sdavisneill Member


  • Happy Monday! Getting back on track with my weigh-in today. I'm not really sure about the number I got this morning, the scale was all over the place both above and below what I ended up taking as my measurement. Sometimes it does that and it's just so frustrating. I know I was up a little because of the conference last…
  • More newbies, yay!! Welcome awdamn & Congratulations on your marriage!! Welcome also to Dixiejo, sarahwright, powellfam, archiesjess, ann945n, & texasmissy. Sorry for all the names I missed while I was out of town. Dawn, thinking good thoughts for you. Pam, I know that feeling when bad stuff comes in groups. I truly…
  • Hello ladies! I'm back from my meeting/conference in upstate New York. It was one of the most inspirational, reinvigorating professional things I've ever participated in. My company is a printing and fulfillment company and we belong to this group of international printers. Executives from each of the companies meet twice…
  • Thanks everyone for the support. I always feel better after checking in with y'all!! Destiny - How cute that your LO is a parrot for Halloween. What a creative idea! Maria - Good luck tracking this cycle! Fiona - I'm still chuckling from your post. We have an all glass front door and I always run by really quickly if I…
  • Welcome newbies. We're glad to have you here. Hope you find what you are looking for. Smores, so sorry. Hang tough. We're here for ya. Dawn, I'm pulling out my pom poms for a big "GO O"!! Emily, good luck at the doctor. Pam, Great perspective. Good things will happen. I just keep repeating that to myself. AFM, this is just…
  • Had a few minutes this morning , so I thought I'd send a few more shout-outs. mrsjenfrank - Great loss! Congrats & keep up the good work! havalinaaa - Good goals. I'll throw in my support for the gym with the pool, that's one of my absolute favorite ways to exercise. Imwitha - Good luck with the pilates. I like mixing up…
  • Hello ladies! Another week down and another week ahead! Most of the time I dread them, but today Monday feels oddly refreshing. Like moving forward. Kudos to everyone on setting some great year end goals too! First of all, Karen, CONGRATULATIONS!!! What amazing news. Thinking super sticky thoughts for you and sending a…
  • Jalara - Yay! I know that was a huge decision, and I'm so excited for you!! Luki - It's so wonderful to be near family. Mine is 2000 miles away and the older I get, the more I wish we lived closer. Karen - Thanks for popping up to say hi! There's never any apologies for having a busy life! We're thinking about you too.…
  • dexter, I do remember a lot of what I want to reply to, but secret revealed, I keep a second window open so I can refer back, just in case. :wink:
  • Happy Monday ladies! I love that I usually have a half hour free to catch up and respond to y'all. It's a good start to the week! Welcome smanibhai, Imwitha, cutmd & leylaaa87 Nice to see you again Amanda. Sorry to hear about the ectopic pregnancy. Good job staying focused on your health through all of the craziness.…
  • Melissa, I've been diagnosed with PCOS for about 6+ years now. I actually found out before we were TTC. My husband spent a summer in Japan, so I went off all drugs, etc. (including birth control since I didn't need it) in my attempt to generally feel better (I had mood swings and extreme dizziness/nausea on bc) and lose…
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian ladies here! Pokee - Do I recall you saying something about buying a new house? Hope the move went well. Also glad you had good results from the acupuncture. The idea of it still intimidates me a little. dexters_dexterity - Welcome. I know a lot of people jumped in on your query, but…
  • Just a quick drop in. CONGRATULATIONS Julia!!! Welcome Heather311! Pam, stick to your guns. It is totally worth it. Glad you have a couple more buddies to go with you. AFM, had a good lunch meeting with my boss today (I haven't really talked to him much over the past 4 weeks). I offered up taking on some more…
  • Ok, so many people on MFP have been talking about it so I finally caved and bought the 30 Day Shred DVD. Today was Day 1 for me. I'm proud to say I made it through the entire workout, but it seriously kicked my butt! I'm going to do my best to stick with it. Here's a toast to new challenges! :drinker:
  • Hello ladies!! Big catch up day for me I guess. I think I can only respond to the new Oct posts. Too much flipping back & forth to catch the Sept ones since my last post too - ha! Sorry if I missed anyone. Mandy - Sorry about the mood swings. This is such an emotional process and all the fluctuations in hormones don't…
