Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Quick on from me too as I've been away then working this weekend so not entirely with it. I completely second Jalara's point on physical interventions. What may work for one person might not be so safe or effective for someone else and keeping ourselves and our future babies safe and healthy is what it's all about.

    Luki, surely eating together is kind of what the exchange is all about? You can't get much from staying in your room so
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    sorry, new laptop, not really got the hang of it yet!

    what I meant to say was that maybe the experience of staying with someone else was tougher than he expected and he just wasn't ready for it and probably needed you to say it wasn't working out. It isn't for everyone and I'm sure he couldn't have been made more welcome. Glad it hasn't put you off!

    Welcome to the new people, glad to have you

    Brief AFM - I recorded an album this weekend! I also spent today at an Eid celebration promoting emotional wellbeing to the local Muslim population. I was shattered but it was a really good day although people kept insisting on bringing me food which didn't help my eating plan! As a non Muslim it was really interesting to be involved in a community event like that, especially as a mental health professional in a group that typically doesn't discuss MH issues. Turned out to be a good day which I really needed atm.

    Happy thoughts and times to all
  • batgirlrox
    Hey Everyone

    Pixie- Thanks! I hope that things fall into place quickly for you too and if not that your GP will be able to help. Hope your DH is feeling better soon and BDing can resume ;)


    Luki- Glad you were able to do something about the exchange student not working out well. Stree helps none of us in the TTC front thats for sure!. Congratz on your loss too that rocks! I haven't shared much with my family about TTC although they knew I was anxious to start a family after DH and I got married. They know well and full about my other health issues and such and maybe since I've stopped saying things like oh well after this med or after this test they figure its "time." About telling her to beep off she would just laugh and continue on the way she started, just her personality I guess.

    MrsJenFrank- Lower carb diets do suck at the start but they get better I promise. I was under doctor's supervision a few months ago on a higher protein low carb diet. MPF was only tracking 800ish calories a day for me. After about 5 days I started having less of the carb withdrawl symptoms and after day 10 I felt amazing. Your body is your best guage, if you're not hungry then it doesn't need the food. Most of us eat absent mindedly a lot of the times and often with unhealthy choices until we stop actually thinking about what we are putting in your mouth. Metformin changes are probably in the upcoming for you expecially with the decrease of caloric intake and carbs. Keeping my fingers crossed you're starting to feel better!

    Kdet07- Gratz!!

    Thedestar- This was the second time I donated my hair as well. The first time I only donated 9 inches this time I got 12. I love doing it. It's such an easy thing for me to do since I'm not crazy attached to my hair and I don't dye it.

    Kittyfeliz- Sorry your feeling down about your DH's schedule. *hugs* I did read what you had said about acupuncture more in an earlier post and that was actually what sparked my interest back into looking more seriously at it. I deal with needles all the time at work and with my collitis I'm used to getting my fair share as well but the tieing the needles in a knot made me laugh. It is a company in Canada similar to Locks of Love I'm donating it too. Thanks for the happy anniversary and the concert was amazing...if only I had been the random girl he decided to give his guitar away too it would have been insane ;) haha

    Thinthoughts- Yes most of the acupuncturists do cupping as well ad the acupuncture itself around here but just with hot glases like Kitty had mentioned.

    Julia- Just keep BDing until AF arrives. When I came off BC it was a few months before I was regular again. First one was like 20 days next was 33 days and up and down it went for a few months.

    Ahine- Welcome!

    Caitlin- Welcome! Sorry for your loss congratz on the bright future ahead and your upcoming marriage too! Keep those positive thoughts in your head.

    Melissa- Hope your feeling better soon!

    AFM- The Keith Urban concert was amazing and hubby and I had an amazing time on our overnight date night. On the night we arrived we went shopping as this was part of my present for our 6 month anniversary( a new outfit.) We found ourselves in a Guess store and much to my surprise(coming from a rural community) the homosexual store clerk was hitting on my husband and not me. I have no problem with that lifestyle choice but couldn't help giggling when he went circled around my husband and did a full up/down checking out of his back side. He followed it up with "Oh my that shirt has a perfect fit on you." DH is a pretty good sport and just laughed too but we definitely realized we "Weren't in Kansas anymore" ;) On a possibly brighter note AF is 4 days late, took a HPT today and thought I saw a line, showed hubby and he thinks I'm crazy so we went out and bought a digital test for tomorrow morning and will see then. Went for a run today and had to walk much more then normal due to a very bloated feeling so either AF is right around the corner or I'll see a BFP tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and Babydust to all!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member

    Hello ladies!

