Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Age: turning 30 this month
    Where you live: Khobar
    Job: housewife
    Marital Status: married
    Do you have kids: no
    Length of time TTC: 4.5 years
    Diagnosis: DiagonsticLaprascoppy done but no reasons found. Dr said everything is normal but I have Hypothyroidism and take medication
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: just for thyroid
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 76 kgs
    Goal Weight: 64kgs
    Strange fact about yourself: Diagones today I have Vitamin D deficiency

    Cant understand these questions:
    Length of time on the board:
    Length of time you've been with SO: if it means with partner/huband then it is 4.5 years

    I dont excercise after ovulation days with apprehension"what if im pregnant"?", im doingthis since 4 years now and have gained 10kgs in this period. now i have started workout what kind workouts r safe with giving any harm to fetus in case i get pregnant?
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    it isnot allowing to edit my post *oops! corrected

    I dont excercise after ovulation days with apprehension"what if im pregnant"?", im doing this since 4 years and I have gained 10kgs in this period. now i have started workout. What kind workouts r safe WITHOUT giving any harm to fetus in case i get pregnant?
  • newleafbeth11
    Um... hi everyone. Mind if I jump back in? I sort of leapt off the wagon there for a couple of weeks. :ohwell: I got way overstressed at work and home, and then I gained 1.5 lbs (putting me back behind 2 weeks.) So basically, I went off the deep end. I didn't track anything, or even log in for like an entire week. It was not a good time for me.

    But I got things back in order. I lost the 2 lbs I gained according to today's weigh in, so yay! I'm catching up on October for everyone now. Sorry I was completely gone for so long.
  • newleafbeth11
    Okay, so I read up.

    Kah - glad that WW is doing it for you! That is always encouraging.

    Pam - I like your food idea! I recently found this really great recipe website through stumbleupon (which is seriously addicting!!) and I've been itching to try like 57 different recipes! I like this idea. I think I'm going to try beets this week. I've always wanted to, and this is the perfect excuse!

    Emily - Oh, no. I hope your shoulder starts to feel better on its own and that you don't need surgery. I am not a big fan of the having to take care of all of the health problems first either, but that is probably wise. :)

    Jalara - Busy with school is a good thing though! :)

    And welcome to all of the truly new people! :)
  • newleafbeth11
    Age: turning 30 this month
    Where you live: Khobar
    Job: housewife
    Marital Status: married
    Do you have kids: no
    Length of time TTC: 4.5 years
    Diagnosis: DiagonsticLaprascoppy done but no reasons found. Dr said everything is normal but I have Hypothyroidism and take medication
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: just for thyroid
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 76 kgs
    Goal Weight: 64kgs
    Strange fact about yourself: Diagones today I have Vitamin D deficiency

    Cant understand these questions:
    Length of time on the board:
    Length of time you've been with SO: if it means with partner/huband then it is 4.5 years

    I dont excercise after ovulation days with apprehension"what if im pregnant"?", im doingthis since 4 years now and have gained 10kgs in this period. now i have started workout what kind workouts r safe with giving any harm to fetus in case i get pregnant?

    Length of time on the board means how long have you been posting to this group. You are new, so it's not particularly relevant. And SO means significant other, so yes, it did mean with partner or husband. As for your query - from what I understand, for the majority of women, whatever exercise you normally do is fine, even if you're pregnant, unless a doctor suggests otherwise. Personally, I would stick to low impact exercises if I was pregnant, just in case, but that is just my feelings rather than from any medical advice.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Well ladies...I tried my best to read up on everyone to see how everyone is doing.....I started at most current and was going backwards....I know I missed people.....I'm really sorry......Will try and keep up!!

    Here goes,

    Fitterpam....The computer thing sucks....My boss is my boyfriend...he was the one who installed the productivity thing on my computer...because he knows I spend more time playing on MFP than I do getting my actual work done!! LOL He installed it for me to motivate me to work......It sure is motivating me....LOL I ve gotten so much done this week that should have been done awhile ago! Happy vacation......I need one too...enjoy it!!!!

    Luki- I did Zumba for the first time....whoa what a work out!! LOL I'm switching between that and 30 day shred...cuz I get bored easily.

