

  • I just started weel three of this pill and already am seeing weight gain. Granted it is the Holidays and I haven't been eating the greatest, but I have stepped up my workout routine, and will run any where from 5 to 10 Miles three tiimes a week and other carido activities on non-running days along with weight training. I…
  • That is fabulous! Congrats.
  • That is fabulous! Good job.
  • I am the same way. I work two jobs and the nights I work my part-time job, I do not have any time to get in any exercise. I still walk on my breaks at my full-time job, but to my body it just isn't enough. I crave it like crazy and when I don't get to I seriously get depressed. Hang in there girl, you'll be back in no…
  • Congrats! Keep up the great work. I know how rewarding it feels and how you feel like a brand new person.
  • Quesadilla's are wonderful with just refried beans and veggies and cheese. So healthy too. Quick lunch for work too.
  • I agree, eat more and possibly widen your variety of foods... if you're not getting enough fiber, maybe slide some black beans in there. Another option that has also worked for me, is switching up the amount of calories per day... one day I may only do 1200, but on a day that I work out, I will do 1800. I switch it up…
  • I love Grilled Asparagus. With some EVOO and Tony's Creole Seasoning... MMM They are so Yummy.
  • Bob from the Biggest Loser has a few that I really enjoy. He really gets your heart pumping with good cardio at the same time as strangth and toning exercises.
  • This helps me also. Thank you for posting. I was getting discouraged after a week on the scale has said the same number, and countless hours in the gym. I will play around with my caloric intake to see if that will be the factor that helps me beat this plateau. Thanks Again!
  • I love it... Record it on DVR all the tim. Don't miss an episode.
  • I am having the same thing happen to me. I started February 2nd and I am down 32 lbs. I have heard the saying, it's better to lose slower that way you keep it off longer. If you get any insight on this, I would also love to hear it. I am doing about 5 days a week carido also, with strength training and weights also.…
  • What a great way to get people motivated! Count me in. Lindsay ______________257___________225__________32
  • High Fiber Foods are excellent. A black bean quesadila for example with fresh veggies (I use already prepared pico de gallo) reduced fat cheese, avacado, mushrooms, and one healthy tortilla folded in half (south beach multi-grain)... will satisfy you for the entire afternoon. Less than 400 calories. Good luck!
  • You should be very proud today... you look amazing. Keep up the great work.