    This group is a wonderful resource for everyone, and is only enriched by the unique experiences that each brings with their stories. We pride ourselves on being an open and accepting forum.

    With that said, all recommendation made by people on this board need to be considered for saftey before anyone embarks on them. This includes things such as drinking certain herbal teas that cause uterine contractions (great if you need AF to show but bad in the 2WW for implantation), standing on heads after intercourse, or bloodletting.

    Each and every member is welcome to share their personal experiences, but please ensure that the PHYSICAL recommendations you make to others are safe and science-based. (This does not apply to EMOTIONAL or SPIRITUAL preferences).

    The top priority of this board is the safety of its members.


    I hope you do not think I was telling everyone to run out and get Raspberry Leaf Tea and that's what this is about. I was just sharing what I read about it and a link to what others have said about it because I was considering trying it.

    Or maybe because I've been sharing my experiences with Eastern Medicine (acupuncture, herbs, cupping, etc)? Maybe I shouldn't share any of my experiences that aren't "scientific" then?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member

    Hello ladies!

    This group is a wonderful resource for everyone, and is only enriched by the unique experiences that each brings with their stories. We pride ourselves on being an open and accepting forum.

    With that said, all recommendation made by people on this board need to be considered for saftey before anyone embarks on them. This includes things such as drinking certain herbal teas that cause uterine contractions (great if you need AF to show but bad in the 2WW for implantation), standing on heads after intercourse, or bloodletting.

    Each and every member is welcome to share their personal experiences, but please ensure that the PHYSICAL recommendations you make to others are safe and science-based. (This does not apply to EMOTIONAL or SPIRITUAL preferences).

    The top priority of this board is the safety of its members.


    I hope you do not think I was telling everyone to run out and get Raspberry Leaf Tea and that's what this is about. I was just sharing what I read about it and a link to what others have said about it because I was considering trying it.

    No, this is not aimed at ay one person.

    With the growing number of people on this board there are more experiences and opinions to share. As such it is important that everyone be mindful of their wording when recommending treatments and homeopathic remedies. We all grow close enough that we feel we know each other and can recommend things. But on this board, on this site we base everything on safety and medical professional recommendations. That is why you will see any number of members giving their opinion while also recommending talking to a doctor.

    Wording is *very* important when making recommendations. Respect is also of the utmost importance. As previously stated, safety of our members comes first.

    Also, there come a time or two every year when something of this nature needs to be mentioned, or people need to be reminded of the, sometimes delicate, nature of this board. No one should take offence to this, but should simply understand that it is the atmosphere and feeling of a "home base" that makes this board so comfotable for such a senstive topic. When that is violated (only happened twice in 3 years) people have been asked to leave.

    Enjoy your evening everyone!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Luki- Geeze that kid sounds like a little brat! Enjoy your break from exchange students, then hopefully you'll have a great replacement!

    MrsJen- Maybe you should call your nutritionalist if you're having concerns? She's a professional so I'm sure she knows what she's talking about but it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

    Batgirl- Glad you had fun on your date! Sounds like a good time. Fingers crossed you get a BFP in the morning!

    Jalara- I think its great you posted that. Sometimes I think I need to add a line to my signature: I'm not a doctor, a dietician, or a professional trainer so take any of my advice with a grain of salt! :laugh: And I know I need the reminder on taking others advice so thank you!

    AFM- Haven't gotten many of my goals this week. My mom bombarded me with about 72 pages that needed colored. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Except each page had 9 different figures on them (frogs, insects, buttons) that needed to be colored DIFFERENTLY so that comes up to 648 figures I had to color. Sheesh! We made a deal that every hour I helped with her school stuff she owed me an hour of babysitting so the good thing is that I've got a bunch of hours now! I think I'm going to tell her I need a little break though, to work on DDs halloween costume, and to start fall cleaning!

