Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Kitty- YAY for getting a tattoo, I'm addicted! :) Also, I am with you on wanting to get financially fit before ttc, I ultimately came to a position where I realized that I will never be ready for a kid, but I know that I will be able to make the most of it no matter what so we decided to just go for it. My sister says that a baby is well worth going into debt for

    Haha, that's good to hear because I may just go into debt for it. At this point I am just going to do what I can with what I have and not worry too hard about what *may* happen. Money sucks! LOL
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    So much happening in here I can't keep up! Baby Dust for you ladies in your 2WW, I think I saw a couple of those.

    I finished Taking Charge of Your Fertility, SO GOOD. It's weird right now to really get what's going on, every twinge, cramp, all of it is making sense in terms of where I'm at in my cycle.

    So now I started "Making Babies", if you haven't read it I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a three month plan to get your fertility working in the best way. It's written by a Western fertility doctor and a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor that work together in New York and combine the best of both practices. They talk a lot about how most couples may just need simple fixes to overcome infertility and how to optimize your chances of conceiving naturally and if not at least preparing your body for fertility treatments. Please please get this book if you've never read it. I don't know yet if I will have a problem conceiving but I'm going to do everything I can in the meantime to get ready and make sure everything is working as it should.

    In other news I finally got myself to a new Yoga class. It was near the beach in the park and it was AWESOME. So excited and they even have pre/post natal classes for when that time comes.

    I have baby fever, I can't stop oogling babies and pregnant moms and even children. The best part is even husband has it too so we get to share that. I actually had to ask him to stop blabbering to people that we're going to start TTC cause I don't want everyone to know and ask silly questions. He's too sweet, love this guy! <3

    How goals are shaping up:

    Started my DHA pills and prenatals - CHECK!
    Started Yoga - CHECK! Can't seem to get motivated for anything else but baby steps... pun intended.
    Eating good but still having fun - CHECK!
    Losing weight - Not really but I am *feeling* a little thinner... I dunno really...
    Started acupuncture Tuesday - CHECK! And I have a standing appt to go every Tuesday now.
    Wisdom Teeth - I've considered making an appt... that's something at least. HAHA!
    Finances - CHECK! Put money in savings and have made decent payments to credit cards, looking at being done with CCs in a few months. Yay!!

    So that all I have for now, going to go have a date with husband which will be fun!

    Have a great weekend ladies!!!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    So now I started "Making Babies", if you haven't read it I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a three month plan to get your fertility working in the best way. It's written by a Western fertility doctor and a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor that work together in New York and combine the best of both practices. They talk a lot about how most couples may just need simple fixes to overcome infertility and how to optimize your chances of conceiving naturally and if not at least preparing your body for fertility treatments. Please please get this book if you've never read it. I don't know yet if I will have a problem conceiving but I'm going to do everything I can in the meantime to get ready and make sure everything is working as it should.

    In other news I finally got myself to a new Yoga class. It was near the beach in the park and it was AWESOME. So excited and they even have pre/post natal classes for when that time comes.

    I have baby fever, I can't stop oogling babies and pregnant moms and even children. The best part is even husband has it too so we get to share that. I actually had to ask him to stop blabbering to people that we're going to start TTC cause I don't want everyone to know and ask silly questions. He's too sweet, love this guy! <3

    I might have to check out that book. Congrats on finding a good yoga class! I wish I lived somewhere bigger where they had stuff like that readily available... I know what you mean about the baby fever, I keep seeing newborns and want one soooo bad!!!

    AFM: BFN so far, called the doctor today and they won't even put me on progesterone until I get a BFP, but it's Friday so if I get a BFP over the weekend I will have to wait until Monday. Just praying it won't be too late by then!
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    KittyFeliz-- I was curious if anyone was into natural fertility remedies~ excited to see you're reading Making Babies! I've been reading that and The Infertility Cure. Nice easy reads, and really interesting! Did you just start doing accupuncture? I really want to but im chicken lol Tomorrow I start drinking Fertilitea and adding a few vitamins to my usual prenatal+dha. Even if it doesn't magically produce a baby, at least my body will be healthier if there are any problems down the line. Happy reading!

