Blowing_Daisies Member


  • I would love to be friends too. I could do with some brutal honesty so feel free to add me too guys x
  • Get rid of the hubby likes the junk so I ordered a locable box, this way I can avoid indulging in it. I also found going gym in the Am set me up for a better day
  • Getting to sleep for me is the easy part. I try to have a warm drink and get warm but not too warm I cant sleep, I have a bath if im achy and lie down in the dark. I found routine was the key and it began to come naturally either that or Im woken so many times a night that im so tired when im down i knock out. I also find…
  • Im over the ocean but id like to be friends I know how it feels to have lack of support. Feel free to add me
  • Yeh i am normally under my goal and I will burn off the excess, I wouldn't mind eating over if it was the good stuff i was eating but i turn to chocolate and biscuits (comfort food) the junk food is there mainly for my husband he refuses to give them up so when i have had a bad nights sleep (due to my 10 month old) the…
  • Haha! thank you for pointing that out, I did notice it once I had saved the thread but by then it was too late to change it :)
  • Feel free to add me I could do with some support and motivation online everyday to help anyone too. Im 27
  • Logging and getting a good MFP friend support system will help heeps Not only will they be able to point you out but when you log everything down to the last gram you will see where your go wrong and maybe pinpoint why. Many of us have bad days my worst days are when im fed up but then tomorrow is another day and I pick…
  • I get good results with 30 day shred, The idea is not to miss a day if your hurting and aching go for the easier workout but push yourself to see results and you will get more defined and toned.
  • Thanks for your response, i have got better on the logging front and eat really well i log everything as i weigh it all on the scales and only have the odd occasional treat like a slice of cake or a chocolate bar but its maybe once a week. I dont expect it to be an overnight miracle but was wondering am i doing something…
  • awww huge thanks oceanpumkin, really appreciate your reply