    Also, I need some advice! Today I finally got a positive OPK. Hubby and I have been BDing a lot the past week, so I didn't think it would be a big deal to continue that the next couple nights since getting that positive, right? Well its football Sunday. Hubby came home from work and he had to check his picks. But he had me do it from my phone. Then I had to see what everyone else in his pool picked. Then I had to tell him the ones he picked wrong, and the scores. Like four times. And he gets so into it he starts yelling at me over it! DD is running around and he has barely acknowledged her since he got home from work. And I hate to admit it but she hadn't gotten a whole lot of attention from me since I had been coloring all day (sounds funny). So of course stupid football turns into a big argument (an annual tradition) and I even end up in tears because everything is just snowballing. We get DD to bed and he has the nerve to tell me "Know what we were talking about earlier? (BDing and positive OPK) We can still do that." Seriously? So irritating! So what do I do? Miss a possible opportunity? Or go ahead and do it and then let him think that it doesn't matter if he's mean to me, cuz he's still going to get laid. Probably sounds like a juvenile and immature argument but we've been together for almost 5 years. We just always have issues during football season because everything takes a back seat. Ughhhhh I'm exhausted just typing and reliving the whole thing!
  • batgirlrox

    Also, I need some advice! Today I finally got a positive OPK. Hubby and I have been BDing a lot the past week, so I didn't think it would be a big deal to continue that the next couple nights since getting that positive, right? Well its football Sunday. Hubby came home from work and he had to check his picks. But he had me do it from my phone. Then I had to see what everyone else in his pool picked. Then I had to tell him the ones he picked wrong, and the scores. Like four times. And he gets so into it he starts yelling at me over it! DD is running around and he has barely acknowledged her since he got home from work. And I hate to admit it but she hadn't gotten a whole lot of attention from me since I had been coloring all day (sounds funny). So of course stupid football turns into a big argument (an annual tradition) and I even end up in tears because everything is just snowballing. We get DD to bed and he has the nerve to tell me "Know what we were talking about earlier? (BDing and positive OPK) We can still do that." Seriously? So irritating! So what do I do? Miss a possible opportunity? Or go ahead and do it and then let him think that it doesn't matter if he's mean to me, cuz he's still going to get laid. Probably sounds like a juvenile and immature argument but we've been together for almost 5 years. We just always have issues during football season because everything takes a back seat. Ughhhhh I'm exhausted just typing and reliving the whole thing!

    Positive OPK means you will liking O in the next 12-48 hours so as much as you don't want him to get his way you may be outside the window if you don't BD today/tomorrow
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    fitterpam - thanks for the advice. :) i may do just that and remove the other options. kinda nerve wracking for me lol

    batgirl - thank you for the encouragement! glad to know that what i am going through is (semi) normal! hehe :) i am sitting at day 6 and still have the headaches off and on. but i am looking forward to this coming week and especially my weigh-in tuesday!! i am starting to feel a bit 'lighter' (if that makes any sense) so i am curious if i actually lost this week. :)

    thedestar - i go back to her in a week and i think its definitely something i'll bring up. :)

    AFM - had a great day today. spent some time at my friends house and my moms place. had a wonderful 3 hour nap. haha had a yummy crazy mixed up concoction of a supper i threw together haha

    now if this damn headache would disappear i'd be really well. :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I don't have much time to talk - I'm at the school already, and I have my first Pharmacology midterm at 12:30 (it's 9 now). I just wanted to pop in since it's Monday!

    So last week I was WAY up and didn't record it on here. Today I am back down 3 lbs so I'm pleased with that for the week. It would have been more but I ate nothing but empty calories yesterday while fighting with my schoolwork.

    I just wanted to make a quick note to a couple of the girls:

    Destiny - I wish had good advice but I think we've all been in that position where we don't want to have sex but it's the "right time." It sucks, but I haven't come up with a great way around it.

    Pixie - that's fantastic news! Be sure to send us a link somewhere online so we can listen to your vocal stylings!

