Shredding the Holidays-Start Nov. 28



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    D2, L1: finished

    I use 3 lb weights for most of the moves. I can do the chest flies with heavier, but usually don't because I don't want to get my heavier weights out :blushing: . I use 2 lb weights for the side lunge/anterior raises and even with a lower weight I can only hold 1 on the second set.

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!:happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D8 L2 complete. Shred for the 3 out of the last 4 days! I feel an improvement in the lunges for sure!

    hooah_mj... Right on! :drinker: Form is most important!

    mssgirl11... I love moving up in weights, but I still use 3 lbs on 1/2 the moves too! :happy:

    Kate... C'mon! Up the weights! I use 8-ponders on the chest flies (the lying down one, right? I don't listen to Jillian anymore). :bigsmile: I remember when 5's would give me a workout... Not so long ago.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Started Sat with 5 lb weights. I did it Sat and Mon night. Feeling the pain! But a great workout. I plan to do it every other day, with just cardio on the days in between, and somewhere in there, a rest day. Just think how awesome we will all be by Christmas!
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    L1 day 3 complete.

    This is the first time I have done any workout like this. I was VERY sore after day 1 & 2, but today I don't feel too bad! I am using 3lb weights except for the side lunges.

    Keep going everyone, together we can do it!
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    L1 day 1 done and I can feel it in my lower abdomen when i go to stand. I can also feel it in my thighs. what a workout!
  • I just started the 30 day shred yesterday, Don't really fell any shore mussels for my arms or anything (Even know my arms are the flabby ones) but my lower half can diffently fell it a day later. Going to do day two later :D
  • Level 1 day 2 done but holy are my legs and inside shoulders killing me lol. Hope that tomorrow will be better.
  • I am going to try to find this DVD today when I go out to the stores. If I can't find it, I will have to order it online. As soon as I get this in my hot little hands, I'm gonna start! I'm probably gonna die (my body is NOT used to working out) But i gotta start somewhere!

    Walmart and Target both sell it.

    The first time I did the Shred back in January, I would have given up long before I finished the first workout if I hadn't started with a group like this. For those of you starting for the first time, who may not be in the best shape, Don't Give Up! I think that days 2 and 3 are probably the hardest because you body is sore and you may not want to jump in and continue. But as she says in the video, once you get to days 6 and 7, it is still challenging but you can feel your endurance increasing.

    May I join you Shredders ? I started the Shred last week and did 2 whole days.... wow- e was I sore, including my knee, this is my 3rd and last attempt with this work out as..... I am going to finish it this time if takes me till May. :bigsmile:
  • Stacy121
    Stacy121 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm trying to lose that 10 pounds before my vacation at the end of January as well. Friend me if you want.
  • Level 1 Day 2 done ~ :D

    Hey is it a bad thing that I'm not sweating? I sure felt like I was gonna die when doing this exersice but yet I didn't sweat? :(
  • banff18
    banff18 Posts: 6 Member
    my plantar fascitis was killing me this morning from all the cardio - jumping jacks, kicks, jump rope. I don't know what to do...should I do it again or rest my foot. so annoying because I really want to do this but don't want to hurt myself permanent.y....
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    my plantar fascitis was killing me this morning from all the cardio - jumping jacks, kicks, jump rope. I don't know what to do...should I do it again or rest my foot. so annoying because I really want to do this but don't want to hurt myself permanent.y....

    They have shoe insoles for just that. I saw them at Walgreens when I bought some arch supports for my dh. I, too, have that, but it was my arthritic knees that were the trouble for me..
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got tendonitis and had to modify a lot of the cardio exercises the last time I shredded. I have a mini stepper that I picked up at Wal-Mart for about $40. I used to climb on that for my 2 minutes of cardio. Much lower impact but still gets your heart pumping.

    Good Luck!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done ~ :D

    Hey is it a bad thing that I'm not sweating? I sure felt like I was gonna die when doing this exersice but yet I didn't sweat? :(

    that is strange...I'd wear an HRM and check your exertion level.

    L1 D2 was tremendous...hope I can move tomorrow!
  • rw4hawks
    rw4hawks Posts: 121 Member
    L1/D3 for me, but Does it really burn around 200 per 20 minutes? That doesn't seem like much. LOL. Is it a 20 minute work out? Guess I never paid much attention to that.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    The workout is 26 minutes from the first arm cross to the last quad stretch.
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    I just re-started 30DS on Monday evening. I'd gotten through level 2 a few months ago and then life got crazy. Things are still nuts (I'm a single mama to a 4 year old and I work from home, currently 4 part-time contracts) but I really need to get my tush moving and this is the shortest workout I can do that's still effective! I try to get to Zumba every Tues & Thurs, but will be doing 30DS every other night. Last time I did it, I noticed results within a week. I highly recommend you measure yourself before starting- I didn't lose a ton of weight but I definitely lost inches. Hoping for similar results- and more!- this time around. :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Started Sat with 5 lb weights. I did it Sat and Mon night. Feeling the pain! But a great workout. I plan to do it every other day, with just cardio on the days in between, and somewhere in there, a rest day. Just think how awesome we will all be by Christmas!
    That's the attitude!! :drinker:

    mom2pne... I love when my abs feel the workout! Makes me feel like stretching all day. :happy: Good for you!

    jenergy_20... No worries! As long as you keep coming back. :bigsmile: I've been at this round since SEPTEMBER! I'm finally pushing it through to the end again. Be careful with your knee. I have ankle pain sometimes, so I just keep it low-impact with no/less jumping, ie. jumping jacks with just the arms and a set with the foot out to the right, centre, left, centre. Nothing wrong with that!

    banff18... Take it easy. See what I said to jenergy above. :flowerforyou:

    Konpeito... Some people sweat less in general. I'm NOT one of you. :laugh:

    rhwetjen... Yep. About 200 calories per 25 mins for me. Depends how hard you push it, and in my experience, how tired your muscles are (which lowers it for me). I usually add 30 mins of cardio of sorts to feel like I've done some significant burning.
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    L1/D3 for me, but Does it really burn around 200 per 20 minutes? That doesn't seem like much. LOL. Is it a 20 minute work out? Guess I never paid much attention to that.

    L1/D3 for me too. I burned 184-204 w/HRM for the workout over the last 3 days. So I guess 200 is about right.
  • Magzilla08
    Magzilla08 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey it so cool that everyone is starting today ! I just finished day one with my mom brother and sister.. Im in it for the long run, I hope they are to!