    AFM bleeding from miscarriage has finally ended, and we are ready to get back up on the horse ;) We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary today and kicked off month 3 TTC! My husband has also turned some crazy corner and has become so much more supportive and loving regarding all the baby craziness-- I mean, he has always wanted a baby too but now instead of rolling his eyes about bbt charting he's actually reminding me to temp in the mornings! It's a miracle!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Honey- I'm so sorry about your m/c. If you need someone to talk with feel free to message me. I've been through 2 now, it's been rough but hopefully the last one is the last forever! Glad you DH is being supportive now though! It makes a world of difference. Good luck this cycle, sending lots of sticky baby dust your way!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Honey- I'm so sorry about your m/c. If you need someone to talk with feel free to message me. I've been through 2 now, it's been rough but hopefully the last one is the last forever! Glad you DH is being supportive now though! It makes a world of difference. Good luck this cycle, sending lots of sticky baby dust your way!
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    A million thoughts are running through my mind and I need to type it out....

    My DH and I are not officially TTC, however I am not taking any kind of BC. For more then a year I have been off BC and it's been all about getting me healthy. I was actually excited for my period to start this month, because I am going to start charting during my next cycle. ANYWAY.... I have PCOS and have only had somewhat normal cycles for the past 4 months. I am on day 35 of my current cycle and every day I think "should I test?" or "am i late?" or "is this a TOM symptom or pregnant symptom?". I don't know what to do. Since my cycles are only sorta regular I don't know when to test.....and since we aren't really TTC I don't want to get my hopes up. I have had it up to many times.

    Beyond that....if I am going through this many emotions and we aren't TTC...what's it going to be like next month when I start charting!! My inlaws are here this weekend, and so I haven't had any time to talk to my DH and I am going crazy! I guess we will see what next week holds!!!

    Sorry for my rant...I just had to tell someone!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Honey - glad to hear you're on the horse and YAY for DH being more supportive. Mine rolled his eyes and then got supportive and then just took it over....LOL now I temp in the morning without even waking up (DH wakes up about 30 minutes before me and by the time I've woken up, he's already taken my temp.....Lucky me!!!!)

    Melissa - it's good to keep busy during this time - I know now that even testing doesn't help....LOL I just always thought that the tests were lying.....What are you doing to keep the PCOS at bay?

    AFM - ultrasound and bloodwork today. They're going to process it and then call, but the nurse didn't seem to think they were going to give me the pill to jump start the cycle. I have 21 and 25 follicles on right and left ovaries up from 19 and 21 last month and 1 that is more than 10mm (which is up from none last time) so it looks like I geared up to ovulate, but just never did. Also, I have a little free fluid, which I didnt' have the first time, and since I haven't ovulated, it's probably related to the PCOS, which was more controlled before. Left there and went to the clinic (where I saw the same lady that was ahead of me in line for the U/S) and did the bloowork, then the nurse took my BP. My BP is always perfect, but of course today, my diastolic was a little high at she didn't want to call in my prescription until the doctor approves it later today.....BLAH So I'm not sure where we go from here - do we just try wait out another cycle and see if I ovulate on day 19 again or are we going to medicate to induce ovulation? I guess I'll find out later today. This weekend is going to be crazy for me.....have a baby shower this afternoon (that I haven't even bought anything for yet) plus we're heading out to pick up my cousin's daughter for the weekend (she's my 2 year old cutie patootie! Awesome, but a handful - her bio dad bailed on his weekend with her, again!!!) and then we've got a houseful of guests coming tomorrow. All this with DH working the weekend leads to a busy weekend. Oh and don't forget, it's around 40F here right now and my furnace has chosen not to come on - so we might be needing to buy a new furnace on top of everything else this week.....*sigh*
  • Dinah93
    Dinah93 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies, do you mind if I join you? Only just joined myfitnesspal, but my motivation for getting fit is to be able to have a healthy pregnancy one day, as I have a history of high blood pressure, and my mum was in hospital for 5 months when she had me with hers.

    Age: 26
    Where you live: Cleveland, England
    Job: Planning Officer/Starting own business
    Length of time on the board: 10 days
    Marital Status: Married - 1 year 1 week
    Length of time you've been with SO: 3 1/2 years
    Do you have kids: Not yet
    Length of time TTC: 4 months ... but I was on implanon for 9 years so my cycles are just about starting to settle down but I'm not expecting anything to happen any time soon
    Diagnosis: None
    Do you chart your BBT: Yep, and anything else my body does!
    Do you use OPKs: Yes
    Are you on any meds for TTC: None, although I'm taking EPO and
    Height: 5"6
    Weight: 140.2lbs as of this morning
    Goal Weight: 120lbs
    Strange fact about yourself: I struggle with boundaries, I often say the wrong thing and I can never see limitations as to why something can't be done. Not that interesting but I can't think of anything right now - 30 day shred has rotted my brain. Oh I once hit Andy Cole in the head with a door - does that count?

