Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Wow, we got a good handful of new people! Welcome to all! i don't have time to post but wanted to pop on and share this link.

    I saw it on a blog I have been looking at, and now I really want one! of course I need a baby first, but i definitely plan to purchase one of these when the time comes :) you can carry up to a 40lb toddler in them and they are all made in the USA AND when you purchase one they give one to a mother in Haiti so she can properly nurture her baby as well. :)

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!

    I found a maya wrap at a consignment store (same idea) and bought it, thinking it might come in useful once the little one came. Best. Investment. Ever. He'd yell and scream when we put him in that thing, but then he'd cozy down and sleep so well while we wore him around. I used it till he was almost a year old--especially if we were out and about and I needed him to nap, but then he just got too heavy. (You can carry up to 40 lbs, but since it is really spread over one shoulder, it's not comfy--and my little guy was too active to want to ride in it on my back, so we never bothered to figure that one out.) One word--if you get a unisex fabric, daddies make great babywearers too--or at least mine did. :-)

    To clarify--I meant my hubby--he wore our son as much as I did around the house. He loved having his hands free to do other things. Although, I guess my dad did too, and was ahead of his time...he'd take me out in the snugli all the time. Other dads would give him weird looks--or so my mom reported. :-)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Wow, we got a good handful of new people! Welcome to all! i don't have time to post but wanted to pop on and share this link.

    I saw it on a blog I have been looking at, and now I really want one! of course I need a baby first, but i definitely plan to purchase one of these when the time comes :) you can carry up to a 40lb toddler in them and they are all made in the USA AND when you purchase one they give one to a mother in Haiti so she can properly nurture her baby as well. :)

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!

    I found a maya wrap at a consignment store (same idea) and bought it, thinking it might come in useful once the little one came. Best. Investment. Ever. He'd yell and scream when we put him in that thing, but then he'd cozy down and sleep so well while we wore him around. I used it till he was almost a year old--especially if we were out and about and I needed him to nap, but then he just got too heavy. (You can carry up to 40 lbs, but since it is really spread over one shoulder, it's not comfy--and my little guy was too active to want to ride in it on my back, so we never bothered to figure that one out.) One word--if you get a unisex fabric, daddies make great babywearers too--or at least mine did. :-)

    To clarify--I meant my hubby--he wore our son as much as I did around the house. He loved having his hands free to do other things. Although, I guess my dad did too, and was ahead of his time...he'd take me out in the snugli all the time. Other dads would give him weird looks--or so my mom reported. :-)

    LOL I think we knew what you meant. My dad wears my niece rather often, my sister has a mobie wrap which my dad looks very cute in haha
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've heard different things about the wraps. I'm pretty undecided......I love the concept, but I've heard reports that say that there are concerns about bag-style slings that may cause respiratory distress of oxygen deprivation to the little I'm defitely still going to have to do my research about what I want to go with - plus it will totally be my hubby "slinging" em everywhere. My back is pretty wrecked....LOL

    So I feel validated. My doctor agreed that there is no proof that I have high blood pressure at this point(118/90, 116/86, 116/84, 114/72 have been the readings I've had at doctors offices over the last month - nevermind the ones I've done at the drugstoreE). She is setting me up for a 24 hour blood pressure monitor to help prove it; I go in for a fitting on Wed and then wear it all day and return on Thurs and they give the readings to the doctor. The specialist's office is apparently very happy with this solution and feel it will help make a good recommendation for the consult. They are going to try and get me in for Nov. Which means we would be eligible for Jan IVF transfer with a post-conception follow up. This plan makes me much happier than waiting until Jan for the consult and then being eligible for a March transfer......that thought seriously had me crying every 20 minutes this week. So many times I've started to write things on here and had to walk away.......

