Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    kaitlin - hopefully you'll get some answers soon. I normally don't get a +OPK until CD17 - 20 so hopefully you will see something. We're here for you to bounce things off of anytime! I've heard good things about acupuncture - I haven't tried it myself since money is tight but I dis use it a few years ago to treat an issue and it was a godsend.

    JenF - It sounds like you have a great outlook on things. Great job on going to the gym! Also, I think 15lbs by Jan 1 is a great goal.

    Pam - I love the new goal approach, and I love that you have an end year goal now too! (Great goal BTW). Let's do this!

    Seriously - anyone up for an end of the year challenge? We can all set goals and alter our Monday check-ins to reporting ont hose goals. It can be anything - a fitness goal, a wt loss goal, or dietary goal. We haven't done a challenge on here since in a long time.

    AFM - nothing new. Huge test tomorrow!

  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Smores I hope you get the job! I hope you start feeling more cheery soon. hugs

    MrsJen Good luck with you goal you can totally do this

    Jalara I can't wait ot see how your IVF goes! I bet it's a relief to have a date/goal you're working twd. Also, i'm totally in for having a little end of the year challenge

    AFM I'm trying to get as much school taken care of in the next two or three weeks as possible (school doesn't start until Monday but I want to be ahead of the game) i'm calling today to scheduel surgery and I'm totally scared. I don't know if any of you know about anterior cervical fusion but the whole process is just a scary thought they go in from the front of my neck/throat to get to my spine ICK. I keep trying to come up with ways to avoid surgery but any time I think about not having it my shoulder will start hurting really bad. this seems to be the only way to treat the cause rather than the symptoms so i'm going to do it! Hopefully that will put me back on the TTC train by the end of the year.
  • smanibhai
    I love the idea of a challenge! I am in! My mini goal is 5 more pounds before I start IVF next month. I started at 168 (I am 5'3") and am now at 164.4. I would love to be 160 when I start my shots.

    Pam - I think it is such a good idea to clean out your pantry. I find it much easier to resist junk food when it isn't right there. I have been trying to find snacks that are tasty but healthy - I stocked up on pop smart kettle corn 100 calorie bags and light yogurt.

    JenF - keep up the good work at the gym. I wish I could get motivated to work out at a gym, but right now the Wii is my trainer

    speaking of the Wii - has anyone tried the Michael Jackson Experience game? It is so much fun - it makes it easier to work out.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member

    Seriously - anyone up for an end of the year challenge? We can all set goals and alter our Monday check-ins to reporting ont hose goals. It can be anything - a fitness goal, a wt loss goal, or dietary goal. We haven't done a challenge on here since in a long time.

    Okay--year end challenge! Something to keep us motivated as these holidays start piling up! My first mini goal is to lose 5 more lbs--and then keep it off during the holidays. I'm trying to be realistic here. Haha.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    hey guys, i'm stopping in again. it has been a bumpy few weeks and i just had nothing much to say. the up and down weight gain from the hormones is driving me crazy. i'm up a full 10 pounds from last wednesday. i have decided to stop tracking my food for a while and just eat when i am hungry. tracking my food lately has been frustrating and it is made even more so by not seeing the scale reflect what i know should be true.

    i am supposed to start cd1 on october 25, but i am having cramps and headaches like it is going to start today/tomorrow. nothing is making sense and i am feeling pretty down. this week was supposed to be the small real weight loss week and instead i gained 10 pounds. *sigh* i have a bloodwork appointment today so maybe they can figure things out and answer my questions.

    this cycle will be out last attempt. that has also got me down. *fingers crossed* for some good news.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Also, we give our children cavities. There are certain bacteria that create cavities and without that bacteria you can eat all the sugar you want and wont have any problems. Most of this bacteria comes from sharing food and drinks.

    interesting. i have one child with no cavities and one child that has 3-4 every visit. i don't share food or drink with either and neither does my husband. i have great teeth (never had a cavity until i was pregnant) and my husband has a cavity in every tooth (even the top front). i figured that it was genetics. my husband's mom has horrible teeth too. :) i wonder what the bacteria is and if we can reverse it?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Have any of you seen an acupuncturist?

    i saw one on monday. i will be meeting with him for the next 4-5 weeks. i'll let you know how it goes.

    my first appointment was 2 hours long. i filled out 4 pages of paperwork asking a ton of questions about my diet, my cycles, my health, etc and then went over it with him and what i wanted to get out of the acupuncture. the needles went in easily, but caused an achy sensation. i had 12 needles placed, mostly in my feet and calves. about an hour after, my hands felt tingly and achy for the rest of the day and i ended up getting a migraine that night. not sure if the two are connected or if it had to do with the hormones i am taking. my next appointment is monday. he wants me to come in once a week until the week of ovulation and then he wants to see me twice and he also want to see me twice during the week of implantation. i told him i would not do any chinese/eastern herbs because i didn't want it to mess with any of the medications i am taking.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    For the next 3 weeks:
    1. Water
    - Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day, should add lemon slices to half of them
    - First drink of the day should be hot water and lemon at least 3 mornings of the week

