Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    @kah78 How exciting! What an amazing surprise. My mom had a similar experience with my youngest sister (though my parents weren't exactly TTC at the time).
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey all! Hold on to your hats, I have a story to tell.

    i went into my OBGYN today for my annual exam. I came out... PREGNANT. That's right---BFP ladies!

    Okay--so that's really the whole story, but it deserved it's own paragraph. So happened...naturally. I was waiting for AF to start and had promised myself that I wouldn't track days this month, and would just call the Fertility peeps on day one so we could start a new treatment cycle. I guess I did a little too good of a job of not tracking the days.

    Of course we aren't out of the woods yet...I'm barely barely 5 weeks. So I had a bloodtest today, and will have another on one Wed, and if those look right, sonogram next Wed, and if that looks good, I'm on progesterone till who knows when, and if everything goes according to plan, a little one in late late June. Wow.

    I'm just gonna go think about this for a while...I still can't quite wrap my head around it. In a good way, though.

    I'm still in shock. Eye-popping, pick my jaw up off the floor, couldn't talk for a while shock. Shock shock shock.

    Hey Jalara--I guess I have to change my Year End Challenge goal...

    Omg congratulations! I hope this baby sticks for you and we on see you around these parts for a while! (meant that in the nicest way :laugh: )
  • Hi I am new to this thread. :D Here's my info.

    Age: 31
    Where you live: Wyoming
    Job: SAHM & homeschooler
    Length of time on the board: about 2 weeks
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: married 12 & together 14
    Do you have kids: 3 (7,5,2)
    Length of time TTC: see below
    Diagnosis: umm not pregnant
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 160
    Goal Weight: 120 (but need to get to at least 145 to not be considered overweight)
    Strange fact about yourself: not really sure

    OK about the TTC question. Currently we are not TTC because DH had to leave for 6 weeks to take a class for work. Before that we were TTC actively since about May, but we have not prevented a pregnancy in any way since I was pregnant with our 7 year old.

    I believe my being overweight has caused infertility in myself. I think my body already thought it was pregnant because my high weight is where I was with all 3 kids at delivery plus the weight seems to sit in my tummy area and makes me look very pregnant. My cycles were also really wonky. Now that I have lost weight they are back to normal. :D

    Nice to meet you all.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hey all! Hold on to your hats, I have a story to tell.

    i went into my OBGYN today for my annual exam. I came out... PREGNANT. That's right---BFP ladies!

    Okay--so that's really the whole story, but it deserved it's own paragraph. So happened...naturally. I was waiting for AF to start and had promised myself that I wouldn't track days this month, and would just call the Fertility peeps on day one so we could start a new treatment cycle. I guess I did a little too good of a job of not tracking the days.

    Of course we aren't out of the woods yet...I'm barely barely 5 weeks. So I had a bloodtest today, and will have another on one Wed, and if those look right, sonogram next Wed, and if that looks good, I'm on progesterone till who knows when, and if everything goes according to plan, a little one in late late June. Wow.

    I'm just gonna go think about this for a while...I still can't quite wrap my head around it. In a good way, though.

    I'm still in shock. Eye-popping, pick my jaw up off the floor, couldn't talk for a while shock. Shock shock shock.

    Hey Jalara--I guess I have to change my Year End Challenge goal...

    *Hugs* OMG Congrats!!! I'm soo happy for you guys!!!! You've spent more than enough time on this board. I can't even tell you how thrilled I am for you!!!! *doing a little dance just for you!!!!*
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Since my year end challenge started last week :) Here goes:
    Week 1: 254.9
    Week 2: 250.2

    Weight lost for challenge: 4.7lbs

    For the next 3 weeks:
    1. Water - did this for at least 5 of the days (until my wisdom tooth was removed)
    - Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day, should add lemon slices to half of them
    - First drink of the day should be hot water and lemon at least 3 mornings of the week

    2. Medications & Naturopathy - did the first two perfectly, didn't get tot he second two
    - Take all my pills everyday as directed
    - Take my multivitamin, folate supplement, chromium supplement daily at least 6 times a week
    - Take my 1 tsp of ACV before at least 2 of my meals daily in a glass of water
    - Try to practice oil pulling at least 2 times a week