    I had a great food day yesterday!!!! And today is shaping up to be a good one too (although it's been really carb heavy). Only stressor in my life right now is my little puppy......poor thing! She was in the doctor's office 3 weeks ago with major allergies (needed steroids and antibiotics to treat). Then she had her physical. Then she was acting funny (I think she fell off my parent's bed and bruised her bum), very lethargic and if I touched a spot on her hip, she peed. I thought we were done, but on Sunday I dropped them off at my parents while I went to see my cousin's little girl for an hour and apparently my sister's dog decided to bite her. She has two small puncture wounds - one on her ear (which I was worried about at the beginning) and one on her cheeck (which looked fine). Today I noticed the cheek one was a little pus-fulled and leaking so I cleaned it up with a tissue and OMG almost a cup of crud poured out of her!!!! So now we're going back to the vet for antibiotics (too late for stiches). I'm thinking after being exploded on, fighting with doctors and AF due to arrive any day, I'm too flipping tired for swimming tonight. I have called my friend that's coming from about 30 miles away to join me to NOT do that....we'll reschedule and go closer to her one night. I think I might be able to convince my DH to have a cuddly movie night tonight instead!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I have called my friend that's coming from about 30 miles away to join me to NOT do that....we'll reschedule and go closer to her one night. I think I might be able to convince my DH to have a cuddly movie night tonight instead!!!

    I think you need a cuddle night! So does the dog! Hugs for both of you!

    Oh, about the Maya wrap--I got all worried about the suffocation thing too, and my mom was sending me all sorts of articles about it...but we loved that thing so much. So I wrapped my head in it to see how hard it was to breathe through the fabric, and I didn't have any problems. It was very breathable--you could actually see through the 100% cotton weave if you looked close enough.That made me feel a little better. So I monitored him, and tried to make sure his face wasn't plastered into the fabric/me, and we never had any issues. The benefits outweighed the drawbacks for us...but I was always careful when he was in it. I was actually more worried about wearing him and smashing him into something, than the suffocation issue. Ahhh, the memories. I will be really sad to part with that if we end up not having another kid. Okay, enough of my baby wrap endorsement, already...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I have called my friend that's coming from about 30 miles away to join me to NOT do that....we'll reschedule and go closer to her one night. I think I might be able to convince my DH to have a cuddly movie night tonight instead!!!

    I think you need a cuddle night! So does the dog! Hugs for both of you!

    Oh, about the Maya wrap--I got all worried about the suffocation thing too, and my mom was sending me all sorts of articles about it...but we loved that thing so much. So I wrapped my head in it to see how hard it was to breathe through the fabric, and I didn't have any problems. It was very breathable--you could actually see through the 100% cotton weave if you looked close enough.That made me feel a little better. So I monitored him, and tried to make sure his face wasn't plastered into the fabric/me, and we never had any issues. The benefits outweighed the drawbacks for us...but I was always careful when he was in it. I was actually more worried about wearing him and smashing him into something, than the suffocation issue. Ahhh, the memories. I will be really sad to part with that if we end up not having another kid. Okay, enough of my baby wrap endorsement, already...

    Great endorsement!!!! LOL I kinda giggled at the picture of you testing it. She's decided to still come up, but we're going to dinner instead. I need a relax night. I'll do two aquafits next week......
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!

    Emily-I'm sorry about the surgery, it does NOT sound like fun at ALL! Yikes! I'd be scared too.

    Jalara- I hope the tests went well....geez that's a lot to do in one day!

    Pam -Fingers crossed the 24 hour monitor is in line with all the other information, moving that date up is awesome!

    And on the wrap topic....I like the idea that each time you buy one from that site they donate one! I did want to throw this one out there though... You can get a wrap for free...just the cost of shipping if you use the code free. Then they give you a code to get a nursing cover for the same deal (free, just the cost of shipping) from udder covers. No charitable donation on that site, just cheaper. :)