    2. Medications & Naturopathy
    - Take all my pills everyday as directed
    - Take my multivitamin, folate supplement, chromium supplement daily at least 6 times a week
    - Take my 1 tsp of ACV before at least 2 of my meals daily in a glass of water
    - Try to practice oil pulling at least 2 times a week

    3. Food:
    - Stay under sugar goals at least 6 days a week
    - Make sure to keep protein/carb balance at 50% every day
    - Stay under fat goal at least 3 days a week
    - At least 5 F&V 5 days a week

    4. Exercise:
    - Swim Club on Thursdays, 45 minutes
    - Dog for walk at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes
    - Biggest Loser Game on Wii at least 2 times a week, 20 minutes
    - Boxing on Wii, at least 2 times a week, 5 minutes
    - 5 minutes of stretching at least 5 times a week

    5. Mental:
    - 5 minutes of meditation (guided or otherwise), 5 times a week
    - Spend at least an hour during the week chatting with friends in person

    those look like great goals pam. you can do it!
  • rforce85
    rforce85 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I am new to MFP and would like to join this group. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape so that I can get pregnant and have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy. Also so that I can continue to be fit and healthy during pregnancy and after wards.
    This group is exactly what I have been looking for. My husband and I are planning to start trying in January or February of 2012. We said January but depending on what my weight is and how my cycle is doing we might put it off another month. I am taking metformin. I had a successful cycle in September but then nothing this month I suppose it is still a work in progress.
    It is so easy to get frustrated though with this process especially when I see women that don't have to work so hard to get pregnant.

    Age: 26
    Where you live: Arkansas
    Job: Support Desk Technician
    Length of time on the board: Brand new
    Marital Status: Married for 6 1/2 years
    Do you have kids: Not yet :)
    Length of time TTC: We will start beginning of 2012
    Diagnosis: Not an official diagnosis but I have all the symptoms of PCOS and I am taking metformin.
    Do you chart your BBT: Yes I have just started so I am still learning.
    Do you use OPKs: I have not yet.
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Metformin
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 208.5
    Goal Weight: My ultimate goal weight is 130 but would like to reach at least 160-150 before TTC
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Kaitlin, one thing that may help your periods and fertility is a little weight gain. you look like you are pretty lean, since your body is dependent on fat for estrogen production once you hit a certain level your periods get irregular and ovulation ceases to occur most cycles. I would actually try gaining at least 5lbs before considering acupuncture
    If only that were the problem. :happy: My picture is from last summer and not a completely accurate representation of what I look like now. I have gained about 5-10 lbs since then. I keep it as my profile picture for inspiration, but I am just realizing that I really don't need to be cutting body fat while trying to conceive since I am at a healthy level now. I should change my profile so as not to mislead anyone.

    I am happy to hear that people have had success with acupuncture. I ordered the online course The Healthy Baby Code ( last night and I am going through the lessons. Let me say, it is really a treasure trove of information! The creator of that course is an acupuncturist in Berkeley but he doesn't practice acupuncture right now. Nevertheless, I wrote to him asking if he could recommend a good acupuncturist specializing in infertility in the Bay Area. He wrote back with his recommendations right away! So I'll try to set something up soon. It is going to cost some money. It kind of sucks because all through graduate school I was on graduate assistant health insurance which covered both chiropractic (which I used) and acupuncture (which I didn't use). Now I am on my husband's health insurance and it doesn't cover either. But I think we can pinch pennies elsewhere to try it for a few months. His insurance doesn't cover much infertility stuff at all, so we might as well start small since we'll be paying out of pocket no matter what we do.
  • lov3vh
    lov3vh Posts: 70
    Hello my name is Von :) lol I would LOVE to join this group!! :) just what i need! :) I let you know the rest from my answers, i look forward to getting to know you all :)

    Age: 22
    Where you live: Kansas
    Job: SAHM ( to my miracle baby :) lol she is 2)
    Length of time on the board: umm a couple of weeks
    Marital Status: I have been married for 3 and a half years
    Length of time you've been with SO: 4 and a half years
    Do you have kids: yes one 2yo
    Length of time TTC: one year and 3 months
    Diagnosis: no official diagnosis
    Do you chart your BBT: we are currently taking a break from charting while i try to get my health in order and figure out what the acutal problem is
    Do you use OPKs: also taking a break from these... plus i'm pretty sure i'm not ovulating so whats the point? lol
    Are you on any meds for TTC: nope.. well not really i'm taking a natural progesterone supplement..
    Height: 5'5 and a half
    Weight: 205
    Goal Weight: 130
    Strange fact about yourself: I'm a stay at home mom but also a freelance makeup artist :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Emily - I can't remember what you're taking in school, but I hope it all works out so you can focus on doing well with recovery!

    smani - so we're both doing IVF next month! Awesome!!!!!! I'd love to chat more about your protocol if you're up for it?