    3. Food: - was pretty focused on this. Success!!!
    - Stay under sugar goals at least 6 days a week
    - Make sure to keep protein/carb balance at 50% every day
    - Stay under fat goal at least 3 days a week
    - At least 5 F&V 5 days a week

    4. Exercise: - Did none of this - between my back, my allergies, my asthma and my overall malaise.....I have to do this better!
    - Swim Club on Thursdays, 45 minutes
    - Dog for walk at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes
    - Biggest Loser Game on Wii at least 2 times a week, 20 minutes
    - Boxing on Wii, at least 2 times a week, 5 minutes
    - 5 minutes of stretching at least 5 times a week

    5. Mental: - Did this!!
    - 5 minutes of meditation (guided or otherwise), 5 times a week
    - Spend at least an hour during the week chatting with friends in person
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    OMG Karen!!! That is the most amazing news, I'm so excited for you! Think I'll join Pam in that happy dance for you :happy:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    jalara--thanks for the info! That's good to know.

    kah78-CONGRATULATIONS! That's amazing news!
  • smanibhai
    smanibhai Posts: 49 Member
    Hey all! Hold on to your hats, I have a story to tell.

    i went into my OBGYN today for my annual exam. I came out... PREGNANT. That's right---BFP ladies!

    I am doing the snoopy dance for you - that is FANTASTIC! Congrats!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    KAREN!!! CONGRATS!!!! That's an awsome story. Sticky, sticky thoughts your way!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Karen I saw the congrats before I saw your post so I had to go back and look for it. I am SO happy for you! Not that i'm not rooting for everyone because I totally am, but there are a few people on here that I root a little extra for and you are one of them. Congrats again and I'll be praying that everything works out well with it! :)
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Hello ladies! Another week down and another week ahead! Most of the time I dread them, but today Monday feels oddly refreshing. Like moving forward. Kudos to everyone on setting some great year end goals too!

    First of all, Karen, CONGRATULATIONS!!! What amazing news. Thinking super sticky thoughts for you and sending a great big *HUG*

    Imwitha - That's so interesting about the thermometer. I never had any success in taking my temperature. The graphs just looked funny and my doctor even said she couldn't tell what was going on. I wonder if I had rounded them up if I would've noticed something different.

    Smores18 - Glad the verdict is that you're ok, but I'm sure it's still frustrating to not really know why your body reacts like it does sometimes. Crossing my fingers for you that this cycle works exactly as you hope! Oh & good luck with the job hunt too!

    kaitlinj - Sorry to hear that you might not be ovulating. Hope your doctor can figure it out soon and help jump start your system.

    mrsjenfrank - Way to go getting back to the gym!

    Pam - Fantastic goals!! And loved looking through your pics! There were some really nice shots in your second outing. And most importantly, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

    Dawn - I'll cross my fingers for you too for this cycle. This time has to be a charm!

    Welcome rforce85. My story is pretty similar. I have PCOS, take metformin and am on this weight loss journey hoping it will improve our TTC chances. Glad to share any advice you're looking for.

    Welcome Von, havalinaaa, Traci, mariababe81, & MaterMama! Hope you can find what you're looking for in this group and that your stay is as short as you want it to be!

    Luki - How great that you're almost to your goal. I know the last few pounds are always the toughest, so I'm really pulling for you!

    Meggan - Sorry to hear that your Clomid cycle didn't work. Here's crossing my fingers for you for the next steps.

    Fiona - Sending *HUGS* your way. I know you've had a rough few weeks lately. What a wonderful thing that you're doing with the volunteering too.

    dexters_dexterity - Awesome fitness challenge. I'm halfway through the 30 day shred and I'll tell you what, this may be the only time through this. It's great to get a workout in 20 minutes, but it is really intense and I had to take a break this weekend because my shins hurt so bad. Jillian Michaels does get results though. Best of luck to you!

    mommy2squish - Great progress!!

    Destiny - Hi right back! We'll catch up with you when we can. *HUGS*

    melissaforster07 - Glad it's going okay on the metformin and you're feeling good about the decision. Just keep thinking of it as a way to help you over that hurdle. Keep us posted!

    Melissa (cutmd) - I concur with Jalara, it's ok to drink, just don't overdo it.

    EmilyRanae22 - Good luck with your classes and great goals to help you stay focused through your surgery.

    Jalara - Wow, this IVF cycle must be starting to feel very real since you're starting to tell your close friends & family. Still so excited for you and to hear how everything is going. By the way, hope your big tests the last week or so went ok.

