So so glum today :o(

Ok so i've been doing this for a few weeks now, and found logging exactly what I was doing greatly beneficial, particularly as a person who consders themself to know all there is to know about calories/dieting etc, it has opened my eyes to some mistakes I was making previously, namely not eating enough calories especially when exercising. I have always tried to eat no more than 1000-1200 cals a day regardless and yet I am quite active, I walk a lot and kayak at weekends. I have had spine surgery so need to be a little careful about overdoing stuff.
So when I first started, I lost a steady lb a week which was awesome as I had been stuck still for so long, but as my exercise and calories have increased, I now appear to have put it all back on :sad:
I know folk may look at my weight and give me a hard time because I dont appear to have a lot to lose but trust me this has hindered me all my life and is just as important and frustrating to me as the rest of you so please don't judge.. :cry:
My female cycle is doing odd things at the moment, perhaps due to my increased exercise so I am clinging on to some hope that this may be the reason for my gain because I promise, I try so very hard and am very strict on myself.
I am tempted to drop the exercise right back as I kind of knew where I was with my 1200 cals a day....
Please, any advice, I'm terribly upset today and feel guilty for being so vain. sorry. xx


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Firstly, no need to apologise. We all have a weight or size that we feel most comfortable with, it's not vain, just a matter or personal comfort.

    Secondly, I'm not sure of your height or current weight but I was in a similar situation (I only have 9lbs to lose and was 'stuck for months). I am a very active person and I wasn't eating enough. My person trainer told me to cut back on the exercise for a while (focusing mostly on strength training) and to make sure, not matter what, that I ate my BMR. This has really worked for me. It's weird at first having so much extra time (due to not working out all the time) but it has worked. It took a while to get my calories up (with healthy nutritious foods) but I did it and have finally begin to strike a sensible balance.

    We all feel discouraged from time to time but how we feel is temporary and will pass. Take some time to look at the bigger picture, all your achievements and how healthy you are in general. You will feel better soon. *hugs*

    p.s- I've ditched the scales for a while and am measuring to monitor progress are you measuring too?
  • sarebighair
    sarebighair Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya thanks so much for taking the trouble to reply, I think you're right, I should ditch the scales for a bit. I have about half a stone I really really want to shift although I'm aware that it is probably at the bottom end of what I should weigh. I'm 5'5 & currently 9stone 6. I am about a stone lighter than I've been for most of my adult life so maybe I'm being unrealistic but I got below 9 stone a couple of years ago but under sad circumstances,and I really liked being able to wear anything for a while. Again, sounding horrible vain I'm sure.
    It wouldn't seem so bad if I wasn't trying so hard..its soul-destroying isn't it... Are you a fan of this zig-zag caloried idea I've just read about?
    I do feel fitter as you say, from the exercise, and I did do measuremements last weekend for the first time. The numbers on the scales are still too important though which is perhaps something I need to address.
    Thanks again and well done you on your progress xx