    Susy - welcome to the group! On the first page you'll find an info form we like new members to fill out so we can all get to know a bit about you. All (or most) of ours can be found on the August thread (link provided on first page).

    Melissa - honestly, BBT charting is pretty straightforward, but I found that the tutorials on Fertility Friend really helped with the "what if" questions.

    Pam - love the pics but I do see what you mean about one of them. As a bigger woman myself I've never understood a photographers need to make you sit down - hello! Belly!

    Caitlin - welcome! I'm sorry for your loss, but you'll find others here in the same boat as well. Hopefully we can all help each other move forward. Make yourself at home and jump right in on the boards!

    Ahines - welcome!

    JenF - Give yourself some time to sort through the low carb thing. There's always a way to add a few healthy calories if you need to fit them in. Always trust your doc before MFP though. I know that Pam has had great success with getting hers under control, and if you look back through a bunch of our boards you'll see another member (Heather, now running a preggo board) had great success with being low carb as well. Either way - we're here for you! And you may find some great recipes on the recipe section of the site too.

    Luki - sorry about your student!

    GBOH - hopefully the dress works out for the best!

    That's all folks! Ciao!
  • batgirlrox
    :love: I wasn't crazy it said +yes!!!. BPF for me! Hope it sticks I have felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders already! Hope there are still a few more this month! Thanks for the support and info guys!:drinker:
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    :love: I wasn't crazy it said +yes!!!. BPF for me! Hope it sticks I have felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders already! Hope there are still a few more this month! Thanks for the support and info guys!:drinker:

    Yay!!!!! Super excited for you!! Congrats!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    :love: I wasn't crazy it said +yes!!!. BPF for me! Hope it sticks I have felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders already! Hope there are still a few more this month! Thanks for the support and info guys!:drinker:

  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Hello Monday - As excitement is certainly not on the agenda, I am striving for indifference today. :indifferent:

    I'm going to break my posts into two this morning. First, check in and then replies to everyone.

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 35: 172.6 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 36: 172.2 (-0.4)
    Calendar week 37: 172.0 (-0.2)
    Calendar week 38: 171.2 (-0.8)
    Calendar week 29: 171.6 (+0.4)

    For some unexplainable reason I think I'm retaining water big time. At one point last night my scale said I had gained 7 lbs in a day! Not even physically possible!! Especially since I've been at or under calorie goals all but one day this week. I did my normal weigh in this morning and it was back in the reasonable range. I've felt bloated and awful all week. And to top it all off I have a huge head cold, taking cold meds and generally just feeling like crud. :sick:

    But...I did have a fun Fri & Sat though so all is not lost. And, I'm going on a work trip to Miami that won't be very demanding on Thurs & Fri of this week so I have something to look forward to. Positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking...
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Long post warning! I hadn't logged into the forums in a few days it seems.

    Miranda - Hope you're doing ok still post surgery. Did you end up going in for the HSG? Hope everything turned out ok with that too if you did.

    Dawn - More power to you if you go for the triathalon. I think the running part alone would knock me out. Wishing strength to you to as you go it on your own without the anti-d drugs. This process can make anyone crazy, so please know that we're always here with another set (or many) ears to listen.

    Welcome back mrsjenfrank! Also, glad your boss is being so supportive about your group meetings.

    Welcome kdet07 and congrats on the BFP! Let us know how things turn out and be sure to check out our sister pregnancy board (listed on the first page of this thread).

    Welcomes all around for ahinescapron, caitlinbsw & susy99!!

    Kittyfeliz - Even though the 2 lbs lasted a few days, I'm sure part of it is just retaining water. That's one of the most frustrating things for me (see my prior post!). Drinking more water helps some of the time, but then other times your body just decides it needs something different. Just keep up the calorie goals and exercise and eventually you'll see a nice swing in the other direction.

    Jalara - Thanks, as always, for the cheers! To answer your question, we try to go to the pool twice a week and we swim laps for 30-45 minutes. The rest of the week we do a yoga class one day and fill in the other days with elliptical machines or I do various dance, wii, or other strength exercises at home. I just like the variety.

