Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member

    I saw some chatter about baby slings and wanted to say that as a nanny I have used MANY of them and the ergo is by far my preferred carrier. It adjusts as a child grows and can be worn both front and back with minimal getting it on frustration.

    Yes. I have heard GREAT things about the Ergo. It was a little out of my price range when I learned about it...but actually, I have a friend who got one for her second, and I'm hoping I might be able to borrow it if this one sticks. Wow--I can't believe I was just able to say that!

    Thanks for the support everyone! Surreal, yes. Happy, yes. Trying not to go crazy waiting for the sonogram next Wed, yes. I'll probably be hanging around here till then...I just can't quite believe it yet...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Question for all you ladies: I know prenatal vitamins are super important especially in early pregnancy, so I went ahead and bought some this past week to start getting myself into the habit of taking them. I have been taking Folic acid since july but I wanted to up the ante :tongue: I was worried about getting constipated cause I heard all the Iron can do that but so far I feel fine.

    Anyway, does brand matter? I bought a large bottle of pills (200-300) at Walmart for $8. Do you really get what you pay for when it comes to vitamins or is a vitamin a vitamin?

    Prenatals are great but I think they get a bad reputation. The iron will "back you up" but only while your body adjusts to it. You actually need more iron when you get pregnant because of the increase in blood supply. To help cut down on the constipation and tummy troubles just cut it in half and take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night. This also allows your body to absorb the most nutrients since it can only take in so much at one time.

    Hope this helps!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Karen!!!!!!!!! I don't even know what to say! Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you!

    I was just reading your last email to me, and wow what a difference! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!!!!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Question for all you ladies: I know prenatal vitamins are super important especially in early pregnancy, so I went ahead and bought some this past week to start getting myself into the habit of taking them. I have been taking Folic acid since july but I wanted to up the ante :tongue: I was worried about getting constipated cause I heard all the Iron can do that but so far I feel fine.

    Anyway, does brand matter? I bought a large bottle of pills (200-300) at Walmart for $8. Do you really get what you pay for when it comes to vitamins or is a vitamin a vitamin?

    I do think especially with the multis you need to figure out what you want, because not only does the quality of the vitamin matter (but very very hard to evaluate without medical assistance), but the quantity of the vitamin matters. Here's an example. My husband went on Fertiliblend for Men back in June. The bottle was around $50 for the month and he needed to take it for about 3 months before we saw any benefits. We took it to the fertility specialist and she pulled out another brand, which was about double the price with a completely different formulation, most of the volumes were much higher and she suggested that at the Fertility Blend rates we would see minimal results once we factored in travel to the US for the FB and they are surprisingly similar in cost and both help with MFI.

    I know that some prenatals have less iron than others, so if you are taking an iron supplement, you don't need the full prenatal. Right now, I'm actually taking a generic multivitamin, iron supplement, chromium supplement, folate supplement & B12 shots. The iron supplement and B12 shots are prescribed by my doctor and she recommended I not take a prenatal because I was already going to be getting enough iron and they're all pretty loaded - I'm not even taking a multi for woman because they have too much iron. So I added in the chromium (which helps with blood sugar) and folate as well to make sure that I was meeting my specific needs as recommended by my doctor. Basically, I guess, I'm suggesting that you get the formulations and work with your doctor to make sure you're taking the right one if you're not sure and concerned.

    Oh and PS. Check to make sure you're not taking too much synthetic folic acid. The maximum recommended dose is 1000 micrograms per day - which is about the levels that you should be getting in your multivitamin. To exceed the maximum can trigger symptoms of B12 deficiencies which can lead to permanent nerve damage. High levels of folic acid have also been known to cause seizures in some individuals. Check with your doctor since youre already taking a folic acid supplement and adding in a prenatal (they may suggest reducing to a regular multivitamin or removing the extra folic acid supplement)

    I see. I will definitely be asking my doctor then. I don't want to waste my time taking something that isn't going to do much. And yes, I've already cut out the folic acid supplement since I'm going to start the prenatal. The supplement was 800Mcg and the prenatal contains about the same amount I believe, so I should be fine with just the amount in the prenatal. Thanks for the help!

