dubird Member


  • Weight loss isn't linear. You can do things perfectly for a week and either not lose or gain a little. That's because our bodies don't shed weight at a steady rate. You could go two weeks and so no change, then get on the scale the third week and have lost two or three pounds. Don't cut your calories too much and keep on…
  • Losing one pound a week is a good, healthy and safe rate of weight loss. Yes, it's slow. Yes, it's frustrating. But keep in mind this isn't just a diet to lose weight; part of losing weight through calorie counting is retraining yourself to recognize a normal portion of food, as well as learning how to rebalence foods.…
  • Unless you have a diagnosed medical reason to avoid carbs, they're fine. If you can fit it into your daily calories while still getting the nutrition you need, go for it. I eat a TON of bread, but I fit it around my other daily needs and I lost weight just fine. There are some people that find lower carb eating plans help…
  • If you can hook your phone to your computer for data transfer, you can transfer MP3s directly to it. Zombies Run only recognizes some playlists, though one it does recognize is Winamp, which is a free music player. So what I did is copy the music I wanted into a folder on my phone, and used the Winamp app to make a random…
  • I've always seen at is calories is for weight loss, macros are for making sure you get the right nutrition. It's perfectly possible to lose weight eating low-nutrient foods, but then you make yourself sick. The macros are there to help you get the nutrition your body needs within the limits of what your daily calories are.
  • G2. It's the low calorie gatorade, which I prefer even without it being low calorie since it's a much lighter flavor. Regular gatorade is now too strong a flavor for me! I also drink a LOT of unsweet tea with equal.
  • 'ello! Glad to see you've decided to start taking care of yourself; sometimes in a heavy relationship we tend to focus on the other person and not ourselves. ^_^
  • Aggressive calorie deficit is you starving your body. That's why I mean by losing muscle mass and malnutrition. Your weight loss slows when you get to a certain point, but your body can't 'hang on' to extra calories. If you never adjust you calorie intake, you will eventually hit maintenance without realizing it, as your…
  • I'm an introvert, and I prefer online communication. It's easier for me and I don't have to look people in the eye! ^_^; There's a lot of good advice on here, as well as a lot of bro science and bad advice. I did a LOT of lurking when I first started, and learned a lot about my process. Thing is, everyone has a different…
  • No, if you're in a deficit, no matter how aggressive, you will lose weight. The problem is, you will be losing muscle mass and causing issues with malnutrition if your deficit is too low, which is why you don't want to go below what the minimum recommendation is. OP: 1500 sounds about right for where you should be. Yes,…
  • If you're sick, give yourself time to recover. You can set your calories to maintenance for a few days if you need to and just focus on logging, or just keep your calories as is and log, but don't worry about exercise. Seriously, if you push yourself when you're sick, you may end up making things worse and setting yourself…
  • For me, when I'm short on calories and I've eaten what I should for the day, I add a soda or something like that. I don't keep a lot in the house as I'll eat more than I should, but a quick trip to the gas station for a soda and candy bar is all I need for that. I figure if I'd eaten like I should all day and have the…
  • You may have to adjust your maintenance calories as you go, but starting with what MFP gives you is a good starting point. You may find the number it gives you is good, or it may be too high or too low given your daily activity. Keep an eye on things for the next couple months after you hit your goal and adjust as needed.…
  • Sudden increase in sodium can cause water weight. 5 pounds of it isn't a ridiculous number, so that would be my suggestion. Increase in exercise also causes it. AJF is right, look for the trend of your weight, not every day's weight. Our weight fluctuates daily, so weighing every day is not going to see the results you…
  • I use Zombies Run myself. Once the heat gets back down to reasonable levels, I'm getting back on it. I still hate walking, but at least I have something engaging to listen to while I walk! For other things, think of activities you like to do. If you like minigolf, do it. It's not really a cardio, but it does get you out…
  • Stress very definitely can have a negative impact. So can issues with depression or other emotional disorders. One thing that can help is to start small and build. Say, make one change to your diet that you know you can keep up but that does impact your calories. I started with swapping out soda at lunch for unsweet tea…
  • MFP tends to vastly over-estimate your calories burned. In fact, may online tools do because they don't have you input your stats. They're working from a general baseline to calculate your calories burned, and if you're not in that baseline, it won't be accurate. General advice here is to only eat back half of what MFP…
  • Yeah, weight fluctuations can be a stone *kitten*. It's like "i walked that extra mile and gained a pound? i could've had cake instead!" That's why I don't weigh myself any more often than once a week, and usually go a couple weeks between weigh-ins. I'm maintaining now, but I also knew that when I was losing, the amount I…
    in I feel stuck Comment by dubird July 2016
  • One thing to keep in mind: it's ok to start slow. If you try to do too much too fast, it's very easy to burn out. Remember, this isn't a 'diet', it's you changing your eating habits to be healthier and maintain the lower weight once you reach it. Changes you make now should be changes you'll keep. Also, realize you WILL…
  • 2 months? You're working your way towards an impacted colon, which may require surgery to fix. That's much more expensive and time consuming then getting it treated now. Other treatments are not pleasant and when it happened to me, required an overnight stay in the hospital. You're much better off getting it treated now…
  • If you know you're going to be up at 3 am, put a snack in the fridge or pantry for yourself that fits into your daily calories. That way, if you get up hungry, you can grab something ready to go, eat it standing up, then go back to bed. You won't binge if your snack is ready go, and maybe by staying standing and not…
  • 'ello and welcome! If you're having problems being hungry in the afternoon, you might try adjusting how much eat and when. Try eating less more often, or move your biggest meal close to that time. Time of day you eat doesn't matter, so sometimes just shifting some eating times will help you control how much eat. Good luck…
    in Hi Comment by dubird July 2016
  • I use Zombies Run, it's super special awesome and does make me actually want to walk. I have friends that started Go, and one's already lost 7 lbs in a week just by hunting pokemon. Not my thing, but it does work if it's something you're interested in.
  • When I'm discouraged, I find something else to focus on. That got me to mostly break habit snacking and stress eating. If stress eating is how you relive stress, look into other ideas. For some, meditation works. For me, first person shooter video games work. If nothing else, look into a hobby that requires your hands.…
  • I personally don't worry about BMI. There's not a good accurate way to measure it, and people who weight train are often considered in an unhealthy BMI because of the number on the scale, but are perfectly healthy. Worry about what is a healthy weight for your height and body type. Talk to your doctor about it if you're…
  • My suggestion is that if you're concerned about the diet plan the book gives you and it doesn't seem like something you will be ok with, it's not for you. What works for one person isn't going to work for everything. That system might have worked well for the author (though, the cynical part of me says it's just a bid to…
  • Weighing and accurately tracking your food is the first step you need to take. Yeah, it can be a pain to have to weigh everything!! But without that tool, you're not going to be 100% sure what your calorie intake is. Even with a scale it's not 100%, but it's much much closer than rough estimations. The biggest complaint of…
  • The human body is an engine, calories are what makes it run. How many calories a body burns during specific exercises depends on the body composition, true. But gas mileage for a car depends on how the engine is made. Some cars burn more gas than others, does that mean the calculated power of the gas itself is changed from…