Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member

    I am 20, I have been ttc for two years. This cycle will be my 26th since I have started tracking. I just started tracking bbt this week so I am not sure how my temps look. I have my first cycle when I wa 10 and they were always regular (30-31 days) and about a normal flow, as I got older and become sexually active they have become 25-26 days and so light I use panty liners. there are some months that I actuall have a flow and it scares me and makes me think i had an early mc and to add to it those cycles are always about 27-29 days. I am very frustrated and disapointed at this point and don't know what to do and feel that drs do not take me seriously.

    Wow you have been trying for over 2 years! No wonder you are so frustrated, I know I would be too if I was at that point. That's what I'm afraid of too, having the doctor's not take me seriously if it turns out that I can't conceive right now. I think it's our age; we're really young so they see it as we have plenty of time, whereas it's not really their decision or choice! If I want a baby now, then I want a baby. Have you taken any meds (Clomid?) or been diagnosed with anything in relation to your fertility?

    They did nothing, they told me I have to get a pelvic ultrasound first to check out my oragns before they could make my appointment for tests, I did the ultrasound and they never scheduled the tests. I found a fertility clinic in town that all I need to do is fill out an apllication and get accepted. All I am waiting for is a job so we can afford to go.
    When you say this is your 26th cycle since you "started tracking" what have you been tracking if not BBT? Cervical mucus? Using an ovulation predictor kit? The reason I ask is that, unless you're having intercourse darn near every day, it could be that you ovulate at a different time than you think and, thus, aren't timing things right. Of course, purely as a matter of numbers (and assuming you're "giving it a go" fairly often) it still seems like at least one of the past 26 cycles should have ended in pregnancy.

    I can definitely see why you would be frustrated though. I think that tracking your BBT will help. As soon as I even hinted to my mom that my husband and I were considering TTC, she recommended tracking my temps because she said that, if we weren't successful, doctors won't really do much without at least 6 months of temperature data.
  • smanibhai
    I just signed up and I would love to join this group. We were going to start our IVF this week and went on a "last vacation" - so of course AF started 5 days early while I was out of town. Instead of getting upset I decided to sign up here and try to get a little more healthy since I have another month before we can start the process now. Here is a little about me:

    Age: 38
    Where you live: Atlanta, GA
    Job: Analyst
    Length of time on the board: 2 days
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 14 years
    Do you have kids: yes - 1 son from frozen cycle IVF
    Length of time TTC: 1 year this time. 5 years with our first
    Diagnosis: MFI
    Do you chart your BBT: No - I sleep with my mouth open so it didn't work for me
    Do you use OPKs: yes
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no, but I am about to be!
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 168
    Goal Weight: 140 if I don't conceive, 5 pounds before next month
    Strange fact about yourself: my elbows bend the wrong way
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies - has anyone been on Prometrium suppositories? Anything you can tell me about your experience with them?
  • smanibhai
    Hi all,

    Just checking in. I've been kind of lurking for a while; I'm brand new at this so I don't have much to offer yet but I'm crossing my fingers for all of you!

    I know this is probably a really minor problem compared to what most of you are going through, but I discovered yesterday that DH, who never has any problem "performing," can't seem to get into it when the word "baby" has been mentioned in any sort of connection with doing the deed. Not that he's not excited about having kids, he was sending me links websites reviewing our future children's elementary schools the other day, but something about trying to make a baby as opposed to just doing it for fun seems to kill the mood. Any ideas?

    Ha ha - I totally have that problem. It is so frustrating.I used to have to hide my OPK and just pretend like I was really in the mood - if he knew the timing was right he would get completely stressed. That's the only good thing about IVF - I don't have to "sneak around".
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member

    I am 20, I have been ttc for two years. This cycle will be my 26th since I have started tracking. I just started tracking bbt this week so I am not sure how my temps look. I have my first cycle when I wa 10 and they were always regular (30-31 days) and about a normal flow, as I got older and become sexually active they have become 25-26 days and so light I use panty liners. there are some months that I actuall have a flow and it scares me and makes me think i had an early mc and to add to it those cycles are always about 27-29 days. I am very frustrated and disapointed at this point and don't know what to do and feel that drs do not take me seriously.

