mo2go Member


  • Can I join this group please. I am at my worst end and fed up bursting into tears when nothing I do shows results. Need vision and a.little help
  • @sijomial you're going by what is expected. When I am around 14.5st i am a size 12 so size of clothing is my goal not weight. If I get there and feel i have to do more then i might but walking Scottish mountains and skiing again is my aim and being too slim is not my goal.
  • @kshama2001 I am carrying a lot of excess weight. I want to lose around 30-35 lbs. I am 5ft 3ins and 243lbs. Size 20-22. I have been active until I hit 60 and life just got quieter. I have been a "Munro bagger" in the past so I have muscles in my legs and arms but the body is a bit wibbly now. I am not bothered in the pace…
  • The most disturbing thing about this business is clothes sizing. Buying clothes can destroy self-esteem and each time the number goes up the more I feel deeper into this hole. I can rage in the UK from 18-24 which is so soul-destroying. I am finding it a bit more difficult to exercise than I used to, have been working from…
  • Antyrell - awesome and straight to the point. Thanks no messing around. :smiley: Thanks everyone for your support. Might try the -what weight I should aim for and the calories to maintain that weight. Sounds a sensible idea.
  • I apologise to both you lovely ladies for not having the courtesy to get back. This year has been the year of events for me. Between my 60th birthday, my husbands 65th, my son's graduation and my eldest son's wedding I am all at sea and sinking fast. I have today come back onto here and searching for motivation and the…
  • Thanks Kommodevaran (love the name) that was a great read. I could yatter on as well. I rarely stick to any weight loss routine as I never get the mind set that it takes time for results to come through. I loved the chatter when I went to classes but as I never really attained any sort of result (apart from when I was in…
  • I have the FitBit Alta. There seems to be problems just now with updates so it might be the cause of the lack of battery. I have had a Fitbit since 2013 and do like them. Slowly but surely I find it just makes you feel better for hitting your target so it makes me work a little harder. Have never used any other device.
  • I keep trying to say thanks for all the support and someone else replies. I so appreciate all your help. I have a figure of 47 for sugar but I dont have a problem keeping that down. My head is spinning with people saying I should have more protein and no carbs, or carbs and little protein. Thank you all so much . Every…
  • Whaw, this thread is amazing. I am not alone with the struggle of this baggage I am carrying around. Please, please can we have a group with us all in it so we can help and remind each other how really hard it is. I have now dropped my calorie intake to 1500 which seems to be a 1lb a week but I would rather have a fabulous…
  • Hi ladies me too. I now have about 42 lbs to loose. Ridiculous really since if I had kept going in the first place I would have been there by now. So please add me as I need all the help I can get.
    in Hi I'm back! Comment by mo2go April 2015
  • Dieselbyte, thanks for the reply, been on holiday and now back to basics. On MFP I am on a 1500 intake per day but when I attend Curves and follow their plan I increase this to over 2000 per day. Hence everytime I do this I gain weight. Easy to say it will probably be muscle but when everything you put on dosent fit its…
  • Thanks for this. I'll look into it today.
  • Afternoon from Scotland (Tuesday) - hope everyone is well. Been to the nurse this morning for the thyroid check up. It will be a few days before I know if there is a change of meds. Anyway yesterday was a good day and was so motivated from this section I was really good with my eating. Today I am not so sure. Lunch to me…
  • Not being noticed. Feeling heavy and huffing and puffing my way through the day. Tinker_and_bash - Sudocreme (spelt badly) but this works wonders. Sold most places but in Boots it will be near the baby section. Protects the skin and helps it mend.
  • Thanks SuzyH, glad others are in the same boat as me. Still I have to get this sorted, will have a long take with him tomorrow. Last time he offered slimming tablets but I refused as I dont want any more side effects. It just takes time and an awareness of what I should be doing.
  • Morning, all? I have come back to the fold and really need to find support. The phrase which describes me is 'I know what I should do'. I am fab at giving advice and support but I am hopeless at taking it and working out what will work for me, so would love to be on your time. Getting my thyroid checked again tomorrow but…
  • Morning, how are you? I have come back to the fold and really need to find support. The phrase for me is 'all mouth no trousers'. I am fab at giving advice and support but I am hopeless at taking it and working out what will work for me, so would love to be on your team. Cheers, hear from you later
  • Found it online.