    Really looking forward to getting to know you all x
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    KittyFeliz-- I was curious if anyone was into natural fertility remedies~ excited to see you're reading Making Babies! I've been reading that and The Infertility Cure. Nice easy reads, and really interesting! Did you just start doing accupuncture? I really want to but im chicken lol Tomorrow I start drinking Fertilitea and adding a few vitamins to my usual prenatal+dha. Even if it doesn't magically produce a baby, at least my body will be healthier if there are any problems down the line. Happy reading!

    AFM bleeding from miscarriage has finally ended, and we are ready to get back up on the horse ;) We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary today and kicked off month 3 TTC! My husband has also turned some crazy corner and has become so much more supportive and loving regarding all the baby craziness-- I mean, he has always wanted a baby too but now instead of rolling his eyes about bbt charting he's actually reminding me to temp in the mornings! It's a miracle!

    Hi Honey, so sorry to hear about the miscarriage, glad you're getting back up on the horse! Happy anniversary and BABY DUST!

    It's such a good book isn't it?! Yes I just started acupuncture but I've had a treatment before. My best friend practices Traditional Chinese Medicine so it's so easy to talk to her about everything. Right now we're doing treatments for fertility/moods/metabolism, the whole shebang. Do not be nervous, I'm actually a needle-phobe. So bad I get pale, start shaking, cry and pass out. Honestly, I'm such a wuss. Acupuncture is not scary at all. She showed me how the needles are so tiny and delicate you can actually tie them in a knot, they didn't seem that scary after that. And they don't go in very far. I get them in my feet, legs, stomach, hands (these are the weirdest cause they twitch, it's kinda cool), face and scalp. It's really relaxing and fun to just sit and feel all the energy rushing and the different areas tingle but it never really hurts. Give it a try!
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Melissa - it's good to keep busy during this time - I know now that even testing doesn't help....LOL I just always thought that the tests were lying.....What are you doing to keep the PCOS at bay?

    Thanks.... I have been knitting and cooking like crazy. Having my inlaws here is bitter sweet. Bitter because I can't really talk to my DH, but sweet because I am kept VERY busy!!.

    As far as keeping PCOS at's a crazy balancing act that I feel like I struggle with each day. I have stopped drinking soda, limited my sugar and sodium and increased my whole wheat and veggie intake. I have also made sure I work out, find something to stress relief (my knitting), and get good sleep. ALSO...I have been going to the chiropractor. The mix of all of that seems to be the right balance. I have lost about 30 pounds by eating right and working out....and I have never felt better in my life. I have no idea if I am ovulating - but I have had 4 natural periods (3 of which have been roughly 34 days apart). :-) I really don't want to be on any meds, so I strive to do what ever I can naturally.

    One of my dear friends has PCOS and she swears by the "womans kits" from I used the kit for a short time but had some side affects so I stopped. It worked so well for my friend that I would recommend it to many!!
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm with Pantera...what brand are these gummy vitamins?! Help a couple sisters out! LOL :laugh:

    They're VITAFUSION. They taste great and are fantastic for girls like me who can't swallow the horsepills.
    You can get them at Target or Walgreens. Dr said the were ok
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Melissa - it's good to keep busy during this time - I know now that even testing doesn't help....LOL I just always thought that the tests were lying.....What are you doing to keep the PCOS at bay?

    Thanks.... I have been knitting and cooking like crazy. Having my inlaws here is bitter sweet. Bitter because I can't really talk to my DH, but sweet because I am kept VERY busy!!.

    As far as keeping PCOS at's a crazy balancing act that I feel like I struggle with each day. I have stopped drinking soda, limited my sugar and sodium and increased my whole wheat and veggie intake. I have also made sure I work out, find something to stress relief (my knitting), and get good sleep. ALSO...I have been going to the chiropractor. The mix of all of that seems to be the right balance. I have lost about 30 pounds by eating right and working out....and I have never felt better in my life. I have no idea if I am ovulating - but I have had 4 natural periods (3 of which have been roughly 34 days apart). :-) I really don't want to be on any meds, so I strive to do what ever I can naturally.