    Imarunner- Hows the house going? It is sucking us dry....I'm just so tired.....never mind me...but my hubby....we have done everything ourselves and some with my brothers help.....haven't been hiring people....can't afford too...but its so tiring....Hubby is determined to get as much as we can done...because we are not sure how long it will take to conceive...and he wants to get as much done before hand.

    Newleafbeth- I"m jumping back in the thread too.....I also fell of the wagon......gained 4 pounds...not sure if its sodium, water, or just fat....getting back to it though....I'm finding it hard to have time to keep up lately...but missing all the ladies :)

    Dexters- I'm not a doctor, but I would think it is safe to do lower intensity workouts.....nothing too intense......I can't say what kind of workouts cuz everyone s intensity level is different.....ask you doctor.....its the safest route to everyone's body and TTC experiences are different.

    Pokee- Congrats on the new house and Happy Turkey Day my fellow Canadian!!! LOL 4 day weekend, and turkey....can't wait!

    Sdavisdell- That s great you spoke to your boss about taking more never know what will came out of friend did that....and after her baby, she went back only part time...and her boss loved her...and she was able to create her own schedule to accommodate her husbands schedule so they seldom had to pay for day care.

    Heather- Welcome and congrats on your wedding!!

    Majalia- That's funny about the deocorations and giant reindeer....when we bough out house I came home with a HUGE bear statue that was holding up a sign saying "wipe your paws" and with his foot up with a flat gnome he stepped boyfriend told me to return it.....I said "too bad so sad....its been on my porch for 2 and a half years!!! LOL It about 3 ft tall! LOL

    Emily- My sister from another are just the best!!!

    Jalara- I hope you are doing well.....haven't spoken to you in a while *hugs*

    AFM- same as I wrote to day....busy busy busy......financially stressed...just everything.....need a vacation.....but don't have one....trying to get back on a work out routine....finding it hard to get motivated....As for our TTC....we are just playing it day by day....not doing kits or anything......not stressing about it.....taking it easy and going with the attitude of if it happens it happens.....don't think I will start charting and temping until the new year....going by estimations for now.....trying to have fun with it I guess....

    A lot of people don't agree and keep telling me to temp and all that .....but I don't know.....I just feel like taking it day by day is best for me right now.....we've had so many relationship strains do to his demanding job, the house, etc,....not that the strain was relationship breaking....but the strain took the spark out a little...I feel like we've gotten the spark back since I don't feel that we are ready to start tempting and charting just yet. Everyone I talk to says it gets so frustrating and stressful....I guess I just don't want that only a couple months in.

    I send you all sticky dust and send as many best wishes as I can! xo and promise to try and keep up on the board...and sorry if my sentances don't make sense or have typos.....I'm so eyes are going cross eyed......
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Swimming TOTALLY ROCKED!!! Loved being in the pool again tonight!!!!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Imarunner- Hows the house going? It is sucking us dry....I'm just so tired.....never mind me...but my hubby....we have done everything ourselves and some with my brothers help.....haven't been hiring people....can't afford too...but its so tiring....Hubby is determined to get as much as we can done...because we are not sure how long it will take to conceive...and he wants to get as much done before hand.

    Hey girl! The house isn't going right now. Hubby got the pole barn built, but we ran out of funds. he can't even get the cement in the pole barn yet. And we need the barn as a workshop to get the house done. And more money. We're looking to let someone rent the place for the winter just to help pay the house payment and utilities for keep the pipes from freezing (house is live-able as is, but I refuse to move before it's remodeled) and give us some time to work extra jobs and make some more remodeling money.'s a frustrating subject for me right I feel your pain. Lately everything seems to be a frustrating subject for me...I think I need a therapist...ugh.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Just checking in for the moment ladies. I did read through everyone's posts but I think everything I really needed to say has already been said so I will save everyone's time for now.

