JDArrant Member


  • After a month or so not working out (had been doing C25K -- completed a 5K and a 10K in early fall -- until it got cold and I wimped out) I pulled out 30DS. Glad to see others starting today too. Can't wait to see the changes, though I have to say that everyone talked about Jillian as though it was going to kill me. I…
  • what?! no secrets to healthy lifestyle? I have to eat right and be active. Absurd. :)
  • I find that understanding *why* I want something helps - sometimes I want chips because I want something crunchy so I eat carrots or lettuce (dry). Sometimes fruit is a good substitute for desserts. There are times my husband looks at me funny because I stare at the cabinet saying crunchy, sweet and nutty or sour, chewy…
  • I have been using S/S bottles from Starbucks from about 3 years but recently discovered Kleen Kanteen. I bought some of their 12 oz. bottles for my boys and LOVE them. The boys are 1 and 2.5 so they are already being tested and seem quite durable. Sigg is another brand I've looked into regarding S/S water bottles - haven't…
  • Like many others, my 2.5 year old likes to exercise with mommy, and we also bought him a set of light weights. We do my exercise videos (interval based) while the 1 year old naps - a mom and big brother time! On my running days I throw them both in a jogging stroller and go. Normally good behavior in the stroller earns…
  • W5D2 here - sort of. Two weeks ago I switched from running outside to inside because of the heat index - and that felt so weird that I repeated W4. And then last week I bought some Five Fingers and I'm breaking my feet in by repeating W4 again - one more day at W4D3 and then back to W5 for me. Getting pretty decent mileage…
  • I'm 5'3 and weigh 167. A year ago Saturday I weighed 210 - including the baby! So since he was born I've lost 43 and now down to pre-children (168) which was a big mid-point goal for me. My next goal is 150 - that'll put me at my highest weight in high school (9 years ago). Number wise I'm shooting long term for 130, and…
  • I'm a newish mother. My baby is turning 1 this weekend (yay! boo!) We're still nursing PT and his brother is 2.5 -- the weight I have lost since joining MFP is pretty much all the baby weight from them combined and have a lot of mini goals ahead of me. I haven't lost as much recently as I'd like but I think that it's…
  • Congratulations! I'm a total sucker for a well-fitted outfit/dress, you must feel amazing. I have to say that I'm on the other hand of the shopping spectrum - a shopaholic. So now I'm losing all this weight and can't force myself to buy anything that'll fit correctly because I'm certain that I'll go overboard and spend too…
  • After months of lurking this is finally the thread that I feel a need to respond to! Go figure. Anyway, I've spent many hours reading about bra sizing, mostly related to buying nursing bras AND while doing so I discovered that the CUP size is in proportion to BAND size - which is why some of you have lost inches in your…