    AFM- went for my day 14 ultrasound yesterday. The 50mg Clomid didn't work. So that was pretty frustrating. He wants me to go get my progesterone levels checked next week. Then the plan is if AF hasn't come by CD35, take a HPT, if neg. start 10 days of Provera again, CD3 ultrasound, then CD13 ultrasound to check the follicles again. Crossing my fingers it works! The Dr. says he thinks we'll need at least insemination since now we have my issues AND MFI. Lame.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Finally some news... well, sort of. According to the blood results there is nothing wrong with me... So since my doctor won't do anything special anyway that should cause us to wait I'm going to ignore my doctor's "required" 3 month wait. He's like the only doctor out of 50 that would actually make me wait that long, I wasn't even 5w pregnant with any of my losses. Anyway, so we plan to start again as soon as I take this Nuva Ring out on the 26th. My doctor also says that you should wait a month after b/c to start TTC but I researched it a LOT and everything I found says that it doesn't increase the risk of miscarriage or birth defects to start right away, you just may not know when you O'd, but I track my cycles so I will know. It just sometimes takes a woman a few months for her body to start ovulating again, but I've been pregnant twice within a month and a half off birth control, and the first time was after the NuvaRing and resulted in my DD, so I'm pretty sure I should be able to start again quickly without any problems.
    I'm not going to tell my doctor until I'm at least 6 weeks pregnant, he won't see me before 8w anyway and I think at this point there's nothing they will, or can do for me if I were to miscarry anyway so I will just see how it goes. Most other doctors would let me start immediately anyway so I'm just going to pretend like it was an accident if it happens soon enough, if it doesn't then they won't know any better anyways.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member

    Great endorsement!!!! LOL I kinda giggled at the picture of you testing it. She's decided to still come up, but we're going to dinner instead. I need a relax night. I'll do two aquafits next week......

    I looked like a big blue and white mummy. Hubby thought it was quite hysterical. Anything to keep my kid safe, right?
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Just read through all the recent posts, so much information on this board. I am SO glad I found you all, this is just the outlet I've been looking for :smile:

    AFM: I'm on CD31 (since going off BCP my cycles have been 28-33 days) and still no AF....I haven't ovulated this cycle, but I did ovulate in August and September. My temp seemed a little higher this morning but not high enough to draw a coverline yet. I've also been dry until last night, I noticed a lot of EWCM :happy: So I'm hoping that it's going to happen here in the next few days, if it hasn't already. I've already jumped hubby once and plan on keeping it up :laugh: So what I'm thinking is maybe I'll just ovulate late because of some stuff I've been going through. I took a trip from VA to NH to visit my family for a week back at the beginning of the month, so that may have thrown me out of whack a bit, as well as some stress I've been going through at work.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all, and welcome to the new people.

    Good luck with the tests Jalara! Hope you can have a well earned break when you're done. I'm glad you have a decision on the IVF, I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you too.

    Smores, I'm not a medical professional (well I am but in mental health) so I wouldn't want to give you advice but it sounds like you know yourself best and you've done your research so good for you on taking some control. Fingers crossed for you

    Hope you have a lovely relaxing night Pam, sounds like both you and the doggie could do with it.

    I've been spending more of my (very limited) spare time lately volunteering at the greyhound rescue (some of you may remember my sad doggie not working out story). It really helps me spending time with the dogs (unconditional love maybe?) and also there's a lot of walking to be done so it makes me feel a little better about the fact that I've been terrible about going to the gym lately. Also they're desperate for the support so that's a good thing too. I've been collecting food and supplies for them too which helps restore my faith in others when I see how keen people are too help. We took in a mum with 8 pups a few weeks back, mum was in a terrible state through neglect and had lost her milk and almost starved to death. She's now happy and healthy and the pups are almost ready for new homes.............makes me cry like a baby (as does almost everything at the moment) but in kind of a good way.

    Anyway, just wanted to share something nice with you all as I've been such a downer lately. AF arrived today, I knew there wasn't much chance this month but still..........

    I love the sound of those wraps, I always imagined I would have one when the time came. Not sure what's available over here in the UK but I know you can get them.

    Anyway, I have to get back to work. Thank you all for all your support, we have the funeral on Tuesday and I hope that will be a bit of a closure on the last few horrible months and we can start moving forward. I love the goals idea too, I think mine will be to find out how much weight I've put back on and lose that plus another ten pounds at least by the end of the year (this may change if I've put on more than I thought)

    Thanks again guys, you're the best.
  • tdribben
    tdribben Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All! I'm Traci and joined MFP about a week ago. Love it so far. My husband and I just started TTC again. I also need to lose about 50 lbs and this seems like a great site to help me.

