I can't stop eating. Can I overcome the urge to indulge?

I just can't stop eating junk food especially. My wedding is set for July 13 and I'm still here battling appetite issues. I'm a fairly active person, but unfortunately, a good workout cannot offset a bad diet. I have barely 2 months and I'd love to lose at least 15lbs. Please I need help. Where do i find the motivation? ...any ticks and tips?


  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    The best thing to do is just get rid of all the junk in your house. Stock your fridge up with fresh fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, etc. Bring your lunch to work. Cook your meals, don't go out to eat.

    Those are the main things I can think of... It helped me a LOT because I love all sorts of different fruits for desserts. Junks foods are okay on occasion (like once a week), but you really have to get into a 'I want to be healthy the rest of my life' mindset and convince yourself you LOVE healthy foods over junk foods. Because I really do now!

    Aside from that, learn to love the gym, walking, a sport, etc. Do it 4x a week for 30 mins at least. Think of it like a job, you can love it but you have to do it, and instead of earning money you're earning a better, healthier you!

    Hope that helps...
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Drink a large glass of water and go for some less caloric snacks.

    Air popped pop corn without butter is an excellent snack. Broccoli and celery are also great snacks if you like them.
  • Blowing_Daisies
    Blowing_Daisies Posts: 14 Member
    Get rid of the junk....my hubby likes the junk so I ordered a locable box, this way I can avoid indulging in it. I also found going gym in the Am set me up for a better day
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Since your Wedding's only a couple weeks away I see no harm in temporarily ridding your house of sweets. This might be a good time too to research on making sure you aren't holding onto any extra water right around the day, there are little tricks body builders and other competitors do to be in top form for a big day. You can do that too.

    Best Wishes!:flowerforyou:
  • CarrieLincoln
    Congrats on your wedding!! How exciting!

    I can relate and have felt that way and here is what I've found to work for me and many of my clients. Before you can change your nutrition habits you will want to really think about how will you feel once you've lost those 15lbs. Thinking about your "Why" will help you tremendously with discipline and here is where you find your motivation. =)

    Drinking more water between meals, keeping the snacks out of the house.Where do you usually find that you eat more of the junk food? Work,home? What triggers the snacking? Keeping a journal of when you eat and how you feel through out the day is a great way to help you see what your triggers are and where you can make better choices.

    Keep us posted on what you do and how it worked for you! Congrats on your wedding!!

    ~ Carrie
  • HappyBlues
    HappyBlues Posts: 94 Member
    I never rely on will power, but that is primarily because I don't have any! LOL! I read something once, about how you always have a choice. And when you tell yourself you "can't" something you'll only make yourself want it THAT much more! So instead you should tell yourself "I could have that pizza, but I choose not to eat it. I choose to look good at my wedding instead!" It seems a little silly, but it works for me.
    MSLUC Posts: 30
    This is an old Grandmothers remedy; using a real lemon, cut it in half, and whenever you feel the urge to eat.....lick the lemon repeatedly until the urge goes away. I know it sounds wacky. I thought so too, forty-four pounds ago.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Look at yourself in the mirror, then really think twice about whether you want to eat the junk or not.
  • chantillylace57
    Get rid of the junk....my hubby likes the junk so I ordered a locable box, this way I can avoid indulging in it. I also found going gym in the Am set me up for a better day

    OMG what a awesome idea, thank you so much x
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Congrats! I agree with the others who suggested ridding your house of whatever it is you are having a hard time resisting. Also make sure you are taking a good vitamin and mineral supplement as sometimes cravings result from something your body is lacking. Try to get at least 100g of protein a day and make sure you are hitting your fat macro.
  • ehodgdend4
    ehodgdend4 Posts: 27 Member
    The easiest way i found to stop indulging on garbage was to replace it with something healthy, I did spinach cause its good and you can eat a whole bag of it and you get 11 carbs and 7grams of fiber. when i get supper hungry after working out I make a big *kitten* spianch salad and add grilled or bbq chicken. But the biggest thing to remember is be careful what you put on your salad dressing pack on a lot cals, sugers, and carbs. also another thing i do is drink a lot of water and that helps a lot
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    You absolutely have to get rid of all the junk food. Because if it's there, you'll eat it. Just donate it to your local food bank. I did. I'm glad too.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    Congrats on your wedding. July 13th is my birthday :)

    I've found the best way to keep from indulging is to not buy the junk in the first place. Take someone with you shopping, someone who will be hardcore about keeping you on track. Once you have the healthier options at home, try planning out your meals every day so you know exactly what you're going to eat and when.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Gratz on the upcoming event.

    If you like grapefruits and lemons, they are excellent at curbing appetite and some think
    kicking up metabolism as well. Filling up on lemon water is a great approach.
  • susan_worthington
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

    If you like almonds then carrying a small quantity around to nibble as an alternative to eating impuise foods; this has helped me with the munchie cravings. I also learned (too late naturally) that often thirst can be mistaken for hunger and so drinking water or a nice herbal tea (one that is relaxing sounds a good idea) if you can before you try and eat is a good option. Avoid going out to cafes to get a drink because the food there is designed to support your snacking tendencies! Don't underestimate the possible stress of getting ready for your big day - you are probably doing a lot of additional things and getting thrown from your routine - if you are like me that can make the contents of your fridge too convenient to engage in a little emotional eating. Self awareness is your saviour in this case. Think about WHY you want to eat; if you are genuinely hungry then aim to eat something healthy in moderation from these foods that you have on standby; if not, then maybe having a glass of water and going for a walk and some fresh air might be better, or catching up with a friend, or do something to distract (at night a shower or bath works for me). Not having the wrong food to tempt you in the first place hanging around is very sensible. Best of wishes.
  • alathIN
    alathIN Posts: 142 Member
    Have you ever been to an OA meeting?

    Most of over eating is trying to meet emotional needs with food.

    If you can meet the emotional needs, you don't need nearly as much food.