    @jalara: That's a good idea, I will definitely start dividing the pills if I notice any trouble. Thanks!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Oh and PS. Check to make sure you're not taking too much synthetic folic acid. The maximum recommended dose is 1000 micrograms per day - which is about the levels that you should be getting in your multivitamin. To exceed the maximum can trigger symptoms of B12 deficiencies which can lead to permanent nerve damage. High levels of folic acid have also been known to cause seizures in some individuals. Check with your doctor since youre already taking a folic acid supplement and adding in a prenatal (they may suggest reducing to a regular multivitamin or removing the extra folic acid supplement)

    I see. I will definitely be asking my doctor then. I don't want to waste my time taking something that isn't going to do much. And yes, I've already cut out the folic acid supplement since I'm going to start the prenatal. The supplement was 800Mcg and the prenatal contains about the same amount I believe, so I should be fine with just the amount in the prenatal. Thanks for the help!

    @jalara: That's a good idea, I will definitely start dividing the pills if I notice any trouble. Thanks!

    You can find folate supplements instead of folic acid. I didn't realize the difference either until I started following Chris Kresser's stuff. Here's one blog post he has about it:
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    Karen- Congrats!!! :-) Tons of Sticky Dust!!!

    I lost 1.6lbs this week (even with being in a wedding on Sat and not watching what I eat for a few days). Only 4.2lbs away from a healthy BMI!!! I am hoping to work out more consitantly this week and make healthier choices with my food (not just eat less calories).
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Karen- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So exciting! I was hoping someone was positive when I logged on today. WHOOHOO!!!!

    Welcome to all the new members!

    Wow what a long day! Got to work over 13 hours ago and I just finished grading the last test for the 7th Grade Math classes. I;m glad I'm home now. I'm gonna veg. and wait the the hubs to get home.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi I am new to this thread. :D Here's my info.

    Age: 31
    Where you live: Wyoming
    Job: SAHM & homeschooler
    Length of time on the board: about 2 weeks
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: married 12 & together 14
    Do you have kids: 3 (7,5,2)
    Length of time TTC: see below
    Diagnosis: umm not pregnant
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 160
    Goal Weight: 120 (but need to get to at least 145 to not be considered overweight)
    Strange fact about yourself: not really sure

    OK about the TTC question. Currently we are not TTC because DH had to leave for 6 weeks to take a class for work. Before that we were TTC actively since about May, but we have not prevented a pregnancy in any way since I was pregnant with our 7 year old.

    I believe my being overweight has caused infertility in myself. I think my body already thought it was pregnant because my high weight is where I was with all 3 kids at delivery plus the weight seems to sit in my tummy area and makes me look very pregnant. My cycles were also really wonky. Now that I have lost weight they are back to normal. :D

    Nice to meet you all.
    Another person from WYOMING!!! I never thought I would see this!!! YAY, go Wyoming! (p.s. - if you didn't notice I'm from Wyoming too, lol)

    Kah78 - HOW EXCITING!!!! CONGRATSSS!!!!\

    AFM: Some possibly wonderful news ladies. Just a refresher I'm on my first, and only, cycle of Nuva Ring, we were planning on TTC right away again since the doc didn't find a reason I'm miscarrying. Well I started feeling very real symptoms, sickness, lack of appetite, etc. , I chalked them up to a flu shot I got almost a week ago and cramping which I chalked up to AF, which would be due soon if I wasn't on the Nuva Ring so it's possible she could show now, only I don't get cramps until after AF shows and not a single sign of her all day...
    Well, then I started feeling like I have a UTI, only lacking some of the other symptoms I usually get with one, which is a symptom I've had with 3 out of my last 4 pregnancies. So I decided to test and it's a maybe line. I can't tell if it has pink in it but it looks different than the normal evaps I get with those. It's a crappy IC so DH is going to bring me a new test tonight, hopefully a FRER. I will probably have an update before anyone else reads this, lol, but I'm so excited I just had to share!! DH will be back in 2.5 hours, I will update immediately!

