

  • Thank you all for the responses, seems you are saying that it could be water and that it takes time and that I should eat more healthily. I guess I just wanted to see a result right away, since I changed my lifestyle a lot. Before I only did walking, cycling, and once a week at the gym on the elliptical for about 30 min of…
  • My dog (though a female) was wearing Chanel Allure Homme this weekend as well =) Cute cat photo Legion <3 Is it your cat? o.o
  • Hi Gillian, no, I am serious. I'm 5'3''. I have been feeling bad about my weight after my close friend Kazik ended our friendship because he thought I was too fat. Some people I know tell me that I"m not fat but I feel that they're just trying to be nice especially since they follow up with comments like "wow really? you…
  • Awww you're only 19! Enjoy yourself in your teenage years =) Where is the cruise going? Yes, going to the gym on the ship will be quite good! Don't worry, one week of more meals won't make a big difference in the long run Have fun!
  • Hmm, I'm glad that your partner is supportive =) Chick picture - haha about the potatoes =) They are tasty!
  • Asci - wow thank you so much for that link. The Taichung one that is $6,000 NT/year is affordable, I don't like the hours but I'm going to think about it. I wonder if there is something like that in Chiayi or Douliu. I guess so but it's just that I'm really really afraid that Kazik will hate me even more if I have one less…
  • Hi! Are you from Taiwan too???? No, they said a single time costs 230 NT :'( The thing is that I would want to go swimming every day so for me it would be "cheaper" to do a long term but it's still a lot of money *le sigh*
  • Mmmmm which fragrance specifically by Versace?
  • I guess I kind of like posting in a forum because it allows me to interact with others from the comfort of my own home. Maybe some people can relate to swimming pools being costly? I guess Kazik was being hurtful, but he generally is a nice guy *sigh* SLW, well yes I do buy shirts that cost $600+ generally but I do save up…
  • Good for you for wanting to be healthy, at such a young age! You are very responsible =) Does Buffalo Wings serve any healthier options
  • That's right. The post is about how the swimming pool is too expensive for me to join. I mention Kazik because he abandoned me at a time that I needed him due to my weight, which is why I am trying to fix my weight.
  • Honestly, I don't know the answer, but great job! That's a lot! And it's very noble of you to want to become a doctor! Keep smiling =)
  • Got 3 hours of sleep finally at 8 am :/ So I contacted my therapist and she is going to write an emotional support animal letter for my dog. I called a guy from Forumosa who works at World Gym in Taipei to ask if World Gym can accept it. I go to the World Gym in Taichung but the staff there are not very friendly. I am…
  • Thanks for the hugs. I'm sick of this BS. I can't sleep at night, I'm wide awake, and I just don't feel safe and have no clue what to do to start feeling safe again, yeah I'm seeing a therapist, have seen her twice, but what am I supposed to do on an everyday basis to feel peaceful and safe in this world? I can't do stuff…
  • Are you telling me not to talk about it? If so tell me more directly like "stop talking about this" because I'm not good at sarcasm or irony :/ I did mention Kazik to my therapist, I forget what she said, it went by really fast. I feel like I would feel safer now if Kazik were still friends with me because he is physically…
  • It's hard for me not to think about Kazik because in my eyes he is the closest I was to feeling safe. Sure, I might meet a nice strong person in the future, but I want to feel safe NOW, and I feel like I would have been feeling safe now had I been thinner. You're right though, it was uncool of him to abandon me. We used to…
  • You're right about some people are allergic to dogs :'( Thanks for the supportive comments NoxDineen, I'm really really really sorry to hear that you were raped :'( How long is the feelings of fear and helplessness going to last? I want them to go away, IDK what to do, I have to deal with this ****e on my own and I don't…
  • It's good that you realise that you can try to think another way :) Then U can change Your thinking
  • I haven't found anything by searching that. Sigh I guess I'll just tie up my dog outside or something :'( Last time one of the staff tied my dog really far as a joke and I asked them and the people at the front desk were laughing at me and they said it must have run away. I left the gym and was ready to file a report about…
  • Hey, I'm really sorry that you feel depressed and bored *hugs* I'm glad that you are recovered from the accident!!!
  • Wow thank you for the supportive comments (I've had 2 sessions with a therapist)....I like that I could register it was an emotional support dog. So, how does this usually work? Do you go through a government agency or your vet? I live in Taiwan, but I'd like to get an idea...of how it generally works.
  • Can I do that for a beagle?
  • I'm sorry to hear U are discouraged. Diets are tough. How about ditching the diet and just exercising while cooking healthy foods at home?
  • Thank U! Yes I am a member of a gym and I do jump-squats, lunges, half situps. Thank U very much for the links :)
    in Maya Dyra Comment by MayaDyra March 2014
  • Good to hear about the healthy foods you're now eating :) Always best to cook your own food! Sorry to hear about your thoughts, that is hard when U feel that others are judging U Have fun at the gym tomorrow ;)
  • Thanks Josalinn - by strength training, what do u mean specifically? Hehe
    in Maya Dyra Comment by MayaDyra March 2014
  • Hi :) I'm a vegetarian since I'm 11 years old! I love animals <3
  • Oh erm well I'm not revealing private info or anything. No I don't think this is a dating site...I thought that this is the introduction section. Am I right?
    in Maya Dyra Comment by MayaDyra March 2014