

  • Hmmm a 6' tall man ideal weight is 178 pounds (+/- 10%) Not that eating 20 Oreo cookies is a good idea-- Is it possible that you suffer from an eating disorder?
  • I wear yoga pants and tee shirts to work out in. I saw a girl this morning in really short/tight not athletic shorts--they had a button and zipper--like jeans. She looked really uncomfortable and out of place. At first I stated to judge her in my head, but then I realized she was looking around and was probably very…
  • I'm not sure if anyone already mentioned this...but in regards to having the junk food in the house for your husband and kids.... If it's not good for you, it's not good for them. You don't want your kids to have to struggle with their weight. You're not depriving your kids by not having a house full of sweets and treats.…
  • Good Job! You look great--your face looks like a completely different woman.
  • I tend to struggle with control too. I'm going to try to stop having junk food in the house. It's tough because I have two teenagers, and this is the house their friends always hang out in. But there are plenty of snacks that they like that I do not. I already cleaned out my snack drawer at work. I only bring what I have…
  • Mango Slices Watermelon Dry Roasted Peanuts Jellybeans (not healthy, but a few kick my sugar craving and make me feel satisfied.) Cup of Coffee
  • Walking Bicycling Swimming All are easy on the knees. You might want to wear an elasticized knee support brace when walking, and stick to flat surfaces. You could also see a Physical Therapist to learn exercises that will strengthen the muscles around your knee, so you can work out without the fear of reinjuring your knee.
  • I don't think you're giving enough information. What specifically are you doing to "overuse" your legs? I do Breast Cancer Walks, and my legs don't get swollen after walking 26 miles. Swollen legs can be a sign of a more serious medical problem. I think you should call your doctor.
  • Someone may have already mentioned this, but I spray non cook cooking spray (like Pam) on air popped popcorn before I sprinkle with salt (or any other seasoning). It helps the seasoning stick. I use the Olive Oil Cooking Spray, as it is real olive oil, but a few squirts has nominal calories.
  • Excellent timing for me. I'm new here, but certainly not new to dieting. I've been thinking that my weekend vodka and club sodas are part of my weight loss struggle problem. This was just the kick in the high-ball glass that I needed. :)
  • That's alright. You deserve a NEW dress, anyways! Focus on the positive--find something about your changing self that you appreciate. It could be something inconsequential to everyone else, but meaningful to you. Now focus on THAT success. Dresses come and go...styles change.....bodies change..... but you are always going…
  • I motivate myself to exercise by scheduling an activity with another person ahead of time. I'll tell my son he has to go to the gym with me that night, or I'll schedule a walk with a friend a day or two in advance. Once I know someone else has planned their day around me, I will always follow through.
  • I don't hate them, but they are too baggy in the bum, and color is a little boring. I think you should look for something more fitted through the hip/bum/leg. (also the socks are distracting) I don't think you should get rid of them though. You might feel differently when your deeper into summer and have a little color on…