    I didn't get to go to the doctor as planned yesterday cause DH had to go with me, since we were going out of town after, and he didn't want to get up, by the time I finally got him out of bed I had missed my appt. grrr.... Yeah, I was mad at him, he's just lucky I love him so much. Anyway so appt rescheduled for Monday and I WILL make that one! Other than that I'm actually doing alright. Based off how quickly my body recovers from miscarriage I will probably O sometime between next Monday and Friday. Hopefully I won't O until a few days after the doctor appt though. I'm really hoping to convince my doctor to let us keep trying as soon as some testing has been done.
    Anyway, not much else to say. I've been absolutely terrible about my eating habits and keeping track of my food, and there has been a lot of changes here lately so I haven't been able to exercise either. I'm not getting anywhere the way I'm headed now... I'm hoping to get back on track soon though!
    Oh yeah, totally off topic but we just got a NEW COUCH!!!! I'm thrilled, it's exactly what we wanted and within our price range. YAY for a new couch!! Sorry, I'm just really excited. :)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm jumping on this thread since we just started trying. I went off the pill over a year ago and my periods have been pretty erratic ever since, but I haven't paid a ton of attention until now when we decided to ditch the condoms. Then I went and totally missed my period last month! No positive test, but now I'm a bit freaked out about whether I'm even ovulating. I guess a few months of charting will help me know.

    I've recently started eating low(ish) carb paleo because I believe I have some mild insulin resistance (and, who knows, maybe something worse). I figure getting my blood sugar under control and eating super nutrient-dense foods is a good thing no matter what the case.

    Age: 32
    Where you live: San Francisco, CA
    Job: graduate student
    Length of time on the board: this thread? I'm brand new. MFP? A year and a half or so.
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 3 years
    Do you have kids: no
    Length of time TTC: just started
    Diagnosis: none
    Do you chart your BBT: just started last month
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 125-130
    Goal Weight: at goal
    Strange fact about yourself: I have donor ligament tissue in my left knee!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I am having a b****y moment. Pregnancy seems to be a freaking epidemic around me and for once I wish I was "infected". I am sad, annoyed, pissy, and VERY more pregnancy announcement might push me over the edge.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Imarunner8908- Don't worry its a frustrating subject for me too....I don't blame you for not wanting to move until its remodeled...I've been living with crazy amounts of dust and dirt and crap all over the place....I hate it....we have a long way to go....I hate money!! LOL Also about having a baby're hormones have been going long have you been TTC?? Forgive me for not being able to remember.....Oh yah...I think I need a therapist too!!! I feel you on that one!

    S'mores- I will keep my fingers crossed that your doctor says you can start trying right sorry for what you are going through.....We'll have to help pick you up with regards to your habits.....I'm recovering from binge eating and not working out from last week....been alight so far this week!! If you need the encouragement...I could hound you on your wall if you want!! LOL

    Fitterpam- I suck at swimming but love the water.....glad you got back in the pool!!!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I am having a b****y moment. Pregnancy seems to be a freaking epidemic around me and for once I wish I was "infected". I am sad, annoyed, pissy, and VERY more pregnancy announcement might push me over the edge.

    I totally feel you! And everyone keeps asking when me and DH are going to have babies. I fit were up to us YESTERDAY.
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am having a b****y moment. Pregnancy seems to be a freaking epidemic around me and for once I wish I was "infected". I am sad, annoyed, pissy, and VERY more pregnancy announcement might push me over the edge.

    I hear you!!! At least the announcements around me have dwindled a bit. But I know 8 babies being born in November (my due date before the miscarriage). I think that will be a tricky month to get through ... unless something sticks before then! :)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--I feel like I've just been lurking rather than engaging, but that's just how life goes sometimes! I have read everyone's posts, but I'm not going to reply to all of them...don't have the time. BUT--Yay to our board's BFP!! :-)

    I hit my "5 lbs lost" mark on WW this morning when I weighed in. A little star with a 5 on it came up on my screen and danced for me. It was great. Haha. 5 lbs in a little less than a month. I think that's pretty good. The only bad part--it motivates me to buy new clothes. I just got off the Land's End website. Well, there went all my birthday money. But, the have petite clothing, and I've recently decided that petite is what I am, and so I'm going to buy petite clothes that fit--even if they cost a little more. So, I got some on-sale stuff, and hope that will motive me a little more to keep going with some new color in my fall wardrobe. And if not, I'll send them back. Haha.