    Karen - yay challenge!

    GBOH - I'm really hoping this is it for you. Hopefully these symptoms mean something good. The weight gain sucks but it could be worth it! It's good to see you here though!

    rforce - welcome! If you need some tips on BBTs let us know, or leaf through the last couple month boards - we seem to be getting a lot of new members lately and that means there's a lot of great info floating around.

    Von - welcome to the group!! I'm curious about the natural progesterone you're taking and what it's being used for? And when you take it? I ask because you mention you don't ovulate but progesterone inhibits ovulation... you'll find we're very nosy here! :laugh:

    AFM - tomorrow I have 6 (yes count them: SIX!!!!) tests in my Pharmacology class. This is the day that I've been crazy busy preparing for (2 written, 4 practical). Ugh. I'm tired but looking forward to getting it over and done with.

    We've starting sharing our IVF news with our close people. We want them to know since it will mean us missing a lot of important holiday family stuff, and no drinking (but I am so sick of being asked if I'm pregnant when I don't drink) and some mad hormonal fluctuations. It's exciting but very very scary!

    I know this may sound TOO confident, but I kind of think that the IVF will work, but I'm not so sure if it'll stick. I'm hoping that the "perfect environment" makes the difference though. If we get cancelled for some reason (not responding well enough to meds or they find a cyst or something) then we will have to postpone until May, which will suck. But I certainly hope not!

    So that's me. Sanity is scheduled to arrive tomorrow evening, while I'm having a drink and watching Grey's. So close!!!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Welcome rforce and Kansanmom

    That is interesting about the cavities. My older sister and I have always joked that we have genetically awesome teeth because we have never had cavities, even when we were younger and had pretty crummy dental hygiene- so I guess we were right

    My goal for the end of the year is to get to my goal weight. I weighed in yesterday an was up 3 pounds!!! AGHHHHHHH! I'm so irritated. I've been cheating, but I don't feel like enough to gain weight since I'm working out- I feel like I should be maintaining. Oh well! I'm trying to get back on track. I've gone to zumba twice this week and went to the gym yesterday too. Hopefully next week will be better. As far as the baby front, my husband pulled a muscle in his back so I don't think we will be able to try thin month... We'll have to wait and see if he starts to feel better.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello my name is Von :) lol I would LOVE to join this group!! :) just what i need! :) I let you know the rest from my answers, i look forward to getting to know you all :)

    Age: 22
    Where you live: Kansas
    Job: SAHM ( to my miracle baby :) lol she is 2)
    Length of time on the board: umm a couple of weeks
    Marital Status: I have been married for 3 and a half years
    Length of time you've been with SO: 4 and a half years
    Do you have kids: yes one 2yo
    Length of time TTC: one year and 3 months
    Diagnosis: no official diagnosis
    Do you chart your BBT: we are currently taking a break from charting while i try to get my health in order and figure out what the acutal problem is
    Do you use OPKs: also taking a break from these... plus i'm pretty sure i'm not ovulating so whats the point? lol
    Are you on any meds for TTC: nope.. well not really i'm taking a natural progesterone supplement..
    Height: 5'5 and a half
    Weight: 205
    Goal Weight: 130
    Strange fact about yourself: I'm a stay at home mom but also a freelance makeup artist :)

    I could have almost written your post!!!
    I'm 22, my DD will be 2 in December. We haven't been TTC for quite as long as you, about 6 months actively for us, but I have a problem with keeping my babies, I've lost 3 so far this year. We are taking a break TTC until we can find out why I'm miscarrying and because my doctor put me on a required 3 months wait period, so we get to start back up December/January.
    I'm 5'3', a little shorter, and 175, but I was 195 less than a year ago so pretty close to where you are. My goal weight is also 130.
    How do you like the progesterone? Some say it makes them feel funny but I LOVE it, lol. I only take it once I confirm pregnancy though to give my baby a little extra shot at life, unfortunately it hasn't worked yet.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Seriously - anyone up for an end of the year challenge? We can all set goals and alter our Monday check-ins to reporting ont hose goals. It can be anything - a fitness goal, a wt loss goal, or dietary goal. We haven't done a challenge on here since in a long time.

    AFM - nothing new. Huge test tomorrow!

