Any Suggestions please!

Hi, I am new to MFP, I have some difficult issues with getting exercise due to my health conditions, I am not allowed to do much vigorous physical activity, it can cause some serious issues, due to these conditions I have gained more weight then I would like, I am bound and determined to lose weight, I am watching my calorie intake closely and have upped my water intake greatly, my biggest issue is finding exercise that I can do, I know that exercise is so important to losing weight and keeping it off, Does anyone have any ideas of a good website for low impact exercises? Or any ideas?? My doctor suggested Chair work outs, I have googled like crazy trying to find some ideas but have not come up with much. I would appreciate any suggestions! hope everyone has a great day! Thanks!!


  • It is going to be difficult to suggest something if you don't want to tell what those conditions are, but in general swimming and biking (and heck walking) are all low impact exercises. Swimming is especially good since it relieves joint pressure.

    Alternatively do a body weight workout.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    To be frank exercise is not necessary for weight loss...all you need for that is a calorie deficet. Exercise can help create a bigger deficet which gives you more calories to eat and is good for health (cardio heart and lung health, resistence training bone and muscle health)

    If you want to exercise but can't do vigorous activity go for a walk....
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    Low impact yoga? Depending on the class it can be slow but still effective you could always call a yoga school and ask about a class that would fit your heart rate needs.
  • Linda8989
    Linda8989 Posts: 39 Member
    I agree with Stef - the most important part of weight loss is the calories you're eating. Workouts are good, but not particularly helpful in losing the pounds. I'd say to be very vigilant in tracking your eating and make sure your settings are on "sedentary" in order to bring your calories down to where they should be. If you had "On Demand" on your TV, they usually have a few good chair exercising routine, or gentle walking. Good luck, andy you'll do this!
  • meme287
    meme287 Posts: 16
    Thanks for the suggestions! I have Chiari malformation, had decompression surgery for that 1 year ago, hydrocephalus with an l.p shunt, pseudo cerbri tumor, scoliosis with Harrington rods,bulging disks on neck and low back, nerve damage in arms and legs from them, The first 3 limit my vigorous activity, I cannot put to much pressure on my noggin, can cause permanent damage and I do not need any more :) That being said , I do not want to use these things as an excuse or a crutch! I just want to be at much healthier weight and be a good role model for my kids!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    To be frank exercise is not necessary for weight loss...all you need for that is a calorie deficet. Exercise can help create a bigger deficet which gives you more calories to eat and is good for health (cardio heart and lung health, resistence training bone and muscle health)

    If you want to exercise but can't do vigorous activity go for a walk....