    AFM, my weigh-in day. We rented a cabin in the mountains with some friends so I didn't track all weekend and took 3 days off from the exercise so I was a little unsure what I'd see at weigh-in, but it looks like the hard work from the beginning of the week paid off. Yay! I'm probably going to have to miss weigh-in next week because I'm going to a conference from Sat until Wed. The food will probably be hard to manage, but I did find out that the resort we're staying at has a really nice gym.

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 29: 171.6 (+0.4)
    Calendar week 30: 170.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 31: 169.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 168.4 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 33: 166.8 (-1.6)

    Hmm... goals for the end of the year.
    * I'd like to blow past my initial goal of 160. My next two goals are below 150 (in the normal BMI range for my height) and then finally 136 (middle of the range), but I think those are a little aggressive for the end of the year, especially with the holidays
    * Go to the info session at the fertility clinic with hubby
    * Plan some healthy choices into all the holiday food making I'll be doing this year

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Baby dust to all!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    YYYYAAAAAYYYYY Karen!!! I'm so happy and excited for you I think I'm going to pee my pants!! CONGRATS!! Ohmigosh.....I'm super happy for you!!!!!
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,015 Member
    omg Karen!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!! Woah.... i can imagine your shock but omg yay! Congrats!!

    Anyway, just a quick post to say congrats and also that I did weigh-in this morning... lost 4.2lbs this week! Total of 18.9lbs gone!
    So I am revising my Year End challenge (because that was a huge loss this week... was not expecting it!) and saying I want to lose 20lbs by year end. So I have 16lbs to go now.

    Love, hugs, n baby dust to everyone! Have a great week!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hey all! Hold on to your hats, I have a story to tell.

    i went into my OBGYN today for my annual exam. I came out... PREGNANT. That's right---BFP ladies!

    Okay--so that's really the whole story, but it deserved it's own paragraph. So happened...naturally. I was waiting for AF to start and had promised myself that I wouldn't track days this month, and would just call the Fertility peeps on day one so we could start a new treatment cycle. I guess I did a little too good of a job of not tracking the days.

    Of course we aren't out of the woods yet...I'm barely barely 5 weeks. So I had a bloodtest today, and will have another on one Wed, and if those look right, sonogram next Wed, and if that looks good, I'm on progesterone till who knows when, and if everything goes according to plan, a little one in late late June. Wow.

    great story! :) i am so happy for you karen! congrats!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM, my weigh-in day. We rented a cabin in the mountains with some friends so I didn't track all weekend and took 3 days off from the exercise so I was a little unsure what I'd see at weigh-in, but it looks like the hard work from the beginning of the week paid off. Yay! I'm probably going to have to miss weigh-in next week because I'm going to a conference from Sat until Wed. The food will probably be hard to manage, but I did find out that the resort we're staying at has a really nice gym.

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 29: 171.6 (+0.4)
    Calendar week 30: 170.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 31: 169.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 168.4 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 33: 166.8 (-1.6)

    great job on the weigh in stephanie! enjoy the conference.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    Hey everyone! This is my first Monday checking in, so apologies if I don't do it right :)

    I wanted to say congrats to Karen, hope all goes well for you!

    I saw some chatter about baby slings and wanted to say that as a nanny I have used MANY of them and the ergo is by far my preferred carrier. It adjusts as a child grows and can be worn both front and back with minimal getting it on frustration.

    AFM, today was my weigh in and I worked off TWO pounds this week! Last week's weigh in the number was in between, but I always go with the higher one, so it's not really an overboard weight loss, just awesome!

    My goals for this week:

    -check out the local gyms and pick which one I want to join, from internet only research I'm leaning heavily toward the local YMCA, it's closest, cheapest, AND they have a pool!

    -make a dentist appointment - I keep putting it off because I dread both the visit and the $ out of my pocket, but it HAS to be done

    -cut back on the caffeine, I'm having trouble sleeping and I just rely on it too much for energy instead of getting proper rest and eating well

    -be more diligent about staying within my protein/carb/fat goals. I rarely go over on calories, but these numbers are all over the place and I think my energy problems might be partially because of this

    -research multivitamins and pick one to start taking

    As a reminder to people, and for those who didn't see my first post, I am not currently TTC, and don't really plan to start trying for another 2 years. I know I might not really fit into this group as well as everyone else, but even though it's well in the future, losing weight for a healthier pregnancy/baby is my main motivation for being here so I thought this would be a good place to find some support!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Congratulations Kah78!! You must be so elated!! So happy for you and good luck!!

