Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    ok guys im missing the ABCs of temping and cm and blah, cant order the book so kindly refer me some good website
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    ok guys im missing the ABCs of temping and cm and blah, cant order the book so kindly refer me some good website has some good information or you can also try - they both have chartin information and fertility workups....
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member

    it is very surprising how do u manage to address everybody on the post, i think u have great memory!

    dexter, I do remember a lot of what I want to reply to, but secret revealed, I keep a second window open so I can refer back, just in case. :wink:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Alright ladies, the decision has been made. We are going to start our first IVF cycle when AF shows at the end of November. We'll know the results approximately the first week of February.

    Here we go!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Jalara- EXCITING!

    Sorry I've been absent this past week! My mom flew up to visit and the week was full of hang out and going to look at houses with her and my dad. I think they have found their retirement home! Very exciting because it will either be 15 minutes away or 5 minutes away depending on which house acually works out. It will be so awesome to have them so near! I will try to get caught up with all of you. Have a good week everyone.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Just a quick note before I head out so you all know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet-

    mrsjenfrank--like shannon said, this is a journey--there will be bumps and setbacks, but even the fact that you are keeping a log and are willing to write down the truth and share it with someone else is a BIG step forward, and it is a CHANGE in your past behavior, right? Change isn't overnight--especially when dealing with food habits. This is a marathon, not a sprint--pretty soon the little steps will turn into big miles. Keep it up. PS--we have frozen veggies of some sort with every dinner every night. They are a great substitute for fresh if they are out of the price range for you--and they go on sale more often! I always feel a little guilty because I try to buy local when I can, but this is just one of those things that I have had to compromise on. I stock up when the go on sale.

    Jalara--WOWIEEE! So happy for you that you are going to try to move ahead! It'll be a busy holiday season for you!! Will most of the treatment cycle fall in a break from school? Hope so!

    As for everyone else--I am reading all the posts, and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers--sorry I don't have the time or inclination to respond to everyone. I can usually keep track of about 2 or three people in my head at at time when writing, and so whoever happens to be there when I hit the reply button tend to get the glory. But all of you are in my head, just to make sure you know!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hey all, I don't have time to write much but I just came back from the dentist and they told me some interesting things! Did you know that women with gengevitas (sp?) are more likely to have premature babies? Also, we give our children cavities. There are certain bacteria that create cavities and without that bacteria you can eat all the sugar you want and wont have any problems. Most of this bacteria comes from sharing food and drinks. Also, gengevitus and other mouth diseases are contageous....just thought I'd pass that on. The doctor didn't know I was TTC but said that when I do have kids that flossing and what not will help with overall health and thus give me a healthier pregnancy....I think that was the one thing they could say to actually get me to make a habit of flossing!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Alright ladies, the decision has been made. We are going to start our first IVF cycle when AF shows at the end of November. We'll know the results approximately the first week of February.

    Here we go!

    Congrats! I'm so glad you are able to move forward and I seriously hope the best for you and the hubs!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Jalara - Yay! I know that was a huge decision, and I'm so excited for you!!

    Luki - It's so wonderful to be near family. Mine is 2000 miles away and the older I get, the more I wish we lived closer.

    Karen - Thanks for popping up to say hi! There's never any apologies for having a busy life! We're thinking about you too.

    EmilyRanae - I'm a terrible flosser, but I think you may be right, if anything would inspire me to take up a positive habit, that would be it.

    AFM, Trying to check in a little more often this week. I was on Day 11, so I started Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred yesterday and wow, that really made me work. Thank goodness for yoga to calm me down and stretch me out to balance things.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    3rica - it's best to have had at least 4 hours of sleep. So take it when you wake up from your longest sleep time. Also, it needs to be taken at the same time every day so that each temp gets the same level of consideration (computer geek me!). I would suggest taking it before you get out of bed with hubby, and then you don't have to work about it :)

    Thanks :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I set a new weight loss goal - 20lbs by Jan 1 :smile:

    Anyone else have goals for the end of the year?
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    So after tons of recommendations from people, I finally picked up a copy of "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". Wow!! It is SO helpful and totally worth the $25! There's stuff I never knew, and stuff that I thought I knew but that was explained in much better detail.