    It's so exciting to go from waiting 3 cycles to waiting 1 cycle to possibly having an oops and not having to wait at all!! If I am pregnant this would be my 3rd pregnancy and 2nd oops in a row, I haven't had an actual AF since the beginning of August! Hopefully this is it for me!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    AFM: Some possibly wonderful news ladies. Just a refresher I'm on my first, and only, cycle of Nuva Ring, we were planning on TTC right away again since the doc didn't find a reason I'm miscarrying. Well I started feeling very real symptoms, sickness, lack of appetite, etc. , I chalked them up to a flu shot I got almost a week ago and cramping which I chalked up to AF, which would be due soon if I wasn't on the Nuva Ring so it's possible she could show now, only I don't get cramps until after AF shows and not a single sign of her all day...
    Well, then I started feeling like I have a UTI, only lacking some of the other symptoms I usually get with one, which is a symptom I've had with 3 out of my last 4 pregnancies. So I decided to test and it's a maybe line. I can't tell if it has pink in it but it looks different than the normal evaps I get with those. It's a crappy IC so DH is going to bring me a new test tonight, hopefully a FRER. I will probably have an update before anyone else reads this, lol, but I'm so excited I just had to share!! DH will be back in 2.5 hours, I will update immediately!

    It's so exciting to go from waiting 3 cycles to waiting 1 cycle to possibly having an oops and not having to wait at all!! If I am pregnant this would be my 3rd pregnancy and 2nd oops in a row, I haven't had an actual AF since the beginning of August! Hopefully this is it for me!

    So exciting!!!! Definitely update us!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    I couldn't even wait for DH to get home, I took 2 more already, lol!! But the last one is pink! DEFINITELY PINK!!! WOW!! I didn't even think this was possible, I'm crying because I'm so excited!!!

    Check it out, and please tell me you see it!
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi ladies, im currently ttc & wld like to join :-)

    Age: 20 (21 in 2.5 weeks)
    Where you live: Perth Australia
    Job: Full time Flight/Travel consultant
    Length of time on the board: activly probably 8 weeks now (i think i joined jan tho)
    Marital Status: Engaged
    Length of time you've been with SO: 4 yrs this sat!!
    Do you have kids: No :(
    Length of time TTC: since aug 2010 so 15months
    Diagnosis: endometriosis & being over weight
    Do you chart your BBT: not atm
    Do you use OPKs: not atm (using a salivia maybe baby microscope)
    Are you on any meds for TTC: not atm
    Height: 163cm
    Weight: 112.9kgs (start weight 6 weeks ago 118kgs)
    Goal Weight: 69kgs
    Strange fact about yourself: not sure..
    i want to be a japanese interpreter!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I couldn't even wait for DH to get home, I took 2 more already, lol!! But the last one is pink! DEFINITELY PINK!!! WOW!! I didn't even think this was possible, I'm crying because I'm so excited!!!

    Check it out, and please tell me you see it!

    Sooooo excited for you. I know that you really wanted this. Now get yourself to a doctor so they can help you keep that pink :) I see pink too.

    Starfairy - 4.2lbs away from healthy BMI - that's huge!!!! WTG!

    AFM: Feeling a little bit better than I did yesterday. Seems my fever broke sometime over the night, but I still have a giant headache and my whole body is achy. I have massive amounts of meetings today so I can't really miss work again. Going to head back to bed for a few hours and see what happens (I usually leave to go to the office now, but I'm going to work from home and take it easy)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I couldn't even wait for DH to get home, I took 2 more already, lol!! But the last one is pink! DEFINITELY PINK!!! WOW!! I didn't even think this was possible, I'm crying because I'm so excited!!!

    Check it out, and please tell me you see it!

    I think you are among the most fertile people i know LOL....I will be hoping and praying this one sticks! Congrats lady!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Had a few minutes this morning , so I thought I'd send a few more shout-outs.

    mrsjenfrank - Great loss! Congrats & keep up the good work!

    havalinaaa - Good goals. I'll throw in my support for the gym with the pool, that's one of my absolute favorite ways to exercise.

    Imwitha - Good luck with the pilates. I like mixing up my strength with flexibility, so I do a lot of combined pilates/yoga exercises at home. I think it makes the pilates seem a little less intense. :-) Oh & I know that some of the other awesome board gals commented on the vitamins, but I'll just add that if you find a highly rated brand name vitamin (like Stewart Prenatal), you can always just compare the ingredients against one of the generics. I found a generic at our Rite Aid drug store that is identical. Even the pills look almost the same, but it was 1/3 of the price.

    starfairy411 - Oh you are so close to the BMI goal, how exciting! Good luck, I'm pulling for you!!