    Other than that, life has been crazy busy with just, well, life. I'm loving the weather today, though, and this weekend we are going to try to replace 3 or 4 windows in our house, hoping that will mitigate the giant sucking sound coming from our bank account every time we pay the winter heating bill. We'll see.

    Still nothing on the baby-front. Just passing the days till we start an IUI cycle, and trying to lose a few lbs in the meantime. I can't even really say that I'm hopeful it will work for us, but that's just me hedging my bets. Ask me again once we've paid for the IUI cycle. Ha!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    kah78-congrats on the weight loss! 5 pounds in month is great. That definitely deserves some reward shopping.
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    Just came back from the acupuncture treatment ... I loved it! So relaxing and the doctor gave me tonnes of suggestions for a diet that helps fertility and different supplements. Since this was the first treatment, it was pretty basic. They will change every week based on where I'm at in my cycle. Once I get pregnant (it will happen!!!) I then continue on with treatments to protect the pregnancy and help prevent miscarriage. I am very optimistic about this! Woo hoo!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Well it's official. Got my blood test back and I am preggo. Going to be switching over. Thanks for all the support ladies and good luck!
    Congrats! Hope all goes well!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm jumping on this thread since we just started trying. I went off the pill over a year ago and my periods have been pretty erratic ever since, but I haven't paid a ton of attention until now when we decided to ditch the condoms. Then I went and totally missed my period last month! No positive test, but now I'm a bit freaked out about whether I'm even ovulating. I guess a few months of charting will help me know.

    Welcome! This sounds a lot like me actually. I went off the pill a year ago this past July and slowly my periods started getting weirder and more erratic. Like you I didn't really pay much notice until we started TTC. And I hadn't had aI finally had to go on Provera to start AF (which just finally did this week!) I hope it starts getting back to normal on its own for you!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Hi all--I feel like I've just been lurking rather than engaging, but that's just how life goes sometimes! I have read everyone's posts, but I'm not going to reply to all of them...don't have the time. BUT--Yay to our board's BFP!! :-)

    I hit my "5 lbs lost" mark on WW this morning when I weighed in. A little star with a 5 on it came up on my screen and danced for me. It was great. Haha. 5 lbs in a little less than a month. I think that's pretty good. The only bad part--it motivates me to buy new clothes. I just got off the Land's End website. Well, there went all my birthday money. But, the have petite clothing, and I've recently decided that petite is what I am, and so I'm going to buy petite clothes that fit--even if they cost a little more. So, I got some on-sale stuff, and hope that will motive me a little more to keep going with some new color in my fall wardrobe. And if not, I'll send them back. Haha.

    Other than that, life has been crazy busy with just, well, life. I'm loving the weather today, though, and this weekend we are going to try to replace 3 or 4 windows in our house, hoping that will mitigate the giant sucking sound coming from our bank account every time we pay the winter heating bill. We'll see.

    Still nothing on the baby-front. Just passing the days till we start an IUI cycle, and trying to lose a few lbs in the meantime. I can't even really say that I'm hopeful it will work for us, but that's just me hedging my bets. Ask me again once we've paid for the IUI cycle. Ha!

    I know how you feel...I've definitely been more of a "lurker" myself recently! Congrats on the 5 lbs!! That's so great!

    AFM: I finally got a visit from AF. It's weird, I didn't realize how long it had really been since I had her around. I finished my 10 days of provera last week and I was just paranoid it wasn't going to work or something. I started spotting last Sunday, so I was hopeful, but that's all it did for almost this whole week so I was starting to worry -worry that I wouldn't get it, or worry that I should have called the doctor to go in if this was all it was going to be. Well, Wednesday night AF really showed up. I hadn't had cramps in probably a good year at least and I remembered how much I hated them. But I also realized I hadn't had a good period in SO long, it feels good in a way...which sounds sick to say, but it's true! I'm going in for my CD3 check today since they're closed tomorrow. I'm not really sure what they're going to do, but I guess I'll find out soon enough, my appointment is in about 90 minutes.

    Have a great weekend everyone!