ways to break the habbit

I failed and eat 446 calorie worth of junk today...I know this will be all I will eat junk wise for a few days it just upsets me that when i get tired i turn to junk. I need an alternative to turning to food something that can occupy my mind, body and hands instead :( any ideas?

(sorry about the spelling error :) Habit )


  • Bomchelle
    Bomchelle Posts: 4 Member
    Go for a walk....take your adorable kids to a park!

  • Blowing_Daisies
    Blowing_Daisies Posts: 14 Member

    Haha! thank you for pointing that out, I did notice it once I had saved the thread but by then it was too late to change it :)
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Don't keep junk in the house. If those are your babies in the pic (adorable, btw), I imagine that going out to buy junk with them in tow is no easy task.
  • Bomchelle
    Bomchelle Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry...I am a Diva Grammar Queen (DGQ) and sometimes it gets the best of me!
  • Bomchelle
    Bomchelle Posts: 4 Member
    Keeping healthy snacks around will also teach your kiddos good eating habits!
  • Bomchelle
    Bomchelle Posts: 4 Member
    BTW....how do you post those cool little Weight Loss graphs??
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Keeping healthy snacks around will also teach your kiddos good eating habits!

    "kiddos" from a Diva Grammar Queen? Hmmmm...
  • Water_Gal
    Water_Gal Posts: 52 Member
    Dear Bomchelle, you create a ticker in your profile first and then go to forum settings and click the box to add it to your posts. A fun way to share your success.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    If you absolutely HAVE to have junk, go buy a snack size (like those 25 cent Lays bags) from the grocery store, eat it and get on with it. Torturing yourself mentally is no way to live. And do NOT buy "family size" anything in junk. Good luck!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Keeping healthy snacks around will also teach your kiddos good eating habits!

    "kiddos" from a Diva Grammar Queen? Hmmmm...

    What does the term "kiddos" have to do with grammar, exactly?

    ...and what does "habbit" have to do with grammar? That's a spelling error, not a grammatical error.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    You didn't fail. Do you still have calories to eat today? Make choices that keep you within your daily goal. If you are already over, you can make it by reducing your intake over the next 4 days by 100 calories or so. It's a long term journey. Take it a day at a time and make adjustments as you go. Completely depriving yourself of certain kinds of foods is very hard. Work small amounts of them in to your plan so you don't feel deprived.
  • Blowing_Daisies
    Blowing_Daisies Posts: 14 Member
    Yeh i am normally under my goal and I will burn off the excess, I wouldn't mind eating over if it was the good stuff i was eating but i turn to chocolate and biscuits (comfort food) the junk food is there mainly for my husband he refuses to give them up so when i have had a bad nights sleep (due to my 10 month old) the next day I get to a point when i feel really drained and tired and i tend to turn to junk :(
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I stopped buying junk years ago. My husband is a big boy. If he wants junk food he can go out and get it himself. :)