SpanksNotSpanx Member


  • Hey everyone feel free to add me for lots of support. I had roux en y gastric bypass with gallbladder removal on 6/20. Just a few days ago I was crying because I was in such bad pain following the surgery and now I'm crying about my husband giving away maple bacon and other foods that don't fall into our diet plan! It's…
  • Working on losing weight prior to and pursuing roux en y bypass. My requirements are nearly done - but I will be waiting and trying to continue weight loss on my own (to make surgery easier) until may, when I am out of school for the semester. My best friend in the entire world just had the sleeve procedure on 2/8/17 so…
  • I couldn't post this until today but... :P Here we go in all my flabby unfabby glory! LOL!!!! Waaaiiiit for it.... Looking a little too happy to be in the med room @ work!! Realizing how awful I look on the screen ... Priceless LOL! This is me at my very very heaviest :) I took this at the beginning of the month, I'm about…
  • I am coming up on my second birthday *blushes* Oooh boy!
  • THIS all day long.
  • Hey Mr. Generic! Everyones story may be similar but it doesn't make their loss and lifestyle changes, and goals any less important, difficult or life altering! Stick to your guns, and become that role model for your sons. .... Crap.. I'm rhyming. Anyways :) Keep up the dedication and add if you would like -Courtney-
  • I really re started my journey after my daughter started to watch how I was eating and eating off of my plate. It really got me thinking that I've gotta kick it up a notch!!! I love that your family is your motivation too :)! Feel free to add if you would like, and keep up the dedication!!! -Courtney
  • Hey Chief :) I've volunteered with my local PD(3 years) and COVA EMS in Albion NY since I was 13. I only got up to the level of First responder/driver after realizing that I get extreme motion sickness in the back of the rig, but now I co-lead our venturing crew and we've recently had 3 achieve their EMT Basics :) pretty…
  • Aww you've come to the right place! No reason to be lonely on here!!! I am a solo mama too and it's exhausting but with enough dedication and motivation we can move mountains. Feel free to add me :) I'll have to bust out the unit converter but thats A-Ok with me :D LOL!!!! -Courtney
  • Congrats on the loss so far!!!! And ddeeefffinitely keep up the good work! I have similar problems with food - I eat emotionally and stress is NO EXCEPTION! I realized as my little one started to run that .. Even though I'm only down (about 15lb) that I already have a resurgence of energy! We can do this! Feel free to add…
  • Feel free to add me! I have had a lot of trouble with injuries hampering my weight loss so I definitely know how that feels. Actually after a full year I am only regaining full useage of my right shoulder through vigorous PT!!! :) Keep up the good work!!! -Courtney
  • Feel free to add me :) I still have well over 100+ to lose and would love to share encouragement and motivation with you! -Courtney
  • Welcome back Buffy you aren't alone! I've hemmed and hawed about WLS several times and at my largest my dr even suggested it. My mother went through it and had a lot of success... but it's such a harsh surgery, and such a permenant solution to a problem I am BOUND AND DETERMINED to handle on my own. It's really difficult…
  • :D Second time ... not lucky... but DEDICATED to your lifestyle change :D!! Agreed - No excuses! :) -Courtney
  • Hey :) I'm Courtney, 23 and although I graduated with my AAS in 09' I am looking into schools for hopefully next fall! Add away if you would like darlin :) and welcome to MFP!!
  • I limited myself to 2 cups of coffee yesterday (one before I knew about the challange and one right before driving to work since I was already exhausted) I am pretty tuckered so I know that I'm going to need to find my motivation to exercise tonight :( but I did get a lot of good shoveling, and a ton of water in yesterday.…
  • I can't guarantee that I'm less lazy than you at this point in the game but I do have a lot more to lose! I have had a lot of success in the past and this time around have the dedication to back it up. :) Add if you would like, and I'll do my best to be a good acountabilibuddy!
  • You're absolutely right. It kind of falls in line with the saying "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is right now" :)! Wishing you success through this entire change of lifestyle! Feel free to add me if you would like extra support! -Courtney
  • After reading everyone's replies I feel rather shocked and embarrased.. and emptied my essentials into a smaller purse!!! the strangest items I found were: 1) Tire pressure gauge 2) Temp Funeral director license from my practicum in 08 3) What I choose to call a "stress" rock (kinda like a stress ball) 4) A nursing pad…
  • Howdy everyone! My name is Courtney and I am a 23 year old single mama with a 10 month old! I had great success on MFP last year but when my life took a sharp turn for the worst I packed on the pounds eating emotionally and opting for comfort convenience foods. I don't have a definite end weight goal or date, but I do have…
  • AHAHAHA :D I love this! I will also attempt to drop the coffee definitely!! This may be extremely hard as I did just get a keurig for christmas *eyes light up like a little kid* but I can make iced tea in it too, and I drink my tea unsweetened anyways. So tea and water!!! here I come! I am not quite up to snuff with that…
  • I'm so so sorry that you have to go through this, but beautiful.. you are never never alone. When I brought home my first girlfriend my mother refused to acknowledge our relationship, calling her my friend even after almost a year together. Parents .. especially moms I think... really do have to go through a whole grieving…
  • I would definitely get in to see your primary and have them refer you out to a "sports" orthopedic dr. :) They may suggest some physical therapy to help strengthen the area of concern. In the meantime if you are able, try some anti-inflammatory meds like ibuprofen.. and take it easy!!!
  • Congrats on beating your battle with Cushings! And good luck in your future battles with weight loss :) Stay motivated, now is the time to lose! Add me if you would like!
  • I've dated fat guys and skinny guys and muscular beefy guys and it's all the same: 1) I like confidence. If you aren't confident... then PRETEND until you are confident. If you think that no one is going to date you because you're fat ... you're probably right. Not because you're fat, but because you don't hold yourself…
  • This is my second time using MFP too although I think I may be a bigger loser here :P I gained upwards of 50 after working so hard to lose it! YIKES :D but congrats on the weight loss so far and keep up the good work. Add me if you would like :)
  • Good luck! I was On MFP before and had a lot of success but then after my daughters birth I slacked off .. I slacked off right through 50+lbs! :) Good job getting back on track it's difficult... even emotionally realizing that you've got to make changes! Add me if you would like!
  • I work overnight at a group home... and sometimes I sneak pudding cups. Once I forgot to throw out the evidence, and totally blamed it on one of the individuals when a coworker found it! Pudding bandit strikes again!