

  • My goal is to participate in one soon.. I would be thrilled if I could finish in 45 mins! I will be one of those who has to walk about 1/2 of it - because my knee only lasts about 1.5 miles of jogging. Best of luck to you!!
  • Welcome to my world.. I cut my calories in 1/2 last year.. increased workouts by 150%.. and the scale went up & up & up.. and my size got larger larger larger :( .. my back went out in Feb of this year.. I was stranded & for the first time in 20 years of back pain HAD to take my meds.. no control over what I ate, when I…
  • Even thou I am gaining weight - I am not giving up -Jogged 3 miles today! :smile:
  • Increase your fruits & vege's while you decrease the calorie filled drinks. I didn't see water listed.. I would recommend 8 -10 glasses a day too! I also agree - don't skip breakfast - have a greek yogurt with fresh raspberries or blueberries - easy to eat on the go! And keep trying - You have taken the first step :smile:
  • Hugs & Prayers! Tomorrow - clean slate.. its an all new beginning - YOU are going to great!
    in HELP! Comment by gsurface28 June 2012
  • Hi Katie! I was a single mom for 10 years - met & married to an incredible gift from God :) We are now a family of 7! I am currently homeschooling 4 of my children - we will be starting 9th grade, 2 in 8th grade and my youngest who has mild CP & is just about on a 1st grade level! I also run an inhome daycare and dream of…
    in my intro Comment by gsurface28 June 2012
  • I have a weight loss goal of 26 more lbs - or to when I feel comfortable. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like :heart:
  • My kids beg for oatmeal too - I add apples, cin, maple syrup - we don't do most cereals due to HFCS & dyes - we love Kashi cereals, cherrios & cascadian farms. Kids will eat what is available :)
  • At 5'8" - 154lbs - I still look 7 months prego all the time... My goal is improve strength, build muscle and for weight loss - I would like to be at 128 - however whenever I stop looking prego I will be content - even if its only 4lbs from here :)
  • Praying!
  • Hi Lori, I am a homeschooling mom of 5 - 4 still at home 14,12,12 & 7.. sadly my "baby weight" has been on me for years.. my baby turns 8 next month! Last year in my quest to be healthier, improve my energy level & lose weight I ended the year 11 lbs heavier & a size bigger :( I did go from barely walking 5 minutes to…
    in Hi! Comment by gsurface28 June 2012
  • A few things that might help (or not?) Volunteer or do something for someone else.. Bless someone with your time or actions. Its amazing how good we start to feel when we take our focus off ourself - problems & reach out to help others! Also - You might really enjoy Joyce Myers book "Battlefield Of The Mind" - its life…
  • I have been gluten free (to the best of my knowledge as its almost EVERYTHING) for 7 weeks - I am not seeing a huge difference but their are some subtle things. My dr did not do a blood test to my knowledge - after having an endo & colonoscopy he suggested celiac as a possible cause - I have to go 6 full months then have…