S L O W losers come here! Please!

Can we talk? I have been on MFP since February. I also quit smoking in February. I have lost and regained the same 5 lbs over and over again. I have had my thyroid and glucose levels tested. Both normal.I have a hysteroscopy scheduled Wednesday to check for cysts/ect. I have started to keep my carbs around 100. I usually NET between 1500-1700 calories a day. Sunday was my daughters birthday party, so that intake is an outlier.

I run 3 miles 3/week. I take a cardio class two days a week. I lift heavy when I lift but its sporadic. Regardless though I should be losing just by my deficit alone!

Any suggestions?

I do weigh/measure everything. I do wear a HRM, Polar FT7. My clothes are not really loose (they were tight to begin with, lol)

Any other slow losers? I know that the quitting smoking thing was going to screw with my metabolism, but jeez! Ihave about 40 pounds to lose, I feel like the first 10-15 shouldn't be coming off this slowly!!

I am staying positve, know I am doing the right stuff, but can someone tell me they lost slow as well?

Thank you!!


  • What's slow lowers? A club?
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    What are your stats? If you don't have much to lose.... it's going to come off VERY slowly. I'm at that point now.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    What are your stats? If you don't have much to lose.... it's going to come off VERY slowly. I'm at that point now.

    35 years old. 5'4, 179 lbs. Realistically, 30-40lbs to go. So far enough, I think!
  • Been on MFP since April. For the first 2 month, I lost 10 lbs & 12 overall inches. No change in clothing sizes. I exercise at least 3 times a week (cardio/strength training) and bicycle approx 20-30 miles a week. I was pleasantly happy with the progress.

    Since the beginning of June, I've gained almost 2 lbs back. I don't know what to do. Ready to throw in the towel.

    Good luck with your surgery
  • gsurface28
    gsurface28 Posts: 16
    Welcome to my world.. I cut my calories in 1/2 last year.. increased workouts by 150%.. and the scale went up & up & up.. and my size got larger larger larger :( .. my back went out in Feb of this year.. I was stranded & for the first time in 20 years of back pain HAD to take my meds.. no control over what I ate, when I ate or water... LOST 10 lbs!! no sense to me ... I ate horrible, didn't drink enough water & barely moved.. ANYWAYS.. I need energy & strength.. so here I am again.. watching everything I eat..making better choices, no meds, very little wine compared to the last 3 months.. exercise... and .. scale went up a 1lb already!! :) still my energy is better & I am setting a great example for my family.. so I will continue.. and reach my goal of either weight loss or running a 5k.. or BOTH :)
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    Ok - yeah, you're not in the last 10 lb range yet.

    I would increase strength training, back off on cardio a little bit.... and start cycling calories. For example, you can do a 4 day cycle - eat at maintenance for a day, then cut 10%, 20%, 30% below TDEE. Rinse & repeat. You are doing all the right things - but it sounds like your body has acclimated to the current state. Just time to mix it up a bit.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Welcome to my world.. I cut my calories in 1/2 last year.. increased workouts by 150%.. and the scale went up & up & up.. and my size got larger larger larger :( .. my back went out in Feb of this year.. I was stranded & for the first time in 20 years of back pain HAD to take my meds.. no control over what I ate, when I ate or water... LOST 10 lbs!! no sense to me ... I ate horrible, didn't drink enough water & barely moved.. ANYWAYS.. I need energy & strength.. so here I am again.. watching everything I eat..making better choices, no meds, very little wine compared to the last 3 months.. exercise... and .. scale went up a 1lb already!! :) still my energy is better & I am setting a great example for my family.. so I will continue.. and reach my goal of either weight loss or running a 5k.. or BOTH :)

    Sorry you are going thoough the same thing.I keep trying to figure out where I am screwing up...but I can't figure it out! I ran my first 5K June 2. From sitting on my butt to running a 5k and nothing! It's getting so annoying!
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Ok - yeah, you're not in the last 10 lb range yet.

    I would increase strength training, back off on cardio a little bit.... and start cycling calories. For example, you can do a 4 day cycle - eat at maintenance for a day, then cut 10%, 20%, 30% below TDEE. Rinse & repeat. You are doing all the right things - but it sounds like your body has acclimated to the current state. Just time to mix it up a bit.

    Thank you. I will try that!
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Been on MFP since April. For the first 2 month, I lost 10 lbs & 12 overall inches. No change in clothing sizes. I exercise at least 3 times a week (cardio/strength training) and bicycle approx 20-30 miles a week. I was pleasantly happy with the progress.

    Since the beginning of June, I've gained almost 2 lbs back. I don't know what to do. Ready to throw in the towel.

    Good luck with your surgery

    Don't give up! Sometimes it is hard to remember that the health reasons far outweigh the vanity! We'll figure this out! And thank you the procedure is more like an ultrasound with dye and and other annoying stuff, but not really surgery ( I hope!!), as I will be awake and not numbed!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    35 years old. 5'4, 179 lbs. Realistically, 30-40lbs to go. So far enough, I think!

    Slow and steady wins the race :smile:
    Carbs at 100? If you are exercising that much I think your body needs more carbs.. :noway:
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    35 years old. 5'4, 179 lbs. Realistically, 30-40lbs to go. So far enough, I think!