    EmilyRanae - Hope you're enjoying your CA trip and spending time with the family.

    Pam - Way to go, giving yourself a clean slate. No need to dwell on any of that. Wishing you lots of strength as you take all the crazy meds and go through this next step. Just remember that it'll be worth it. We're pulling for you. Oh, and I looked at your pics. I don't think they're as bad as you were talking about, but you have to be happy with them, so I'd totally be with you about taking them again. I really liked a couple of the close up shots. Especially the one of the two of you between the trees where you're smiling really big. Good luck with the 2nd photo shoot! I'm sure it'll be great!!

    Amanda - First off, Congrats on the BFP!!! Thinking lots of sticky thoughts!! Secondly, sorry to hear about that business with your aunt. That's just so presumptuous. Glad you got through it ok.

    Fiona - Don't stress about the birthday too much. Just try to enjoy it! Frankly, I've enjoyed my 30s way more than most of my 20s. By the way, the Eid experience sounds really interesting. I'm glad you had a chance to experience a different culture. And what did you mean by recorded an album? Singing? In a band? More details!

    Karen - Happy Day-late Birthday!! Hope you had a fun weekend to celebrate!!

    Luki - Sorry about the exchange student drama, but congrats on the loss!

    Julia - I'm still confused by the luteal phase length too. For me, it might partly be that PCOS complicates things, but still. Hubby just says that means more BDing is the answer. Of course he'd say that!

    To everyone - Have a wonderful week ahead!!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Yesterday was my half way mark through the 10 day provera. So far so good. No side effects thus far, I'm hoping they would have manifest by now if I was going to have any. Just hoping AF shows up at some point soon. As long as I don't start on Thurs or Fri I won't have to worry about CD3 landing on the weekend when they wanted me to come in. I'm still not really sure at what point I should be expecting AF to come...

    Good luck with goals this week everyone!

    My goals are to drink water (this seriously doesn't change for me), log ALL my calories for the week (it's seriously been several months since I've done this!), and eat at least 3 salads for meals this week.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    :love: I wasn't crazy it said +yes!!!. BPF for me! Hope it sticks I have felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders already! Hope there are still a few more this month! Thanks for the support and info guys!:drinker:
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    Confirmed the BFP today with my OB. EDD May 31, 2012.
    so exciting :):)

    thanks for the support :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow - two BFPs today!!!!! Superb!!! Congratulations to both of you (Amanda & kdet07)!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Stephanie & Jalara - thanks. There were a couple that I really liked but I definitely want to do a couple more......We are going to head to the marsh to do another round and then we might also hit up the lakefront for a final round. I have decided that we're going to display them at the renewal so need a good 12-13 shots....

    Fiona - I agree with Stephanie - 30s so far has been way more stabilizing for me...I feel much more grounded than I did in my 20s.

    Luki - Sorry that you had a bad experience, especially after such a great first students!

    MeggaMix - I dont`tend to find bad experiences with the Provera either.....other things do tend to make me wonky though. I get the feeling by the time I take the Provera though that my body has been waiting for it for a while, so it`s expecting it.....

    Sorry guys - that`s all I can see from a posts update....LOL

    AFM; Weighed in today - up a little from Wednesday so not logging it until then.....hoepfully I`ll be able to be better or the same. Work got more stressful today and my boss is now talking about sending me overseas again. I hope he forgets like he did the other times......We called the clinic today because I wasn`t sure whether I should be taking the pill for 14 days or not since I started them 2 days late because of a SNAFU with the prescription. They are more concerned that I`m still having a light period (it`s been very light since it started, but I wouldn`t call it spotting). Today is CD11 so we might be delayed again.......which could be good, if I have to wait because of a trip to Asia - it would be immediate for about a we`ll have to see what they say. I really don`t want to tell them that I can`t travel because I`m trying to get pregnant....LOL They`ll find out as if I conceived naturally....
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    :love: I wasn't crazy it said +yes!!!. BPF for me! Hope it sticks I have felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders already! Hope there are still a few more this month! Thanks for the support and info guys!:drinker:

    fantastic amanda! very happy for you!