  • Long post warning! I hadn't logged into the forums in a few days it seems. Miranda - Hope you're doing ok still post surgery. Did you end up going in for the HSG? Hope everything turned out ok with that too if you did. Dawn - More power to you if you go for the triathalon. I think the running part alone would knock me out.…
  • Hello Monday - As excitement is certainly not on the agenda, I am striving for indifference today. :indifferent: I'm going to break my posts into two this morning. First, check in and then replies to everyone. MFP SW (March 2011): 211 Calendar week 35: 172.6 (-1.2) Calendar week 36: 172.2 (-0.4) Calendar week 37: 172.0…
  • Nancy - Thanks for the hugs. I'll always take lots of those! Good luck with your blood work & ultrasound. Jalara - I saw the preview for biggest loser about Anna K. Might actually have to watch a little bit this season. Should be entertaining! Kacy - So sorry about the m/c. Welcome to this group. I know it's probably not…
  • First off, CONGRATULATIONS Alisa & Smores!! What wonderful news. :happy: Positive thoughts that everything goes well. Well, I'm back from my trip home for my grandma's funeral. It was a long, emotionally draining week, but I'm so glad I could be there for my mom and spend some quality time with my whole family. I've read…
  • Welcome newbies Corrine (sweetness623), Heather (bookworm03), Melissa (melissaforster07), Mel (meljones), mrsmccullen07 & renothegirl!! Destiny (thedestar) - I say keep on your weight loss plan while trying. As long as you're not starving yourself or overdoing it on the working out, being healthier cannot hurt. Plus, I'm…
  • Ok, & one more for today. Sorry I'm so wordy. Maybe I just missed y'all this weekend! Weighing in today: MFP SW (March 2011): 211 Calendar week 32: 177.0 (-2.8) Calendar week 33: 175.4 (-1.6) Calendar week 34: 173.8 (-1.6) Calendar week 35: 172.6 (-1.2) Calendar week 36: 172.2 (-0.4) Down just a little this week, but…
  • Hey EmilyRanae! You get your own post today since my reply is longer. :smile: #1 - Yes. Our discussion sort of played out over time. My career has been the one on the fast track, and overall has the more demanding schedule. A few years ago (when we first started trying), my husband left full time teaching to be a…
  • Happy Tuesday everyone! What a lot of activity just in the past day or so! I'll admit, I did have to take some notes today. :wink: I may actually break this up into a couple of posts today. You know, just to mix things up!! Kim (kcurtis05) - CONGRATULATIONS!!! What fabulous news and how fun that you got to tell your sister…
  • So I'm got mixed up about what happened at the end of the other thread (maybe because we went over 500 posts!?), and I'm sure I'm missing out on some stuff, so I'm just restarting my loving board supportiveness with September! beckyobsm - Thanks for the encouragement!! Nancy (panteragirl) - Stress has been known to mess…
  • Happy Monday! Quick check in for me. MFP SW (March 2011): 211 Calendar week 31: 179.8 (+1.0) Calendar week 32: 177.0 (-2.8) Calendar week 33: 175.4 (-1.6) Calendar week 34: 173.8 (-1.6) Calendar week 35: 172.6 (-1.2) Another good week, yay! I didn't really set any last week, but my goals for this week are to try to shift…
  • Hello ladies! Dropping in on the weekend for a change. Tara - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm with everyone else in thinking lots of sticky thoughts for you!! Karen - Keep taking care of yourself. I know the emotions must be a roller coaster, I'm still impressed that you continue to find rays of sunshine. Welcome msmitch, Tasha &…
  • Welcome back Jalara! I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip despite the food thing. Vegas is so awesome. I'm not even much of a gambler, but I think it is the overabundance of the artificial fantasyland that just makes it intriguing to me. Like Disney for grown-ups. I have also always loved Garth Brooks too and that show…
  • Thanks!! I had an initial list on a sticky note to learn most of the names & I have to look back through old posts every so often. We've had so many wonderful newbies though, so it is getting harder! :tongue:
  • Ahh...Tuesday. So glad I took a work from home day yesterday. I got more done before noon than I do some days in the office. Thanks all for the shout outs on the loss. I think I'm addicted to the exercise now. :smile: Nancy (PanteraGirl) - Ouch! Having wisdom teeth taken out is no fun. Just think though, maybe it is easier…
  • Happy Monday All! Quick post to weigh in today. I'm working from home to try to be a little more focused. I have a couple of big projects that have not been moving forward at all when I'm at work - too many distractions! Cross your fingers that this strategy works a little better for me. Hope everyone had a great weekend!…