    Slow and steady wins the race :smile:
    Carbs at 100? If you are exercising that much I think your body needs more carbs.. :noway:

    I agree with you and I think you are right. However, I just dropped my carbs to 100 on my doctors suggestion. It's been a couple of weeks and it has not made a difference in my weight or my performance!!:cry:
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    Someone on MFP posted a link to this a while back and it helped me: http://fitnesswithnatalie.blogspot.com/2011/05/most-dreaded-word-in-weight-loss.html

    Good luck. You have to keep tweaking things until you figure out what works for me. I had to up my calories by about 150 a day and decrease my cardio to get the scale moving again after a 6 month plateau.
  • Celticwolf70
    Celticwolf70 Posts: 2 Member
    There are a LOT of factors to consider in your situation and most of them are covered in the other posts. Are you have a total or partial hysterectomy? The hormones can also make a difference. Staggering your calories, cutting back on cardio and increasing weight training (for longer durations) is a good idea also. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and if your body type is more to the short/stocky (mine is unfortunately) you may not see anything for a very long time. I've been working out steady for 6 weeks and my clothes just now started fitting better. I also can't seem to dip below 185 although I've lost 7 lbs since I started.

    Good luck with the surgery and keep positive...
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I am one of the slow losers lol. I have been here since March.
    I will say however, that I do have Hashimoto's, which is a thyroid issue. So that definitely hinders my weight loss. Hinders...it isn't stopping it, but it is slower than most. Obviously. It has been very difficult to stay motivated and keep at it when most of those around me continue to lose at a much quicker pace then I do.
    I also was recently diagnosed with severe joint and disc disease of the lower spine, and also in my mid back as well. (not really a disease per se, just what they call it) So I started taking meds for that and I am not 100% sure if they do or don't cause weight gain. I am still losing at my slow as a snail pace, so I guess that is a plus.
    People say slow and steady gets it done, but when it is you, and you would rather be more like the hare in this situation, it is hard at times to stay motivated and inspired.
    Coming here to MFP has helped me a lot. The friends I have met online are great and they are so dedicated and motivated, that it helps me keep going myself. Even if there are days when I would love to just say "forget it!" and eat everything in site lol, especially if it is made of chocolate.
    Just keep going. It is all you can do.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    There are a LOT of factors to consider in your situation and most of them are covered in the other posts. Are you have a total or partial hysterectomy? The hormones can also make a difference. Staggering your calories, cutting back on cardio and increasing weight training (for longer durations) is a good idea also. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and if your body type is more to the short/stocky (mine is unfortunately) you may not see anything for a very long time. I've been working out steady for 6 weeks and my clothes just now started fitting better. I also can't seem to dip below 185 although I've lost 7 lbs since I started.

    Good luck with the surgery and keep positive...

    The procedure is a hysteroscopy and it is more like an ultrasound with dye and and other annoying stuff, but not really surgery ( I hope!!), as I will be awake and not numbed! (copied from above)

    I use the search function like a mofo so my questions haven't been answered:( Especially with the tie-in to quitting smoking. But thank you for your taking the time to comment:)
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Someone on MFP posted a link to this a while back and it helped me: http://fitnesswithnatalie.blogspot.com/2011/05/most-dreaded-word-in-weight-loss.html

    Good luck. You have to keep tweaking things until you figure out what works for me. I had to up my calories by about 150 a day and decrease my cardio to get the scale moving again after a 6 month plateau.

    That article was GREAT!!! Thank you!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Wish I could offer you advise, I am in the same boat. Lost 50. Stuck at 165 I am trying the whole eat more to weight less I am up 169. Doing insanity. I have been stuck for llike a year. SW was 214 current 169 goal 130-135 I think i have about 30 to loose. needless to say FRUSTRATED!
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I am one of the slow losers lol. I have been here since March.
    I will say however, that I do have Hashimoto's, which is a thyroid issue. So that definitely hinders my weight loss. Hinders...it isn't stopping it, but it is slower than most. Obviously. It has been very difficult to stay motivated and keep at it when most of those around me continue to lose at a much quicker pace then I do.
    I also was recently diagnosed with severe joint and disc disease of the lower spine, and also in my mid back as well. (not really a disease per se, just what they call it) So I started taking meds for that and I am not 100% sure if they do or don't cause weight gain. I am still losing at my slow as a snail pace, so I guess that is a plus.
    People say slow and steady gets it done, but when it is you, and you would rather be more like the hare in this situation, it is hard at times to stay motivated and inspired.
    Coming here to MFP has helped me a lot. The friends I have met online are great and they are so dedicated and motivated, that it helps me keep going myself. Even if there are days when I would love to just say "forget it!" and eat everything in site lol, especially if it is made of chocolate.
    Just keep going. It is all you can do.

    I know. It is hard sometimes to do the math and realize that in 5.5 months I should be down 20-25lbs!
  • prose114
    prose114 Posts: 6 Member
    More cardio, less weight building!
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    More cardio, less weight building!

    I am doing cadio 5 days a week!!:laugh: