Slim in 6 making me heavier?

Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone else has experiences this. I'm nearly finished week 2 of Slim in 6, a fitness DVD which incorporates some cardio, a lot of squats, lunges etc.
And although my bodys shape is improving, the scales either goes up or doesn't budge some days.
Does the weight come off eventually?! It's so frustrating..It's great being toned but I'm working so hard to lose a stone (14lbs) I don't want to end up heavier!

Thanks :) x


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you're weighing yourself every day and expect to see the number drop every day, you're setting yourself up for frustration.

    Any exercise (and a zillion and one other things) can cause a slight temporary increase on the scale, especially if you feel any soreness. That soreness is inflammation and inflammation is fluid retention and fluid retention can mask weight loss or show as an increase on the scale.

    The scale itself becomes meaningless as you approach your goal weight. Track your progress through measurements, how clothes fit and with progress photos instead of just the scale.
  • emmahr88
    Thank you :) I suppose since im around 170lbs it just seems a little high to me so I guess that's why I worried! I will keep going, thank you for the advice. X
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Keep with it! I know you want to lose the numbers on the scale, but no one else can see that but you... What people see are the inches lost and muscle gained. I'm sure if you keep at it, the numbers will change, but you should definitely put more emphasis on how much more awesome you're looking. Good luck!
  • jenneal89
    Forget about the scale and track your niches lost, IMO it's more accurate because you can gain a bit if muscle lost a bit of fat but stay the same weight. Also fluid retention for muscle repair plays a big part like someone previously said :)
  • sarebighair
    sarebighair Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya, am currently 2 and a half weeks in, doing Ramp it up with some occasional bonus workout to relieve the boredom, but like you,have only increased in weight :-( I started it wanting to lose only 3 or 4lb and to tone up but have so far gained 3lb I discovered this gutted. Only weighing once a week and sorry, but the figures have always mattered to me although I do appreciate what these guys are saying. Tape measure says I have lost one inch from the only place I didn't need to which is my hips.
    Feeling very disillusioned having worked so hard. Wondering if I don't consume enough calories..?
    Really hope things have improved for you by now, perhaps you could let me know x