sarebighair Member


  • What plan are you following?
  • Hey, well done on taking the first step, it's round 3 for me, what plan are you following? X
  • I feel your frustration, I have been working out 4 to 5 times a week for the past few months and have gained 3lb.. All my life I have been a slave to the numbers on the scales. I did low carb for 2 years with hardly any exercise & got down to my lowest weight ever. Now I have re introduced fruit & the odd slice of bread,…
  • I typically drink between 2-3 litres of water a day, whether I exercise or not. Atkins say carbs make you hungry so that's the assumption I've made but perhaps I simply need more food.
  • Awesome, thanks, I'm 43, 5'5 & currently weigh around 126.. For the past 18 months I have been following an atkins style diet which was fine, but I got bored eventually & found with all the exercise, I perhaps needed to rethink. A diet break is a good, if scary thought as I think I am totally confused as to what diet I'm…
  • Wow, ok, but what do you all eat?? Would anyone mind sharing a typical day's intake? I'm seriously undereating, need to get better prepared at home..
  • Hiya, am currently 2 and a half weeks in, doing Ramp it up with some occasional bonus workout to relieve the boredom, but like you,have only increased in weight :-( I started it wanting to lose only 3 or 4lb and to tone up but have so far gained 3lb I discovered this gutted. Only weighing once a week and sorry,…
  • currently not raining in Wiltshire but blowing up a hoolie!! have a fab weekend guys xxx
  • Hiya thanks so much for taking the trouble to reply, I think you're right, I should ditch the scales for a bit. I have about half a stone I really really want to shift although I'm aware that it is probably at the bottom end of what I should weigh. I'm 5'5 & currently 9stone 6. I am about a stone lighter than I've been for…