    When I first started charting my BBT, I read several articles on how to do it online. It was recommended that I get a digital basal thermometer that was accurate to the 1/100th degree (example, 97.82). So that's what I got and it's what I've been using to chart since July. After charting almost a full 3 cycles I had a very hard time identifying any temperature shifts and as a result, I thought I wasn't ovulating. Well in TCOYF, it says that those more "accurate" thermometers are actually more confusing and essentially unnecessary. It says that you can use a thermometer that is only accurate to 1/10th degree (97.8) and still be able to correctly chart your cycles. According to the author having such precise measurements actually makes your chart bounce around a lot more so it makes it a lot harder to identify temp surges. So I went back and rounded all of my temps down to the lower 10th, re-charted them and lo and behold, I actually ovulated TWICE!! Once in August immediately following my discontinuation of birth control, and again in September (both with 11-12 day luteal phases) I'm currently on CD 28 and still haven't recorded a temperature shift this month so I'm either going to have delayed ovulation or maybe this will just be an anovulatory cycle, not quite sure yet. But this is definitely relieving as I was under the impression that I hadn't been ovulating at all :smile:
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    @ Jalara, That is an ambitious goal, but what's the point of a goal if it doesn't make ya sweat a little? :wink: I'd like to lose 10 more pounds by the end of the year which will finally push me into the 120's. I'd love to be a lighter starting weight when I get pregnant, I feel like it will be so much easier to bounce back. Btw, congrats on starting IVF! You must be so excited! Be sure to keep us updated. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm just here to check in real quick again. Still haven't heard from the doctor, I should hear something no later than Friday though. I've been a little down and out about having to wait 3 cycles and not knowing what's wrong with me. I've pretty much just been driving myself crazy! Anyway, as soon as I hear from my doctor I will officially make some goals for how much I want to loose before we TTC again. Applied for a new job so I'm trying to concentrate on that for now, hopefully I will hear from them Thurs or Fri about whether or not I at least got the interview.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • newleafbeth11
    Sorry, I'm basically just dropping by right now. I'm gonna be weighing in tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a good week. I'm definitely not. I'm sick and just trying to get through the week. :( I will see you all tomorrow.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hi everyone. So I had my yearly exam today (with a new doc since I just moved to town) and, after discussing how irregular my cycle has been since stopping birth control over a year ago, she doesn't think I am ovulating.

    I just started charting last month but it was in the middle of a cycle. So, now I am on day 15 of a new cycle and have been charting and using OPK with no hint of ovulation yet.

    The doctor ordered some labs to try to find out the underlying cause of my lack of ovulation. I think I will also hunt down an acupuncturist since I have heard many people say they have had success starting ovulation with acupuncture. Of course, it isn't covered my insurance....

    Have any of you seen an acupuncturist?
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hi everyone. So I had my yearly exam today (with a new doc since I just moved to town) and, after discussing how irregular my cycle has been since stopping birth control over a year ago, she doesn't think I am ovulating.

    I just started charting last month but it was in the middle of a cycle. So, now I am on day 15 of a new cycle and have been charting and using OPK with no hint of ovulation yet.

    The doctor ordered some labs to try to find out the underlying cause of my lack of ovulation. I think I will also hunt down an acupuncturist since I have heard many people say they have had success starting ovulation with acupuncture. Of course, it isn't covered my insurance....

    Have any of you seen an acupuncturist?

    Kaitlin, one thing that may help your periods and fertility is a little weight gain. you look like you are pretty lean, since your body is dependent on fat for estrogen production once you hit a certain level your periods get irregular and ovulation ceases to occur most cycles. I would actually try gaining at least 5lbs before considering acupuncture
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    Hi everyone. So I had my yearly exam today (with a new doc since I just moved to town) and, after discussing how irregular my cycle has been since stopping birth control over a year ago, she doesn't think I am ovulating.

    I just started charting last month but it was in the middle of a cycle. So, now I am on day 15 of a new cycle and have been charting and using OPK with no hint of ovulation yet.

