parenting help



  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I never worked out with them underfoot, to be honest. I needed some total "me" time and took them to the gym so I could work out in peace. Now that my 5 year old (youngest) is in school, I don't have an issue...and working out is cheaper! LOL.
  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    When mine were that age, I used to take them to the playground and do laps around it. My next door neighbor is a runner. She used to partner with other runners with children. One would stay with the children while the others ran. They kept taking turns. The children got to play for a few hours and all of the moms got their run in.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Mine are ages 6 and 3. I exercise when they are in school. On the days when they are not in school I walked while pushing them in a jogging stroller. I did this for months, then I joined a gym which has a daycare area.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    When I dance I dance with my kids. I play Just Dance and give my 3 year old a wii remote that doesn't have any batteries in it....go on walks and put him in a stroller. If you're doing an exercise dvd just let them stand beside you and do it too.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I can for sure be hard, I wait until she naps, take her for walks, or wait until hubby comes home from work.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    my girls are 6 years old and 4 years old plus I watch a baby boy that is 7months old

    the girls play after bf or will work out along side me and the baby plays in the exersaucer or is napping.

    my girls LOVE the 30day shred lol (the jumping jacks are called pencil star as they do them its really cute) they also really love to zumba with me and we all like the wii fit games
    If I get on the eliptical or hit the heavy bag then I pull out either coloring books , playdough , or pop in a movie for them to watch and always leave a healthy fruit snack and drink out for them so I don`t have to stop my workout to fix it for them kwim ( I also make sure the bathroom light is on before starting my workout lol its no fun stopping just to turn the light switch but it has happened )
  • JDArrant
    JDArrant Posts: 11 Member
    Like many others, my 2.5 year old likes to exercise with mommy, and we also bought him a set of light weights. We do my exercise videos (interval based) while the 1 year old naps - a mom and big brother time! On my running days I throw them both in a jogging stroller and go. Normally good behavior in the stroller earns time at the park/sprayground/indoor pool based on where we ran. I have really tried to make them a part of me becoming more active - largely because my mom wasn't active. She struggled, struggled and still struggles with the weight and I am carving out a totally different lifestyle for my boys. I want them to think that this is normal, not how I grew up perceiving food and activity. I find other ways to have "me" time - scrapbooking, shopping (grocery too), reading, MFP, etc.
  • banjobaby
    banjobaby Posts: 46 Member
    i have a 4 year old son (single, work from home) and i am still trying to figure it all out. my goal is to eventually get up before he does and work out, but that hasn't been going so well. what has worked is letting him have some computer time while i work out (he will play games on i do dvds and sometimes he will come in and try and do the vidio with me. it's pretty distracting but kinda funny :smile:

    i also try to fit in active stuff we can do together (park, playgrounds etc) although, i don't technically count that as a work out....
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    My son is 2 and I (hubby and I both) work out after he goes to bed. As soon as I get home from work and before I do anything else, I change in to my workout clothes. That way, after I made dinner, eat, play, bath time and bed time, I am already half way to getting my workout in because I'm dressed. You have to just do it. I don't mean this ugly, but you just have to stop with the excuses and do it. I used to do the exact same thing and "oh I'm tired" or "oh, I have to do laundry" etc, etc. I reached my goal weight and still hated what I saw and I knew there was nothing else that could be done but to exercise. I've been at it since June and so far I am getting some nice results. You just literally have to make yourself do it and not except any excuses. PERIOD!
  • pippyrlz23
    pippyrlz23 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree with everyone 4 there is so much he can do with you! Walking/jogging, yoga, etc. Sometimes just dancing around the living room with my kids is a workout! Anything that you have to count (sit ups, jumping jacks or push ups) do in reps of 10 and have him count out loud for you. :-) Not only will you get to bond, but your getting exercise too and teaching him healthy living! :-)
  • vivid2012
    Go for a walk with him before his bedtime... It should help tire him out and give you both the exercise you need..
    yup, walk together with him would be a good choice.
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    My daughter is 4 (well, will be 4 next Tuesday!). I second the idea of joining a gym with childcare, if that's in your budget. Like a previous poster, I'm single and work from home, which means that I'm on duty 24/7. With the gym, not only do I get exercise but it's also a little time away, which every parent needs from time to time.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member

    1. go to gym that has a child care center...he gets to be with kids and you get to workout
    2. get up earlier then him and exercise
    3. can he ride a bicycle/tricycle? if so, he can ride, you can walk fast or jog
    4. you can exercise, he can have independent play time
    5. exercise after he goes to bed at night (not my favorite option because by that time i am ready for bed too!)

    Amen, to the options above. I do combinations of all of those. I belong to the YMCA. The first hour of daycare is free and it is a dollar an hour thereafter. Also, sometimes, the kids can play in the small pool, while I swim in the large pool. You could hire a teen on ocassion to play with your grandchild while you enjoy a mega workout. I also have my son ride a scooter or his bike while I walk. Sometimes we walk to a nearby park and then he plays (while I walk around and stretch) and then we walk back. Other times, because I have a husband, I leave to go to the YMCA at bedtime and he puts the kids to bed. That way, I don't feel that I'm missing family or work time. I'm missing bedtime and TV. Lastly, if you ever sign your grandchild up for lessons (swimming, gymastics, music, soccer etc.), you can use that time to walk and workout. Lastly, playing with kids is lots of exercise. You can play tag, go to the kindergarden playground near you, and run around, play ball, ride bikes together, etc.

    You can do this. Start small. Better for you to do even 5-15 minutes than anything. You'll get the swing of it.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old. I do my exercise during their afternoon snack time. I give them some snacks, either rent a kids movie or put in a DVD, and go to the basement to do my workout. I felt guilty at first plopping them in front of the TV so I could exercise, but now I rationalize that I deserve an hour of "me time" every day. We have a small house, so even though I'm one floor away from them, I can still hear them.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    Bumping for later for myself! Could use some of these ideas too!
  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    I have a 9 year old and a 2 year old, and in addition I watch a 1 year old and a 5 year old. Sometimes I get up early to work out. Sometimes we take walks together (yes, they are slow and yes they are only 1 -2 miles, but every movement counts!). It helps when you take the kids on a walk if you have a destination. Our favorite destinations are the park, the Dollar Store, and the library. My 2 year old likes to "play" the Just Dance 2 game on the Wii with me. I sweat, she dances around - it's great fun! Oh, and pop him in a bike carrier. Great work out for you - and the kids love it too!

    As for food, I plan my food ahead and often make my food for the next day on the night before. That way I'm less likely to pick up something easy and unhealthy because my preplanned, healthy food is easier to pick up and eat than junk food.

    And water? I keep a jug full that holds 8 glasses of water (I got it at Wal mart). I just pour my water into my glass out of that. It's easy to see through the day if I'm getting my water in or not.

    Also, I have found it easier to start ONE thing at at time. One week change your food. The second week, add in 3 days exercise. etc, etc. However it works for you. It seems as if you already have a lot of changes in your life. It stresses me out to have too many, and easing into it works best for me. Good luck!