    Count me in!! I will announce my goal during this next Monday's check-in
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Emily - I can't remember what you're taking in school, but I hope it all works out so you can focus on doing well with recovery!

    smani - so we're both doing IVF next month! Awesome!!!!!! I'd love to chat more about your protocol if you're up for it?

    Karen - yay challenge!

    GBOH - I'm really hoping this is it for you. Hopefully these symptoms mean something good. The weight gain sucks but it could be worth it! It's good to see you here though!

    rforce - welcome! If you need some tips on BBTs let us know, or leaf through the last couple month boards - we seem to be getting a lot of new members lately and that means there's a lot of great info floating around.

    Von - welcome to the group!! I'm curious about the natural progesterone you're taking and what it's being used for? And when you take it? I ask because you mention you don't ovulate but progesterone inhibits ovulation... you'll find we're very nosy here! :laugh:

    AFM - tomorrow I have 6 (yes count them: SIX!!!!) tests in my Pharmacology class. This is the day that I've been crazy busy preparing for (2 written, 4 practical). Ugh. I'm tired but looking forward to getting it over and done with.

    We've starting sharing our IVF news with our close people. We want them to know since it will mean us missing a lot of important holiday family stuff, and no drinking (but I am so sick of being asked if I'm pregnant when I don't drink) and some mad hormonal fluctuations. It's exciting but very very scary!

    I know this may sound TOO confident, but I kind of think that the IVF will work, but I'm not so sure if it'll stick. I'm hoping that the "perfect environment" makes the difference though. If we get cancelled for some reason (not responding well enough to meds or they find a cyst or something) then we will have to postpone until May, which will suck. But I certainly hope not!

    So that's me. Sanity is scheduled to arrive tomorrow evening, while I'm having a drink and watching Grey's. So close!!!

    Not to confident in my opinion - all the happy hormones will help you. Negative ones cause stress and we all know stress isn't good for the treatments *hugs* I know it will work for you!!!!!!

    Luki - I'm the same way - I know I've been cheating but not 25lbs worth!!!! I'm hoping the water intake will show some quick results - I know it sure has in the bathroom. I'm going like every 5 minutes!!!! LOL

    Welcome to the newbies (sorry to all that I didn't respond to - this is a really late post for me, I have to be up for work in 5.5 hours....I'll try and respond more frequently so catch more people).

    AFM: Nothing new to report....
  • lov3vh
    lov3vh Posts: 70
    hey i have been taking the progesterone to help with my cycle, i either dont have af for several months or every two weeks... its kind of trial and error thing... but it makes me FEEL SO MUCh better! i have been having issues with mood swings and being overly tired..not being able to sleep.. and much more... but it helps me sleep! :)
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    It's so great to see this group! This is exactly why I signed up for MFP, to get my *kitten* in shape so I can have as good a chance as possible at a healthy pregnancy/healthy baby. For us, this is a long term goal but I want to get started now and have time to enjoy a fitter healthier me before I get pregnant.

    To fill everyone in:

    Age: 29
    Where you live: Brooklyn
    Job: Nanny
    Length of time on the board: just started a few weeks ago
    Marital Status: In a committed, long term relationship with no immediate plans for marriage
    Length of time you've been with SO: 3 years
    Do you have kids: nope!
    Length of time TTC: not there yet
    Diagnosis: ??
    Do you chart your BBT: not yet
    Do you use OPKs: ??
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 152
    Goal Weight: 135
    Strange fact about yourself: I can't snap my fingers :(
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Wow, we got a good handful of new people! Welcome to all! i don't have time to post but wanted to pop on and share this link.

    I saw it on a blog I have been looking at, and now I really want one! of course I need a baby first, but i definitely plan to purchase one of these when the time comes :) you can carry up to a 40lb toddler in them and they are all made in the USA AND when you purchase one they give one to a mother in Haiti so she can properly nurture her baby as well. :)

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Wow, we got a good handful of new people! Welcome to all! i don't have time to post but wanted to pop on and share this link.

    I saw it on a blog I have been looking at, and now I really want one! of course I need a baby first, but i definitely plan to purchase one of these when the time comes :) you can carry up to a 40lb toddler in them and they are all made in the USA AND when you purchase one they give one to a mother in Haiti so she can properly nurture her baby as well. :)

    Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!

    I found a maya wrap at a consignment store (same idea) and bought it, thinking it might come in useful once the little one came. Best. Investment. Ever. He'd yell and scream when we put him in that thing, but then he'd cozy down and sleep so well while we wore him around. I used it till he was almost a year old--especially if we were out and about and I needed him to nap, but then he just got too heavy. (You can carry up to 40 lbs, but since it is really spread over one shoulder, it's not comfy--and my little guy was too active to want to ride in it on my back, so we never bothered to figure that one out.) One word--if you get a unisex fabric, daddies make great babywearers too--or at least mine did. :-)