugar crave that will help you to lose weight and not fall off of your diet plan. For me my favorite sugars come from fiber one bars and cereal. I eat special k chocolate delight dry as a snack all of the time. The biggest thing it portions a control. You can do it, it takes a while but be confident! oh also, fruit!!!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I've lost 19 pounds since January 24th and I still eat ice cream/candy on a daily basis. It's all about maintaining a balanced diet.
  • Rogerjen
    Rogerjen Posts: 6
    When I have special K red berries cereal with a banana in it, it will usually help me with my sweet cravings. So, kill my craving and a meal all at the same time. Yes, I still want chocolate and cookies; but it's not as bad then.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Why aren't more people pushing fruit? It's full of sugar but the fiber helps you move it through quicker so you don't turn all of those sugars into fat.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    Why aren't more people pushing fruit? It's full of sugar but the fiber helps you move it through quicker so you don't turn all of those sugars into fat.

    oh - i'll push the fruit w/ ya!! i am all about the fruit!! just ate a huge serving of watermelon while the rest of the family had Girl Scout cookies!! Mango... yummmm.... blueberries... oh my... try fruit... so good!!!

  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth also, and I eat sweets every day. I've lost over 20 lbs since feb. Just got to be careful on portion control. Another words: don't eat the whole bag of Dove chocolate, just eat whatever 1 portion is!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    When my sweet tooth just won't quit I make this a meal:
    1 cup fat free plain (or vanilla, whatever you preference)
    1/4 cup dark chocolate or blueberry granola
    1 cup strawberries chopped up into small pieces

    It is so much sweet and the calories of a normal meal, plus you're getting dairy (with protein), fruit, and whole grain. So yummy!!
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    What about zero calorie sweets? they taste nice, AND (as an extra bonus), they contain sorbitol - which, er, speed things up. Two bonuses in one! Nah, just joking, but actually - not a bad idea?
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Go through the candy/sweets aisle at the grocery store. Pick up every package of sweets that you love. Look for ones with under 100 calories. There are many with 90 calories. If you are dying for a "sweet" , you have an option. It may be enough to get you over this initial hurdle . yes - many will direct you to yogurt or fruit or other options that are just not going to satisfy your craving. Go for the sweet stuff - it is what you want. You can eat any food you want - moderation is the key. I had a margarita today .I put it in my meal plan last evening as I knew we were going out and I would have one. try and think about your choices B4 you drive yourself nuts. You will lose weight without denyiing yourself any foods! Hang in there..and go get a sweet!!! LOL!
  • cruisegirl
    cruisegirl Posts: 43 Member
    Don't deprive yourself of sweets. Just remember PORTION CONTROL. If I thought all I could eat for something sweet was yogert and water, I'd throw in the towel and say forget it! You can eat sweets, just don't overdo it. Eat your meals and if you've done well that day and still have calories left, reward yourself with a few cookies, a small brownie, or a small bowl of ice cream.

    During the day if you get a craving for sweets, try a fat free chocolate pudding cup. I eat those (or jello cup) at night with fat free whipped cream topping. Or during the day, pop a few M&M's in your mouth and put the bag away!!

    I think our bodies get so used to eating sweets, that we have to gradually ween ourselves off of them. You'll find the cravings will be less and less. But don't deprive yourself of them completely. Life is TOO SHORT!!! :drinker:
  • ahertel0214
    ahertel0214 Posts: 244 Member
    Think Thin Bar and Bites. The Cookies & Cream Bites are SO yummy, and they contain no sugar. Just lovely.
  • You could try portion sizing. What other users have said about the 100 calorie packs are correct. I also love the mousse temptations. Only 60 calories. So yummy!
  • rosy54
    rosy54 Posts: 46
    So far, I guess I'm the only one that just can't keep sweets in the house. I've tried portion control many times, but for me it just can't be readily accessible ~ once I start, the sugar craving just gets worse and worse. :sad:

    So, if I have a craving for something sweet, I have to get in the car and go to the corner store (which most of the time is just too much work) OR I reach for fruit or a cup of tea with honey. It works for me, but everyone has their own fix! Good luck finding a solution. :flowerforyou:
  • I also have sweets every day. I make sure to have 100-140 calories left at the end of the day for an after dinner treat. Usually, a Skinny Cow bar or something like that. Breyers has some new ice cream bars out that are TO DIE FOR. 120 calories. mmmmmm good. Also, No Pudge fudge brownies. The box has a recipe for a single serving made with non fat yogurt. You just mix it up in the bowl, microwave, and eat. Top with fat free cool whip even.

    I find that I am ok with allowing myself this special indulgence along with fresh fruit and yogurts during the day and it's usually fine. Also, I keep dum dum lollipops in my purse. 20 calories and they are nice and sweet.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I budget for ice cream every day because I love it so much. I also eat lots of fruit - in one day, I'll eat an apple, pear, banana, grapes and strawberries, and maybe pineapple to hit that sugar craving. Mmmm.... fruit and ice cream go great together too. A little scoop of vanilla fudge ripple with banana, strawberry and pineapple is one of my favs. I make my own granola, and will occasionally have that to satisfy my sugar cravings - I will admit that it's high in calories, fat and decent on protein, but it keeps me full.

    I'm completely willing to exercise an extra 150-200 calories just to have my ice cream. I guess that's just a priority for me! :) If I didn't have my ice cream, I don't think I'd last very long tracking my calories.
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    If possible, try to balance the cravings for sweets out with protein. No kidding. When our bodies crave bad carbs (candy, cookies, white bread, etc) that means we overdid them already. So grab something with clean protein to fill you up (some cheese, piece of chicken with veggies, plain (or low sugar) yogurt with some nuts in it, slices of ham, etc.). It is a vicious cycle-- the more we eat of simple carbs, the more we crave them, so we need to put a stop sign somewhere. :-)
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