    The doctor ordered some labs to try to find out the underlying cause of my lack of ovulation. I think I will also hunt down an acupuncturist since I have heard many people say they have had success starting ovulation with acupuncture. Of course, it isn't covered my insurance....

    Have any of you seen an acupuncturist?

    I just started (had 2 visits) and love it already. For one, it's super relaxing. She has taught me how to bring breath and energy into my reproductive organs. I have a special fertility diet and supplements that improve the quality of my eggs. She has done more for me physically, mentally and emotionally in two visits than I feel my doctor has done in 10 months. I would strongly recommend it to anyone! (I even have my love going as well to improve his fertility)

    Let me know what you decide!
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    jalara- so exciting! congrats on finally having a date for your IVF!! and I think you have a fairly reasonable goal set for yourself. :)

    Emily - that is some very interesting information! Thanks for sharing that. I think (like your self an some others have said) that may just be the motivation I need to floss more. haahaa :)

    AFM, my 'goal' is to lose 10lbs by my birthday, which is the end of nov, but I know that may not be the most realistic goal, so i'm focusing more on 15lbs by new years. I hope I can do it!

    thanks to those who commented on my mini freak out the other day. just having a rough go of things. felt good to get it out. :) i even had a good talk with my nutritionist monday afternoon. i feel TONS better. :) and you guys are totally right... things aren't going to change overnight, and i know that. i am just such an impatient person... something i am trying to work on is to stop being so impatient.

    had my first session at the gym tonight since the beginning of july. man i am tired and kinda stiff now. i hope i don't wake up hurting tomorrow! didn't do anything too out of my comfort zone... just walked on the treadmill... but that's also on top of my normal day at work, and i usually put on approx 12,000 steps (or around 5mi).... so hopefully it wont take me long to get back to the fitness level i was at before summer. :)

    Love, hugs, and baby dust to everyone.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey guys - just checking in......been a rough week for me. I have been in pain since Monday - honestly, I think it's related to AF getting ready to show, but my neck was stiff all last week and after the weekend, now it's my upper back. Going to see my chiropractor today because it's right around a vertebrae I know always pops out of alignment, just between my shoulder blades. Hopefully he can pop it back in and I can get on with it. If I stretch the wrong way, I have the wind knocked out of me....LOL my one yoga pose that has always been easy for me is not possible right now - warrior.

    I haven't been the best - snacks have crept in again. I've been reinvigorated this week though because we have been clearing the pantry because of an ant issue (they seem to be inside because it's cold). Anything that seemed to have ants in it got pitched, which was a lot of my no no foods (things like my muesli are in air tight's like starting from scratch! I hate to throw things away, but this seems to be the universe telling me that it needed to go.

    I'm up for a goal weight by the end of the year Jalara :) My goal is to lose 20lbs too by the end of the year - it's a stretch, but I know I'm retaining major water, so the first 10 should be really easy. As of today I am: 254.9....boooooooooo. I'm not going to reset my goals every week, but have the same goals, just different intensities as time goes by. I have this printed off and hanging on my fridge.

    For the next 3 weeks:
    1. Water
    - Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day, should add lemon slices to half of them
    - First drink of the day should be hot water and lemon at least 3 mornings of the week

    2. Medications & Naturopathy
    - Take all my pills everyday as directed
    - Take my multivitamin, folate supplement, chromium supplement daily at least 6 times a week
    - Take my 1 tsp of ACV before at least 2 of my meals daily in a glass of water
    - Try to practice oil pulling at least 2 times a week

    3. Food:
    - Stay under sugar goals at least 6 days a week
    - Make sure to keep protein/carb balance at 50% every day
    - Stay under fat goal at least 3 days a week
    - At least 5 F&V 5 days a week

    4. Exercise:
    - Swim Club on Thursdays, 45 minutes
    - Dog for walk at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes
    - Biggest Loser Game on Wii at least 2 times a week, 20 minutes
    - Boxing on Wii, at least 2 times a week, 5 minutes
    - 5 minutes of stretching at least 5 times a week

    5. Mental:
    - 5 minutes of meditation (guided or otherwise), 5 times a week
    - Spend at least an hour during the week chatting with friends in person