    Wow you have been trying for over 2 years! No wonder you are so frustrated, I know I would be too if I was at that point. That's what I'm afraid of too, having the doctor's not take me seriously if it turns out that I can't conceive right now. I think it's our age; we're really young so they see it as we have plenty of time, whereas it's not really their decision or choice! If I want a baby now, then I want a baby. Have you taken any meds (Clomid?) or been diagnosed with anything in relation to your fertility?

    They did nothing, they told me I have to get a pelvic ultrasound first to check out my oragns before they could make my appointment for tests, I did the ultrasound and they never scheduled the tests. I found a fertility clinic in town that all I need to do is fill out an apllication and get accepted. All I am waiting for is a job so we can afford to go.

    You don't have to go to a fertility clinic the first thing. Check with your GP and your OB (specifically the OB first). Show them the charting that you've been doing and they should be able to order you the tests (usually they ask for hormonal bloodwork, u/s, semen sample). First place I went was the hospital (my PCOS brought on very very heavy periods and in 2003 it was from early May until I went to the hospital in late August consistently) so I was referred to an RE within the hospital. She wasn't really able to help because of the MFI which is not what we were called in for. But my family doctor has also ordered the same tests (to monitor my condition and my husbands). Heck, even my OB has ordered a full work up for us (yup - even the semen analysis). The only reason we're at the fertility clinic is because we are going for IVF, which needs a lot more monitoring and up here in Canada is not covered by our medical insurance (at least in Ontario it's not) so they are privately owned but you get that level of monitoring. Most women getting the fertility meds for naturally hyperstimulation through their OB though.

    Before they can even recommend that though - they need to a baseline and try and figure out what is causing it - it could be PCOS, it could be MFI, it could be endometriosis, it could be short LP, it could be all of the above or none. They won't even start treating it though until they know.....
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288

    I am 20, I have been ttc for two years. This cycle will be my 26th since I have started tracking. I just started tracking bbt this week so I am not sure how my temps look. I have my first cycle when I wa 10 and they were always regular (30-31 days) and about a normal flow, as I got older and become sexually active they have become 25-26 days and so light I use panty liners. there are some months that I actuall have a flow and it scares me and makes me think i had an early mc and to add to it those cycles are always about 27-29 days. I am very frustrated and disapointed at this point and don't know what to do and feel that drs do not take me seriously.

    Wow you have been trying for over 2 years! No wonder you are so frustrated, I know I would be too if I was at that point. That's what I'm afraid of too, having the doctor's not take me seriously if it turns out that I can't conceive right now. I think it's our age; we're really young so they see it as we have plenty of time, whereas it's not really their decision or choice! If I want a baby now, then I want a baby. Have you taken any meds (Clomid?) or been diagnosed with anything in relation to your fertility?

    They did nothing, they told me I have to get a pelvic ultrasound first to check out my oragns before they could make my appointment for tests, I did the ultrasound and they never scheduled the tests. I found a fertility clinic in town that all I need to do is fill out an apllication and get accepted. All I am waiting for is a job so we can afford to go.
    When you say this is your 26th cycle since you "started tracking" what have you been tracking if not BBT? Cervical mucus? Using an ovulation predictor kit? The reason I ask is that, unless you're having intercourse darn near every day, it could be that you ovulate at a different time than you think and, thus, aren't timing things right. Of course, purely as a matter of numbers (and assuming you're "giving it a go" fairly often) it still seems like at least one of the past 26 cycles should have ended in pregnancy.

    I can definitely see why you would be frustrated though. I think that tracking your BBT will help. As soon as I even hinted to my mom that my husband and I were considering TTC, she recommended tracking my temps because she said that, if we weren't successful, doctors won't really do much without at least 6 months of temperature data.

