

  • If you are still looking for friends, feel free to add me :) I have found some great motivators on here and like to share the wealth :)
  • I am very limited as to what i can do, I do chair workouts, which I found for free on On demand, walk, do extra household chores, taking the steps instead of the elevator when I physically can, parking at the end of parking lots to get more distance in. I have to be careful, I walked 8.4 miles total yesterday and today I…
    in Workouts Comment by meme287 April 2014
  • Hi I am Jackie, I am 35 and have Chiari Malformation, PseudoTumor Cerebri,Hydrocephalus, amongst other issues that are more common, I am pushing myself (even though I have been told not to) lose weight, I have never been a "small" women, but my health issue have left me laid up for months at a time, I would love to talk…
  • I started in March! Its a bit confusing at first, but I am sure you will find a system that works for you! good luck and feel free to add me :)
  • HI am 5'1 AND looking to "lose" a person or 2 in weight!! feel free to add me:laugh:
  • I am always looking for people to motivate and share the wealth :) Sent you a request!
  • I am on everyday :) Always looking for more friends! Feel free to add me :)
  • I hear ya! I bore my husband to death, he can also eat whatever and never gain weight! If you are still looking for support feel free to add me :)
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I have Chiari malformation, had decompression surgery for that 1 year ago, hydrocephalus with an l.p shunt, pseudo cerbri tumor, scoliosis with Harrington rods,bulging disks on neck and low back, nerve damage in arms and legs from them, The first 3 limit my vigorous activity, I cannot put to…
  • Welcome back! You can do this! I understand the every day obstacles that get in the way! Be creative!! I am fairly new and would love to b friends with ya, Its been amazing the support I have been given already! Please feel free to add me so I can share the wealth with you! good luck on your journey!!
    in Oops Comment by meme287 March 2014
  • Hi! I am more then willing to be a positive influence for you, I am fairly new and would love to make more friends On MFP! Please feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I will send you a request :) I am looking to be a positive reinforcement for those who need it, an for myself as well!
  • Hi Kaylee I am new this month as well. I think MFP has really helped me, I am willing to be support if you would like, feel free to add me! I feel the more positive feedback the better! Good luck in your journey!
    in hi all Comment by meme287 March 2014
  • Hi Sara! I understand the scale issue, I ended up making my husband take the batteries to the scale and I told him not to put them back in till Sat. morning so I could weigh in and then take them right back! Its hard, you can do this! I am here if you need support!