how do i lose weight if i cant stop eatin sweets



  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I just had the sweetest strawberries, tasted like they had sugar on them, they are sooo good right now, Have you tried them?
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    When I started MFP and this lifestyle change three months ago, I was really afraid that my sweet tooth would sabotage the whole process. I had been overdosing on M and Ms, plain and peanut. I made fudge and pralines at Christmas. Hot chocolate was the sign of the end of my day. However. learning about portion control and Quaker mini-rice cakes and clementines got me through the cravings. At this point, I have learned if I am conscientious about docoumenting my food intake and exercise, I can allow myself chocolate. Last night I measured out 12 Cadbury mini-eggs and enjoyed them thoroughly!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Have you tried almond milk? It is very sweet, but good for you. I eat it in my whole grain cereal. You could try snacking on nuts, air popped popcorn, whole grain bread with natural peanut butter, etc... The yeast in our bodies makes our brains CRAVE sweets. The sweets make the yeast stronger and able to spread more. When you try to cut sweets out too harshly, it kicks the brain into overdrive making you desire sweets. It's a horrible circle.
    Ooooh so there is a reason why?! LOL
    Slim fast has some great 100 cal bars or weight watchers has some things also that I TRY to buy when the cravings start to kick in...have you tried any of those?

    I love these kind of bars and at first it was a great idea, 100 calories snacks yay, but can't buy them. I will eat the whole box!
  • ginabhappy
    ginabhappy Posts: 15 Member
    my counsler reccomends that you always pair protein when you eat carbs. For instance, when I eat blueberries I eat cheesesticks or walnuts or some other protein at that time. This prevents sugar levels from spiking and triggering hunger and also prevents the body from storing fat. hope this helps you. It certainly helps me with appitite problems.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    I love these kind of bars and at first it was a great idea, 100 calories snacks yay, but can't buy them. I will eat the whole box!
    ha exactly why I no longer even buy the popcorn snack size bags!:sad:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    my counsler reccomends that you always pair protein when you eat carbs. For instance, when I eat blueberries I eat cheesesticks or walnuts or some other protein at that time. This prevents sugar levels from spiking and triggering hunger and also prevents the body from storing fat. hope this helps you. It certainly helps me with appitite problems.
    Really works great for me as well:drinker: , also helps not to get that sugar low later on and feel sleepy or get that sugar craving.
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    I've never had cravings for sweets but I was addicted to cigarettes to the tune of 3.5 packs a day.

    One trick I used when I had a craving was rather than deny myself the cigarette I simply told myself that I must pay for it first. My payment would be in the form of some activity like walking, doing the dishes, etc., for fifteen minutes or so. Invariably the craving would be gone by the time I was done with the activity and I got in a little extra exercise at the same time.

    I don't know if it would work for sweet cravings but hey, it's worth a shot! :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I like the Fiber one bars. The caramel and oat one is really good. They're healthy and really help my sweet craving. I also eat a lot of fruit. Clementines taste like candy to me. Try to stay away from chocolate. When I eat chocolate I find that my sweet cravings get worse.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    My husband craves sweets - sugar free pudding has helped him a lot.
  • sharonak333
    You said 2 things that I want to comment on.
    1. That you love sweets. It was easier for me to cut them out totally (for now) because you will lose some of the craving. I try to get that sweet taste from fruit, sugar free jello and diet beverages.

    2. That you feel so hungry. If you cut yourself too low--you will be tempted to cheat. There are smart choices that you can make that will be really filling. You just will cheat less when full.

    Hope that helps,
  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    I love sweets too - really, really sweet stuff! I love Nips chocolate parfaits candies - they are caramel or something on the outside and pure chocolate goodness on the inside. They are only 30 calories each, and because it's a hard candy, you have to eat them slow. A great dieting tip is truly just not to bring the stuff into the house - stock your cabinets with good choices, and that's it. If you have 'diet' ice cream in the house, you will likely end up eating too many servings.

    I also love Fiber One chocolate chip bars. It tastes like candy bar, has 140 calories, and keeps you regular. Dieters delight!