    I have only been tracking my periods, started temps this week. We "get busy" at least 5 days a week unless i'm on my period so I saw no point in tracking ovulation until now. I have just let my onlin ediary predict my fertile days. I don't want to be someone who only has sex because I'm ovulating or be like "we have to do it right this second" But it obviously isn't working so I am starting to track temps. I am not comfortable tracking cm yet, I am nervous I will mess up.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    Strange fact about yourself: my mom kept having a false neg pregnancy test with me, but she knew she was pregnant, doctors thought she was crazy for months! :laugh:

    My mom was the exact same way! The doctors actually thought I was a tumor. She was growing and super sick...and was "failing" every pregnancy test. It actually took an ultrasound before they knew it wasn't a tumor but a baby girl :-)

    That's awesome, i never heard of anyone else! They wanted to do a d and c to restart her periods (?), but she insisted on an ultrasound and there I was. And she had pseudocyesis on her chart. I now tell my colleagues to be careful before they make that diagnosis!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, I gotta jump in somewhere and start commenting, so here I go:

    Leyla, thanks! It does feel like I'm hounded by babies in N. Cali too! I miscarried during a quick trip to Canada and the whole flight back there was a baby just cooing and laughing the whole time, strangers probably thought I was bizarre to cry to no reason but I couldn't hold it!

    Meggamix so how do they figure out titrating the clomid? Do you increase each cycle or what? Best of luck with it!

    Kaitlinj, we still are supposed to do that hike! I'm excited you caught the baby fever, I never really had it until I got preggers.  Hopefully you will not have to get high tech, I am trying to avoid over thinking it because I will stress if I get obsessed. I would rather have oodles of sex and then realize I'm pregnant in the 2nd trimester :laugh:

    Melissaforster, you have made great strides in getting healthier for your new family, and I'm sure you will continue to do so. The metformin is not a failure on your part, but that extra helping hand so you can be a mommy sooner. I'm glad you are taking it in stride!

    Newleafbeth, I agree with you on socializing the dog. I see so many dog bites on babies and kids in the ER that I would be extremely careful with the breed and honestly I would wait but every family is different. Congrats on crocheting! I used to know how to do it once but haven't done it in years, now you can make baby booties, etc.

    smores, I think a small deficit is ok, I would just go with eating maintenance and not eating exercise cals, or cutting 20% and eating exercise cals. The fetus is like a parasite, it will usually get it's calories even if you are starved, and they thrive off of fat stores, so no worries. Exercising has never been shown to cause miscarriage, but I will still be avoiding the crazy plyo stuff I was doing the second time around. 

    Emily, thanks for the welcome! Honestly elective surgery is extremely unlikely to hurt your baby.  They take out organs and even operate on the fetus these days! I think you can go on ahead and get the surgery no problem. 
    I do agree with fitterpam that you shouldn't try till after the surgery, but I wouldn't delay on an off chance

    3ricaann, good luck with the job acquisition!

    Starfairy, we had losses the same month, but you were more successful in your weight loss bid afterwards. Congratulations! How did you do it? I ate at maintenance but the weight poured on and now it's sticking like glue. 

    Hi Mom2pne, how many kids are you shooting for? As many as it takes for a girl? :smile: congrats on the weight loss!

    Jalara, sorry to hear you also had a loss. Thanks for following my saga, makes my pregnancy seem more real, however short lived. Hopefully you'll be pregnant by May and save some $$$

    Hi Imwitha, yeah I doubt you could get clomid based on temps. Did you try other things, like cycling cervical mucus and position? Not everyone ovulated the same way. In the meantime I'd just have sex every other day just in case... :smile:

    Imarunner, I know how you feel. I wanna be 20 weeks pregnant NOW, and yes I've had a miscarriage. But others have been trying for years with multiple losses. I think the one thing we all have in common is we want some kids, and that's what's important. I work hard everyday to not begrudge other women of their miracles ( well, ok, so I do get off on whining about women that smoke, drink, do crack, etc and give birth to healthy babies :mad)

    You ladies make me want to start tracking temps, I think i lost my digital thermometer. I did notice the egg white cm I usually ignore, and combined with the time of the month it's probably that time! So I successful jumped DH and was feeling all smug until I read that only got me a 15-20% chance of pregnancy.  Drats. Why is human fertility so inefficient?
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    There are babies and bellies EVERYWHERE! I feel like I'm surrounded!