    Age: 34
    Where you live: Tennessee, USA
    Job: SAHM
    Length of time on the board: Today
    Marital Status: Married for almost 6 years
    Length of time you've been with SO: almost 8 years
    Do you have kids: yes, a 3 year old and a 2 year old
    Length of time TTC: 1 month
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: not yet
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 181
    Goal Weight: 145
    Strange fact about yourself: I have no idea.

    It took us about a year and a half to concieve with my first child and about 2 weeks to concieve my second. lol. I have a feeling it may take a while with this one. Nice to meet you all!

    (Oh, and I have a Mobi wrap that I used with my second child. LOVED IT. I was that woman in Walmart shopping with it. She loved it too. Everytime I would put her in it she would pass out. I'm not sure about the sling things, but the wrap puts them up high next to your chest, so you can see them breathing .)
  • tdribben
    tdribben Posts: 2 Member
    Not sure why, but it posted it twice. Sorry.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    kudos to all the members of this thread, i have never seen this in any other post yet, the way ppl support each other.

    AFM-not taking any medication for TTC infact after a long time im working out quite regularly. planning for treatment this upcoming jan. i would not i must reach my goal weight by then, but i definately want well toned body and not looking out of proportions.

    as im pear shaped i have designed a challenge for myself, if any of u interested join me, its a combo of c25k as a total body cardio and jillian micheals killer buns and thighs to target my lower body
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member

    (Oh, and I have a Mobi wrap that I used with my second child. LOVED IT. I was that woman in Walmart shopping with it. She loved it too. Everytime I would put her in it she would pass out. I'm not sure about the sling things, but the wrap puts them up high next to your chest, so you can see them breathing .)

    My friend has a Mobi wrap and she loves it too. I would like the fact that the weight is spread out over both shoulders...once i figured out how to get it on! Haha. If I had found one of those on sale, I probably would have gotten it too!

    Welcome to the board!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    kudos to all the members of this thread, i have never seen this in any other post yet, the way ppl support each other.

    AFM-not taking any medication for TTC infact after a long time im working out quite regularly. planning for treatment this upcoming jan. i would not i must reach my goal weight by then, but i definately want well toned body and not looking out of proportions.

    as im pear shaped i have designed a challenge for myself, if any of u interested join me, its a combo of c25k as a total body cardio and jillian micheals killer buns and thighs to target my lower body

    Sounds way hard core!!! Anything with JM's name in it scares me.....LOL
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    this buns n thighs dvd looks more killing then 30ds, i have never done 30ds either im scared too, thats y looking for buddies
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    welcome to all the new people. i hope your stay in this thread is short. :)

    so cd3 was yesterday and i started the clomid. hubby and boys will be saying 'hello crazy!' in a few days. especially when i add in estogen on wednesday. lol. ovulation should be november 1 with a due date of july 24. *fingers crossed*
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    Just wanted to say hello to all the new members!!!!

    AFM! Im down 17lbs since Sept 26. This is the longest I have actually stuck to diet and exercise and I am so proud for doing. I am noticing that I am making better choices and wanting to exercise instead of dreading it.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Just wanted to say hello to all the new members!!!!

    AFM! Im down 17lbs since Sept 26. This is the longest I have actually stuck to diet and exercise and I am so proud for doing. I am noticing that I am making better choices and wanting to exercise instead of dreading it.

    congrats! keep this number down
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    welcome to all the new people. i hope your stay in this thread is short. :)

    so cd3 was yesterday and i started the clomid. hubby and boys will be saying 'hello crazy!' in a few days. especially when i add in estogen on wednesday. lol. ovulation should be november 1 with a due date of july 24. *fingers crossed*

    YAY I really really really hope that it works for you, and I hope you don't make the family too nuts hehe