    I'm checking in as it's Monday. I lost a pound last week, bringing me back to 137 atm. Lowest I got was 136 back in July or August, and then I got lazy and started maintaining, then gained a few pounds on vacation. It feels great to be back on track. I've been trying out Pilates this past week (10 minute solutions dvd, instant streaming on Netflix) and it's not a big calorie burn but it REALLY works your core. I'm a 32G so I have a lot of lower back strain and pain and I can feel it really working those muscles back there so hopefully that'll help.

    AFM: I'm on CD34 and still no period, so I'm assuming I'm still about to ovulate. I've been noticing spurts of EWCM so I'm really hoping that tomorrow will be the morning that my temp spikes. Crossing my fingers and praying that this will be our month...
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Question for all you ladies: I know prenatal vitamins are super important especially in early pregnancy, so I went ahead and bought some this past week to start getting myself into the habit of taking them. I have been taking Folic acid since july but I wanted to up the ante :tongue: I was worried about getting constipated cause I heard all the Iron can do that but so far I feel fine.

    Anyway, does brand matter? I bought a large bottle of pills (200-300) at Walmart for $8. Do you really get what you pay for when it comes to vitamins or is a vitamin a vitamin?
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Congrats Karen! That is so amazing! I love stories like that.

    I think I missed out on the whole end of the year goals but I'd like to set one. Yesterday I weighed in at 147.5 and I think I can reach 142 by the end of the year. I'm a slow loser. Goals for the near future are to get a bbt thermometer and check out taking charge of your fertility from the library. Also trying to take my sahm duties more seriously. Now that lo is bigger I can't really use her as an excuse for a dirty house and eating out so much. My former boss asked me to work one day last week and finding a babysitter was such a disaster and caused so much family drama that my hubby and I decided I won't be filling in anymore. I have mixed emotions. Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Question for all you ladies: I know prenatal vitamins are super important especially in early pregnancy, so I went ahead and bought some this past week to start getting myself into the habit of taking them. I have been taking Folic acid since july but I wanted to up the ante :tongue: I was worried about getting constipated cause I heard all the Iron can do that but so far I feel fine.

    Anyway, does brand matter? I bought a large bottle of pills (200-300) at Walmart for $8. Do you really get what you pay for when it comes to vitamins or is a vitamin a vitamin?

    I do think especially with the multis you need to figure out what you want, because not only does the quality of the vitamin matter (but very very hard to evaluate without medical assistance), but the quantity of the vitamin matters. Here's an example. My husband went on Fertiliblend for Men back in June. The bottle was around $50 for the month and he needed to take it for about 3 months before we saw any benefits. We took it to the fertility specialist and she pulled out another brand, which was about double the price with a completely different formulation, most of the volumes were much higher and she suggested that at the Fertility Blend rates we would see minimal results once we factored in travel to the US for the FB and they are surprisingly similar in cost and both help with MFI.

    I know that some prenatals have less iron than others, so if you are taking an iron supplement, you don't need the full prenatal. Right now, I'm actually taking a generic multivitamin, iron supplement, chromium supplement, folate supplement & B12 shots. The iron supplement and B12 shots are prescribed by my doctor and she recommended I not take a prenatal because I was already going to be getting enough iron and they're all pretty loaded - I'm not even taking a multi for woman because they have too much iron. So I added in the chromium (which helps with blood sugar) and folate as well to make sure that I was meeting my specific needs as recommended by my doctor. Basically, I guess, I'm suggesting that you get the formulations and work with your doctor to make sure you're taking the right one if you're not sure and concerned.

    Oh and PS. Check to make sure you're not taking too much synthetic folic acid. The maximum recommended dose is 1000 micrograms per day - which is about the levels that you should be getting in your multivitamin. To exceed the maximum can trigger symptoms of B12 deficiencies which can lead to permanent nerve damage. High levels of folic acid have also been known to cause seizures in some individuals. Check with your doctor since youre already taking a folic acid supplement and adding in a prenatal (they may suggest reducing to a regular multivitamin or removing the extra folic acid supplement)