    And it just makes me sad. We haven't even officially started TTC (we just aren't preventing it right now) and I'm already saddened by the number of babies that I have thrown in my face each day...that just seems pathetic to me. There are so many other people out there, especially on this board, that have a right to be sad about seeing babies, and here I am *****ing. I'm sorry. It's not right for me to gripe. I'm definitely fighting depression (other stuff too)...this just happens to be where it spills out.

    I see them everywhere too but I like to think of them more like buddha bellies. If I rub them, maybe I will get good luck. Maybe it's a good sign, baby vibes are surrounding you.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member

    I am 20, I have been ttc for two years. This cycle will be my 26th since I have started tracking. I just started tracking bbt this week so I am not sure how my temps look. I have my first cycle when I wa 10 and they were always regular (30-31 days) and about a normal flow, as I got older and become sexually active they have become 25-26 days and so light I use panty liners. there are some months that I actuall have a flow and it scares me and makes me think i had an early mc and to add to it those cycles are always about 27-29 days. I am very frustrated and disapointed at this point and don't know what to do and feel that drs do not take me seriously.

    Wow you have been trying for over 2 years! No wonder you are so frustrated, I know I would be too if I was at that point. That's what I'm afraid of too, having the doctor's not take me seriously if it turns out that I can't conceive right now. I think it's our age; we're really young so they see it as we have plenty of time, whereas it's not really their decision or choice! If I want a baby now, then I want a baby. Have you taken any meds (Clomid?) or been diagnosed with anything in relation to your fertility?

    After 2 years of charting the doctors aren't helping you (GPs or do you see an OB)????? I'm so sorry!!!!! We tried for 2 years before going to the doctors and were immediately diagnosed with PCOS and MFI (Male Factor Infertility). We`re still trying 10 years after officially starting (but we haven`t prevented in about 13...) and are waiting now for IVF treatments......most doctors will run all the basic tests on both you and your SO after 12 months of concentrated trying....definitely push for it

    LMWITHA - don`t let them get away with that. We got that same nonsense when we started - `but you`re just have plenty of time`......yeah, well now I`m 32 and still NOTHING......

    Exactly. If it turns out that it's going to take a long time for us (which I'm praying it doesn't) then I'd rather begin this "journey" much sooner than later.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member

    Hi Imwitha, yeah I doubt you could get clomid based on temps. Did you try other things, like cycling cervical mucus and position? Not everyone ovulated the same way. In the meantime I'd just have sex every other day just in case... :smile:

    I keep a mental note of when I notice egg white mucus, but I haven't haven't actually tracked it in my fertility diary. I should probably start doing that. And as far as my cervix position goes, I tried it once and I couldn't feel anything. It was really foreign to me, and kind of comical... I was on the phone with my Mom, asking her what it's supposed to feel like and how the heck am I supposed to feel it anyway? So I've got the phone in one hand and my other hand (well, fingers) shoved up there trying to feel for a cervix, but I couldn't feel anything. I tried a few other times and same thing. My Mom suggested that maybe because I'm young and haven't ever had kids that my cervix isn't low enough to feel, or my "passageway" is too small for me to actually be able to reach up high enough. So yeah... not quite sure how to go about doing that. And for now, I'm definitely trying to have sex at LEAST every other day :wink:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member

    Hi Imwitha, yeah I doubt you could get clomid based on temps. Did you try other things, like cycling cervical mucus and position? Not everyone ovulated the same way. In the meantime I'd just have sex every other day just in case... :smile:

    I keep a mental note of when I notice egg white mucus, but I haven't haven't actually tracked it in my fertility diary. I should probably start doing that. And as far as my cervix position goes, I tried it once and I couldn't feel anything. It was really foreign to me, and kind of comical... I was on the phone with my Mom, asking her what it's supposed to feel like and how the heck am I supposed to feel it anyway? So I've got the phone in one hand and my other hand (well, fingers) shoved up there trying to feel for a cervix, but I couldn't feel anything. I tried a few other times and same thing. My Mom suggested that maybe because I'm young and haven't ever had kids that my cervix isn't low enough to feel, or my "passageway" is too small for me to actually be able to reach up high enough. So yeah... not quite sure how to go about doing that. And for now, I'm definitely trying to have sex at LEAST every other day :wink:

    If you couldn't feel anything it's probably high and around the time of moves up and down through the course of your cycle.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Today is the day for my family weigh in and I'm soooo dreading it - I think in fact because I feel so - ick - that I might hold off. I've been so bloated since yesterday that it actually hurts. I upped my water yesterday to 15 glasses (lately I've been a complete slacker) and I think I'm going to do that for a few days and see if it helps. Also I picked up a dress yesterday that I'm going to use as my back up dress for my renewal in December. It's a little on the casual side but I really like it - I think I'm going to wear it on Friday. I've asked a second friend to help me take pictures for my anniversary photos. At the renewal, I'm hoping to display a few photos of the two of us in different poses. My goal is to lose the bloat by at least then. I've been really bad at tracking my temps this month - It's been such a depressing cycle for me :sad: I should have had my IVF transfer by now. I'm not even really sure what CD I'm at (looking at my notes and it seems as though I'm on CD30 which could explain some of the bloat - although I think that was hormonal bleeding, I don't think I really started AF properly until a week later, either way, I'm gearing up for a new cycle but won't be able to do anything about it because my clinic still doesn't have a high risk specialist appointment yet :frown: ).

    Had a bit of a fight with my swim buddy this week. I'm sick of the excuses and her pushing me to do something different on Thursdays. I finally said, If you don't want to go, then don't, but knowing that I'm going so I can have a baby it's not fair for you to ask me to skip it too. She came back and said, I didn't mean for you to skip it......Apparently she was asking for a night out another night and that she wanted to skip out on Thursday (she absolutely wasn't!). We had the discussion on Thursday after the initial question of "What are we planning on doing tonight?" Which my response was " EVERY Thursday night" which started the whole argument of "It's cold outside. I'd rather do a craft night or go for a walk or exercise on the Wii".....anyways, I'm obviously still livid.....LOL My DH joined me at Aquafit this week!!! He's not going to do it every night and I could go by myself, but that's no other swim buddy had to cancel out because she's got her FIL's family moving into her house this weekend and they had to clear out the bedroom space for them.

    Excited about this weekend. Today I'm going to get to see my friend who wasn't too thrilled to be pregnant - she told me she has a surprise (I think she knows the gender of the baby)......I'm so happy for her!!!!! And then tomorrow is my SIL (well soon to be SIL, I think)'s birthday party. She's throwing a big party at a restaurant downtown. The theme is white - so we're all supposed to wear white dresses (or tops). My sister thinks they're probably going to announce their engagement (which makes sense with the "white" theme). After that, DH and I are going to head over to his cousin's place to babysit their daughter for a few hours so DH's cousin's GF can get a few hours to herself - although we might take them to dinner instead as a family because it will probably be right around that time and then my little cousin will have to get to bed......So fun weekend but it means I'm eating out 3x.....that's not good.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thanks ladies. It's just been a rough year and this is like the straw that broke the camel's back. AF still hasn't visited since I stopped BC and I'm frustrated that I'm not even in the running for a sticky baby. :angry: Sorry I'm so all can cyber-smack me if you want. :frown:
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    3 fast miles with leslie sansone today

    yesterday it was 20th day but i was wet, can ovulation occur so late? sorry ladies i dont know wht cervical position supposed to mean???
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    I planned to weigh in today, but my hubby took me on a little "date" last night. We ended up going out to eat and then buying a movie, cuddling on the couch and eating cookies. It was so nice! The work week was pretty stressful, and I am so thankful that he made the night special. So when I weighed in this morning, I was not surprised to see a 1 pound gain. Oh well.

