

  • I am also looking to bring in some extra income and have recently partnered with a company called Melaleuca. They specialize in manufacturing safe, effective products we use in our house everyday (laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, vitamins, etc). The business side of the the company is whatever you want to make it,…
  • If you are really interested in working from home, I am partnering with a company that allows me to work from home and I'd be happy to show you what it's all about. I can show you what it's all about, and if you decide it's not for you, no big deal. Just message me and let me know when you'd be available to chat.
  • That's not a concern at all. With all your walking, your heart health is proabably quite good. It becomes problematic if you notice you have a slow heart rate, you are fatigued, you get dizzy, you feel weak. Just keep that in mind and keep on walking!
  • Peanut butter is fantastic! But I would suggest avoiding the highly processed stuff and going organic. Don't need added sugar and it tends to have less salt.
  • I work as a nurse in a hospital that performs this type of surgery. For some people, it is quite successful, but I think it's getting too popular as an acceptable weight loss strategy. There are many complications associated with this type of surgery, and the long term effects are simply unknown. I often wonder how these…
  • Totally agree, as a nurse as well I don't think diuretics are a real solution to weight loss. They can be quite dangerous and lead to other health concerns if used improperly.
  • 1200 calories seems like an awfully small amount of caloric intake, but if it's in your plan I'd suggest avoiding supplements and bars and focus on real food. Real protein like beef, chicken, eggs, milk and cheese. These will add good calories that have real protein for your body. Plus they have other nutrients in them you…
  • Everything I've read about these splurges we are all prone to is not to dwell on them after they happen. One or two days of splurging is not going to add weight. It becomes a problem when you are taking in more calories everyday than you need. Just keep moving forward, and don't deny your body the nutrients it needs on a…