Shredding the Holidays-Start Nov. 28



  • I just finished Day 1 level 1 WOW!! just saying lol:blushing:
  • banff18
    banff18 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going to start tonight. If we are all doing this together, is there some kind of separate group we need to join? I'm new to Myfitnesspal so I'm just starting to figure this out. Also, are there others who have actually completed the 30 day shred and can show/tell that it worked for them?

    I'm also interested in p90x and insanity but I already own Shred (and I've never done it for more than 2-3 days) so I figure I should start with what I already have at home...
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm going to start tonight. If we are all doing this together, is there some kind of separate group we need to join? I'm new to Myfitnesspal so I'm just starting to figure this out. Also, are there others who have actually completed the 30 day shred and can show/tell that it worked for them?

    I'm also interested in p90x and insanity but I already own Shred (and I've never done it for more than 2-3 days) so I figure I should start with what I already have at home...

    Nope! Just keep coming back here.

    This is my 3rd time doing the Shred. I haven't exercised in months and came back to this workout because of the results.I don't have any pics, but I can tell you that I was seeing muscles that I didn't remember.:wink:
  • mjm9151
    mjm9151 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting this evening.
  • This actually sounds like an excellent idea. My roomie has the DVD, so I just may drag her along this journey with me.
  • banff18
    banff18 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you!! I'll continue to check in here :) hopefully I get myself moving tonight when I get home from work.
    I'm going to start tonight. If we are all doing this together, is there some kind of separate group we need to join? I'm new to Myfitnesspal so I'm just starting to figure this out. Also, are there others who have actually completed the 30 day shred and can show/tell that it worked for them?

    I'm also interested in p90x and insanity but I already own Shred (and I've never done it for more than 2-3 days) so I figure I should start with what I already have at home...

    Nope! Just keep coming back here.

    This is my 3rd time doing the Shred. I haven't exercised in months and came back to this workout because of the results.I don't have any pics, but I can tell you that I was seeing muscles that I didn't remember.:wink:
  • JDArrant
    JDArrant Posts: 11 Member
    After a month or so not working out (had been doing C25K -- completed a 5K and a 10K in early fall -- until it got cold and I wimped out) I pulled out 30DS. Glad to see others starting today too. Can't wait to see the changes, though I have to say that everyone talked about Jillian as though it was going to kill me. I found it to be challenging but not unmanageably so. Next time I'll have to use more weight I think.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I will start today as well. Do you want our starting weight and measurements?
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Best wishes to all of you shredders. Rock on! :flowerforyou:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did D7 L2 yesterday. Can I follow along just for fun? My back is burning today! Two days in a row (Sat and Sun), and I would have today, but didn't want to shred something important (re: back). I need a little motivation to keep doing it fairly regularly, since last week I Shredded 3 times, and before that, I went for 2 weeks with nothing. HOPE EVERYONE HAD A GREAT DAY 1!! :drinker:
    This actually sounds like an excellent idea. My roomie has the DVD, so I just may drag her along this journey with me.
    That's be awesome to do it with someone else!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Steph, it's good to see you again. I have missed you and Jen.

    To Everyone Else, Welcome!
  • banff18
    banff18 Posts: 6 Member
    I did it! After a long day of working and eating pretty well (and running around) I was hungry and tired and wanted to relax and eat whatever I wanted for dinner. I did eat some things I probably shouldn't have eaten (brownie, which is a waste since I don't even like chocolate) but I blame it on not eating enough during lunchtime....

    I was about to go to sleep, and decided to follow through with my Shred commitment. 20 minutes later, I was sweating and feeling the endorphins. Shred is not a KILLER workout for me, but my problem is consistency. If I can do this properly every day for 30 days, I'll be in a better position to improve my other habits. I even decided to take some beginner pics of my self in case I notice any changes. I stuck my stomach out as much as possible b/c I wanted the least flattering pix possible (hopefully for one of those beautiful before and after shots in 30 days!).

    I'm most proud b/c I almost skipped out but eventually convinced myself to stick to my promise. I have plantar fascitis so it was a bit hard on my foot, but I'm hoping that my orthotics prevent any serious damage...
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    I was praying to find a group or something who wanted to do the Shred for December. I'll start tomorrow! I want to get it done by Christmas time and see how things are from there :)
  • I am going to try to find this DVD today when I go out to the stores. If I can't find it, I will have to order it online. As soon as I get this in my hot little hands, I'm gonna start! I'm probably gonna die (my body is NOT used to working out) But i gotta start somewhere!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I am going to try to find this DVD today when I go out to the stores. If I can't find it, I will have to order it online. As soon as I get this in my hot little hands, I'm gonna start! I'm probably gonna die (my body is NOT used to working out) But i gotta start somewhere!

    Walmart and Target both sell it.

    The first time I did the Shred back in January, I would have given up long before I finished the first workout if I hadn't started with a group like this. For those of you starting for the first time, who may not be in the best shape, Don't Give Up! I think that days 2 and 3 are probably the hardest because you body is sore and you may not want to jump in and continue. But as she says in the video, once you get to days 6 and 7, it is still challenging but you can feel your endurance increasing.
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    I'm starting today! 11/29 I bought it yesterday.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've missed you too Kate! :flowerforyou:
    I'm waiting for the housemate to wake up so I can Shred... I've been up since 5:30am... Maybe I'll go shopping first... I need to do that today. Running out of food. It'll be a nice walk in the rain! :mad:

    Edit: It's too rainy for life. There's no way I'm going out there! I would if it weren't windy too!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    good Day 1 Level 1 yesterday...had to forgo the weights to get to the end! mostly focusing on form.

    I had to get some protein right afterward to avoid that fatique, but slept better than in the past couple of weeks!

    Day 2 with weights
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I did it! After a long day of working and eating pretty well (and running around) I was hungry and tired and wanted to relax and eat whatever I wanted for dinner. I did eat some things I probably shouldn't have eaten (brownie, which is a waste since I don't even like chocolate) but I blame it on not eating enough during lunchtime....

    I was about to go to sleep, and decided to follow through with my Shred commitment. 20 minutes later, I was sweating and feeling the endorphins. Shred is not a KILLER workout for me, but my problem is consistency. If I can do this properly every day for 30 days, I'll be in a better position to improve my other habits. I even decided to take some beginner pics of my self in case I notice any changes. I stuck my stomach out as much as possible b/c I wanted the least flattering pix possible (hopefully for one of those beautiful before and after shots in 30 days!).

    I'm most proud b/c I almost skipped out but eventually convinced myself to stick to my promise. I have plantar fascitis so it was a bit hard on my foot, but I'm hoping that my orthotics prevent any serious damage...

    AWESOME! keep that attitude... and let it pull you to where you want/need to be!
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    i did day 1 level 1 last night! my thighs are feeling it today but i will move on tonight and do it again! i only used 3lb weights because i didnt want to overdo it on my first round. eventually i will add more weight!