    I started the metformin last night. It's so funny how much better I feel about taking it now that I have actually started! I am currently taking 500 mg and I will add 500 each week until I am at 1500. So in 3 weeks I will be at the full dose.

    So now I just need to get in the habit of taking me temp every morning. Anyone have any clever ways that you use to remind yourself to take the temp every morning?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    3 fast miles with leslie sansone today

    yesterday it was 20th day but i was wet, can ovulation occur so late? sorry ladies i dont know wht cervical position supposed to mean???

    Good job - you're a really consistent walker. It is possible for O to occur so late in your cycle - I don't typically ovulate until day 19-21 in an average cycle. "Wet" CM doesn't mean definitively that you're ovulating though - eggwhite is the most fertile CM. I think it's important to understand what is normal for you and tracking is really important. Cervical position refers to the height, consistency and state of your cervix. If you haven't already, Taking Charge of your Fertility is a fantastic book to read that explains the CM, CP & Temp changes that your body goes through over the course of a cycle - it usually takes around 3 months of really consistent cycle tracking to understand what your normal baseline activity is (way harder if you have PCOS). Once you know that information, most women have an average likelihood of conception around 20-25% every month with ideal timing. This is why doctors typically don't run tests until at least 6 months of charted cycles (or one year of non-tracked but active trying) - it takes 3 months to figure out ideal timing and then only 1 of the following 5 cycles would statistically result in conception.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So I thought I'd check in with everyone and my challenge on trying one new food. I'll be honest, I still have my squash waiting to be cooked - I've either been too busy or not in the mood for that kind of food. How's it going for everyone else? Any cool recipes anyone has? I'm going to try one I pulled from the fertile kitchen cookbook called Carrots with Garlic & Cilantro (it's basically boiling carrots in garlic water and then adding cilantro and boiling for a few more minutes and then draining).

    Starting Monday - I'm going back to the Diet Solution. I really didn't give it a good shot and I know that it really helped me stay on track and plan my meals easily. Hopefully I'll start to see the weight drop off again since it looks like I probably won't be having the IVF transfer until end of January now (that gives me time to get back to my pregnancy goal weight of 220 - which is a 70lb loss for me or 25% body weight loss). That should sufficiently shock the hormones back into submission!
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    Hi Mom2pne, how many kids are you shooting for? As many as it takes for a girl? :smile: congrats on the weight loss!

    Thank you! I'd like one more and if I get twins again like #3 and #4 are I wouldn't be upset! I'd love a girl, but I think it will be another boy.

    I'd like to start charting as well, but I'm on the depo shot until next August when I will no longer be getting any more. After my next baby is born I will be getting a tubal. I will be 40 in September 2013.

    Fitterpam GL with getting to your GW and with IVF! I have a friend who did her 4th ivf and is expecting in March and then another who was supposed to have the egg retrieval on the 30th of September, but instead had it switched to her 8th IUI as she didn't respond very well to the meds and only had 6 eggs (1 or 2 were really good) and now she is expecting in June. They have her on progesterone suppositories as with all the blood testing for the IVF it looks like her low progesterone was the cause for her failed IUI's.

    I'll have to come back later. I have some kids to clean. Boy, boys really can get dirty! lol
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Dexter - do you use Fertility Friend? Even if you don't want to track your BBT you can use it to track your symptoms, CM and CP and it explains it all out in step by step lessons. And it's free, so all the better. I would also recommend reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility - it's a great book with sorts of details! I wish I could help with the specifics of CP but my fingers are actually too short to reach mine so I've never been able to do it.

    Pam - I have all TDS books - not bad! Good luck!