Have lost about 3kgs in 9 days, should I change my day plan?

Ok so I know that its quite an achievement to loose weight this quickly, but I also know that these were the first few days. I'm a student and an aspiring doctor. I've got about 2 months till the entrance exams and and till then I just have to study ,eat and sleep. About 10 days ago I hit 100 kgs or so, it was then when I decided that I've become wayyy overweight. I'm 5'9" and just about to turn 18. I have a treadmill at my home so I started doing it about 2 times a day, each time lasting about 40 minutes at about 6km/hr speed with some speed variations. Then I came across this amazing app. It has really helped me manage my calorie intake.
Now, I'm taking about 1400-1500kcal per day while burning about 800kcal per day. The app recommends 1400kcal per day. I'm not sure that my treadmill shows accurate no. of calories burnt but I use it as a reference. I've also calculated my BMR and its 1960kcal. I don't really do anything in the day except studying and the treadmill. Now I weigh about 96.7 kgs. I just want to know that what I'm doing, my plan for the day, is it right or I have to make some changes!?! I don't starve myself but I always try to eat healthy. It has helped me so far. But can I sustain this speed of weight loss?
I haven't joined a gym yet and probably won't untill the next 2 months, so no strength training as of yet. Is only cardiovascular exercise sufficient?


  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    Honestly, I don't know the answer, but great job! That's a lot! And it's very noble of you to want to become a doctor! Keep smiling =)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    no, you wont sustain that amount of weight loss, and its not healthy to anyway.

    if you are following MFP numbers you should eat back exercise calories.

    you can do bodyweight exercises at home to help retain LBM
  • FranceyPants
    FranceyPants Posts: 98 Member
    Hey! A few answers to your questions

    1) Can you sustain this speed of weight loss?
    No. When you are overweight you tend to lose weight quickly when you start dieting, but it slows down after a bit. Don't be discouraged! A good aim is to lose 1-2 pounds a week. I'm only losing 0.5lb a week, but it's better than nothing!

    2) Is the treadmill burn accurate?
    No. Machines often over-estimate the number of calories burned. I usually divide the number they say in half.

    3) Is your plan ok?
    Your intake is quite low for a tall man - maybe ask some other guys around here what a good intake should be. Make sure you eat back your exercise calories! Otherwise you will be starving yourself. I.e. If you eat 1400 and burn 400, the net total is 1000 calories which is NOT enough

    4) Is cardio sufficient?
    YES - you can do any exercise you want, whatever makes you happy. In the end, exercise is not as important as diet.

    I suggest you read this post - it is super helpful if you are just starting out :)
  • szabinahazi
    szabinahazi Posts: 6 Member
    Do you eat back your burnt calories? Because 1400-1500 calories -800 kcals are very scarce for an adult male, and even if you're not hungry, your body's gonna switch to starvation mode and losing's gonna stop.
    At first, when I had more plus weight, I've lost approx 1kg/week,but when I was about in the middle of my normal BMI range, it stopped. The solution was to increase the calorie intake a bit more according to my exercise length and intensity and weightloss started again :) (I haven't gained back anything since that :) )
    So I think just keep on going and if there's any change, you should adjust the intake and exercising to the signs of your body :)
  • Cappuccino2014
    My starting weight is much lower than yours and I can lose at 1400 per day with no exercise so think you might need to re consider your intake. I'm only starting out so no expert though so I maybe wrong
  • IshanTheGreat
    Thanks a ton to all for ur responses, I will now try to eat back the calories lost through exercise. I'll sure give a visit to the post u suggested @Franceypants! Thanks again!
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    1400-1500kcal a day does sound pretty low for a young active male of your height. I'm a 5"3 female, 125lbs and I eat 1540kcals a day and lose weight! If your BMR is 1960kcal like you said you don't really want to go much lower than this. Your BMR (according to http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) is actually 2135kcal so you really should consider increasing your intake. You also need to consider your weight loss goals. Generally, a 1-1.5lb a week loss is sufficient for majority of people. As a general rule of thumb, if you have 20-30lb to lose you should aim for 0.5lb a week loss. 75+lbs 2lb a week loss. Anything in between you should look at 1-1.5lb. It may take longer but it is much more sustainable long term.

    You also need to remember to re-evaluate your intake for every 5lbs you lose, because as you lose weight your BMR will decrease.

    Definitely read the 'Sexy pants' thread - written by a very knowledgeable poster

    Good luck!