

  • fell off the wagon today but I am ready to start again tomorrow. What do you ladies do for treats? do you have like 100 cal a day for a treat or a cheat meal a week?
  • Had a good day today. and excited for tomorrow. ( I am taking the twins to the LA zoo) now to pack some healthy snacks and lunch to bring with us.
  • OK i have a question for you all. Are you suppose to eat all of your workout calories ( I am not right now because when I do I don't lose any weight; I am also not working out very hard either maybe burning 200 calories a day) also I have a hard time healthy eating my minimum calories a day I am busy and tried eating every…
  • Having a good day today so far. I think my exercises this week will be sit ups and push ups.
  • Thanks Lotte ( I didn't realize and avocado was high fiber which is nice since I've been eating them since they are about to go bad.
  • today was a much better day. What other fruit besides apples are high in fiber?
  • Hi I joined the group a month ago but haven't been active. If anyone would like to I need some accountability and friends on MFP. I have no accountability in real life. My march current is 198 my goal 194
  • [/qoute] Also, I took Bethany's lead and made my own set of weight loss jars. ( ) Hard to see really well in the picture, but I'm excited about them! Made a set for my husband, too. :) Oh, and I realize that green is very…
  • Hi everyone I am new. My name is Michelle and I have twin 3 year olds. my current weight is 190.4 and my goal is 186.4 for the end of the month.