    One of my dear friends has PCOS and she swears by the "womans kits" from I used the kit for a short time but had some side affects so I stopped. It worked so well for my friend that I would recommend it to many!!

    Sounds like you are doing all the right things to keep it at bay. I found after about 6 months of my new lifestyle the symptoms went MUCH reduced (and I dropped around 40 lbs). I did also take the Metformin though, which really helped also. It is definitely a crazy balancing act though. For lent this year, I cut sugar and I found that I needed less junk food, coffee and all that other stuff.....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    CD1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally! It took 42 days since my miscarriage bleeding stopped but it's finally here! I am so flippin' happy right now! And relieved!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Yay jalara for cd1!
    Afm: yesterday the hubs, son and I went to the uofa football game last night and it was tons of fun. We went to the tailgate for military beforehand and our son had a blast at his first football game. On the way back from the game on the LONG walk back to the car I felt some cramping. I didn't think too much about it but when we got back I went to the bathroom and found some very light spotting. It wasn't there this morning so I have a really good feeling that it was implantation! We've been using opk's but haven't gotten a positive and I'm cd18 so I wonder if they are even working. I always get the test line and another very faint line. We've been makin babies every other day so I really hate this wait! It seems like this month has gone pretty quickly but the 28th seems forever away!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Woohoo jalara!

    Julia - fingers crossed for you!!! Baby Dust!!

    I read about Raspberry Leaf Tea recently and I'm thinking about giving it a try... it's supposed to help regulate periods and also help with cramps and other symptoms as well as being great for pregnant women, just uterine health in general. Read some of the reviews... One lady had irregular periods from PCOS and started drinking the tea and got per period and even had a normal cycle! And one woman basically says the tea gave her the perfect pregnancy/birth. I'm going to ask my acupuncturist about it and see what she says. Edit: Not to be used in early pregnancy, very bad, can induce labor...

    AFM: I finally broke through my 155 mark. Only by .2 but I swear I could have done a happy dance on the scale because I've either been at or above 155 forEVER! Is it a coincidence that I finally broke through it after acupuncture? I dunno, guess I'm going to have to keep going!!

    I had a pregnant dream last night, can't remember the last time I had one if ever. It felt soooo real. I was only 2 weeks but showing a little (LOL it was probably just my fat belly) and I was trying not to tell people yet because it was so early but Husband couldn't stop bragging... But I just remember the feeling of love and peacefulness from rubbing my belly. OMFG if I didn't have baby fever before I have it now. I can literally feel my uterus yearning. Haha, that's what I get for reading Making Babies before bed. Loving this book.

    Anyhow, have a great day ladies!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Melissa and Eatnbetter and others- Welcome!

    Pam- Excited for you!

    Jalara- whoohoo! It was a long wait for you!

    AFM- BFN. I didn't end up having to pee. I started to more than spot on Wednesday and my temps plummeted on thursday to 96.6 the lowest I've ever gotten. Disappointed but it was my "first month" so we are gearing up for this month. Question, what do I consider my CD1 this month- when I started to spot, wednesday when I started to show clots, thursday when my temps dropped, or Friday when I took the last progestrone for this cycle? Not sure how to count it this month...I will definately be using Ovulation sticks to help me this month to figure it husband is a little worried just cause I ussually can give him a heads up and this month I have no idea. Love to all, have a great weekend!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Oh found out some good stuff about Raspberry Tea here:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    CD1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally! It took 42 days since my miscarriage bleeding stopped but it's finally here! I am so flippin' happy right now! And relieved!

    Awesome hun!!!!! I know that flood of relief when you're starting to get worried is just soooo good. Hopefully things will settle down for you, well I don't know if this will help much with the classes :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Kitty - try not to change too many TTC things all at once - it's good to let your body adjust to things first. Also, be careful with natural remedies - for example, Raspberry Leaf Tea can interfere with some antibiotics (blame the Pharmacology class I'm taking right now). I've read Making Babies and I didn't find it to be anything great, but it's likely because I've been at this for awhile. It's great to have renewed enthusiasm on this board though!

    Pam - seems like things are moving along for you! I know it's not going as quickly as you wanted it to, but any progress in treatment is still progress.

    Luki - sorry about the BFN.

    AFM - I decided last night to make turkey dinner tonight - and it was great! Gluten free stuffing is kind of iffy but otherwise it was good :) With the sudden cool temperatures it felt like a weekend for comfort food :)