    Smores18 - Oh my goodness! Very exciting. Congrats & sticky thoughts headed your way!

    Pam - So sorry you're feeling under the weather. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

    Happy Tuesday all!!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Starfairy--Great job!!!

    Smores--That's exciting news!!! It definitely looks pink to me :-)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hi! I'd like to join you as I'm trying to persuade my dh to ttc conceive again :wink: And like you all, I hope to leave you ASAP too :laugh:

    Age: 36
    Where you live: Surrey, UK
    Job: Teacher
    Length of time on the board: 9 months or so
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 12 years!
    Do you have kids: yes, one 4 year old boy
    Length of time TTC: just about to start
    Diagnosis: n/a
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 55kg
    Goal Weight: 55kg
    Strange fact about yourself: I'm allergic to bed bugs... Eugh!

    Where you live:
    Length of time on the board:
    Marital Status:
    Length of time you've been with SO:
    Do you have kids:
    Length of time TTC:
    Do you chart your BBT:
    Do you use OPKs:
    Are you on any meds for TTC:
    Goal Weight:
    Strange fact about yourself:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hi! I'd like to join you as I'm trying to persuade my dh to ttc conceive again :wink: And like you all, I hope to leave you ASAP too :laugh:

    Age: 36
    Where you live: Surrey, UK
    Job: Teacher
    Length of time on the board: 9 months or so
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 12 years!
    Do you have kids: yes, one 4 year old boy
    Length of time TTC: just about to start
    Diagnosis: n/a
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 55kg
    Goal Weight: 55kg
    Strange fact about yourself: I'm allergic to bed bugs... Eugh!
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello everyone!! I would like to join as me and the hubby are going TTC very soon! My daughter is 10 months old and we had the Mirena put in - thinking it would be a while. But we decided to go for the two under two. We'll see! It took us about 10 months to conceive our daughter.

    That being said--- anyone have experience with the Mirena?! Does anyone know if it takes a while?

    Age: 26
    Where you live: Ft. Worth, TX
    Job: Project Management
    Length of time on the board:
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 7 years
    Do you have kids: Yes
    Length of time TTC: haven't started yet.
    Diagnosis: n/a
    Do you chart your BBT: nope
    Do you use OPKs: nope
    Are you on any meds for TTC: nope
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 177
    Goal Weight: 155
    Strange fact about yourself: little bit of a thrill seeker- ride motorcycles, white water rafting and know. the basics. :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies.

    AFM: What a difference a week makes. I realized yesterday that I've been in a fog for the last few weeks. I haven't wanted to be social, exercise or even clean the house. So now that someone in the medical community believed me when I said it was ridiculous for me to wait 3 months for a consult with a specialist, the fog has lifted. I"m back on track, feel more in control and the ambulatory blood pressure monitor is being attached tomorrow and then the specialists office just called. They have a cancellation. So now I have to be downtown (about 2 hour drive) for about 3:30 tomorrow afternoon for the consult. This means we'll probably catch Oct/Nov. cycle to start and then have the transfer done in Dec.......crazy!!!!! (I was just hoping to have the transfer for Jan!) Going to have to watch the stress around the renewal and start farming things out so I just have to show up!!! Still I'm one happy chickie today. What is everyone else grateful for today?
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies.

    AFM: What a difference a week makes. I realized yesterday that I've been in a fog for the last few weeks. I haven't wanted to be social, exercise or even clean the house. So now that someone in the medical community believed me when I said it was ridiculous for me to wait 3 months for a consult with a specialist, the fog has lifted. I"m back on track, feel more in control and the ambulatory blood pressure monitor is being attached tomorrow and then the specialists office just called. They have a cancellation. So now I have to be downtown (about 2 hour drive) for about 3:30 tomorrow afternoon for the consult. This means we'll probably catch Oct/Nov. cycle to start and then have the transfer done in Dec.......crazy!!!!! (I was just hoping to have the transfer for Jan!) Going to have to watch the stress around the renewal and start farming things out so I just have to show up!!! Still I'm one happy chickie today. What is everyone else grateful for today?

    YAY Pam! Doesn't it just change your whole outlook when someone validates what you have been trying to say? Hooray! December!!! WOW!

    I think everyone knows what I'm gratetful for right about now...:happy: